Dark Souls & Other Souls-Likes |
Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
So picked it up today for 360, walking around got the drake sword, trying to kill this razorback its not working out so well atm but its prolly me just falling asleep and not caring.
Tried out the whole summoning stone thing...yeah...its off. My friend and I stood in the same place put signs up, waited about 5 minutes, both got summoned into some random guys game. Ok. Not how we drew it up. This is a bad system that I wouldn't expect from a game made in 2011. It's not a game meant to be played with your friends, and I'd largely advise against it on your first play through to boot. You'll only be taking away from your own experience imo, but to each their own.
They only made it possible to play with your friends at all after people bitched a ton about it. Dark Souls is meant to be hard, uncaring, and uncompromising. Playing with people you know is counter to this idea. Granted, it was silly how the servers worked and how it was a pain in the *** to actually find someone you knew even after you'd completed the game, but it did ensure that people couldn't play the game hand-in-hand, making it easier. Am I the only one who refuses to ever raise their max HP? I played solo through NG+4 or so without doing so and co-op through one playthrough.
Fun for challenge runs, but impractical for most PvP builds.
And since I mostly do PvP at this point... Speaking of PvP... Dem dead angle kills in matches 3 and 4.
YouTube Video Placeholder Carbuncle.Josiahfk said: » I didn't know Urteil played Dark Souls I intentionally bought Dark Souls on 360 because I know he plays on PS3 and I never want to get invaded by him. I cant find this game any where around here :(
Should be able to order it from Game Stop if you really want it. Got Demon's Souls for $15.
nearest gamestop is 70 miles XD i ve walmart and some mom and pop stores lol
I meant mail order through their website.
pffft whats this mail order you speak of?!
Witch craft!!!! Isn't raising your hp useless after NG+ since everything is going to one shot you? But yeah for most pvp builds you need a certain amount of health to survive lagstabs.
Delicious witch craft.
Not really. If you're going to play multiple NG+ you should make an effort to cap VIT and END at some point. They cap out your primary combat attributes. I just want it so I can kill domz.... >.>
Asura.Kingkongol said: » I just want it so I can kill domz.... >.> Asura.Ina said: » Asura.Kingkongol said: » I just want it so I can kill domz.... >.> Hm yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt to cap VIT in a PVE build since you'd be aiming for survivability.
END helps too as it allows you to use heavier armor and fast roll.
Yeah absolutely, pretty sure if you're not touching either VIT or END you might as well just play a level 1 playthrough.
Asura.Kingkongol said: » Asura.Ina said: » Asura.Kingkongol said: » I just want it so I can kill domz.... >.> naaa ive talked to Domz about it enogh to know that im going to be pissed off alot XD
Phoenix.Lilligant said: » Carbuncle.Josiahfk said: » I didn't know Urteil played Dark Souls I intentionally bought Dark Souls on 360 because I know he plays on PS3 and I never want to get invaded by him. Not a fan of the PS3's network. "You get what you pay for" pounds itself into my head every day. I am looking to get an Xbox soon, I would hope that the network play is better. Shiva.Viciousss said: » This is a bad system that I wouldn't expect from a game made in 2011. It's very clear what this game is meant to be, trying to change it into something it's not will only give you problems. You shouldn't even be playing co-op on your first playthrough, this game is not designed well for co-op team play, it's just there if you hit a brick wall and the only way for you to win is to invite someone into your game. You turn human, summon someone (a random), and you go fight. If you want to get summoned, then it's about helping others and not only your friends. You get summoned, earn some souls and humanity, and you help someone that was struggling. I even warned you that you wouldn't like the co-op system. Phoenix.Urteil said: » Not a fan of the PS3's network. "You get what you pay for" pounds itself into my head every day. I am looking to get an Cbox soon, I would hope that the network play is better. I think people should play whichever way gives them the most enjoyment/satisfaction... for some its running through with only a sword... for others it's calling for help every time they get to a boss... idk... either way the game should be fun for whoever is playing...
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