Your FFXI Stories.

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Your FFXI Stories.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-18 13:45:24  
Bismarck.Misao said: »

Had to quote due to the epicness. This was me back in 2005. Waiting for hours and hours... getting sad and frustrated... just about to log off and go to bed.... (Party) (Do you need it?)

Posts: 15
By Whogie 2013-04-18 14:18:40  
Shortly after the cap was lifted for CoP, I started burning through the missions and met a friend in the process. When we got to Ultima we attempted to low-man it, and and we were doing alright until the very end when we all wiped with just a sliver of life left on the boss. We were able to get back up for one more weakened attempt to take out that sliver of health, but we didn't make it. We all fell and it was still alive.

But while we were waiting to get ejected from the battlefield, it suddenly died. It must have had Dia 2 on it or something, but we got the victory cutscene, and we were all dead.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Greggles
Posts: 728
By Lakshmi.Greggles 2013-04-18 14:26:29  
I think one of my fondest memories of ffxi was when I first started. I was a level 16 whm without a sub yet, was riding from mhaura to selbina when pirates attacked. I stayed in the captain's cabin and watched a level 53 drg killing the skeletons without any effort. I thought that since the skeletons were IT to me that they must be really high level and one would have to be extremely strong to kill them. That person and I were friends from the moment I sent them a tell exclaiming how strong they were and how they kicked *** lol. The game back then for definitely had a different feel than today, although I can't pinpoint why or when it changed. but I do know is those kinds of things that happened on a daily basis is why I kept playing for so many years.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 834
By Valefor.Houppelande 2013-04-18 14:41:48  
About 7 years ago I was in Selbina when I saw a female Taru named Merlynn. I waved to her and asked her if she needed help with anything. She politely said "no, thank you."

Although I barely knew her I asked her {Can I add you to my friends list?}

She said "Yes"

I got to know her more and more - and I found her to be an amazing person. Months later we were chatting on the phone every night before heading to bed. Our friendship growing by each passing day.

Fast forward 7 years later - she's my rl wife and we have a 2 year old little taru. No matter what happens the rest of my life - when people ask "Where did you and Linda meet?" I will always say "Selbina".
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-04-18 14:46:11  
Valefor.Houppelande said: »
About 7 years ago I was in Selbina when I saw a female Taru named Merlynn. I waved to her and asked her if she needed help with anything. She politely said "no, thank you."

Although I barely knew her I asked her {Can I add you to my friends list?}

She said "Yes"

I got to know her more and more - and I found her to be an amazing person. Months later we were chatting on the phone every night before heading to bed. Our friendship growing by each passing day.

Fast forward 7 years later - she's my rl wife and we have a 2 year old little taru. No matter what happens the rest of my life - when people ask "How did you and Linda meet?" I will always say "Selbina".
gdi I can't [+] this enough.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-18 15:07:13  
Valefor.Houppelande said: »
About 7 years ago I was in Selbina when I saw a female Taru named Merlynn. I waved to her and asked her if she needed help with anything. She politely said "no, thank you."

Although I barely knew her I asked her {Can I add you to my friends list?}

She said "Yes"

I got to know her more and more - and I found her to be an amazing person. Months later we were chatting on the phone every night before heading to bed. Our friendship growing by each passing day.

Fast forward 7 years later - she's my rl wife and we have a 2 year old little taru. No matter what happens the rest of my life - when people ask "How did you and Linda meet?" I will always say "Selbina".

What a beautiful story :) One day you can show your lil taru where you first met, and you wont even need to leave the house.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 239
By Bismarck.Bongarippa 2013-04-18 15:22:13  
Valefor.Houppelande said: »
No matter what happens the rest of my life - when people ask "Where did you and Linda meet?" I will always say "Selbina".

It would make my year if I asked that question and got that answer. Nice story :)
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: squirrel
Posts: 88
By Lakshmi.Hiku 2013-04-18 15:37:00  
My fondest memory is back when i was a level 7ish whm (first job levelling) and in sarutabaruta. i was running around killing bees and crawlers and unintentionally ran into a camp of about 4 yagudo. being a noob, i was like "oh sh**" and started running to the nearby tower to zone them, and collected about 2 more yagudo along the way. just when i thought i was done for, a 50ish taru whm appeared and cured me, diaga'd all the yagudo, and then beat them down 1 by 1. i was in complete awe of this person, and he escorted me back to windurst while giving me whm advice and passing some hand-me-down armor my way. then he took me to the fishing guild in port windy where he helped me get some scrolls and he used a muteppo. i was so excited i thought he had a magic wand that sparkled and he laughed and gave me a stack. so i spent a good 10 mins playing with the muteppo and talking with him. we became really good friends after that day, and i got to meet his friends and became the group noob that messed everything up but they took me to their events anyway.

after knowing him for about a year, he got deployed to iraq and had to quit playing FF. it was a sad farewell, and i dont know what happened to him since that day, but muteppo are still my favorite firework and everytime i see one i'm reminded of the good ol' days
Posts: 106
By Toebag 2013-04-18 16:01:07  
That sounds a bit like me too, but then you suddenly realise you're not a noob any more, and have a secret cry to yourself.

Well I did anyway.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 325
By Sylph.Sukasaroth 2013-04-18 16:20:40  
Was our LS's first Tiamat. i was on kiting duty for any aggro.

I cfh'd a Bifrons which also cfh'd Tiamat.

Tiamat was at 2%.

サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tuvae
Posts: 1277
By Ragnarok.Tuvae 2013-04-18 16:22:43  
Sylph.Sukasaroth said: »
Was our LS's first Tiamat. i was on kiting duty for any aggro.

I cfh'd a Bifrons which also cfh'd Tiamat.

Tiamat was at 2%.

Ive never understood this... Ive never CFHd one mob, and have it CFH on another mob. People manage it all the time in abyssea exp pts, but ive never done it. It makes no sense to me how someone an *** that up.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Sylph.Chinchillla 2013-04-18 16:48:35  
This was back when level cap was 75 and campaign was kind of a huge thing.

I was bored one day so I tried campaign on paladin, just recently getting the Iron Ram armor for allied notes and wanting to try it out. I join a Jugner [s] battle and found a few people there.
A little while later, Kaiser Behemoth showed up as well as the coarse NM, and Shadowhand. Feeling daring I tried grabbing one of the mobs to solo and ended up grabbing a whole wave. Next thing I know I see a shout that says "Keep the Paladin alive!" and everyone who was able to cure was throwing them left and right at me to keep me alive so the DD's could pick off the mobs. Was one of the most epic campaign battles I've done.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: leo
Posts: 1766
By Fenrir.Mariane 2013-04-18 16:50:26  
Ragnarok.Tuvae said: »
Ive never understood this... Ive never CFHd one mob, and have it CFH on another mob. People manage it all the time in abyssea exp pts, but ive never done it. It makes no sense to me how someone an *** that up.

It's made so you can unlock from a mob, circle around the valid targets and lock on to something else. If you have hate on a mob and it's claimed for your party, you can call for help on it. If anything happens to make you lose target on the mob you intend to CFH on and you don't notice, you might have the main mob targeted when you press enter or confirm button on your game pad. Aways check thrice before CFH. >.>
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Celille
Posts: 153
By Leviathan.Celille 2013-04-18 16:55:12  
It was late summer 2008 and I was in a wajaom bird party trying to lvl my 55ish SAM. We had a decent makeup but we had this REALLY REALLY bad THF pulling for us so exp was terrible. He was half-naked with lvl 30 daggers, underlvled sub, and wearing AF iirc. He would pull a mob then afk auto-attack then come back like 3 minutes after the mob was dead to pull another mob; wouldn't even bother to SATA the tank at the start of the fight either. He was also lvl 58-59 so it skewed the exp even more since everyone else was 52-56ish. Anyway he left the party and we repped him so I blacklisted him and I never saw him again while I was on Garuda.

Fast forward about a 18 months, I'm on Leviathan since I moved to Remora about 2 months before the servers got merged to follow a RL friend. I joined a lowman endgame LS that my only LS leader got me into and I did events with them but I didn't really do other stuff since I didn't know anyone on that server except for like 2 people. A couple months pass and I start familiarize with the LS a bit more and I meet this taru named Spaa. I guess he was looking for a duoing partner and I was just looking for a friend. So we started to duo a lot of random VNMs/ENMs/whatever and we came to be really close friends. One day we're talking about the old days and he brings up that he was from Garuda, and I was like "hey I was on that server too!" He was like, "yeah my taru was named Spaddle but I had to change its name when I got here." I don't reacall the name so we just go on with our day until one day I was looking thru my old screenshots and I see one of my blacklist right before I left Garuda. Lo and behold, thats the guy I blacklisted like 2 years before. I knew it instantly too because I only blacklisted 3 ppl and 2 were RMT spammers so his was the only "normal" name. Anyway I showed him the pic and we had a good laugh, but its funny how someone I disliked so much came to be one my closest friends in game.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sterling
Posts: 1050
By Carbuncle.Sterling 2013-04-18 17:11:43  
I had just joined the game (February 2008) and was leveling my WHM in Gustaberg. A random WAR who was about level 20 ran into me. He asked me if I wanted a linkshell; I had no idea what it was so he explained and I activated it. After leveling for a while, I ran into one of the LS leaders, who told me to meet him in Port Bastok. He convinced me that he could get me to Jeuno by having me drink a poison potion and tractoring me through the Airship gates. I drank it and died, and the entire LS had a good laugh. Funny thing was I never saw that WAR again after that day. I'm still in the linkshell 5 years later, the very first linkshell I ever joined. That guy that poisoned me the first time he met me is my fiance and the father of my 2 year old. He still has the same sick humor too.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Leviathan.Astiar 2013-04-18 17:42:54  
Any Targets that you have enmity on at the time you CFH will all be CFH'd
Posts: 10
By Beanrod 2013-04-18 17:53:22  
Got real sauced on whiskey one night (as many nights have been). Got on the ol' WHM/BST (you know, for charm?) and went "NM Huntin'." Used to make my rounds. Teleport Yhoat and chocobo to VV (most of the time it was Rose Garden), Teleport Mea and chocobo to Maze of Shakrami and check Argus. On this particular night of epicness I killed Rose Garden and got the ring and around 4.3 seconds later was in Maze of Shakrami. Wide scanned and... Argus. Sheer panic struck as I was running as fast as my fat a$$ would carry me.

Ran by three afk JP's camping it. One ensued.

/ma "Flash" Argus. Got 'em.

Almost died 'cause I was a wee bit intoxicated. And I sucked.

1/1 PCA. Passed out shortly after.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1837
By Valefor.Applebottoms 2013-04-18 18:23:41  
Ahhh the memories....

I remember the time where I joined an Altepa party with a stoned PUP that didn't know where the hell he was after we teleported.

Then the time Lordrah said chaining DC colibri as a level 60 party would be the BEST. EXP. EVER.

I CFH on a Salvage boss.. hell if I remember which one.

It was that day I learned that /h didn't mean heal... teehee.

BEST MEMORY THOUGH: Partying as level 40ish BST with a friend in the past on djinns.. and killing each other every time we could.

Was the best and one of my most fond memories.

That and getting that same friend married in game to another of my guy friends... all a joke... best. wedding. EVER. Best part was having someone cast sneak/invis on themselves and trying to ruin the pre-marital go over with the GM which could have nulled the thing entirely. XD

I also met my boyfriend of 9 years on this game.. and we're currently living together right now. :)

Although when people ask where I met him, I reply "internet".

....People don't understand... ._.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 1299
By Sylph.Krsone 2013-04-18 19:10:21  
I glimpse read that as "9 year old boyfriend".

Sry lol.

Nothing wrong with meeting people on the net anyway, many people have got married from meeting on social networking sites, friends reunited, facebook etc.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1837
By Valefor.Applebottoms 2013-04-18 19:28:44  
Sylph.Krsone said: »
I glimpse read that as "9 year old boyfriend".

Sry lol.

Nothing wrong with meeting people on the net anyway, many people have got married from meeting on social networking sites, friends reunited, facebook etc.
My thing is when I tell people "internet" they look at me like I have three heads anyways..

Telling them I met him on a game would just have them chase me out of town with a pitchfork.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 1299
By Sylph.Krsone 2013-04-18 19:54:47  
Lol Apple^^. Meh my mother and step father met on friends reuinted, they even have friends reunited mugs with a caricature of them on each. I think if I asked a couple where they met and they said Selbina though, all my hairs would stand on end, that would be a surreal moment.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: tmva82
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Tsukime 2013-04-18 20:31:32  
I'll always remember when this annoying random guy asked me to help him with the warrior AF coffer in Castle Zvahl Baileys. This was about 6 years ago, I was a WHM 40ish and had no idea where the hell this castle could be, so we ended up walking from San d'Oria to Xarcabard. After a couple hours we made it to the castle and managed to get a coffer key, but when we attempted to look for the coffer we got our *** handed by a horde of demons. Being a noob WHM I had no reraise up, lol, so there we are ready to home point when this taru RDM75 pops out of nowhere followed by an awesome shiny galka PLD75 and a cute taru WHM75. They raised us and helped us find the dumb coffer, we became good friends after that and still to this day whenever I walk by that spot I'm like "oh look, this is where we met Vaashe, Gorudon and Phaith!"

And the annoying warrior, well... he's really persuasive that guy. Not only sweet talked me into walking from sandy to xarca to help his noob ***, I ended up moving 2k miles to be together. He's that charming.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Chaossoul
Posts: 185
By Sylph.Reaplife 2013-04-18 21:27:47  
Got a couple good memories:

My best friend (who got his dad, gf, another of our friends, and me all into the game) and I had been playing a couple months, when we decided to go after LL and VE for boots/hairpin. I was at his house, we had two ps2s set up, and we got every placeholder and LL that spawned in a 6 hour period. I finally got pissed and on one pop EES'd LL right before another played claimed. Boots dropped. Exact same time, his dad walks into the room and said dinner was ready, so we go out to the patio, eat, and swim for an hour or so. Get back into the room and had a "Oh yeah, the boots dropped, who got them?" moment. He still doesn't have them, and this was close to eight years ago. Got a set of hairpins that night/next morning, though.

Same friend, on Fairy his name was Stevoman, his dad and I spent a night burning through ~3 years of beastmen's seals doing Up in Arms trying for a Kraken club. Stevoman on BLU, me on RDM, his dad on THF. First couple rounds went smoothly. Then one match, Stevo at full HP got 1-shotted. Full HP -> dead, when he was our tank. From then on, his dad and I always refer to a one-hit-K.O as "pulling a Stevo." This has translated into other games. Now, many of our friends who have never played FFXI use the phrase "pulled a Stevo" if someone dies to a single hit. He hates us for it.

About two months after I began playing, a PLD named Arcan helped me unlock all the advanced jobs that I didn't have yet (all but rng/bst pre ToAU). We became good in-game friends, and we eventually discussed where we lived. Turns out we went to the same damn highschool. That was interesting. One week over the summer, our LS decided to mass fish moat carp, and help two fishers in the LS get Lu Shang Rods. Ended up /befriending two LS mates, that were the as much, if not longer, than myself - mainly because we got along really well. Flash forward 6~ish years. I'm at one of the local gamestops, buying... hell if I remember... Talking to the guy at the register, and mention that I probably won't be playing it all that long, as I'd be going back to "the MMO I play." He asked which, and I told him FFXI. His response "Oh, no ***? I play too! I'm on the Fairy, well scratch that, Sylph server now. You?" Me: "Odd, same servers." He tells me his character's name, and I just stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds, then mentioned my character's name. We had done events together, and been friends in game for several years, and lived in the same town.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arebella
Posts: 2532
By Cerberus.Arebella 2013-04-18 21:29:44  
One time I had a staring contest with my moogle.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2013-04-19 09:03:29  
Cerberus.Arebella said: »
One time I had a staring contest with my moogle.

For how long?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Odin.Cyric 2013-04-19 09:35:59  
Back when millions of gil was worth much more, and a Mezraq was just awesome. In a spell of sleeplessness went to bid on a Mezraq for 1.8 mill, and got the most expensive Martial Lance in the game.
Happy ending, the player I bought it from, gladly refunded all the gil minus what the Martial Lance would have cost.

Divine Might, almost lost, got crucial nuke off on the Hume AA and kept the fight going, got kill shot on 2 other AAs on RDM. Funnest fight ever.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xaxial
Posts: 1523
By Quetzalcoatl.Xaxial 2013-04-19 09:45:21  
Was one of my first trips to Dynamis-Beaucidine and i was still mainly a purple pld, level 75 pld wearing the good ol adaman Cuirass set with some exceptions, but i was very good at my job in dynamis of keeping the mages alive and tanking some NM's here and there.

Well right before we entered i got dared to play drunk. Don't ask how or why just know it happened. So, i started pounding rum and coke, about a 50/50 mixture. i was already buzzed by the time we actually entered, had started right at "Gather" time.

So we started and everything was going good. Right around 5 minutes after we entered i had 0 mobs on me and i noticed the DD almost had the last mob down. I decided it was a good idea to toss Holy on the mob. Not only did the 4 damage spell kill it, the mob proceeded to drop Valor Breeches! I won the lot with a 998 and obtained my first piece of Valor Gear.

Rest of that run is kind of a blur as i proceeded to do some rather foolish things including being the cause of a wipe or two. Hey, i was drunk and they told me if i got all the hydra at once more af would drop! Myself and the LS had alot of fun doing it so i regret nothing, and i got my Valor so yay!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: xSephrinx
Posts: 656
By Cerberus.Sephrin 2013-04-19 09:54:40  
I started to put up wallpaper in King Ranperre's Tomb and everyone around me got Ganesha's Mala. True story.
Posts: 969
By Voren 2013-04-19 12:31:41  
I remember being level 26WAR and no sub. I had been playing for about three weeks, had no clue what wiki was, didn't know about subjobs, and had crap gear. I soloed the entire time, didn't know about parties and really didn't talk to anyone.

I was soloing mobs in Passhow when I had some random guy ask if I wanted help. I still had that "?" next to my name so the noob was strong in me. I finally responded about 10 minutes later after locating my chat pad for my xbox.

I wish I could remember this person's name to give him a huge thanks. He told me about what a subjob was, helped me obtain the items, flag the quest, and even helped introduce me to burning pages.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: leo
Posts: 1766
By Fenrir.Mariane 2013-04-19 12:39:45  
Cerberus.Arebella said: »
One time I had a staring contest with my moogle.

My moogle aways win. I aways end the contest with /shutdown... >.>
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