IiPunch - Monk Guide |
iiPunch - Monk Guide
Please us more ad hominem instead of addressing the very valid reasons to advocate for enfeeblement
If you're bringing a red mage this is irrelevant because they have literally nothing else to do besides haste
if you aren't, you expect whms to enfeeble the mob? sch/blm gets blind, bio, and dispel paralyga from anything but instacast eft is slow enough to stun and then something something divine caress paralyna something If your RDM can't handle enfeebling on top of their support duties, you should probably find a competent RDM. Seriously, we're talking about 2-4 spells here that, according to your figures, will need minimal reapplication
Like I said, it's fine if you don't feel like enfeebling, but pretending it's some sort of emblem of the inexperienced makes you look like a pretentious moron Quote: If you're bringing a red mage this is irrelevant So are you casually ignoring a staple job in most setups in your quest to diminish enfeebling, or are you just having a stroke?
lol guys i cant believe u actually enfeeble u shouldnt do that unless you have a job that almost everyone has with them always lol RDM is a staple job? Oh boy, we've been doin' it wrong.
Speaking of casually ignoring things
Leviathan.Kaparu said: » ...in most setups... Please don't start with the linkshell member rescue mission. He and everyone else knows he's wrong, lest he wouldn't have made such a broad spectrum addendum after having the glaring holes in statement made apparent Offline
Posts: 871
Please start a rdm topic if this is such a concern. I would like to click this and see relevant info on mnk.
Leviathan.Kaparu said: » speaking of pulling stuff out of your ***, its not needed why is it a staple? some groups might benefit more from a pld in that slot and I'll vouch 100% that you can beat delve without a rdm anywhere in your alliance. I'm not saying its a worthless slot but if your victory hinges on paralyze proccing on paralyga maybe theres a reason you were almost a month behind other groups killing stuff. speaking of pulling stuff out of your ***, its not needed why is it a staple? some groups might benefit more from a rdm in that slot and I'll vouch 100% that you can beat delve without a pld anywhere in your alliance. I'm not saying its a worthless slot but if your victory hinges on a pld maybe theres a reason you were almost a month behind other groups killing stuff.
See? I can put words together to form fallacies, too. I do love how this.. Leviathan.Kaparu said: » ...If you or your enfeeblers don't care about enfeebling, alright, great, that's not really a big deal... ..evolved into strategical necessity in your mind, though. Reading comprehension is a toughy. I love your semantics and misinterpreting what poople say to make long-winded mean rebuttals, but I was just chiming in to agree with pchan that this content was 100% stun to win, you'll never 5nm + boss without stun and any enfeebling probably including dia outside of gimmick mobs is not needed; why are you still replying?
Paralyze saves my *** when our SCHs decide that Lahar no longer needs to be stunned!
Fenrir.Sylow said: » Paralyze saves my *** when our SCHs decide that Lahar no longer needs to be stunned! is this how it goes when you rely on para to proc? lol Asura.Fondue said: » I love your semantics and misinterpreting what poople say to make long-winded mean rebuttals, but I was just chiming in to agree with pchan that this content was 100% stun to win, you'll never 5nm + boss without stun and any enfeebling probably including dia outside of gimmick mobs is not needed; why are you still replying? Yes, the response comprised predominantly of your own post was long-winded. My sincerest apologies. And you did more than chime in to agree with Pchan, Asura.Fondue said: » you dispel 2 monsters if your group doesnt suck, shark and kurma peiste gets blinded 1 time the other 15 monsters in delve get dia You attempted to belittle a wide array of players with an unintelligent blanket statement that you later amended to seem just a smidgen less wrong And now you're continuing to flail around with ad hominem *** instead of accepting that you were quite plainly wrong and walking away(all the while asking why others won't just walk away, ironically)
pls tell me how missing stuns on baltholithic shell is an indication of a good group in turn requiring more dispels, I didnt retract my statement
What it is and isn't indicative of is irrelevant, as it has nothing to do with the present topic of discussion
Flailing. how is it irrelevant when that was my entire premise posting that fragment :( You extended that statement to all my posts I think, which wasn't what I said or intended
Oh you found a screenshot of my shell wiping before we had any wins whatsoever I'm so ashamed.
you really should be, but that's not the point lol
I'm sorry we didn't have an army of RNG ready to go:C
srs man take your autism elsewhere thats mean :( maybe you should diversify your job spread incase new nukkas arent stunnable and maybe you'll be able to win
or dont, I wish we still wiped to shark so we had something to do Excuse me I'm sorry I apparently am lost. I was looking for the monk thread. Thought this was it but all I see is arguing about rdms and stuns.
mnk/whm paralyze set
ItemSet 307932 Asura.Fondue said: » mnk/whm paralyze set ItemSet 307932 I know know we just met and this is crazy but I so hate you die in a fire... fu mnk enthusiasts! if you want mnk info's see; page 1~27, this here is entertainment.
Carry on, guys. Fenrir.Sylow said: » Paralyze saves my *** when our SCHs decide that Lahar no longer needs to be stunned! Bringing 8 war would make it die faster so less risk of your sch being bored of stunning it! So if mnk get 200 more acc/att(skill) in august, anyone else hope they forget and make it give more base dmg to h2h too! Inc capped dmg H2H glitch and 12 hr emergency maint.
Fenrir.Sylow said: » Inc capped dmg H2H glitch and 12 hr emergency maint. |
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