Dark Souls & Other Souls-Likes |
Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
I propose that we try setup some FFXIAH duels! If anyone wants to take me on, my PSN name is Robthebob1989, my main PvP builds are all around SL100-120.
I'm definitely up for this. All my pvp builds are around 120-125. PSN is Dreizak.
Damn, this sucks. The Dark Souls PC Stat trainer works in online mode. Been fighting 99 capped stat lv 5 darkwraiths in the burg, it's not fun. :-(
Ragnarok.Raenil said: » I'm definitely up for this. All my pvp builds are around 120-125. PSN is Dreizak. Awesome, was actually hoping you'd be up for it since you seem to take PvP pretty seriously, perhaps we could do some duels this weekend :D Asura.Zizek said: » Damn, this sucks. The Dark Souls PC Stat trainer works in online mode. Been fighting 99 capped stat lv 5 darkwraiths in the burg, it's not fun. :-( Sign Peeve's petition and try spread the word of it to other souls players, it's to get Fromsoft to assign moderators to deal with obvious hackers, I only play on PS3 and I signed it. If it's weekends, it'd need to be between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or 11:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. cause I work weekends.
Monday and Tuesday are my days off, I'm generally free all day those days. And I can't wait for DLC hafj;dhkkagl;klhba Are people still modding their Save files for ridiculous stats? I stopped playing about 6 months ago when pvp over XBL got dominated by this. I was being invaded at SL 1 at the Kiln by people that could only be killed by luring them off a ledge.
Siren.Kalilla said: » 4 days D: ![]() Carbuncle.Vaglabond said: » Are people still modding their Save files for ridiculous stats? I stopped playing about 6 months ago when pvp over XBL got dominated by this. I was being invaded at SL 1 at the Kiln by people that could only be killed by luring them off a ledge. Most of the hackers are on PC though. Where you can download a trainer program that makes you invincible, max souls, above 99 in each stat and infinite stamina and spells. Does it still take an ungodly amount of time to get in a pvp scenario with someone you know, spamming a soapstone all the while?
Depends on both of your connections. And distance from each other. And PC version seems to be more difficult to connect on from what I've heard.
PS3 died, lost my save file. Tried to start over, thinking "well now that I'm better this time around should be easier". Got invaded by a twink omw to the gargoyles...
Think I'm done with the game. Losing the file was hard enough without getting trolled by scrubs who I would butcher with my old file... You should probably start over anyways when the DLC comes out in 3 days, I don't think it would be much fun to power through the new content without being worried whether or not you'll die doing it.
Also, you should just play offline for those areas if you don't want to be invaded by twinks. Dark Souls 1.06 patch today. For PS3 as far as I know anyway.
Everything that happened to the PC version, that I know of, besides the new bonfire warps, new areas and new equipment was done. It's so refreshing to see people that were ninja flipping in Giants+Havels+Mask now mid/fat rolling all over the place. Easy pickings. :D VERY SOON DX....
I've held out so long, I still don't know a thing about the expansion :x Demon's Souls was PS3 only, then they released Dark Souls for Xbox and PS3, then later PC.
You know, I've never tried beating Gwyn without parrying his scorched *** into the Abyss.
I should try it some time. Siren.Kalilla said: » You should probably start over anyways when the DLC comes out in 3 days, I don't think it would be much fun to power through the new content without being worried whether or not you'll die doing it. Also, you should just play offline for those areas if you don't want to be invaded by twinks. Ragnarok.Raenil said: » You know, I've never tried beating Gwyn without parrying his scorched *** into the Abyss. I should try it some time. I don't spam backstabs, I don't spam parry, if I feel like I wanna see the animation I'll do it but until that I'll fight like how that class would. Sylph.Josiahfk said: » That sounds exactly unlike you kali, a melee whm saying "I prefer to do it how the job should do it" Gwyn is such an intense fight if you don't spam Parries on him. I think spam Parry is a bit of a problem in PvP and such in that it can award a free win essentially if you luck out, but meh... PvP has so many issues.
DLC coming soon!! Also @Kali - do you have a full pic of that avatar? It's already out for 360 in NA. PS3 users have to wait for PSN to update, which is complete BS.
Bahamut.Raenryong said: » Gwyn is such an intense fight if you don't spam Parries on him. I think spam Parry is a bit of a problem in PvP and such in that it can award a free win essentially if you luck out, but meh... PvP has so many issues. DLC coming soon!! Also @Kali - do you have a full pic of that avatar? ![]() Loving the new content. Although Dark Sorceries are annoying as hell. The stability nerf compounds that and a single dark sorcery pretty much destroys my guard.
So this isn't out on PS3 yet? :( how much is it going to be?
Edit: The DLC :p Dark Souls marathon go!! :o!
the worst part is just being invaded by a level 5 with capped stats. I wonder if they could use an algorithm to detect if your level matches your stats, and if they don't they can disable online play.
It's on PS3 now. PS3 just had to wait for PSN to update some time yesterday.
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