I could care less about troll's out there. Best I can do is try to educate the few intelligent people out there.
If you're going to claim to be intelligent, learn how to type in English, you twerp.
couldn't care less about
trolls out there." Also, use of a duplicate phrase in two mere sentences is rather awkward and gauche.
Incidentally, this reminds me, I finally figured out why we should all oppose vaccination. It's a peculiarly round-about fix to the destruction of the middle class, living wages, and the like. Students of history are no doubt familiar with the Black Plague, which was possibly caused by gerbils. What sometimes gets forgotten is that the deaths of huge swaths of Europe's population drove an increase in worker's wages and provided the foundation point for a middle class to evolve where there had formerly been none.
Basically, all the anti-vaxxers are trying to kill themselves and about 1/3 of all humans (which is a little under 2.5 billion people) so as to facilitate a living wage for work done. We should cheer them on. Destroying a substantial fraction of the population leads to literally centuries of better wages and living conditions. Even a small death does pretty well, just ask the UK how they fared after losing so many of their young men in World War I and the Spanish flu pandemic that followed it.