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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Can you call trust in Delve? BGWiki doesn't have delve as either forbidden or allowed, so now I'm curious.
Last time I checked it wasn't possible to use them in delve, that was about a month ago though.
I'm gonna have to burn a rock and find out, lol.
I imagine a fairly well teamed trio would make delve 1 pretty easy.
I`ve trio'd Morimar as 2xBLU and dualboxed WHM, 5/5 NM`s but we cant't get past Tojil. Usually get to him with about 15mins left.
Jobs that have an easy time against Mata include RDM, BLU, SCH, and MNK (melee prep route). I guess SAM with the Uptala GK could also manage it.
I'm gonna try a shark trio later today using a nin/run and not sure what else.., a DNC would definitely help, as would healing magic. I'd prefer RDM over WHM, thinking about it.. I`ve been considering changing a Blu to Sch and bringing my friends Geo mule. And go as 4, but I`m the only one of us that has a Sch and I`m dual-boxing the Whm, not sure I can main heal and keep up stuns too.
It should be doable with that setup since the 5 NM`s are very easy for a BLU to solo, you don't really need 2, I`m also considering levelling Geo on my mule so that my friends mule can Whm. Stuns on Tojil are pretty much essential unless you're capable of surviving while weakened. Bear in mind also that you need to have a BRD or a GEO if you intend to cap your attack speed (or otherwise, bring a tremendous amount of dual wield).
When I small man Delves, my setup is THF, BLU (DRG for Queenie and Super Hurkan), GEO, and BRD. Offensive buffs for most of the NMs, and then Vex/Attunement for Shark/Bee/Hurkan to shrug off nearly all of their attacks and bad statuses. This allows your DDs to play very offensively, which more than makes up for the lack of Fury or Frailty (GEO attack boost/defense down). For Tojil, the GEO stuns his worst moves (Incinerating Lahar and Batholithic Shell) and I think uses Frailty since his remaining moves aren't much of a threat. The BLU handles most cures and erases with White Wind and Winds of Promyvion, or Healing Breath on DRG. I bring the Ramuh Gun and some Decimating Bullets to speed up Mastop, also. It's a good idea to sacrifice a few minor gear slots for good defensive pieces, like Defending Ring and Twilight Torque. Keep trying, you'll figure out your own way to win. Good points. A BLU could definitely be useful as utility/healer; I know that when I've BLU in delve the melees are pretty thankful that I keep Winds set. I'm determined to do this on NIN, though, so I'll keep your advice about having a ton of DW in mind as well as a few defensive pieces to keep me from melting to AoE.
Remember, too, that this is for that elusive thing known as fun. Oh no, the fun police are gonna hunt me down and strip me of all ilvl gear for the crime of heresy! Bahamut.Seekerstar said: » Good points. A BLU could definitely be useful as utility/healer; I know that when I've BLU in delve the melees are pretty thankful that I keep Winds set. I'm determined to do this on NIN, though, so I'll keep your advice about having a ton of DW in mind as well as a few defensive pieces to keep me from melting to AoE. Asura.Hikikomori
What A/R/E 119 armor should I focus on first for Red Mage? These pages seem hard to come by and I don't want to go wasting them.
head over to the RDM forum for a better breakdown, but here's a shortlist:
119 your relic head, it was good, it's still good. 119 empy hands/feet 119 af hands for enh. duration 119 af head for fastcast 119 af body for enfeebles, but there are other options if you want to save chapters (Oruyu body for example) 119 af legs for enh./healing 119 empy legs for the extra tic on refresh is nice, but not a must if you're skimping 119 empy head for nukes- best in slot fact is, you're gonna want 5/5 empy @119, 4/5 relic @119 (imho the body doesn't give any advantage at 119 over 109, no more fastcast, no more enhancing skill, no more extending chainspell), and 3 or 4/5 of your af. It's a lot, but be happy that your "old" gear got new life. I got Magic Attack Bonus +25 on Helios feet, is it ok to keep this or try for M.acc/att +20 instead?
Other Augments are Occult Acumen +7 and Magic Burst damage +9% Leviathan.Celebrindal
It completely depends on your usage and other gear options. Can't really ask that in a vaccuum- is this a piece just for BLM, or will you use it on RDM or GEO? Even if just using it on BLM, what are you using in your head/body/hand slots? (assuming hagondes in legs)
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » It completely depends on your usage and other gear options. Can't really ask that in a vaccuum- is this a piece just for BLM, or will you use it on RDM or GEO? Even if just using it on BLM, what are you using in your head/body/hand slots? (assuming hagondes in legs) Other than the feet the other helios gear is also used for BLU nuking. I'm considering what job I'm going to farm CP for next, I've done THF, doing PLD atm and I'm thinking RDM next as currently it's the only other job I have geared.
Out of curiosity, is it CP better melee killing or nuking with RDM? Cerberus.Tidis said: » I'm considering what job I'm going to farm CP for next, I've done THF, doing PLD atm and I'm thinking RDM next as currently it's the only other job I have geared. Out of curiosity, is it CP better melee killing or nuking with RDM? I'm not a RDM myself, but imo I would definitely nuke. Having buffs up(stoneskin/phalanx/blink/refresh2/haste2) as well as good trusts, it would be more efficient to farm CP that way on RDM. Well that's how I am doing it on BLM. Sorry to double post.
What is a good/workable setup to do solo High-Tier Battlefield with 4 trusts? Say on Very Easy/Easy difficulty. Or is it not worth it? I've done Rem fights on BLU on Easy and Normal with and without Trust, you'll lose trusts on Gigas if it uses charm but apart from that it's not a bad fight. I haven't attempted Throne Room because I'm not sure how to deal with AF.
Outside of Rem fights I don't know. Asura.Calatilla said: » I've done Rem fights on BLU on Easy and Normal with and without Trust, you'll lose trusts on Gigas if it uses charm but apart from that it's not a bad fight. I haven't attempted Throne Room because I'm not sure how to deal with AF. Outside of Rem fights I don't know. Terror might work for the smn demon, worth a try. There is also Saline Coat which might help a lot, at least for normal and below, but the smn would have to be zerged before it decays too much (diffusion + relic feet helps with that). It should be easy if it uses AF around a certain %HP for timing. Bismarck.Dubai said: » Sorry to double post. What is a good/workable setup to do solo High-Tier Battlefield with 4 trusts? Say on Very Easy/Easy difficulty. Or is it not worth it? For one, upgrade mats like Sif's lock, exalted log etc are already too cheap so gil factor is out of the window. For REM 1-5, SKCNMs should be pretty easy on Normal and with useful trusts on a solo-friendly job. For REM 6-10, I only tried Puppet in Peril and AA HM (result was miserable) and have been doing Puppet in Peril (Easy) without a hassle on BLU but if I had better gear, I could see doing Normal too (I can bring it slightly below 25% currently and that is where it gets messy). It mainly drops REM 10, but I have been getting some other random pages as well. BST is pretty much broken these days and I can see doing AAs and Avatars on normal as long as you got some up to date gear and mulsums to spill all around the place. Edit: For drops; anything below Normal? Nope. Even Normal might not be really worth it if you are struggling with the fight. The chapter 2 fight is the only one I'm not comfortable soloing on difficult with BLU. That AF damage doesn't mess around, and can even take you down with saline and magic barrier if you get unlucky. And one mistimed sudden lunge and you could be a goner. Every other 1-5 fight is an absolute joke on D, though.
As for High-tiers, I think that if you're only after papers and don't want to wait around for a group, they're probably worth it. If you're after a drop, though, you're going to have a very bad time. Cerberus.Tidis said: » I'm considering what job I'm going to farm CP for next, I've done THF, doing PLD atm and I'm thinking RDM next as currently it's the only other job I have geared. Out of curiosity, is it CP better melee killing or nuking with RDM? As RDM/BLM, personnal camp is from FS foret, where a loooooot of crab are here. Kuppo trust up + CP cape + CP ring, get pro/pha/aqua/spike up, and nuke them down by grap of 6/10. Get something like 15-20 Job point per hour. (i use mp convert body, so this way never miss mp at all) I got Tenzen(ve) to 42% as WAR/SAM iLV 117 with just trusts.I went completely unprepared for lulz and the only reason I died is because of silncega and no way to remove it from Apururu (the healing trust I was using). If I had subbed DNC or brought my mule I am sure I would have won. I have DB'd The Savage,Puppet in Peril and most of the SCNM fights on VE E and normal so I think as long as you're prepped for the debuts you should be safe.
AA Taru is pretty simple, primarily due to the fact that he can't leave the BC, and won't walk up to you unless he has Blood Weapon or Soul Enslavement going. Back when it first came out and I was rockin' sparks gear, I solo'd it as RUN/NIN on VE without any problems. I recommend running out of the arena when he does Manafont, and if something goes wrong, you can just take a breather in the hallway.
Ouryu isn't too crazy either, just make sure to position your trusts so that they aren't in line for his breath, or that he doesn't use Spike Flail. Make sure to bring an aoe WS to bring him down. Avatars are doable if you can bring enough resistance. Sparks gear is unusually high with magic evasion, and jobs like RDM or RUN or even /RUN have exceptional resistance. Above all, you may just need practice to get used to what these fights are capable of, but keep trying and you're bound to improve. |
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