Apple Aims For Electric Car Production By 2020

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Apple Aims for Electric Car Production by 2020
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-02-24 21:09:15  
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
Do you have any examples of things Apple actually innovated? All of these things are perfect examples of things that Apple stole ideas for and then heavily patented so no one else could use them for years.

If their history is anything, Apple may end up large in this field but it won't be due to innovation or new tech like Tesla's bringing, it will be through huge lawsuits and by throwing money everywhere until the stockholders blood-rage wears off.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Drayco
Posts: 347
By Cerberus.Drayco 2015-02-24 21:45:08  
Leviathan.Klue said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Kalila said: »
fonewear said: »
Apple should stick to what it is good at selling phones to hipsters and wannabe hipsters.

They don't even seem like a computer company anymore.
Apple may not innovate or invent anything, but their presence and name helps the competition try to "be better" than them, which only accelerates technology further.

I'm not an apple hater. I'll probably never own one of their products, but I think we'd be worse off without them.
The only thing it accelerates is shitty designs, we can do without that.

i'm not an apple fan either but with that statement you have to be either trolling or are an idiot... Apple is driving technology, design, and user interfaces all at the same time by causing other manufactures to think out of the box and improve on their designs.

before iPhone came along the coolest phone was the RAZR and that flip phone design had remained the same for a good 10 years...

before Apple OS came around DOS and commmand line ruled the world...

before ipod came around you had CD/minidisc players and clunky mp3 players that were unusable and ultra expensive...

Apple TV came before Roku other players....

should i go on??

You're an idiot dude.

1. Hewlett-Packard iPAQ H6310 released 2004 and this wasn't the first touch screen interfaced phone. Iphone 2007.

2. You've never heard of Xerox have you. Also, IBM released the first GUI based pc in 1981. Three years prior to Macintosh.

3. Pretty sure Rio and Audible were 1998. iPod (2001)

4. Apple TV... really... you wanna bring that up. Ever hear of netflix?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: klue
Posts: 24
By Leviathan.Klue 2015-02-25 21:35:09  
the lot of you are seriously delusional and as a result failed to actually read what I posted and the point i was getting across... fml dealing with idiots seems to be the world we live in nowadays.

Cerberus.Drayco said: »
Leviathan.Klue said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Kalila said: »
fonewear said: »
Apple should stick to what it is good at selling phones to hipsters and wannabe hipsters.

They don't even seem like a computer company anymore.
Apple may not innovate or invent anything, but their presence and name helps the competition try to "be better" than them, which only accelerates technology further.

I'm not an apple hater. I'll probably never own one of their products, but I think we'd be worse off without them.
The only thing it accelerates is shitty designs, we can do without that.

i'm not an apple fan either but with that statement you have to be either trolling or are an idiot... Apple is driving technology, design, and user interfaces all at the same time by causing other manufactures to think out of the box and improve on their designs.

before iPhone came along the coolest phone was the RAZR and that flip phone design had remained the same for a good 10 years...

before Apple OS came around DOS and commmand line ruled the world...

before ipod came around you had CD/minidisc players and clunky mp3 players that were unusable and ultra expensive...

Apple TV came before Roku other players....

should i go on??

You're an idiot dude.

1. Hewlett-Packard iPAQ H6310 released 2004 and this wasn't the first touch screen interfaced phone. Iphone 2007.

2. You've never heard of Xerox have you. Also, IBM released the first GUI based pc in 1981. Three years prior to Macintosh.

3. Pretty sure Rio and Audible were 1998. iPod (2001)

4. Apple TV... really... you wanna bring that up. Ever hear of netflix?

1. that piece of ***phone had no app development capability and still required a keyboard on the damn phone.. it didn't change the world because it was a piece of crap which is why flip phones prevailed beyond its inception.

2. xerox private and wasn't released for the casual consumer in fact apple 'stole' their OS, improved upon it and made it public and was adopted with critical acclaim. As for IBM... lol again you don't anything if you are bringing up that point because again... not public and hardly usable (interface was crap but you were probably too young to remember) which is why it *never* took off

3. as i mentioned again... there were mp3 players before... both were clunky, unusuable and expensive... ipod prevailed because the design and interface once again changed the game

4. netflix?!? LOL... wrong service bro never put out standalone box.. great product but once again apple perfected the streaming service and ran with it which created companies like roku

seriously do some research before you provide utter crap rebuttals it only embarrasses yourselves
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-02-25 21:50:33  
I can understand the need to have that "move forward or die" mentality when you're a gigantic conglomerate worth 700+B in total assets, but frankly the car is something already on the cusp of automation, so unless they follow in Google's wake, I feel this is a misguided project.

I feel it would be best to take their minimalistic and simplistic approach to products and apply it to things that are less than practical in their current form for end users.

For example: Printers. For the past 2 decades, printers to this day remain as noisy, clunky, difficult to use, and overall more troublesome than their typical worth for consumers. I'd like to see Apple shake up that market by making it even somewhat practical for use someday.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-02-25 22:12:56  
Artemicion said: »
For example: Printers. For the past 2 decades, printers to this day remain as noisy, clunky, difficult to use, and overall more troublesome than their typical worth for consumers. I'd like to see Apple shake up that market by making it even somewhat practical for use someday.

I'm all for new printer innovations, but LOL at thinking Apple would make those any better. What the world doesn't need is to have to pay even more money for ink cartridges simply because they have the Apple logo on the side of them.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-02-25 22:17:20  
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Artemicion said: »
For example: Printers. For the past 2 decades, printers to this day remain as noisy, clunky, difficult to use, and overall more troublesome than their typical worth for consumers. I'd like to see Apple shake up that market by making it even somewhat practical for use someday.

I'm all for new printer innovations, but LOL at thinking Apple would make those any better. What the world doesn't need is to have to pay even more money for ink cartridges simply because they have the Apple logo on the side of them.

I remember seeing this photo of this guy who had stacks upon stacks of printers, because buying a new printer with the included ink cartridges was cheaper than buying replacement ink itself. I want to see somebody, frankly anybody fix that pathetic dilemma.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-26 00:07:57  
Artemicion said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Artemicion said: »
For example: Printers. For the past 2 decades, printers to this day remain as noisy, clunky, difficult to use, and overall more troublesome than their typical worth for consumers. I'd like to see Apple shake up that market by making it even somewhat practical for use someday.

I'm all for new printer innovations, but LOL at thinking Apple would make those any better. What the world doesn't need is to have to pay even more money for ink cartridges simply because they have the Apple logo on the side of them.

I remember seeing this photo of this guy who had stacks upon stacks of printers, because buying a new printer with the included ink cartridges was cheaper than buying replacement ink itself. I want to see somebody, frankly anybody fix that pathetic dilemma.

It's actually a fatal flaw in the concept of the ink jet printer. The cartridges contain the actual print head and control circuits. The idea is to make the cartridges essentially the maintenance kits of the past. But, the side effect is that the rest of the printer is comprised of super low cost components that end up costing only slightly more to produce than the cartridges themselves.

The printers you buy now, though, contain way more features than the ones from a decade ago, and no longer cost less than the ink. So, someone solved the problem by making the printer more expensive rather than making the ink cheaper.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-26 00:17:15  
Leviathan.Klue said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Kalila said: »
fonewear said: »
Apple should stick to what it is good at selling phones to hipsters and wannabe hipsters.

They don't even seem like a computer company anymore.
Apple may not innovate or invent anything, but their presence and name helps the competition try to "be better" than them, which only accelerates technology further.

I'm not an apple hater. I'll probably never own one of their products, but I think we'd be worse off without them.
The only thing it accelerates is shitty designs, we can do without that.

i'm not an apple fan either but with that statement you have to be either trolling or are an idiot... Apple is driving technology, design, and user interfaces all at the same time by causing other manufactures to think out of the box and improve on their designs.

before iPhone came along the coolest phone was the RAZR and that flip phone design had remained the same for a good 10 years...

before Apple OS came around DOS and commmand line ruled the world...

before ipod came around you had CD/minidisc players and clunky mp3 players that were unusable and ultra expensive...

Apple TV came before Roku other players....

should i go on??

Kinda late to the party here, but I'll bite.

Apple has never "driven technology". They've taken innovative products, made them more user friendly, put them in front of a good marketing, and claimed patent rights on every aspect of it's design.

Before iPhone there were a handful of touch screen phones, a handful of internet ready phones, a handful with app developer suites, etc. Apple put a bunch of already innovated features into one package and marketed and sold it. Apps for iPhone? You must not have had one at launch, apps weren't even a thing at launch.

Before Apple OS there were several GUI OS's, mostly proprietary to professional equipment, but, again, Apple knocked off someone else's innovation, threw in some trendy features, and marketed it well.

If Apple is driving anything, it's driving selling other people's ideas at an inflated price to a population obsessed with consumption and trends.
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