FFXI Solo Or Duo Friendly Now? Current State Pls

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FFXI solo or duo friendly now? Current state pls
By 2015-01-22 17:59:16
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By Elwynbelwyn 2015-01-23 09:32:25  
Verda said: »
CoP still has surge walk of echoes for gear.
That's from WoTG.
Verda said: »
Voidwatch is huge.
Because it has drops which are needed to upgrade REM weapons.
Verda said: »
not sure what DM is and haven't heard limbus mentioned for a long time.
Divine Might? Which is now a joke, aside from the annoyance of getting the pentasphere.
Verda said: »
Abyssea is niche or not used but is going to make a comeback when/if they upgrade empyrean gear and weapons to ilvl 119.
There's two pieces of PUP AF3 (body and legs) that have useful effects (reduced overload and enhance automaton skills) that I have been wanting to upgrade for months.

Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
I meant armor from level 1-98, you wouldn't find much in the way of crafted stuff.
Basically, most of the important armor/weapons these days is rare/ex stuff. Which sucks for crafters. But SE just came out with this new thing called "Su1" which is an attribute on crafted stuff that means you can't use it until you have 50 job points. (SE has said Su1 will be for crafted stuff only, I don't trust them but let's hope they keep to that.)

Do you returning guys remember the days of meripo? What if you had to be on the job you wanted to merit? Welcome to capacity points/job points. Job points are only for a single job and can only be earned on that job. Want to raise job points on WHM? Be a WHM in fights that give job points. Also, you can only get capacity points on very high level (100+?) monsters and some events (like surged WoE runs).

FWIW, right now we're in a double CP week. These happen every now and then. There is also the Vocation ring which doubles CP. And there is gear which gives increased CP, so far I only know of a cape that drops in Incursion with a random CP augment. I have heard of at least +50%, but have only gotten +11% and +22% so far.
Posts: 180
By Brolli 2015-01-23 10:09:06  
Just make sure to move to a populated server because the game is pretty much dead.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Wraithx
Posts: 67
By Carbuncle.Omgwheresmyname 2015-01-23 10:21:00  
Verda said: »
I'd say check the job forums guides. They give a great representation. I have never kept up with BLU but it's following if anything is bigger now than I have seen it before.

BST is still great at soloing and hardly ever invited to groups. SMN is sometimes invited but is facing issues that way too. DRG is obscure and looked over but I hear it can parse well.

THF is bandwagoning right now after the weapon skill adjustments Rudra's Storm can do great dmg and make thieves win parsing competitions if you let them do a trick attack + rudra's and close a darkness skill chain. The one handed updates didn't hurt them either (95% to 99% accuracy cap).

Samurai before the thf update was the bandwagoning job. Their ability to self skillchain over and over made them win parsing contests over other jobs sometimes 2x-3x if I hear it right. To the point 5 supports would prop up one samurai to clear end game as a popular strategy.

SMN with Flaming Crush and a geomancer to put some big number debuffs on a target that aren't resistible seems to be a winning combo right now if you can duo (as avatars can't be buffed directly and are pretty attack starved lowering mob defense to stupid levels lets you get big dmg with physical bps).

BST doesn't even have a guide idk why. And BLU's drawback I hear is the stupid amounts of gear you have to lug around.
Ah, Just like the old days. I'm such a friendly person but yet my job of choice always hindered me from getting invites. it was a sad sad journey for me :( lol

Thank you for the input! I believe what i'll do is start off with my original character so I have some sort of a jump on things (although I may appear to know what I am doing but truthfully i won't have the slightest clue!) :D
And so Capacity points/Job points are essentially "merit points" correct? you gain experience to level up a job specific ability?

I have been told that Odin or Ragnarok are the most populated areas, so those will be considered my two options i assume. Unless people are in need of friends and help from a returning noob, I am open to suggestions:) I more so just enjoy company and helping others.

This all is very exciting, but still overwhelming! I feel like once I log on for the first time again in years that I will crap my pants in excitement but yet have no idea where to go/what to do/where to begin! haha
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sambb
Posts: 334
By Carbuncle.Sambb 2015-01-23 11:50:24  
I hear bahamut also is not to bad. I am a carby but I quit because I was bored. That server is now pretty much jp only. There is some french but not a lot. I was in papesse ls probably the best eu shell but unless you were pimp you were not being a dd. Only other English speaking ls which was better were a mix of na and eu and were basically shitting mythic out left right and centre.

Basically my point is leave carby and find a more na/eu server if there even is one......
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: arouis
Posts: 226
By Bahamut.Fulgrim 2015-01-23 13:27:10  
Me and my mate are EU, just returned and are on Odin, its friendly here :)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Lunablu
Posts: 19
By Cerberus.Lunablu 2015-01-23 13:37:34  
Although I am just a casual player I would still love to finish some contents and most of all finish off this Nirvana I have been working on so long... if any GMT based buddies are around hit me up :-D
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Wraithx
Posts: 67
By Carbuncle.Omgwheresmyname 2015-01-23 13:39:33  
Alright, It appears that Odin is winning my vote so far! Who dares stand to the challenge! >:D
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