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サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Titan.Shirai 2009-06-10 00:30:05  
Premium said:
You could easily go kill them if you so desired, you'd probably get reputation-1000 so goodluck, but they're not CLAIMED held.

Aside from that, I would get you jailed for griefing tactics preventing my party and me from getting exp.
Have a nice day.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Lakshmi.Premium 2009-06-10 00:40:31
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Shirai said:
Premium said:
You could easily go kill them if you so desired, you'd probably get reputation-1000 so goodluck, but they're not CLAIMED held.

Aside from that, I would get you jailed for griefing tactics preventing my party and me from getting exp.
Have a nice day.

lol Good luck trying that, people try that ***on everyone 24/7. I aint griefing anyone, You could kill the stuff if you wanted, i aint preventing you from taking them, you're welcome to come and take them off me. Aint against the rules for me to grab them all or for you to take them right back off me.

Lulz, i love these silly witty comments that make no sense. People need to debate with something more. Factual? Something that could actually happen. GL trying to get anyone "jailed" < LOL.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-06-10 08:01:22  
Premium said:
Lethewaters said:
Actually it DOES affect gameplay. You try hunting or leveling in K. Tunnel and have half the zone run by you and not be annoyed or frustrated by the lag it causes. It has EVERYTHING to do with my gameplay when a snail can move faster than me because of the lag in the zone.
Get a better connection if you actually lag there. When I SMN burn im logged into 5 characters, not a single lag :) Also you level on worms, if you tried leveling on anything else you're a complete *** stupid moron and should move to better place like Bubu.P. You can easily hunt there on Jellys which is what most do. SMN burn does NOT get jellys.
I actually have a decent sonnection especially for the area I'm in. As for not using jellies, when I say half or the whole zone I mean EVERYTHING. I've seen SMN burns take the jellies.

kyri said:
lol so dont farm there. Its not against SE rules, ive checked. Now be a big boy and take your lv 70 thf and farm somewhere where lv 70 THF's farm, dont be jealous no one wants to invite a thf because you couldnt train the ammount of mobs needed without lving a healer support job.

And before threatening other people of a lack of invite to your party maybe you should keep in mind your a thf, and they -prolly- dont -want- you in their pt when they could get a different job. I've played thf and SaTa isnt epic skills.[/qoute]
Actually I solo the majority of my 35-70 levels as THF due to my work schedule. I could train a zone (and have at one point) but I choose NOT to because I don't want to ruin ppl's gameplay. Show me another place where Morion worm pops and i'll leave the gimps to their. Then again I also lvl there in a real PT aside from farming. It's one of the best solo and duo spots. I'll mention though that THF isnt the only job I've lvl.
Lethewaters said:
Yes, level sync isn't a loophole but you helped prove another point here. Read the terms of service and player's agreement again. Better yet, here it is in simple black and white english. It is AGAINST (i.e. illegal) the agreement to HOLD mobs.

Its not illegal to Monsters actually, and I know 100% what you're on about, The mobs that would be considered illegal of holding are high loot mobs. (HNM/KA) these all have inbuilt rage timers. Also this is NOT stated in the TOS Anywhere, go have a look, infact you say "read it again", Have you read it yourself? lulz. Try talking to a GM about it.

Plus ALL the mobs are UNCLAIMED. You could easily go kill them if you so desired, you'd probably get reputation-1000 so goodluck, but they're not CLAIMED held.

Tired of it, bless you your a little jealous :P I love these little kidos. GM won't do nothing, I've called them and asked myself as well as others. It's a perfectly fine thing. and hell, people GM me for "stealing" nm's when people die, but does a GM /tell me? Lulz no. Never in 6 years has a GM ever telled me, and I've stepped over the boundary's countless times.

As for your NM comment, here it is:

Topic: Inappropriate behavior
-Monster holding

Holding a monster, especially Notorious Monsters, over an extended period or intentionally delaying the battle in order to adjust the next spawn window may result in GM involvement.

Am I jealous? Not an ounce. I still get my exp and skillup at the same time. In duo's or trios without a PL I can make the same amount of exp as a full PT. It's not uncommon for us to level 2-3 times within an hour. I'm just providing my opinion like you. Before you start calling someone a kiddo though know who you're talking about, which you don't in this case. Some of these of these postings remind me of Wow too much. My posts never called someone a retard so I guess I insulted some part of your ego to cause that upgrade in vulgarity.

Bekisa said:
You essay made almost no sense whatsoever and you continued to contradict yourself throughout the entire thing.
Really? Where exactly was my contradiction in my first post?
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Celly
Posts: 1
By Ifrit.Celly 2009-06-10 10:22:42  
I stopped reading after the first 3 pages or so, so forgive me if someone else has posted something similar.

I actually asked a GM about the subject, and according to this GM, Astral Burning is OK with SE. I'm trying to find the screenshot (I'm fairly sure I took one, but not sure), but it's not where I expected so I may edit this post to include it, or post a new one.

personally I've only been in an astral burn once, went 13->23 MNK in a matter of minutes. It was pretty exciting. But the reason I agreed is the only skill I don't have capped for MNK until 60+ is Guard, which is a *** to skill up anyway, so whatever. >:(

Edit: Found it, and here's the link.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-06-10 10:24:47  
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Siren.Blacksheep 2009-06-15 05:05:40  
You all make jesus cry when you touch yourself /end
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Rhinok
Posts: 181
By Remora.Rhinok 2009-06-15 06:47:28  

This thread like the pld/nin argument which never ends is hilarous. Gogo!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Salmijr
Posts: 4
By Phoenix.Utau 2009-06-21 17:06:25  
To finish this:

1.- They are not holding the monsters, they are linked mobs and EVERYONE can claim them (i.e. here in phoenix 2 LSs are involved in HNM drama and i am in one of those, so they usually came to diaga our mobs etc so is not holding)

2.- 2 big updates and bunch of emergency maintenances has been made after LVL sync system was released and SE knows about this and they dint even nerfed how Astral Flow works. SE dont care about SMN burn cuz it follows the game mechanics and the bad side of this is the lack of the skills at the end.

If what make jealous all ppl is everyone getting maats cap thru this method well, you should do it as well.

If SE is going to nerf something is something like "To get maats cap you need to have all jobs to 75 and 200+ skill on everything" Not level sync or Astral Flow
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-21 17:26:18  
Lethewaters said:
Premium said:
Lethewaters said:
Actually it DOES affect gameplay. You try hunting or leveling in K. Tunnel and have half the zone run by you and not be annoyed or frustrated by the lag it causes. It has EVERYTHING to do with my gameplay when a snail can move faster than me because of the lag in the zone.
Get a better connection if you actually lag there. When I SMN burn im logged into 5 characters, not a single lag :) Also you level on worms, if you tried leveling on anything else you're a complete *** stupid moron and should move to better place like Bubu.P. You can easily hunt there on Jellys which is what most do. SMN burn does NOT get jellys.
I actually have a decent sonnection especially for the area I'm in. As for not using jellies, when I say half or the whole zone I mean EVERYTHING. I've seen SMN burns take the jellies.

kyri said:
lol so dont farm there. Its not against SE rules, ive checked. Now be a big boy and take your lv 70 thf and farm somewhere where lv 70 THF's farm, dont be jealous no one wants to invite a thf because you couldnt train the ammount of mobs needed without lving a healer support job.

And before threatening other people of a lack of invite to your party maybe you should keep in mind your a thf, and they -prolly- dont -want- you in their pt when they could get a different job. I've played thf and SaTa isnt epic skills.[/qoute]
Actually I solo the majority of my 35-70 levels as THF due to my work schedule. I could train a zone (and have at one point) but I choose NOT to because I don't want to ruin ppl's gameplay. Show me another place where Morion worm pops and i'll leave the gimps to their. Then again I also lvl there in a real PT aside from farming. It's one of the best solo and duo spots. I'll mention though that THF isnt the only job I've lvl.
Lethewaters said:
Yes, level sync isn't a loophole but you helped prove another point here. Read the terms of service and player's agreement again. Better yet, here it is in simple black and white english. It is AGAINST (i.e. illegal) the agreement to HOLD mobs.

Its not illegal to Monsters actually, and I know 100% what you're on about, The mobs that would be considered illegal of holding are high loot mobs. (HNM/KA) these all have inbuilt rage timers. Also this is NOT stated in the TOS Anywhere, go have a look, infact you say "read it again", Have you read it yourself? lulz. Try talking to a GM about it.

Plus ALL the mobs are UNCLAIMED. You could easily go kill them if you so desired, you'd probably get reputation-1000 so goodluck, but they're not CLAIMED held.

Tired of it, bless you your a little jealous :P I love these little kidos. GM won't do nothing, I've called them and asked myself as well as others. It's a perfectly fine thing. and hell, people GM me for "stealing" nm's when people die, but does a GM /tell me? Lulz no. Never in 6 years has a GM ever telled me, and I've stepped over the boundary's countless times.

As for your NM comment, here it is:

Topic: Inappropriate behavior
-Monster holding

Holding a monster, especially Notorious Monsters, over an extended period or intentionally delaying the battle in order to adjust the next spawn window may result in GM involvement.

Am I jealous? Not an ounce. I still get my exp and skillup at the same time. In duo's or trios without a PL I can make the same amount of exp as a full PT. It's not uncommon for us to level 2-3 times within an hour. I'm just providing my opinion like you. Before you start calling someone a kiddo though know who you're talking about, which you don't in this case. Some of these of these postings remind me of Wow too much. My posts never called someone a retard so I guess I insulted some part of your ego to cause that upgrade in vulgarity.

Bekisa said:
You essay made almost no sense whatsoever and you continued to contradict yourself throughout the entire thing.
Really? Where exactly was my contradiction in my first post?

stop QQ they dont hold the mobs all the mobs that are pulled are unclaimed and not ONE is claimed. Even the CFH mob can be attacked from outside the party...since it is call for help. SMN burns are not against the TOS. I already talked to a GM about it. All he said was that it was a clever use of the game's mechanics and is by no means illegal. ARGUMENT DONE.
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-06-21 17:30:12  
I find it rather amusing that anyone who bashes a tactic used by a job that they have either leveled in the traditional manner or a job that they haven't leveled at all, they put on such a sour face and complain so much that it becomes less fun for everyone. It was the same with the defeat of PW and the topic of logging hate. It exploded all over BLM who log hate during soloing, which turned into the topic of BLM being to powerful because they can pull in decent exp without a pt.

Now we have SMNs who found a way to rape levels at the cost of summoning skill, who are driving other jobs with this tactic for Maat's cap, and in all probability, are the same ones who throw a stink over anything else that they hadn't thought up first. I highly suggest you get over it. And no, I haven't astral burned, this is straight from the mouth of someone who sees this tactic as legit (SE said so, many people believe so, deal with it) and can't stand the whiners and complainers that this game crops up with debates like this.

As an end note, again, Maat's cap (especially in this context) is just proof that no matter how many jobs you have leveled, you can still suck at the game. <3 Maat's cap holders who have no sea/sky/nyzul gear, you're my heroes.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-21 21:18:06  
ok getting yelled at for "double camping" AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-06-21 21:23:25  
Dubont said:
ok getting yelled at for "double camping" AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..

you can GM them for that but forgot what was the word

cant horde the whole zone for ???? time
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-21 21:26:38  
Thunderz said:
Dubont said:
ok getting yelled at for "double camping" AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..

you can GM them for that but forgot what was the word

cant horde the whole zone for ???? time

i did Gm them for harrasment (the bitching out i got) and for monopilizing the zone. They wanted it for 4 hrs and yelled at anyone who entered it..i mean i can understand being yelled at if we steal half of their pulls...but they had just got done AFing and were leaving to get their 2hrs back x.x i mean COMEON
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: iLLogiX
Posts: 273
By Remora.Hackstealandbot 2009-06-21 21:51:39  
Dubont said:
Thunderz said:
Dubont said:
ok getting yelled at for "double camping" AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..

you can GM them for that but forgot what was the word

cant horde the whole zone for ???? time

i did Gm them for harrasment (the bitching out i got) and for monopilizing the zone. They wanted it for 4 hrs and yelled at anyone who entered it..i mean i can understand being yelled at if we steal half of their pulls...but they had just got done AFing and were leaving to get their 2hrs back x.x i mean COMEON

lol exodus?
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-21 22:05:36  
idk...Tsuchiya was his name i didnt bother checking him -.-
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2009-06-22 15:11:36
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Dubont said:
ok getting yelled at for "double camping" AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..

Amazing, simply amazing. You came on here for self-justification? To put it simply, double camping halves exp for both parties.. it's never a good idea.

Sample Timeline-
0:00 Astral Flows finish, party and pullers escape
0:03 players reach bastok MH
0:04 both pullers use wild card, may or may not succeed, then head back to korro
0:10 both pullers are in position, during this time(0:04-0:35) the smns go to whitegate and get a wild card/teleport if none of the ingroup corsairs succeed
0:12 mobs repop, pullers start pull
0:35 pull is finished, astral flow(35k exp/40 min, or 52.5k/hr)
0:40 repeat like 0:00

One party going efficiently will use the entire zone, when you come camp on top of us you leave us sitting there doing nothing for 40 minutes while you pull and do your 2hr, effectively halving our exp(and your own when we go next) to 26.25k/hr. Now, if you were to allow us to do the pulls we intended to for 2-3 hours, we would maintain 52.5k/hr.. after we leave, you do the same, also maintaining 52.5k/hr. If people alternate every run instead of just waiting until a group leaves, there's not enough time to do anything else between pulls, so you simply end up halving exp for all people involved. This can be likened to showing up at a merit camp and demanding the other party stop pulling for 40 minutes so you can have a turn. Now, there are still alternatives: Maze of Shakhrami/Ordelle's Caves. It takes an additional 10 minutes travel per pull in those places as you need to warp instead of escaping, however you get roughly 80% of the exp per pull you would in Korroloka Tunnel. This will result in 40-45k/hr, as our pullers explained to you when you camped on top of us without so much as sending a tell first. You have no place to get off saying we're monopolizing a zone(it's *** astralburn, anyone doing it is 'monopolizing'), you're just overcamping us and hurting things for both parties instead of taking the mature route and going to a slightly slower zone(which helps you as much as it helps us, OMG!).

Additionally, nobody yelled at you. The puller very politely explained to both your party leader and yourself that there are alternatives that would work out better for all people involved.. you simply demanded we leave and go to them when we were at the Korroloka camp first. You acted like a 12 year old, spammed GM threats, and used obscenities.. you're a complete and total joke.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-06-29 16:37:33  
Temeraire said:
Drizilu said:
Summoner burning is still a hot topic and people want to discuss it as more and more people find out about it. Past threads are past threads, but this thread is current. Yesterday I tried my first smn burn w/Dinarii and I have to say getting 10 - 11 levels in 15 minutes is not a bad thing compared to all the time we have spent over the past few years developing our characters and jobs. Most people who do summoner burn parties are more advanced in the game and have 75 jobs with capped skills (i.e. weapon, magic, etc...). If some skills aren't capped such as elemental, summoning, etc... these can easily be increased in skill up parties (as discussed in past forums). As for Maat's cap, it isn't on everyone's priority list to beat him, and I’m sure it’s on no one’s priority list to fight him gimped. However, to enjoy the game it is nice to be able to select from a large variety of jobs and subjobs in order to team up and complete difficult missions. This is why I praise summoner burn parties.

Most people who are against summoner burns are either jealous or do not know how to conduct them properly. I gotta say, exp chain 110 is nice and I soon look forward to seeing 139 or maybe 150. Happy adventuring!

1. SMN burns are not new. They first appeared in SMN forums some years ago when SE introduced CoP wyrms and everyone figured out how good SMN was on HNMs. The only change is level sync, and even then how-to guides began appearing about a month after level sync made its debut.

2. If you take the total time it takes to take a group out to a location, get everyone together on the right job, do all the pulls, make the kills, and then rebuild your group so you can go again, it is not significantly faster than a very good XP or merit PT when you compare it on a player by player basis (i.e. including the ones NOT getting XP on the burn).

3. I've done several events with people on jobs they leveled from the teens to 75 via SMN burn. In each case, they had very nice gear. In each case, they could rationalize that the job they were playing was similar to one they already had at 75. In each case, they played like total ***.

Note that I have done a few SMN burns myself. I am not speaking from ignorance, nor am I jealous. And if chain 110 is as high as you got, then I was involved in burns conducted better than yours was.

I am not opposed to SMN burn in principle. What I am opposed to is the idea that SMN burn produces "much faster" XP, produces more fun from the game, or produces players able to compare well with people who take the time to level a job the old-fashioned way. Until I see some evidence of this, I will continue to regard SMN burn as easy XP for people who don't want to XP a job or who are doing it for ego purposes (Maat's Cap or lotting privileges in LSes that have faulty lotting systems).

Agreed with Temeraire. Also noting:
Drizilu said:
If some skills aren't capped such as elemental, summoning, etc... these can easily be increased in skill up parties (as discussed in past forums

In the amount of time you go through a good or decent XP/Merit party and make the same amount of EXP you'll also get the skillups. 1 PT for exp/skills or 1 PT for skills and another for EXP. I think I'll take the first one. It gives me more time for other things.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [203 days between previous and next post]
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-01-18 09:33:14  
There's nothign different between doing a SMN burn and doing a TP burn. People are just getting pissy that now there's a badass way to get exp and only SMNs can do it, so "it's not fair" (granted it was somehow fair when people were TP burning and getting 10k/hr+ on colibri while SMNs were stuck kiting mobs slowly and draining their life with BPs for the slowest exp of all time).
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Crighton
Posts: 102
By Ifrit.Cright 2010-01-18 09:40:59  
Asura.Patriclis said:
There's nothign different between doing a SMN burn and doing a TP burn. People are just getting pissy that now there's a badass way to get exp and only SMNs can do it, so "it's not fair" (granted it was somehow fair when people were TP burning and getting 10k/hr on colibri while SMNs were stuck kiting mobs slowly and draining their life with BPs for the slowest exp of all time).

But it is not the SMN's controlling it, RDMs run the show in there.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2010-01-18 09:47:11  
This is not an opinion worth necrobumping a thread from over a half year ago. >_> That is all.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Floorboss
Posts: 83
By Asura.Twotones 2010-01-18 09:49:01  
Asura.Patriclis said:
There's nothign different between doing a SMN burn and doing a TP burn. People are just getting pissy that now there's a badass way to get exp and only SMNs can do it, so "it's not fair" (granted it was somehow fair when people were TP burning and getting 10k/hr on colibri while SMNs were stuck kiting mobs slowly and draining their life with BPs for the slowest exp of all time).

Granted Tp Burn dont use 2hr smn burn has to have a level sync and they got to use 2hrs to do burn also need 3 pullers and 1 holder so I really dont see the difference. If we going to start doing burns in FFXI SE needs to set up areas for all jobs to do burns.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-01-18 10:59:01  
Also the SMN's shouldn't have a way to make ridiculous money a pull, for people who are too lazy to level a job from 1 to 75.

It's pretty much powerlevelling. putting the game on EZ mode for people who are too lazy to level a job correctly.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-01-18 15:27:09  
Who ever said sitting and seeking for hours for a shitty *** PT, or soloing is "leveling a job correctly?"

Hell i guarantee it takes more skill to SMN burn then it does to be a melee in a TP burn

Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph said:
This is not an opinion worth necrobumping a thread from over a half year ago. >_> That is all.

wasn't paying attention to the date i was just reading up on stuff since im planning on leveling SMN and i decided to post something
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-01-19 14:45:47  
Hi looking for some guys doing smn burns on odin. I ex'd my cor is 60 the old fasion way this my 4th 75 and i'm sick and tired of lvin so i'm looking to burn my cor from 60-75. Any smn interested in doing burns or currently do them on odin let me know please. 8D

サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: phatspade
Posts: 4580
By Ramuh.Lilbusta 2010-01-19 14:56:32  
Asura.Twotones said:
Granted Tp Burn dont use 2hr smn burn has to have a level sync and they got to use 2hrs to do burn also need 3 pullers and 1 holder so I really dont see the difference. If we going to start doing burns in FFXI SE needs to set up areas for all jobs to do burns.

Really just need 1 outside party member. Pullers can change to SMN after pulling granted they have the job 10+. Find it funny seeing shouts for pullers when they can do it themselves if they were smart.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [133 days between previous and next post]
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Speeral
Posts: 12
By Fairy.Speeral 2010-06-01 15:45:54  
This seems quite moot to me.

Back when i used to farm for gil I'd bring blm 75 with me into a low level area and completely clear the place out, via huge train and -aga the mobs. Worked great and i got the items i needed and synthed desynthed everything.

This is no different and as far as getting some easy exp out of it bonus.

Think about it this game is a huge time sink and if frees you up to do something else its no biggy.

Hell mule gardenning 2-3 accounts if you're trying for a relic in an economy where lots of synths are no longer profit and items are saturated and NPC'ing grown items.

I don't see the flame logic here.

and the low weapon skill . . .

hit 75 go /nin head to kuftal for a few days and wamo bamo capped weapon skill . . . .

so childish.

i praise SMN's for figuring this out and being usefull, more power to you I hope SE doesn't nerf ya.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Speeral
Posts: 12
By Fairy.Speeral 2010-06-01 15:47:22  
Also I am on Sylph now and have SMN at 10 if anyone wants to burn /tell Speeral
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2010-06-01 15:55:26  
burning smn from 10-75 in 2-3 days isnt really saving u that much time, skilling summoning magic isnt as simple as bashing a few crabs, i`ve heard its a *** to skill up.

But if u enjoy AB thats your choice :)
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2010-06-01 16:00:39  
Asura.Calatilla said:
burning smn from 10-75 in 2-3 days isnt really saving u that much time, skilling summoning magic isnt as simple as bashing a few crabs, i`ve heard its a *** to skill up. But if u enjoy AB thats your choice :)
You barely get to summon in half your "real" parties anyway. Ask *real* summoners who worked to 75 how many times they got chewed out for summoning an avatar for buffs. "SAVE UR MP NOOB CURE THREEZ ONRY."

So...after every party you're skilling up anyway. Not much difference except you're doing the whole thing in one mass chunk.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-06-01 16:01:08  
I believe this topic has gone thru the ringer enough to dictate that nothing is going to be solved.

AFB parties are good for the SMN who already has the skill/gear needed to be a good SMN. That is all.
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