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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Dinarii
Posts: 182
By Ifrit.Dinarii 2009-06-04 17:27:47  
korroloka has an efficient total mob pull of ~183 mobs. we have gotten pretty regular 140-150 chains. using 3 SMN method. we can rake in around 100k/hr... just bc the ppl u go/went with take 30mins to pull... 100k/hr vs 20k/hr... just bc you might not have been with a very "Efficient" group to get 2-3 runs in an hour... doesnt mean everyone else cannot.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. but blanketing the entire thing by sub-par players going for ZOMG maats cap. some people just want to level a job they can enjoy for the last legs of this game. i do burns, i will never have maats cap. and my group is about the same. finish merits, level a job or two, and have fun not exp'ing/meriting anymore when i could be out fishing or ENJOYING the game instead of grinding.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Drizilu
Posts: 9
By Ifrit.Drizilu 2009-06-04 17:38:58  
Temeraire said:
Drizilu said:
Summoner burning is still a hot topic and people want to discuss it as more and more people find out about it. Past threads are past threads, but this thread is current. Yesterday I tried my first smn burn w/Dinarii and I have to say getting 10 - 11 levels in 15 minutes is not a bad thing compared to all the time we have spent over the past few years developing our characters and jobs. Most people who do summoner burn parties are more advanced in the game and have 75 jobs with capped skills (i.e. weapon, magic, etc...). If some skills aren't capped such as elemental, summoning, etc... these can easily be increased in skill up parties (as discussed in past forums). As for Maat's cap, it isn't on everyone's priority list to beat him, and I’m sure it’s on no one’s priority list to fight him gimped. However, to enjoy the game it is nice to be able to select from a large variety of jobs and subjobs in order to team up and complete difficult missions. This is why I praise summoner burn parties.

Most people who are against summoner burns are either jealous or do not know how to conduct them properly. I gotta say, exp chain 110 is nice and I soon look forward to seeing 139 or maybe 150. Happy adventuring!

1. SMN burns are not new. They first appeared in SMN forums some years ago when SE introduced CoP wyrms and everyone figured out how good SMN was on HNMs. The only change is level sync, and even then how-to guides began appearing about a month after level sync made its debut.

2. If you take the total time it takes to take a group out to a location, get everyone together on the right job, do all the pulls, make the kills, and then rebuild your group so you can go again, it is not significantly faster than a very good XP or merit PT when you compare it on a player by player basis (i.e. including the ones NOT getting XP on the burn).

3. I've done several events with people on jobs they leveled from the teens to 75 via SMN burn. In each case, they had very nice gear. In each case, they could rationalize that the job they were playing was similar to one they already had at 75. In each case, they played like total ***.

Note that I have done a few SMN burns myself. I am not speaking from ignorance, nor am I jealous. And if chain 110 is as high as you got, then I was involved in burns conducted better than yours was.

I am not opposed to SMN burn in principle. What I am opposed to is the idea that SMN burn produces "much faster" XP, produces more fun from the game, or produces players able to compare well with people who take the time to level a job the old-fashioned way. Until I see some evidence of this, I will continue to regard SMN burn as easy XP for people who don't want to XP a job or who are doing it for ego purposes (Maat's Cap or lotting privileges in LSes that have faulty lotting systems).

I wasn't saying summoner burn parties were new, I was pointing out that there are many past threads regarding it, but it is still a relevant topic, and is relatively new to those who do not know about it. I personally learned about summoner burn parties six months ago but tried my first yesterday.

As for the 110 chain, I am not claiming it is great, but it isn't bad for a first run. Perhaps it was weak according to your standards, but take into account that it was 5 a.m. for those hosting the party and it was my first run?

40,000 - 50,000 exp per hour (this is what i got lastnight for a total of 90,000 exp in two hours) is significantly greater than a regular exp or merit party. Even the fastest merit party exp chaining 100+ can at most hope to make 20k an hour. Someone in my smn burn party lastnight had been burning for 6 hours and received 30 merits during that time. I'd love to see a merit party do that, but I highly doubt it is possible.

Also, summoner burning is not an exploit or glitch, nor is it involved in 3rd party tools, bots, or RMT activity. Summoner burning is a legitimate way of gaining experience points without violating the rules or agreements of the game mechanics.

Leveling the old fashioned way is all fine and dandy, but for those who wish to have a change of pace I wouldn't hold it against them or judge them as being a weak player for doing so. Sometimes people do not wish to waste hours on hours drudging through laborious levels after coming home from a long day of work and school, but do want to continue leveling to keep up with their friends. Does that make them a bad or egocentric person, or a weak FFXI player?

I appreciate your comments, and there are many who might agree with you. Perhaps in your case it is not jealousy or ignorance, but for many others it is. Also, judging others as being weak players for not wanting to level the "old-fashioned way" is too strong. If you have run across players who summoner burned and got you into a sticky situation when grouping up with them, perhaps the cause was their lack of game skill in general, and not the fault of the summoner burn parties they were in. Personally, when I set out to play a job, I take time to research it and make sure I won't be a lol<job> for whatever job I play.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Drizilu
Posts: 9
By Ifrit.Drizilu 2009-06-04 17:53:15  
Dinarii said:
korroloka has an efficient total mob pull of ~183 mobs. we have gotten pretty regular 140-150 chains. using 3 SMN method. we can rake in around 100k/hr... just bc the ppl u go/went with take 30mins to pull... 100k/hr vs 20k/hr... just bc you might not have been with a very "Efficient" group to get 2-3 runs in an hour... doesnt mean everyone else cannot.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. but blanketing the entire thing by sub-par players going for ZOMG maats cap. some people just want to level a job they can enjoy for the last legs of this game. i do burns, i will never have maats cap. and my group is about the same. finish merits, level a job or two, and have fun not exp'ing/meriting anymore when i could be out fishing or ENJOYING the game instead of grinding.

This is what I'm talking about Tem; 100k exp per hour is insane, and no exp party or merit party can match this. And yes, I would also like to allocate more time to crafting, making gil, and doing missions/quests instead of worrying about not having the job required to achieve those goals. Happy Aventuring!
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Temeraire
Posts: 186
By Siren.Temeraire 2009-06-04 18:22:28  
You aren't getting 100k per person. A handful of people are hitting 100k on expwatch. The people outside the XP PT, which I clearly mentioned in my post that you clearly skimmed through, are getting ZERO XP. If you have 5 people inside a PT and 5 people outside, you just cut your XP rate in half if you consider it PER PERSON. Remember to include the COR mules you are using to reset your 2 hrs, any outside pullers you use, and the tank. Last time I checked, a good merit PT did not need outside help.

I've done 13 merits in 4 hours. That includes a trip to Whitegate to dump inventory and spend merits. If you think 20k is the most you can get in a merit PT, quit taking double BRDs to colibri and build a real PT on Mammools.

I should say that I enjoy a good merit PT, and I use XP PTs to test gear and what I think a job should do, and what it should be capable of doing. The best instruction you can get within a game is your own experience.

My view is based on my experience. Excuse me if I am skeptical when the results I have seen do not back up some of the claims being made.

1. If you really are getting 100k per hour doing the same mobs I did on SMN burn, I'd like to know how. I don't see how you can do it if you include ALL the toons involved.

2. I never called anyone weak for doing SMN burn instead of grinding. I did say that people rationalize about a job they've SMN burned to cover the fact that they lack experience and general know how on that job. I have spent six plus years in endgame. It's a waste of time to level WHM in a burn PT if you blow through your MP in 90 seconds and let your BRD remove status effects when you take it to HNM. That doesn't mean the person would not have played WHM that way anyway. It does mean that burning the job doesn't increase the chance that a person would have figured it out on their own. Using MP wisely and promptly removing status effects are things I do feel I learned from level grinding.

3. It was not my intention to poke fun at the group you ran with. I needed a yardstick to compare the abilities of the groups we ran with, and that was the only one I saw. Perhaps the poster above you is telling the truth, and my group just pulled really slow or something, and your group was just tired.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Dinarii
Posts: 182
By Ifrit.Dinarii 2009-06-04 18:29:53  
we all have 2 accounts. we can pull, tank, reset 2hrs. WE are not losing half the exp. we took driz with us as our syncee. yes, we had been at it for quite some time, we were tired, and getting sloppy. the runs previous we topped out at about 45-50k xp/run. we got a rolling total of about 450k exp that nite. we had no other groups down there, had a steady flow of syncees, and we didnt have anything to do in game. so we vegg'd out down there rofl.

i do agree however that those who do burns just for the quick level. and not researching the job/knowing how to play, is definately not a great idea. but the same is happening with level sync. it's now unavoidable, and the only great thing about SMN burns is that it DOES require some know-how to do well, to make it worthwhile doing.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Temeraire
Posts: 186
By Siren.Temeraire 2009-06-04 18:38:21  
THe runs I did worked out to about 45k per run (three runs).

I do agree that people are abusing level sync outside SMN burn, too, and that SMN burn is not an exploit like duping was.

I guess where we differ the most is that I prefer a good merit or XP PT to SMN Burn.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-06-04 18:42:49  
Temeraire said:
2. I never called anyone weak for doing SMN burn instead of grinding.

That would be me.

See, people who take the easy way out is going to weaken themselves when it comes to that type of job. Type meaning the basics: Tank, Healer, Buffer/Debuffer, DD. You burn a job from 13-75 and you lose much more than skillups with that job's major skills, but also experience you can not replace with skillup parties. I'm talking about trying out new things with that job to see what works and what doesn't, seeing how to react during a different situation, and how to be better at what that job type requires. You burn thru that, you lost days/weeks/months of practice to make that job type the best you can make it.

I'm against SMN burns, but I am a hypocrite. I would do it on my SMN only (since its at 75, and very near the best possible gear one can get on it) just for buffer/exp only. My views are my views, you don't like them, I won't force them on you, but I will share them regardless, and hope you give it a thought next time you want to burn thru an important job, like tank.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Dinarii
Posts: 182
By Ifrit.Dinarii 2009-06-04 18:47:03  
that i completely understand and agree with. i dont see myself as one of those people tho. i spend a good while researching and testing after the fact. PLD, you're nerfing the hell out of yourself. BLM not too much, altho the nuke happy mages are definately prevelant now that sync PTs are pre-dominant. etc etc. i understand your point
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-06-04 18:55:30  
I'm a nuke happy BLM >.>

I love tanking ***. It shows that I know my job and can put out the most output it possibly can. If a Enmity geared PLD has trouble keeping hate on me, and has to resort in cure bombing me to get hate, you know you are doing your job right :D

I know people will say that "You don't know your job right, and that BLMs should nuke without taking hate, and that you are gimping your job every time you get hate" But I counter with "Thats what dying is for, and I know when to tank and when to not tank, because I have the experience over grinding my job thru the levels and soloing to back it up."
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Krebons
Posts: 256
By Asura.Krebons 2009-06-04 19:45:26  
Shirai said:
I know this was meant for someone else, but as a carreer summoner I have to answer to this temper tantrum as jealousy is dripping off the post.

Krebons said:
lolbst all you want, least i know i can solo hakutaku how bout you?

Saying you know is not saying you did, you do not impress me.
Hakutaku I may not be able to solo as there's too much agro in the way, Despot and Aquarius I have solo'd however.
I have also solo'd the ToAU Khimera 13 mission, have regularly solo'd the Shooting Fish BCNM20 and solo'd the Like the Wind ENM and uninvited guests BC quite a few times.
Next to that, I actually have solo'd a lot more stuff then that too.

In the famous words of previous posters; get off that high horse because that's my spot!
I may consider giving the spot back once you actually solo something noteworthy.

i can make good xp without a party how about you?

Solo'd my summoner from level 55 to level 75 and a good part of my merits.
Bombs and Snolls work, other then that there's Sprinklers in Ru'Ann Gardens, Hpemde in Al'Taieu, Imps in the mire and of course these days there are VoF and Campaign battles.

i can do alot of things in this game by myself not requireing other peoples time what about you?

See above.

ninja edit: I dont have to use some Loophole to get xp either, a way the game wasnt intended to play.

According to SE offical statements Astral flow is working the way it's intended.
So no this is not a loophole as it actually requires the use of a two hour, and no they will not change this (any time soon anyway), but cry enough and they may!
By that time however I will have finished meriting and maybe using this mainly to get my subjobs up.

before i finish reading this post ill respond to this first, so how about you take a moment and think, maybe this isnt MY FIRST character. ponder upon that. why dont you solo hakutaku and well talk, and it was way more then an hour, it was like 4 iirc, and once again, its about me not takeing anyone elses time to do somthing i can do myself
lol aquarius, i soloed that @ 62 and @ 63 not 2 nights ago.
as far as getting invited or doing a smn brn, i could care less
yall wanna bash on bst cause you cant do ***it can do, or cause you to damn lazy to level it yourself, thats your own fault. you want to be lazy and take the easy way out thats your MO not mine.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 191
By Carbuncle.Aliceisback 2009-06-04 19:57:09  
Hurray for smn burns for quick sub job action!! lol
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Titan.Shirai 2009-06-05 03:25:13  
Krebons said:
before i finish reading this post ill respond to this first, so how about you take a moment and think, maybe this isnt MY FIRST character. ponder upon that.

Your first character got banned or something?

why dont you solo hakutaku and well talk, and it was way more then an hour, it was like 4 iirc, and once again, its about me not takeing anyone elses time to do somthing i can do myself
lol aquarius, i soloed that @ 62 and @ 63 not 2 nights ago.

As I said I may not be able to solo Haku, I also stated why.
But then again, why would I as I already own an Optical hat.
Also as I said before, you do not impress me.
Neither does your use of grammar by the way.

Many others have solo'd Haku before and those were not just beastmasters.

And if you think I am wasting my time or my friend's times when we go out to whatever pop NM to help friends get some gear you might want to reconsider this game's aspect or stick to single player games in the future.

yall wanna bash on bst cause you cant do ***it can do, or cause you to damn lazy to level it yourself, thats your own fault. you want to be lazy and take the easy way out thats your MO not mine.

If you actually took the time to read my post instead of simply quoting the entire thing for a reason to post another nerd rage you can see I am not bashing bst.
I am simply picking on you for your grandiose display of jealousy and you acting like beastmaster is the only job that able to solo ***.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1541
By Ifrit.Thunderz 2009-06-05 03:35:00
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What iz this?! People Q.Q'ing over SMN BURN?!

Well Q.Q some more because no 1 cares good day
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-06-05 03:55:40
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Eh i'm on the fence about the whole thing. Half of me thinks "Awesome! Power to the people for finding a loop hole! <^> you SE! We figured an easy way out! Haha!".

The other half thinks "Well... standing around for half an hour and getting 40k exp isn't the way this game was meant to be played =/"

Oh well, do it or don't it's pretty much legit, and if you got the time and patience to pull it off, then more power to you.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Nadul
Posts: 84
By Pandemonium.Nadul 2009-06-05 04:30:03  
Meriting sucks.

This fixes that.

I fail to see problem.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: xantavia
Posts: 98
By Titan.Xantavia 2009-06-05 04:44:23  
For everybody bitching about smn burn parties, when was the last time you invited a smn to be something other than whm lite in your party? Or invited a smn at all?

Never? And yet they have found a way to get xp and won't invite you?

The horror, the horror.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Delfii
Posts: 16
By Titan.Delfi 2009-06-05 04:52:53  
the reason people have even less understanding of the game and their jobs: smn burns
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Rhinok
Posts: 181
By Remora.Rhinok 2009-06-05 05:01:40  
This forum never ceases to make me laugh when ive woke up.

All you guys talking about "Exp how your supposed to" "Well 10 people are doing this and 100 people are in the dunes, the people in the dunes are playing the game how its supposed to be played i call GeeeEMMM on jooo!" (WAAA WAA WAAA)
Unbelievable, just unbelievable, i suppose if people do ACP without Rangers they're not playing the game how "It's supposed to be played"

And the people who play this game and refuse to do endgame are not "Playing the game how it's supposed to be played"
If they pay the bill for this game then they can play it however they see fit, how they enjoy it, thats how its supposed to be played. No one has the authority to dictate to someone how they're supposed to play a game and or job.

On another note can i haz popcorn to watch rest o show?
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Delfii
Posts: 16
By Titan.Delfi 2009-06-05 05:04:05  
Rhinok said:
This forum never ceases to make me laugh when ive woke up.

All you guys talking about "Exp how your supposed to" "Well 10 people are doing this and 100 people are in the dunes, the people in the dunes are playing the game how its supposed to be played i call GeeeEMMM on jooo!" (WAAA WAA WAAA)
Unbelievable, just unbelievable, i suppose if people do ACP without Rangers they're not playing the game how "It's supposed to be played"

And the people who play this game and refuse to do endgame are not "Playing the game how it's supposed to be played"
If they pay the bill for this game then they can play it however they see fit, how they enjoy it, thats how its supposed to be played. No one has the authority to dictate to someone how they're supposed to play a game and or job.

On another note can i haz popcorn to watch rest o show?

you got a point to any of this? or are you just talking out your ***?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 250
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2009-06-05 05:04:58  
Krebons said:
heres an idea : stop whineing and XP the way you should, i hope they fix that soon

Is that level synched or can you really solo HKTK at 63?
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Gilgamesh.Tallulah 2009-06-05 05:06:35  
Drizilu said:

This is what I'm talking about Tem; 100k exp per hour is insane, and no exp party or merit party can match this. And yes, I would also like to allocate more time to crafting, making gil, and doing missions/quests instead of worrying about not having the job required to achieve those goals. Happy Aventuring!

I hate meritting. I must look into this. :D
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Rhinok
Posts: 181
By Remora.Rhinok 2009-06-05 05:08:30  
Point is
There is no way anyone is supposed to play this game. Thats whay im saying.
All these people trying to dictate to the community that if you do SMN burns your immediantly bad because thats not what your supposed to be doing. =]
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Delfii
Posts: 16
By Titan.Delfi 2009-06-05 05:19:43  
maybe one or two think that way, but they probably dont know what they're talking about. the rest are probably being misunderstood, smn burns are nice for quick merits or leveling useless subs (ie. sch drk war etc etc), especially with capped skills already. but most people that use it now are just bombing jobs to 75 and having no clue what their job is and have incredibly gimp skills. im fully aware end game is different from exp parties, but how many of you can honestly say you see most the people in your linkshell that know wtf they're doing? that's what most peoples problem is with it, just watching dumbasses become more dumb. before we never had to deal with all the morons as they were stuck at level 60 for 5years, but now . . . i'm sure you get my point. i mean <_< i wish i knew any smns so i could harrass them for this ***, but i generally throw gasoline and ***fire on any i see.
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-06-05 06:15:58  
Xantavia said:
For everybody bitching about smn burn parties, when was the last time you invited a smn to be something other than whm lite in your party? Or invited a smn at all?

Never? And yet they have found a way to get xp and won't invite you?

The horror, the horror.

This. You can't have a piece of every pie. Be thankful they let you get a job from 12 to 21 in a single sitting. Personally, I'm doing it for the CP >_>; I loves me some CP for reasons I know not.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Ashokan
Posts: 8
By Odin.Ashokan 2009-06-05 09:56:16  
I find it hilarious that people cannot contain their anger when one of the most poorly designed and unwanted jobs (for most events & activities) has an advantage.

I mean, put this in context of any other time in FFXI's past... People are complaining that SMN can get XP too fast. rofl
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-06-05 10:16:17  
Xantavia said:
For everybody bitching about smn burn parties, when was the last time you invited a smn to be something other than whm lite in your party? Or invited a smn at all?

Never? And yet they have found a way to get xp and won't invite you?

The horror, the horror.

I said something very similar to this in the previous Smn/Astral Burn post. So what if Summoners can get easy xp and you can't.

Just go get a Smn friend and have them invite you to the party. lol

No, this is not the end all of xp'ing in a traditional sense.

Yes, it is a great way to level jobs/subs or get merits.

MOST people that do this efficiently already know how to play the game well and aren't missing much in terms of 'know how' when it comes to the job they're burning through.
The only thing that they lack / gimp themselves on is weapon/magic skill levels. But... Most of the time this can be remedied rather easily.

If you have a problem with this type of leveling, you might as well keep it to yourself tbh, because no one here cares. Some will do it for some easy xp.
Some think they're "too good" for it and refuse to.

Truth is, neither side is ever going to agree about it.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: vdemitry
Posts: 119
By Lakshmi.Alaric 2009-06-05 10:23:41  
Drizilu said:
Summoner burning is still a hot topic and people want to discuss it as more and more people find out about it. Past threads are past threads, but this thread is current. Yesterday I tried my first smn burn w/Dinarii and I have to say getting 10 - 11 levels in 15 minutes is not a bad thing compared to all the time we have spent over the past few years developing our characters and jobs. Most people who do summoner burn parties are more advanced in the game and have 75 jobs with capped skills (i.e. weapon, magic, etc...). If some skills aren't capped such as elemental, summoning, etc... these can easily be increased in skill up parties (as discussed in past forums). As for Maat's cap, it isn't on everyone's priority list to beat him, and I’m sure it’s on no one’s priority list to fight him gimped. However, to enjoy the game it is nice to be able to select from a large variety of jobs and subjobs in order to team up and complete difficult missions. This is why I praise summoner burn parties.

Most people who are against summoner burns are either jealous or do not know how to conduct them properly. I gotta say, exp chain 110 is nice and I soon look forward to seeing 139 or maybe 150. Happy adventuring!

Yes to this! Woot! And to all those haters, just get over it and move on.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Temeraire
Posts: 186
By Siren.Temeraire 2009-06-05 11:01:27  
What has been said since I posted last night is exactly what I was afraid of: People rationalizing their way to making other people's ingame experience less enjoyable.

If you are in an LS full of people who do SMN burns all the time and you don't ever intend to do HNM or lowman events on those jobs, then hey, have fun and enjoy your levels.

If you are sitting here being defensive and calling people 'haters' when they point out the obvious flaws in SMN burns, then you are adding nothing constructive and need to find your hole and crawl back in it.

If you aren't in a LS that does regular SMN burns, your gimp *** is probably hurting them at events.

You CAN NOT replace the experience you lost through grinding except through more experience on that job.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-06-05 11:11:43  
You talk like the game is actually challenging and you need to play a job for 1000+ hours to understand how to play it well.

~70% of the experience you need to actually play a job can be found observing others and reading on wiki.
The other ~30% can easily be acquired within 10 hours on that job at level 75.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1541
By Ifrit.Thunderz 2009-06-05 11:14:12
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I pay my monthly fee and bought this game

So I do what I want =o got a prob SMN burn gogo
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