Ballist★r Brawl: 500k per winner?! :D Yay!
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 00:18:19
Next Match:
March 16th, Saturday @6:30PM PST
Past Matches:
Day 1
BallistaSession Team ★
Ayerro (RDM/WHM)
Vitocorleone (RNG/SAM)
Challenging Team
Diobrandoxx (WAR/SAM)
Ishio (RDM/BLM)
Yinnyth (BLM/SCH)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 15 - Challengers: 9
Round 2 BallistaSession: 21 - Challengers: 1
Round 3 BallistaSession: 18 - Challengers: 4
Day 2
BallistaSession Team ★
LS Team #1
Ayerro (SAM/WAR)
Tequilla (RDM/BLM)
Vitocorleone (RNG/SAM)
LS Team #2
Evviva (DRK/SAM)
Gdragon (WAR/SAM)
Greystoke (DRG/SAM)
Aokii (SCH/RDM)
Challenging Team
Caladbolg (BLU/WAR)
Gninja (DRK/SAM)
Hawkley (SCH/BLM)
Zinsho (SAM/RNG)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 22 - Challengers: 0
Round 2 BallistaSession: 32 - Challengers: 5
Round 3 BallistaSession: 30 - Challengers: 0
Day 3
BallistaSession Team ★
Ayerro (WHM/SCH)
Azurro (SAM/WAR)
Greystoke (RNG/SAM)
Vitocorleone (MNK/WAR)
Challenging Team
Sibnus (WHM/BLM)
Zerojai (SAM/RNG)
Reenoe (MNK/WAR)
Zinsho (BST/NIN)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 21 - Challengers: 2
Round 2 BallistaSession: 33 - Challengers: 8
Round 3 BallistaSession: 10 - Challengers: 0
Before I continue, I must clarify that there's no
entry fee and if the challenging team loses, they will
not have to pay BallistaSession anything. If the
challenging team wins, our LS will pay up. So there isn't
any loss for you!
Hello, ambitious young knightlings. Fancy seeing you here. -leans on wall-
What is this post about and what is this chatty hume pest talking about?
As you know - if you don’t already know - our linkshell,
BallistaSession, has been doing well in terms of consistent
participation in Official Matches and Diorama (hako),
but we greatly lack participation from non-JP players
in comparison to the JP. The JP ballista population
is overwhelming, so to put the purpose of this
tournament simply, this event is aimed at the
non-JP community.
This is an opportunity for people to earn a “tangible” reward
- gil - by participating in ballista. Instead of
receiving an extremely miserly amount of gil from
the Herald, we’re offering a more sustainable amount
of gil to the victors who compete in our tournament:
500k per member of the winning team
(minimum number of players in a team → 3, maximum →5).
Our matches will be live streamed!

• level 60
• a team of 3 to 5 members
A note on team formation: you may choose to play whatever job
combination you wish, but no duplicate main jobs will
be allowed on a single team.
Food and external items are not allowed during the match,
so make sure to use ammo quivers before the start of
the match. Everything else that is quarried during the
match is fair game.
I’m aware that not everyone has a ballista team that’s
ready to go in the pocket, so I’d like to have this forum
be the medium of communication amongst all the players
who are interested in competing against our linkshell.
Finding the right people to play with might be a
challenge sometimes, so I’ll try my best to gather as many
people who are interested and smack their names down
this list so forming teams would be easier than /tell
Stranger Hi, wanna join my ballista team?
There is no restriction on how many times a team would
like to participate, win or lose. A team, however,
must consist of 3 to 5 members.
I will redirect every person I find that wants to play
in this event, to this thread.
Below is a list of people who are LFT (looking for team :<) and their respective mini profiles.
Simply post in this thread or message Ayerro the following details:
• name of main character or alternate characters
• list of playable jobs
• time zone/availability
No entry fee.

500k will be rewarded to each member of the winning team,
and each team must consist of 3 to 5 members. Winning team,
meaning challenging team. If you lose to our LS, you don't
have to pay us any gil, so there's no loss in trying.
Each session will consist of six 15-minute games
(a two hour reservation in diorama). The winning team
is the team with the most cumulative wins.
Keep in mind that there is no entry fee.

The basic concept of the tournament is:
a challenging team will play off against BallistaSession,
and if the challenging team wins, gil reward is distributed.
1) Interested players can choose to “apply” through this
thread in order to look for a team.
This thread will be a medium to set up teams.
To express your interest in participating, please post:
2) Once a team is formed (3~5 members), a time and date will
be scheduled to accommodate people’s convenient times.
A team “leader” or spokesperson should be designated
just so I can have another reliable source of contact. After
the team is formed, information about the participating
players should be given to me. Jobs can remain hidden if preferred.
The match won’t happen right away, but due to the nature
of preparation with most likely strangers, it is
suggested to practice or read up on your team’s
3)On the day and scheduled time of the match,
teams arrive early at the Pursuivant in Ru’Lude Gardens.
4) Each session consists of 6 games which takes
up two hours in the reservation. Winning team
is determined by most overall wins during those games.
5) Rinse&repeat! (if you're feeling bold enough!)

Please refer to "Past Matches" for the time being.
If you're interested in joining, post away. I stalk this
page 24/7, omg.

★ BallistaSession FFXIAH
★ BallistaSession Guildwork
★ YouTube Channel
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 796
By Siren.Calnus 2013-03-02 00:27:58
All I can picture anymore is Urtiel, Duplus Grips, and QQ'ing about clipper tools.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-02 01:07:32
Ayerro, you have such a lyrical name. Also you're pretty cool. I will be watching this with interest!
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 02:15:18
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Ayerro, you have such a lyrical name. Also you're pretty cool. I will be watching this with interest! Thank you mister Raenryong sir! :DD I hope we'll be able to live stream too. c: I'd have to wear my outing eyepatch. :D
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 03:52:04
★Yinnyth ★
Contact: /tell on FFXI
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 04:47:38
★Laracool ★
Contact: /tell on FFXI
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-02 11:43:15
I soooooo want to participate. ugh ugh i want to transfer...I may do that later this week like clean out my stuff from the AH and such and come on over. I miss Evviva and I want to have the chance to play with you and the gang and have the chance to show you what I have got bwahaha >:D Evil tarutaru status :Everyman: haha :P I am a backloggery member what can I say haha :P
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2013-03-02 11:53:35
Ayerro, will your side match the same jobs as the other team?
Edit: Nvm, you said jobs can remain hidden. Interesting :3
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-02 12:22:19
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Ayerro, you have such a lyrical name. Also you're pretty cool. I will be watching this with interest! Thank you mister Raenryong sir! :DD I hope we'll be able to live stream too. c: I'd have to wear my outing eyepatch. :D
You'd better! Just gimme a date and time and I'll be watching.
Quote: Ayerro, will your side match the same jobs as the other team?
This would be dull! PvP is about variety and carefully choosing team composition, being aware of the strengths and weaknesses that your chosen composition gives you (and exploiting those of your opponent's).
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Bahamut.Peephole 2013-03-02 12:43:58
Somebody needs to make a shell like this on Bahamut!
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Carbuncle.Evviva 2013-03-02 17:22:42
Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »I soooooo want to participate. ugh ugh i want to transfer...I may do that later this week like clean out my stuff from the AH and such and come on over. I miss Evviva and I want to have the chance to play with you and the gang and have the chance to show you what I have got bwahaha >:D Evil tarutaru status :Everyman: haha :P I am a backloggery member what can I say haha :P
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-02 17:26:04
Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »I soooooo want to participate. ugh ugh i want to transfer...I may do that later this week like clean out my stuff from the AH and such and come on over. I miss Evviva and I want to have the chance to play with you and the gang and have the chance to show you what I have got bwahaha >:D Evil tarutaru status :Everyman: haha :P I am a backloggery member what can I say haha :P :gentlemen: <3
Hahaha Evviva knows my :gentlemen: and :ahoy: call well bwahaha. I have decided afterwork I am going to log in, clear my stuff, say goodbye to Lakshmi and come to Fenrir :D How does that sound? :P
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Carbuncle.Evviva 2013-03-02 17:32:46
Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »I soooooo want to participate. ugh ugh i want to transfer...I may do that later this week like clean out my stuff from the AH and such and come on over. I miss Evviva and I want to have the chance to play with you and the gang and have the chance to show you what I have got bwahaha >:D Evil tarutaru status :Everyman: haha :P I am a backloggery member what can I say haha :P :gentlemen: <3
Hahaha Evviva knows my :gentlemen: and :ahoy: call well bwahaha. I have decided afterwork I am going to log in, clear my stuff, say goodbye to Lakshmi and come to Fenrir :D How does that sound? :P
Sounds most excellent :D
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2013-03-02 17:35:58
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Ayerro, you have such a lyrical name. Also you're pretty cool. I will be watching this with interest! Thank you mister Raenryong sir! :DD I hope we'll be able to live stream too. c: I'd have to wear my outing eyepatch. :D
You'd better! Just gimme a date and time and I'll be watching.
Quote: Ayerro, will your side match the same jobs as the other team?
This would be dull! PvP is about variety and carefully choosing team composition, being aware of the strengths and weaknesses that your chosen composition gives you (and exploiting those of your opponent's).
I think most people that ballista regularly would argue with you on that one. Matches decided on strategy and skill are a bit more interesting than watching a team stomp another because of job dominance. It's possible to have an even match up with different jobs, but it's also more possible to have a very boring match.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-02 17:49:12
Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Bahamut.Raenryong said: »Ayerro, you have such a lyrical name. Also you're pretty cool. I will be watching this with interest! Thank you mister Raenryong sir! :DD I hope we'll be able to live stream too. c: I'd have to wear my outing eyepatch. :D
You'd better! Just gimme a date and time and I'll be watching.
Quote: Ayerro, will your side match the same jobs as the other team?
This would be dull! PvP is about variety and carefully choosing team composition, being aware of the strengths and weaknesses that your chosen composition gives you (and exploiting those of your opponent's).
I think most people that ballista regularly would argue with you on that one. Matches decided on strategy and skill are a bit more interesting than watching a team stomp another because of job dominance. It's possible to have an even match up with different jobs, but it's also more possible to have a very boring match.
I think the idea of the job dominance thing causes cyclical logic problems.
If a certain job or combination of jobs dominates all others, serious competitive players will use them (on the whole).
This means that both teams will use these jobs.
Job dominance would therefore lead to the very job parity that you were seeking in the first place.
Fixing jobs to begin with just limits competition from the start, discouraging creative activity and tactics. I think Ayerro uses PUP from my limited amount of stalking, which isn't a "typical" PvP job.
As FFXI PvP becomes more developed and more played, the metagame of compositions and "good jobs" will shift, and I think that limiting this will only stagnate the process, rather than encourage healthy development. A fixed situation such as a tournament should be a good opportunity for these metagame shifts to occur, additionally (games with large tournaments tend to see more drastic shifts than those without).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-02 17:51:21
Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »Bismarck.Minibuddha said: »I soooooo want to participate. ugh ugh i want to transfer...I may do that later this week like clean out my stuff from the AH and such and come on over. I miss Evviva and I want to have the chance to play with you and the gang and have the chance to show you what I have got bwahaha >:D Evil tarutaru status :Everyman: haha :P I am a backloggery member what can I say haha :P :gentlemen: <3 Hahaha Evviva knows my :gentlemen: and :ahoy: call well bwahaha. I have decided afterwork I am going to log in, clear my stuff, say goodbye to Lakshmi and come to Fenrir :D How does that sound? :P Sounds most excellent :D
Bwahaha I have new stuff for you to fight against now hahaha :P
Ayerro wont be the only PUP in town haha ;)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 19:57:16
Oh my. DDD:
All these posts made me super excited. Th-thank you. xD
@Curty; Planning on doing this then? >D
@Minibuddha; I'll have to get Tsu's (my auto's) approval before I can like your PUP. :<
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-02 23:32:42
&for those who've been asking if the matches will be streamed/recorded, yes. :'D
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-03 01:34:18
Ayerro, will your side match the same jobs as the other team? Edit: Nvm, you said jobs can remain hidden. Interesting :3
I considered making the matches mirrored jobs, but I think it'd be interested to see what job combinations people choose for these matches, so it'll be free job choice! (besides the no-duplicate-job rule on the team). :D
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-03 09:54:03
★Zinsho ★
CST - weekends preferred/after 5pm weekdays
Contact: /tell on FFXI
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-03 10:26:23
You missed my performance last night :P I took third using DRG/SAM in 60 caps hehe :D Poor Yozen, Megume and Evviva forgot my sting haha :P
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Nevercool 2013-03-03 10:51:39
Do you think uncaps would ever be common again? I was thinking it would be fun since its new and I've done enough 60 caps using Drive-bye Sidewinder Sam or Ele Wheel Nin etc.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2013-03-03 11:02:41
Game is a lot less balanced at 99, with Empyrean weapons and such. That would be one of the biggest problems with PvP should it expand in FFXI - the staggering gear gap. This does not exist as much at 60.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Bismarck.Minibuddha 2013-03-03 11:04:31
Also the ballista royale was 60 so everyone likes that more it seems.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-03 23:52:46
Cerberus.Nevercool said: »Do you think uncaps would ever be common again? I was thinking it would be fun since its new and I've done enough 60 caps using Drive-bye Sidewinder Sam or Ele Wheel Nin etc.
I don't really like uncapped that much, but I still strongly encourage whoever prefers uncapped to enjoy it! I already forgot which server it was, but I'm sure I saw an uncapped-dominant server somewhere. Fenrir, however, is mainly 60cap. A few people over here that enjoy uncapped just reserve their diorama themselves. The uncapped official matches usually don't happen because Fenrir is so 60cap-central. By the time the three official matches finish, everyone's usually too tired to even bother going to uncaps.
But! I've gotten many tells about uncapped ballista and I've met many who prefer uncapped, so I don't see why it couldn't be popular.
*edit - &maybe you could try a diorama match! It's more organized than an OM and if you're playing with good players, drive-by Sidewinders and NIN ele wheel might be hard to accomplish!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-03-04 00:16:48
It has been a while since I looked at the PvP stuff, is it possible to participate at a level 75 Cap (not in your tournament, but in general)? I ask for a few reasons including the fact that merits would become available allowing a more varied play-style among groups, and that there would be most interesting gear options available, perhaps most notably the ACP/MKE/ASA pieces and the inclusion of the fey weapons.
To me this seems like it would be a sweet spot for variation and excitement in the PvP arena.
Then again maybe I am just thinking that because I got a sweet *** +9 Silence dagger that I can't use at 60 cap >.>
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 155
By Carbuncle.Aeonknight 2013-03-04 01:34:51
Phoenix.Lillicarnage said: »It has been a while since I looked at the PvP stuff, is it possible to participate at a level 75 Cap (not in your tournament, but in general)? I ask for a few reasons including the fact that merits would become available allowing a more varied play-style among groups, and that there would be most interesting gear options available, perhaps most notably the ACP/MKE/ASA pieces and the inclusion of the fey weapons. To me this seems like it would be a sweet spot for variation and excitement in the PvP arena. Then again maybe I am just thinking that because I got a sweet *** +9 Silence dagger that I can't use at 60 cap >.> I'm in the same boat personally. I prefer uncap just because it gives you options to counter their playstyle by altering yours. 60 cap? There's not much you can do to counter Hyper and Sidewinder spam.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2013-03-04 02:54:09
This looks really awesome! Will look forward to watching the stream. ^^
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-04 09:42:21
75 cap doesn't exist anymore - either 60 or uncapped.
As for the silence dagger, resistance builds really quickly so actually having it proc as scarcely and inconsistently as it would, may not be too helpful to your team. Not only could it not proc as often, but it may not even proc when you want it to, thus barely hindering someone. &if you're too focused on the silence dagger, someone with a Twashtar might come and Squashtar.. you. v__v
There's actually a lot of gear to choose from. For example, just because everyone might be wearing a Phalanx Ring, doesn't mean that they all have the same stats for the same build. There's quite a few choices of sync gear to choose from too.
There's also a lot you can do to deal with Hyper and Sidewinder spam. Good players, at whatever cap, will be able to manage and adapt.
THAT BEING SAID, HI GUYS. D:< I'm going to kindly ask that we stay on the topic of this event, on this thread. If you'd like to further discuss these things, you could visit our other ballista page and I + many others will listen, or inbox me, or whatever. v__v
I don't want to digress from the event topic to talk about the pros and cons of 60s and uncaps & how one or the other sucks. :<
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Fenrir.Ayerro 2013-03-04 09:44:44
This looks really awesome! Will look forward to watching the stream. ^^
Hehe, super! c: Please check back often! I'll try my best to keep this page updated frequently!
Next Match:
March 16th, Saturday @6:30PM PST
Past Matches:
Day 1
BallistaSession Team ★
Ayerro (RDM/WHM)
Vitocorleone (RNG/SAM)
Challenging Team
Diobrandoxx (WAR/SAM)
Ishio (RDM/BLM)
Yinnyth (BLM/SCH)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 15 - Challengers: 9
Round 2 BallistaSession: 21 - Challengers: 1
Round 3 BallistaSession: 18 - Challengers: 4
Day 2
BallistaSession Team ★
LS Team #1
Ayerro (SAM/WAR)
Tequilla (RDM/BLM)
Vitocorleone (RNG/SAM)
LS Team #2
Evviva (DRK/SAM)
Gdragon (WAR/SAM)
Greystoke (DRG/SAM)
Aokii (SCH/RDM)
Challenging Team
Caladbolg (BLU/WAR)
Gninja (DRK/SAM)
Hawkley (SCH/BLM)
Zinsho (SAM/RNG)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 22 - Challengers: 0
Round 2 BallistaSession: 32 - Challengers: 5
Round 3 BallistaSession: 30 - Challengers: 0
Day 3
BallistaSession Team ★
Ayerro (WHM/SCH)
Azurro (SAM/WAR)
Greystoke (RNG/SAM)
Vitocorleone (MNK/WAR)
Challenging Team
Sibnus (WHM/BLM)
Zerojai (SAM/RNG)
Reenoe (MNK/WAR)
Zinsho (BST/NIN)
Round 1 BallistaSession: 21 - Challengers: 2
Round 2 BallistaSession: 33 - Challengers: 8
Round 3 BallistaSession: 10 - Challengers: 0
Before I continue, I must clarify that there's no
entry fee and if the challenging team loses, they will
not have to pay BallistaSession anything. If the
challenging team wins, our LS will pay up. So there isn't
any loss for you!
Hello, ambitious young knightlings. Fancy seeing you here. -leans on wall-
What is this post about and what is this chatty hume pest talking about?
As you know - if you don’t already know - our linkshell,
BallistaSession, has been doing well in terms of consistent
participation in Official Matches and Diorama (hako),
but we greatly lack participation from non-JP players
in comparison to the JP. The JP ballista population
is overwhelming, so to put the purpose of this
tournament simply, this event is aimed at the
non-JP community.
This is an opportunity for people to earn a “tangible” reward
- gil - by participating in ballista. Instead of
receiving an extremely miserly amount of gil from
the Herald, we’re offering a more sustainable amount
of gil to the victors who compete in our tournament:
500k per member of the winning team
(minimum number of players in a team → 3, maximum →5).
Our matches will be live streamed!

• level 60
• a team of 3 to 5 members
A note on team formation: you may choose to play whatever job
combination you wish, but no duplicate main jobs will
be allowed on a single team.
Food and external items are not allowed during the match,
so make sure to use ammo quivers before the start of
the match. Everything else that is quarried during the
match is fair game.
I’m aware that not everyone has a ballista team that’s
ready to go in the pocket, so I’d like to have this forum
be the medium of communication amongst all the players
who are interested in competing against our linkshell.
Finding the right people to play with might be a
challenge sometimes, so I’ll try my best to gather as many
people who are interested and smack their names down
this list so forming teams would be easier than /tell
Stranger Hi, wanna join my ballista team?
There is no restriction on how many times a team would
like to participate, win or lose. A team, however,
must consist of 3 to 5 members.
I will redirect every person I find that wants to play
in this event, to this thread.
Below is a list of people who are LFT (looking for team :<) and their respective mini profiles.
Simply post in this thread or message Ayerro the following details:
• name of main character or alternate characters
• list of playable jobs
• time zone/availability
No entry fee.

500k will be rewarded to each member of the winning team,
and each team must consist of 3 to 5 members. Winning team,
meaning challenging team. If you lose to our LS, you don't
have to pay us any gil, so there's no loss in trying.
Each session will consist of six 15-minute games
(a two hour reservation in diorama). The winning team
is the team with the most cumulative wins.
Keep in mind that there is no entry fee.

The basic concept of the tournament is:
a challenging team will play off against BallistaSession,
and if the challenging team wins, gil reward is distributed.
1) Interested players can choose to “apply” through this
thread in order to look for a team.
This thread will be a medium to set up teams.
To express your interest in participating, please post:
2) Once a team is formed (3~5 members), a time and date will
be scheduled to accommodate people’s convenient times.
A team “leader” or spokesperson should be designated
just so I can have another reliable source of contact. After
the team is formed, information about the participating
players should be given to me. Jobs can remain hidden if preferred.
The match won’t happen right away, but due to the nature
of preparation with most likely strangers, it is
suggested to practice or read up on your team’s
3)On the day and scheduled time of the match,
teams arrive early at the Pursuivant in Ru’Lude Gardens.
4) Each session consists of 6 games which takes
up two hours in the reservation. Winning team
is determined by most overall wins during those games.
5) Rinse&repeat! (if you're feeling bold enough!)

Please refer to "Past Matches" for the time being.
If you're interested in joining, post away. I stalk this
page 24/7, omg.

★ BallistaSession FFXIAH
★ BallistaSession Guildwork
★ YouTube Channel