3.8 month average, counting the 5 months between 2.5 and 3.0.
Which is still significantly shorter than 6 months.
Final Fantasy XV |
Final Fantasy XV
3.8 month average, counting the 5 months between 2.5 and 3.0.
Which is still significantly shorter than 6 months. Asura.Sechs said: » Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Bring lots of magic too. Limit Break magic of different types is really nice (farm Zu beaks to use as material for magic) Did you mean "Regroup" instead of Overwhelm though? Because Regroup heals, Overwhelm does not and ends sooner than expected if your target dies fast. (it doesn't "move" to the next target alive) I think I'm gonna be fine against normal mobs, I'm more worried about bosses, I use a lot of items on the hard ones I used both but mainly Overwhelm because you deal a ton of damage while not being hit by the mobs, you quite often make them vulnerable while using it too Sylph.Cherche said: » 3.8 month average, counting the 5 months between 2.5 and 3.0. Which is still significantly shorter than 6 months. Kalila said: » roughly 3-5 months Kalila said: » If you maintain your subscription between each of these updates you're looking at an average of $51.76 (before retainer costs...), then you add on the cost of a new expansion. I personally don't think the cost is worth what you get in return (maybe because I look at both of our costs together), but that's only my opinion so not worth very much. FFXV NG+ Information:
What does it do and carry over? All experience levels All 13 Royal Arms weapons All previously found weapons All previously earned Ascension skills and attribute points All of each character’s unlocked skills Every Magic Flask found Every photo, info on caught fish and cooking recipe Every earned (and not spent) gil Each character’s outfits, even the Kingly Raiment Almost all Regalia customization choices. The Type-F Flying Regalia remains locked. All previously found items, like treasures, key items… What doesn't it do and doesn't carry over? Enemies aren't more difficult, no level difference from the original playthrough. When you start New Game +, the map resets. Which also means no fast traveling at the start until you rediscover areas. Duscae and Cleigne are locked until the story unlocks them. No chocobos at the start. Engine Blade and Regalia return to their first, unaltered forms. Hunter rank resets. So basically it's simply a story reset type of NG+. It is, I'm honestly not surprised they put so little into it considering the trend SE's been going.
Who wants to smash through the story again for no reason at all?
To experience that amazing story all over again, of course.
Sylph.Dravidian said: » crimsondragon said: » Sylph.Cherche said: » Plenty of scrutiny, I just don't have some silly "Final Fantasy must be exactly this or it's trash" that a fair number of people here seem to have. What thread are you reading? I haven't seen one person that has said this. You literally said Quote: Seems some people have a hard time accepting the fact SE is a horrible company and just happen to the rights to Final Fantasy. The implications are very apparent in this response. Sure if you have the mindset that the game has to be 100% good or 100% bad. It is entirely up to SE to put in 100% effort into the game. They choose not to. Kalila said: » Sylph.Cherche said: » 3.8 month average, counting the 5 months between 2.5 and 3.0. Which is still significantly shorter than 6 months. Kalila said: » roughly 3-5 months Kalila said: » If you maintain your subscription between each of these updates you're looking at an average of $51.76 (before retainer costs...), then you add on the cost of a new expansion. I personally don't think the cost is worth what you get in return (maybe because I look at both of our costs together), but that's only my opinion so not worth very much. They also have smaller patches in between big patches quite often Viciouss said: » Who wants to smash through the story again for no reason at all? Kalila said: » Sylph.Cherche said: » Didn't know Kali was a world first progression raider. Bismarck.Dracondria said: » More like 3 month gaps So we're most likely looking at a 5 month gap after next update, maybe 4. If you maintain your subscription between each of these updates you're looking at an average of $51.76 (before retainer costs...), then you add on the cost of a new expansion. I personally don't think the cost is worth what you get in return (maybe because I look at both of our costs together), but that's only my opinion so not worth very much. So this is a thing
YouTube Video Placeholder Apparently the condition for titan summon is party members being dead.
Well at least the main villain was cool, like really cool. Been awhile since they got a villain that wasn't too cheesy or one dimensional.
Kalila said: » FFXV NG+ Information: What does it do and carry over? All experience levels All 13 Royal Arms weapons All previously found weapons All previously earned Ascension skills and attribute points All of each character’s unlocked skills Every Magic Flask found Every photo, info on caught fish and cooking recipe Every earned (and not spent) gil Each character’s outfits, even the Kingly Raiment Almost all Regalia customization choices. The Type-F Flying Regalia remains locked. All previously found items, like treasures, key items… What doesn't it do and doesn't carry over? Enemies aren't more difficult, no level difference from the original playthrough. When you start New Game +, the map resets. Which also means no fast traveling at the start until you rediscover areas. Duscae and Cleigne are locked until the story unlocks them. No chocobos at the start. Engine Blade and Regalia return to their first, unaltered forms. Hunter rank resets. So basically it's simply a story reset type of NG+. Actually the Chocobo should be unlocked. I have mine from resetting, still lv.10 and all. Beast whistle too Actually managed to complete Costlemark Secret Dungeon and I don't even have those powerful > 9k damage spells.
Some rooms (4x Giants, 4x Flayers, UNGH) proved to be very difficult. Now 140hrs of gameplay and I kinda did everything aside from Pithios dungeon and Nyx daggers. Actually where do you get Nyx's daggers? Heard they're in present day Insomnia. Really want to go there now and get my revenge from when I was there first time at level 50 and those mobs kicked my *** lol Oh I'm also missing that rare imperial robot thing. Is there a reliable way to make it spawn? Asura.Sechs said: » Now 140hrs of gameplay and I kinda did everything aside from Pithios dungeon and Nyx daggers. Actually where do you get Nyx's daggers? Heard they're in present day Insomnia. Really want to go there now and get my revenge from when I was there first time at level 50 and those mobs kicked my *** lol Asura.Ina said: » Asura.Sechs said: » Now 140hrs of gameplay and I kinda did everything aside from Pithios dungeon and Nyx daggers. Actually where do you get Nyx's daggers? Heard they're in present day Insomnia. Really want to go there now and get my revenge from when I was there first time at level 50 and those mobs kicked my *** lol I had to kill every mob in the surrounding area before it spawned for me, just a heads up. That includes the samurai and snake etc. The game's difficulty drops significantly when you hit lv99. And there's tons of YouTube guides for hitting 99 in as little as 4 hours. Really? I barely noticed a huge difference from level 60ish when I finished the game to level 99.
Does the game even have level correction to begin with? As far as I've seen (and with 140h+ hours and almost every content in game done I think I've definitely had my share with the game) what really made a noticeable difference for me are equipment (specific accessories or powerful weapons) and most of all AP. The amount of stuff you unlock with AP is insane. Not just the raw stats of being able to equip 2-3 accessories, boosts to VIT, STR, HP etc, but also the other stuff allowing for air steps, evasion while in air, always crit warp strikes, higher damage link strikes, etc etc etc. And I'm not even naming the "big" thing allowing for uncapped (above 9k) damage. Those things really make quite a big difference when you put em all together. Unlocking new skills definitely has a bigger impact than just leveling up... I've yet to see a point in rushing levels just because I'll meet the level cap faster than I will meet my needs for AP anyways.
Speaking of which, I wish they allowed for an XP>AP converter once you reach the level cap.
Even a very modest one would've been enough. Also the amount of AP you get from levelling up should've been higher, at least double of what it is now. Considering the insane amount of AP you need to cap everything even with double the amount of AP from levelling you wouldn't be anywhere REMOTELY close to cap stuff. Really, farming AP for hours at 1000/1200 AP/hr with Shield of the Just and using Enemy Whistle is not really my idea of "fun" I understand them wanting to make AP a somewhat longer and grindy process because the "real power" comes from AP (and equip!) rather than character level, I'm ok with this as a concept, but too much is too much! :( I mean we're talking about ~19.000 AP points to cap everything.
You get like less than 1000 from reaching level 99, then around 400 from quests, let's say when you're level 99 you will probably have indirectly farmed around 400 more from Link Strikes/Warp Strikes kills, and let's add 200 more from Chocobo, Fishing, Car, Camps and stuff. That's like 2000? Let's exagerate and make it 3000, it's still sooooo far away from 19.000. Game should really offer an XP>AP converter with whatever ratio once you reach level 99, and give at least double the AP it currently gives when you level up. Asura.Sechs said: » Really? I barely noticed a huge difference from level 60ish when I finished the game to level 99. Does the game even have level correction to begin with? As far as I've seen (and with 140h+ hours and almost every content in game done I think I've definitely had my share with the game) what really made a noticeable difference for me are equipment (specific accessories or powerful weapons) and most of all AP. The amount of stuff you unlock with AP is insane. Not just the raw stats of being able to equip 2-3 accessories, boosts to VIT, STR, HP etc, but also the other stuff allowing for air steps, evasion while in air, always crit warp strikes, higher damage link strikes, etc etc etc. And I'm not even naming the "big" thing allowing for uncapped (above 9k) damage. Those things really make quite a big difference when you put em all together. I believe there is some kind of level correction in play, but only based on feels really and the midgarsormer skewer food "hinting" at it, I only have 70 hours in. The only things that hurt are the super-bosses so it could all just be placebo Try to go to some of the secret dungeons or secret bosses and then we'll have a talk about what can or can't hurt, trust me :P
Oh and make sure you're not playing the game in "easy". Think the damage you do is the same in Easy, but you take much less damage and (maybe?) mobs have lower HP. Not sure about the hp part. Oh and that's not even counting Carbuncle buff, but tbf I'm not sure I should call it important. Everybody keep saying it's god mod here and there but I dunno. In the majority of content that's hard and matters Carbuncle doesn't work (there are some exceptions here and there where it does, of course, like the legendary weapons monsters), in everything else I don't think I've ever seen my pt die completely, and even if it happened there are so many phoenix dawns and megaphoenix that really, how does Carbuncle make such a difference to call it "god mode"? It only matters if you're trying to fight stuff that's much stronger than your current level, imho. I think people are a bit exagerating calling it "god mode". (also it doesn't keep on resurrecting you endlessly. After a certain amount of times he gives up) The way items work in the game stocking up on phoenix downs more or less = god mode except for the dungeon you can't use items.
Asura.Ina said: » The way items work in the game stocking up on phoenix downs more or less = god mode except for the dungeon you can't use items. I've heard you can play cheap if you farm lots of high tier spells in advance (the highest tier spell in game breaks the 9.999 damage cap, allowing you to get rid of most rooms in a breeze). I didn't have time/will to craft those spells, altough technically I had mats to craft a few, so I just used different means for that. 1) Healcast spells => these heal MAX HP, and can use them in the dungeon. Alas they only heal the caster and your friends don't seem very likely to use it (they never did for me). Saved my *** more than once in multiple rooms 2) Lasagna al forno food => In addition to give you 4k HP (allowing you to use accessory slots for stuff like Ribbon etc instead of HP+) the important part about this food is making you immune against elemental damage. Makes the 2 big dragon bosses and other mobs sooooo much easier. They would be quite a mess without this food, I used it at every camp. For the rest I used Zwill Crossblades for most targets, even if they're weak to other weapons, Zwill Crossblades works awesomely on pretty much everything in the Costlemark Secret Dungeon. Think I was swapping to Balmung for the Coeurls, for some reason Balmung seemed to work better on them (even if in theory they're weak to both weapon types) Oh yeah, I think I used that Light damage Great sword for the Iron Giants, what's the name? Desperation? I forgot. Like 593 attack and Light Damage, really nice for the Giants. There have been some difficult rooms in the secret dungeon (4 flayers, 4 Giants to name two rooms) but all in all I've seen worse rooms in some of the previous secret dungeons, like those nasty crabs, omg hate them. One hit and you go from 5k HP to zero lol. But you could use items in there so no big deal really. Crabs deserve their own circle of hell, though it would be acceptable for them to share it with the frog lady.
Asura.Sechs said: » Try to go to some of the secret dungeons or secret bosses and then we'll have a talk about what can or can't hurt, trust me :P Oh and make sure you're not playing the game in "easy". Think the damage you do is the same in Easy, but you take much less damage and (maybe?) mobs have lower HP. Not sure about the hp part. Oh and that's not even counting Carbuncle buff, but tbf I'm not sure I should call it important. Everybody keep saying it's god mod here and there but I dunno. In the majority of content that's hard and matters Carbuncle doesn't work (there are some exceptions here and there where it does, of course, like the legendary weapons monsters), in everything else I don't think I've ever seen my pt die completely, and even if it happened there are so many phoenix dawns and megaphoenix that really, how does Carbuncle make such a difference to call it "god mode"? It only matters if you're trying to fight stuff that's much stronger than your current level, imho. I think people are a bit exagerating calling it "god mode". (also it doesn't keep on resurrecting you endlessly. After a certain amount of times he gives up) Oh no, with the exception of farming the MX Robot, I only play on Normal. Cleared two secret dungeons and killed the lv.120 Weapon NM. That thing constantly hits for 6k+ so it turns into a zero. MS food > triple enchant from Ignas > Zerg/Hi-Elixir (pretty much the answer to most/all fights) That said, I have NOT done the clockwork secret dungeon and given the item restriction that one will be a *** Edit: I agree with you that level is probably not nearly as impactful as AP. For all I know, the differences are likely from the LV-Stat boost nodes (AP) adding another 99? To my stats |
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