(1.) An overview of the weapon.
(a.) What are the weapon's strengths and weaknesses?
Versus any other Great Katana WS, at level 99, Tachi: Kaiten is the strongest WS available to SAM at 100% TP when attack is capped. It also has the highest accuracy rating amongst the great katanas and has no large dependency over its aftermath. Because of its non-reliance on aftermath, large accuracy boost, inherent 2.5x damage, it is a strong competitor in end game content. It is also prime mainhand weapon when paired with Yoichinoyumi in high buff/high attack situations because relic weaponskill aftermath overwrites all other aftermaths. Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness because the aftermaths of the empyrean and mythic have much stronger aftermaths, rending the Amanomurakumo the weakest of the three when TP and buffs are readily available.
(b.) Does this weapon fundamentally alter or create roles for the job?
The ability for SAM to self-light skillchain off of a very potent WS, Tachi: Kaiten-> Tachi: Kaiten as well as create secondary light skillchains such as Tachi: Kasha->Tachi: Kaiten(1st Light)-> Tachi: Kaiten (2nd Light) (Or Konzen Ittai->Tachi: Kasha (1st light)-> Tachi: Kaiten (2nd Light) is unique to a non-relic/non-empyrean SAM. Other than that however, the weapon is not as revolutionary as say Apocolypse’s haste and cure or Yoichinoyumi/Annihilator’s hate-less WS. In today’s endgame environment which discourages skillchain relegates this mechanism to lowman content advantage only.
{c.) In what situations is the weapon used?
Generally speaking, when accuracy is needed, this weapon should be used. The most common scenario is when you are planning to be in low-accuracy gear such as hybrid sets fighting enemies with high evasion (ie Legion).
You should use Amanomurakumo in any situation where an aftermath is not easy to maintain, such as large roaming event such as Unchartered Nyzul Isle or if you’re Bijou farming in Dynamis-Xarcabard and only aiming certain mobs. This could also include some cases of Neo-Salvage when there are sometimes long stretches of walking.
When paired with a Yoichinoyumi in extremely high buffed situations, Amanomurakumo should be used over other options other than perhaps the OAT2-4 Great Katana. Data is pending on this question (referring directly towards Legion) and even then, it depends on the buff situation and whether players can reach a high enough melee accuracy value.
(d.) How frequent do these situations arise?
These situations arises based on the type of events you enjoy to play as well as the types of strategies that your team employs. If you do roaming events such as Unchartered Nyzul Isle or have lots of space between mobs in Neo-Salvage, Amanomurakumo is your best bet. If you employ the Amano/Yoichi strategy at any point, it is obviously important to have the Amano. If your team doesn’t accommodate accuracy buffs and you’re not capping by 15-20% accuracy, it is also important to use Amano.
(e.) In what situations is the weapon trumped by another option and how frequently do these situations occur?
Because of Amano’s weak aftermath effect, Kogarasumaru and Masamune will easily trump Amanomurakumo when there is a steady supply of mobs for TP or high haste situations. If you do a lot of Voidwatch and Abyssea with TP Bonus buffs, be prepared to lose a lot of parses to the other two. Luckily, Amanomurakumo is still not considered “weak” by any standards even in these situations and while it will lose to your well played Ragnaroks, Kogarasumaru, and Masamune, it is still a competitive weapon. Depending on your alliance setup, accuracy buffs will vary and this will also affect when Amanomurakumo is better than other options.
(f.) Is the weapon still functional when not fully upgraded (lv95)
Yes. It still deals relatively good damage because SAM is innately strong. In lowman situations, weak mob scenario, even with a weaker Tachi: Kaiten, I would still use Tachi: Kaiten over Tachi: Shoha because chance of self skillchaining is significant (Personal observations, need Motenten math to back this up). Either way, it is still a functional, usable weapon at 95.
(2.) Comparison to major competitors
(a.) What are the weapon's major competitors?
Kogarasumaru, Masamune, and Murasamemaru
(b.) When is this weapon superior to its major competitors?
Accuracy and the non-reliance on aftermath is Amano's greatest strength. Therefore, if a roaming event is involved, Amanomurakumo's innate, non aftermath driven strength really shines. It is also superior in situations when enemies have extremely high evasion. Finally, also because of the non reliance on aftermath, it can be paired with a Yoichinoyumi for Namas Arrow which can be used in capped r.attack situations.
(c.) What is the relative position of the weapon and its competitors in situations where it's relevant to consider?
In the ideal buff situations and lots of TP sources:
Kogarasumaru(99)> Masamune(99)> Amanomurakumo(99)> Masamune(90)> Amanomurakumo(95)
When roaming or waiting is involved:
Amanomurakumo(99)=/>Masamune(99)> Amanomurakumo(95)>Masamune(90)-> Kogarasumaru(99)
When accuracy is not capped:
When a mob has signficant (~25-30+% PDT)
Murasamemaru>Kogarasumaru(99)>Masamune(99)>Amanomurakumo(99)> Masamune(90)>Amanomurakumo(95)
I wrote a guide on those situations already:
In the ideal buff situation with using Yoichinoyumi as the main source of damage (Specifically Legion):
*Amanomurakumo(99)>Amanomurakumo(95)>OAT2-4 Magian>Masamune(99)>Masamune(90)>Kogarasumaru(99)
*Pending review.
(3.) Dealbreakers and sealers
(a.) When is this the weapon for you?
Amanomurakumo is the most user-friendly weapon out of the other options. If you do not want to be making custom specific gear swaps for evasive difficult mobs (happens often depending how many events you play a day) or if do not want to worry about a clunky aftermath, or if you can’t have the aftermath up for a significant amount of time, then Amanomurakumo is right for you. If you’re casual and want to start doing higher end content, using an Amano full time ensures that you won’t be failing when you suddenly reach a mob with high evasion. If you have knowledge of how to maintain hit builds while changing gear to around (or use FFXI Calculator), refer to “Opinion Time” at the bottom of this post.
Wrong for you if:
1. You’re in a constantly high buffed situation with many TP sources, then, you should make a Masamune or Kogarasumaru.
2. If you want to be the very best (no one ever was~), you won’t be the most significant damage dealer with Amano alone unless everyone is not capping accuracy so if you plan on delving into the best that Samurai has to offer, you will need to make all the weapons. HOWEVER!
Opinion Time! Given the choice of Amanomurakumo, Masamune, and Kogarasumaru in ALL end game content and if you only had to choose one to 99, I would chose Masamune because the Masa plays in two worlds of versatility, and strength. Tachi: Fudo-> Tachi: Fudo has similar damage outputs as Tachi: Kaiten-> Tachi: Kaiten in lowman situations. It also has a medium reliance on aftermath, and provided a high buffed situation with a 300%TP Fudo, the numbers are very close to a Kogarasumaru.
(b.) Are there any other considerations?
Pick the weapon that fits the content you target and your typical buff situation! Even in the situations I have described in Amanomurakumo being the best, I can easily see the tides turning to the other G.Katanas on specific mobs and situations and party setups.