<?xml version="1.0" ?> <spellcast> <config AutoLoadXML = "False" RequireVersion = "2.17" Debug = "True" ShowGearSwaps = "False" /> <sets> <group name="Blue Mage" default="yes"> <!-- Set: Idle/TP --> <set name="Idle" > <neck>Wiglen Gorget</neck> <lear>Suppanomimi</lear> <rear>Brutal Earring</rear> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> <hands>Serpentes Cuffs</hands> <lring>Dark Ring</lring> <rring>Dark Ring</rring> <back>Cheviot Cape</back> <waist>$IdleWaist</waist> <legs>Desultor Tassets</legs> <feet>Serpentes Sabots</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Idle/TP --> <set name="TP" > <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> <neck>Rancor Collar</neck> <lear>Suppanomimi</lear> <rear>Brutal Earring</rear> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> <hands>Ocelot Gloves</hands> <lring>Rajas Ring</lring> <rring>Heed Ring</rring> <back>Atheling Mantle</back> <waist>Twilight Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Homam Gambieras</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Accuracy Gear --> <set name="Acc" BaseSet="TP"> <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> </set> <!-- Set: Strength Gear --> <set name="PDT" BaseSet="Idle"> <head>Darksteel Cap +1</head> <neck>Wiglen Gorget</neck> <body>Darksteel Harness</body> <rring>Dark Ring</rring> <legs>Desultor Tassets</legs> <lring>Dark Ring</lring> </set> <set name="Quadcont" BaseSet="TP"> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <neck>Ire Torque</neck> <body>Magus Jubbah</body> <hands>Alkyoneus's Bracelets</hands> <rring>Rajas Ring</rring> <lring>Spiral Ring</lring> <waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Kacura Leggings</feet> </set> <set name="STR" BaseSet="TP"> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <neck>Ire Torque</neck> <body>Magus Jubbah</body> <hands>Alkyoneus's Bracelets</hands> <rring>Spiral Ring</rring> <lring>Rajas Ring</lring> <back>Cuchulain's Mantle</back> <waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Kacura Leggings</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Dex Gear --> <set name="DEX" BaseSet="TP"> <ammo>Mavi Tathlum</ammo> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <body>Magus Jubbah</body> <hands>Ocelot Gloves</hands> <rring>Thunder Ring</rring> <lring>Rajas Ring</lring> <back>Cuchulain's Mantle</back> <waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Kacura Leggings</feet> </set> <set name="CDC" Baseset="DEX"> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <neck>Rancor Collar</neck> <rear>Brutal Earring</rear> <body>Loki's Kaftan</body> <hands>Ocelot Gloves</hands> <lring>Rajas Ring</lring> <rring>Thunder Ring</rring> <back>Atheling Mantle</back> <waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Kacura Leggings</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Cannonball --> <set name="Cannonball" BaseSet="TP"> </set> <!-- Set: dmg --> <set name="MagicDMG" BaseSet="Idle"> <ammo>Thunder Sachet</ammo> <head>Teal Chapeau</head> <neck>Artemis' Medal</neck> <rear>Moldavite Earring</rear> <body>Teal Saio</body> <hands>Mavi Bazuband +2</hands> <rring>Rajas Ring</rring> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Mavi Basmak +1</feet> <legs> Teal Slops</legs> </set> <set name="Benthic" BaseSet="DEX"> <ammo>Mavi Tathlum</ammo> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <neck>Ire Torque</neck> <body>Loki's Kaftan</body> <hands>Ocelot Gloves</hands> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Kacura Leggings</feet> </set> <!-- Set: heal --> <set name="MagicHEALING" BaseSet="Idle"> <body>Teal Saio</body> <head>Teal Chapeau</head> <legs>Teal Slops</legs> </set> <!-- Set: Uriel --> <set name="Uriel" BaseSet="Idle"> <neck>Artemis' Medal</neck> <rear>Moldavite Earring</rear> <legs> Teal Slops</legs> <hands>Mavi Bazuband +2</hands> <feet>Mavi Basmak +1</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Magic Acc --> <set name="Macc" BaseSet="Idle"> <ammo>Mavi Tathlum</ammo> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Mavi Basmak +1</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Aspir/Drain --> <set name="Draspir" BaseSet="Idle"> </set> <!-- Set: Resting --> <set name="Resting" BaseSet="Idle"> </set> <set name="CW" BaseSet="MagicDMG"> <head>Aias Bonnet</head> <neck>Artemis' Medal/neck> <rear>Moldavite Earring</rear> <body>Loki's Kaftan</body> <hands>Mavi Bazuband +2</hands> <lring>Thunder Ring</lring> <rring>Rajas Ring</rring> <back>Cuchulain's Mantle</back> <waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Mavi Basmak +1</feet> </set> <!-- Set: Haste --> <set name="Haste"> <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> <waist>Twilight Belt</waist> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> <feet>Homam Gambieras</feet> </set> </group> </sets> <variables clear="true"> </variables> <rules> <!-- Rule: Autosets --> <if spell="autoset"> <action type="equip" when="resting" set="Resting" /> <action type="equip" when="Idle" set="Idle"/> <action type="equip" when="afterCast" set="Idle" /> <action type="equip" when="engaged" set="TP" /> </if> <!-- Rule: Automatic /recast for spells --> <if CommandPrefix="/magic|/ninjutsu"> <action type="Command" whem="Precast">input /recast "%Spell"</action> </if> <!-- Rule: Utsusemi - Cancel --> <if spell="Utsusemi: Ichi"> <action type="equip" when="PreCast"> <feet>Magus Charuqs</feet> </action> <action type="midcastdelay" delay="2.75" /> <action type="Command" when="midcast">cancel 66</action> <action type="equip" when="midcast" set="Haste" /> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> </if> <if spell="Utsusemi: Ni"> <action type="equip" when="PreCast"> <rear>Loquac. Earring</rear> <lear>Magnetic Earring</lear> </action> <action type="equip" when="midcast" set="Haste" /> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> </if> <!-- Rule: Protect Smart Grenade --> <if CommandPrefix="/range"> <if EquipAmmo="Smart Grenade"> <action type="AddtoChat">Ranged Attack Canceled - Smart Grenade Equipped</action> <action type="CancelSpell" /> <action type="Return" /> </if> </if> <!-- Rule: Blue Magic --> <if skill="BlueMagic"> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> <!-- Rule: Primary STR > Secondary DEX > Tertiary Acc --> <if spell="Foot Kick|Delta Thrust|Whirl of Rage|Goblin Rush|Power Attack|Bludgeon|Claw Cyclone|Screwdriver|Grand Slam|Smite of Rage|Jet Stream|Uppercut|Mandibular Bite|Death Schissors|Dimensional Death|Spiral Spin|Body Slam|Spinal Cleave|Frenetic Rip|Hydro Shot|Disseverment|Ram Charge|Vertical Cleave"> <action type="equip" set="ACC|DEX|STR" /> <if buffactive="Chain Affinity"> <action type="Equip"> <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> </action> </if> </if> <elseif spell="Benthic Typhoon"> <action type="equip" set="Benthic" /> <if buffactive="Chain Affinity"> <action type="Equip"> <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> </action> </if> </elseif> <elseif spell="Quad. Continuum"> <action type="equip" set="Quadcont" /> <if buffactive="Chain Affinity"> <action type="Equip"> <head>Mavi Kavuk +2</head> </action> </if> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Primary Acc --> <elseif spell="Sprout Smack|Wild Oats|Queasyshroom|Battle Dance|Head Butt|Feather Storm|Helldive|Pinecone Bomb|Terror Touch|Frypan|Tail Slap|Asuran Claws"> <action type="equip" set="ACC" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Cannonball --> <elseif spell="Cannonball"> <action type="equip" set="Cannonball" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Primary DEX > Secondary Acc--> <elseif spell="Sickle Slash|Vanity Dive|Seedspray|Hysteric Barrage"> <action type="equip" set="ACC|DEX" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Magic Stats (MND/INT/CHA) --> <elseif spell="Thermal Pulse|Evryone. Grudge"> <action type="equip" set="MagicDMG" /> </elseif> <elseif spell="charged whisker"> <action type="equip" set="CW" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Magic Stats (MND/INT/CHA) --> <elseif spell="Pollen|Healing Breeze|Magic Fruit|Plenilune Embrace"> <action type="equip" set="MagicHEALING" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Primary Skill > Secondary Magic Accuracy --> <elseif spell="Acrid Stream|Bad Breath|Frost Breath|Heat Breath|Sandspin|Blazing Bound|Cursed Sphere|Blastbomb|Bomb Toss|Death Ray|Blitzstrahl|Ice Break|Maelstrom|Firespit|Mysterious Light|Eyes On Me|Corrosive Ooze|Regurgitation|Mind Blast|Magic Hammer|Sheep Song|Dream Flower|Auroral Drape|Cimicine Discharge|Blood Drain|Soporific|Sound Blast|Chaotic Eye|Digest|Blank Gaze|Venom Shell|MP Drainkiss|Stinking Gas|Magnetite Cloud|Geist Wall|Awful Eye|Blood Saber|Jettatura|Frightful Roar|Self-Destruct|Filamented Hold|Cold Wave|Hecatomb Wave|Radiant Breath|Flying Hip Press|Light of Penance|1000 Needles|Feather Tickle|Yawn|Voracious Trunk|Infrasonics|Sandspray|Enervation|Lowing|Temporal Shift|Actinic Burst|"> <action type="equip" set="Macc"> <body>Mavi Mintan +2</body> <feet>Mavi Basmak +1</feet> <legs>Mavi Tayt +2</legs> </action> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Primary Skill --> <elseif spell="Metallic Body|Occultation|Diamondhide"> <action type="equip" set="haste"> <hands>Mavi Bazuband +2</hands> <body>Magus Jubbah</body> </action> </elseif> <!-- Rule: Breath --> <elseif spell="Poison Breath"> <action type="equip" set="Macc" /> </elseif> <!-- Rule: None --> <if spell="Drain|Aspir"> <action type="equip" when="Precast" set="Draspir"/> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> </if> <if spell="Sleep*"> <action type="equip" when="Precast" set="Macc" > <head>Mirage Keffiyeh +1/head> </action> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> </if> <!-- Rule: Weaponskills --> <!-- Weaponskill Name 100% 200% 300% Hits Modifiers TP Attribute --> <!-- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ --> <!-- Fast Blade 1.00 1.50 2.00 x2 STR_20%, DEX_20% fTP Modifier --> <!-- Flat Blade 1.00 x1 STR_30% Stun Success Rate --> <!-- Circle Blade 1.00 x1 STR_35% Attack Radius --> <!-- Spirits Within* 4/32 6/32 15/32 x1 N/A *Damage = Current HP * TP Modifier --> <!-- Vorpal Blade 1.00 x4 STR_30% Critical Rate (Crits ?x Dam.) --> <!-- Swift Blade 1.50 x3 STR_30%, MND_30% Higher Accuracy --> <!-- Savage Blade 1.00 1.75 3.50 x2 STR_30%, MND_50% fTP Modifier --> <!-- Expiacion 1.50 ?.?? ?.?? x2 STR_30%, INT_30% fTP Modifier --> <if type="WeaponSkill"> <if spell="Vorpal Blade|Savage Blade|Red Lotus Blade|Expiacion"> <action type="equip" set="ACC|STR" /> </if> <if spell="Uriel Blade|Sanguine Blade"> <action type="equip" set="Uriel" /> </if> <if spell="Chant du cygne"> <action type="Equip" set="CDC" /> </if> <action type="AftercastDelay" delay="3" /> <if Status="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="TP" /> </if> <if notStatus="Engaged"> <equip when="aftercast" set="idle" /> </if> </if> </rules> </spellcast>