Because it's a government conspiracy to use elves to make meth.
Like, Legolas elves, or Keebler elves?
Keebler elves !
Random Politics & Religion #00 |
Random Politics & Religion #00
Posts: 35422
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You know those crafty old Keebler elves use meth in their cookies!
Took me 10 years to break that cookie addiction! Offline
Posts: 35422
fonewear said: » [Mod edit: racial slurs. Cmon now. --Rooks] The mod edit is almost as funny as what I said ! Offline
Posts: 35422
Leviathan.Chaosx said: » Racial slurs? Do a anagram of bernie sanders and you will know... Oh, haha. I saw your post, didn't know that was a racial slur.
The Mexican government must have pressured him! (Donald Trump quote) maybe I'm not very good at conspiracy theories but for some reason "Jade Helm" made me think of the green hats border patrol wears
so if the military had to back up border patrol "green hats" the military would then be the "jade helm"... kind like one uppers or a Praetorian Guard type deal which I understand isn't nearly as exciting as taking over texas for reasons unknown but presumed sinister.... Offline
Posts: 35422
Well Mexico is not a race but that didn't stop the media !
Shiva.Nikolce said: » taking over texas for reasons unknown Offline
Posts: 35422
I don't even know what a nuclear panner plant was.
Here enjoy all of your Jade Helm conspiracy thing. And also something called AZTLAN!!
Don't be fooled, this inconspicuous 'recruitment' center is actually a CIA detention facility where we keep good Americans who speak out about the government suspended in fluid tanks, deep below the surface of the Earth.
Explain how 130,000 Republicans have gone missing since 2008. I knew a guy name Skeeter and he talked about Obama then one day he went missing on a fishing trip. They said that a bass pulled him over and he drowned. But I know the truth. They KILLED him. So yeah it was a naval recruitment center.
They have pictures now. Not much to the story yet. Something about a cop getting shot and he was taken to the hospital. They're saying the situation is over, but no details. Back to video games for now. People shot in America? If it wasn't at least 40-50 dead, no one cares.
*snore* Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: » People shot in America? If it wasn't at least 40-50 dead, no one cares. *snore* Whoa whoa whoa, that's not true! Wait, were any of them white? Next headline:
Quote: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced on Monday that the military is officially reviewing its ban on transgender people serving in the military. In a live stream at 1:30 p.m. ET today, Yahoo global news anchor Katie Couric will interview Kristin Beck, a former Navy SEAL and transgender woman (and advocate), about the Pentagon’s recent announcement. Beck will also talk about Caitlyn Jenner becoming the recipient of ESPN’s 2015 Arthur Ashe Courage Award. Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: » People shot in America? If it wasn't at least 40-50 dead, no one cares. *snore* *snores louder* Drama Torama said: » Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: » People shot in America? If it wasn't at least 40-50 dead, no one cares. *snore* Whoa whoa whoa, that's not true! Wait, were any of them white? If it isn't a small white girl, no one cares. She's gotta be like 3-10 years old too, that'll really sell papers. With a good 'ol Southern name like Bobby Jo or Cindy Sue. Leviathan.Chaosx said: » So yeah it was a naval recruitment center. They have pictures now. Not much to the story yet. Something about a cop getting shot and he was taken to the hospital. They're saying the situation is over, but no details. Back to video games for now. I remember an episode of NCIS like this... Phoenix.Amandarius
Ragnarok.Nausi said: » Maher to Garrett: Why not just “scream the N-word” next time, huh? The same guy who had a wet dream over some Iraqi throwing a shoe at Bush can't fathom any other reason but racism for criticism of the worst nuclear deal in history. Get this man a strait jacket. He is such a loser. Bill Maher is a racist. Almost 7 years into the Presidency of Barack Obama and all Bill Maher still sees when he looks at him is a black guy. Rational people all heard that tough question asked and we all heard the President answer it mostly sensibly and a little too personally. We expect our Presidents to get and handle tough questions. There was nothing racial about it. If anything was racist about that press conference it was the chode that asked the President of the United States a question about Bill F'ing Cosby during a press conference on the Iran nuke deal. (i'm sure this is littered with spelling errors. on my iphone) Offline
Posts: 35422
Man I hate facebook so much but here I am on facebook...
Judge Orders Release Of Dashcam Footage City Officials Thought They Had Paid To Keep Buried
from the city-calls-it-a-settlement,-treats-it-like-a-bribe dept said: A federal judge has ordered the unsealing of dashcam footage depicting several Gardena (CA) police officers shooting unarmed men (one of them inadvertently). The city's representatives fought the release of this video for several reasons, none of which appear to be the actual reason: that the video contradicts statements from the involved officers. ... I have no doubt that if the video were more exonerating, the city would have never a) fought the release or b) claimed the video "didn't tell the whole story." And the claim that a dashcam video is somehow not a police officer's "perspective" is completely laughable. Even more laughable is one of the city's arguments in favor of keeping the video sealed. It basically told the judge that the high-dollar settlement was offered in part to buy silence and secrecy. judge said: The Court's rationale for sealing the subject videos was the parties' stipulated protective order—entered against the backdrop of stalled litigation. However, the parties cannot contractually agree to deprive the public of its strong First Amendment interest in accessing these videos, which were filed in connection with a dispositive motion. Defendants assert that the videos should remain sealed because they agreed to settle the case for $4.7 million—an amount above their liability insurance policy—specifically because they expected the protective order to continue and the videos to remain secret. The court is unimpressed by the city's "Hey, we paid good money to make this go away" argument: judge said: However, Defendants' argument backfires here—the fact that they spent the city's money, presumably derived from taxes, only strengthens the public's interest in seeing the videos. Moreover, Defendants cannot assert a valid compelling interest in sealing the videos to cover up any wrongdoing on their part or to shield themselves from embarrassment. The only valid privacy interest in this case belongs to the Plaintiffs, who have made abundantly clear that they wish the videos to be made available to the public. Moreover, while the videos are potentially upsetting and disturbing because of the events they depict, they are not overly gory or graphic in a way that would make them a vehicle for improper purposes. Techdirt also touched on a pet-peeve of mine dealing with news agencies, the lack of full primary documents linked. Quote: And, as long as we're talking about transparency, let's discuss the other parties involved in this case. "Interested media organizations" -- including the Associated Press, the LA Times and Bloomberg News -- all filed motions in support of the video's release. And while all were more than happy to post the video as soon as it was released, not a single one of them could be bothered to post the court order that gave them access to this footage. Once again, media outlets continue to pretend public court records are somehow proprietary information. Articles quote from the order, but apparently the $1.30 they paid to download it from PACER (if these outlets paid anything at all) entitles them to interpret public documents on our behalf, rather than allow us to read them for ourselves. Video, primary documents, and the rest of the article at the techdirt link. Offline
Posts: 35422
In the cops defense it was dark outside !
Posts: 35422
I'm so outraged by that video I can barely joke about how blurry it is !
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