Would It Be Consider Rude Of Me...................................

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Would it be consider rude of me...................................
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13,080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-05-06 13:42:53  
Well there's a start :) 2/6 for a COP static or group to get you started
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 13:47:41  
Not to sound noobish, but I assume ZM is the Zilart Missions correct?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
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By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-05-06 13:51:59  
Wickster said:
Not to sound noobish, but I assume ZM is the Zilart Missions correct?


ZM - Zilart
PM/COP - Chains of Promathia
AU - Aht Urgan
WOG/WTG/WOTG - Wings of the Goddess
ACP - A Crystalline Prophecy
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 13:52:24  
Yeah, as stated before I was in a great LS (SchoolofFFXI) but most have left for Phoenix, leaving me behind. Now I have to find another Social LS to get into. (I feel so bad asking for help from the linkshell all the time)
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Thanquol
Posts: 69
By Pandemonium.Thanquol 2009-05-06 13:53:19  
Wickster and Aravol, my LS is slowly doing some PM(CoP) atm, I think they are on 2-4 or 2-5. Look me up, I will give you a pearl, and then you can see what they are doing. This might help you as it might help them. And we have a few members that help out from time to time. You can also see Bertrand for a pearl, he is my RL brother, just tell him Thanq sent you.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 13:56:28  
Thanks for the heads up Thanquol!!!
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 492
By Shiva.Clowdd 2009-05-06 13:58:16  
Yukimu said:
"eng" (try end) game. KEY WORD "END"
You reallly think you can do anything with a level 60 rdm?

FYI level 60 is only the 'halfway' mark to 75.
Also you need 110 merits to cap off your first main job. 110x10,000=1,100,000 exp.

Then go to endgame

coulda been nicer bout it but i guess the e-thug leetness in you prevents that....

get to 75 first dude, focus on beating maat & capping your skills 70-75 u might be lucky & find a dyna ls to work on city wins & consider that practice but 1st... maat then 75 the cap skills

good luck

ninja edit: oh and for 1st time post try to be more helpful instead of a ***
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2,849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-05-06 14:15:00  
Try to use the advanced search function here on ffxiah, and search for ppl that are on the same missions as you are, send them in game tell and ask them if they're intrested in getting it done. I've done that lot of times and most ppl are happy that I asked.

edit: For dyna I'd say that if you were a DD you could prolly join around lv 70, but beeing a RDM all you can do pre 75 is refresh ppl, to handle crowd control you gotta be sure your sleeps sticks and all that.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 14:36:20  
To funny! Since I posted this thread I have to #3 on the most search on Pandy! LOL
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1,741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-05-06 14:38:43  
Yes, its extremely rude to use an overabundance of periods.

There should never be a need to use more then 3 as an ellipsis.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 14:40:03  
Thanks Jiko! ;0)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1,741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-05-06 14:41:46  
Anytime. Just doin' my job. :p
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Zephin
Posts: 742
By Carbuncle.Axle 2009-05-06 14:43:58  
For the majority of RDM end game duties, 60 is enough. Haste and Refresh. Crowd control isn't that big.
But.... you'll only get to end game as a 60 rdm if you have friends that let you.

Had Tiamat Trouncer or w/e it is at 48 rdm ^^
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: foxxie
Posts: 703
By Asura.Ericka 2009-05-06 14:51:48  
Yukimu said:
eng game. KEY WORD "END"
You reallly think you can do anything with a level 60 rdm?

FYI level 60 is only the 'halfway' mark to 75.
Also you need 110 merits to cap off your first main job. 110x10,000=1,100,000 exp.

Then go to endgame

so discouraging!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: foxxie
Posts: 703
By Asura.Ericka 2009-05-06 14:55:58  
don't do End Game! you will die so much

You basically lvl up to die and exp again! End game is all about dying..
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3,451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-05-06 15:53:27  
Or you could like..cap your buffer and then never have to worry about your exp. I leave my game set on exp mode, when its capped I get limit points..if I die I go back to exp points..but usually its capped again pretty quickly. It might technically be a waste of 3-4 merits..but imagine how many more merits you could get if you werent constantly worrying about getting that 7k buffer after a raid.

Its not uncommon to die in endgame but its a very rare occasion where I die so much it has such a noticeable toll on my exp. Think I lost 13k exp on a seramaya gone bad once, had to find a meritpt the next day to recap it even then I still had like 30k exp there around :/ usually my exp loss is something like 1k exp or so and I just recap my buffers in nyzul isle or assault.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Wickster
Posts: 89
By Pandemonium.Wickster 2009-05-06 16:55:00  
Oh! 1k ain't too bad!
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: jadecc
Posts: 8
By Pandemonium.Jadecc 2009-05-06 16:55:12  
Daus said:
constantly worrying about getting that 7k buffer after a raid.

OK WoW.. lol. i must say that ZM and CoP are pretty overrated, get your rdm to 75 and deffinately get /blm and /drk subs then look for an endgame linkshell while still trying to get ZM and CoP done, dont worry about those too much... seriously who does sky anymore? lol, look for a dynamis ls, einherjar ls, Salvage.. if your far enough in ToAU, and of course, HNM LS! dont need nothin to camp HNM.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: jadecc
Posts: 8
By Pandemonium.Jadecc 2009-05-06 17:00:27  
oh and as for a good social linkshell on Pandy, lookup Kumru and ask if you can join Bluerats, it originated as a smn linkshell but now its all-round, they do a few endgame stuff iirc, but mostly just a helpful social linkshell. its been around the server forever and some ppl in there are amazing.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1,085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-05-06 17:26:32  
Yukimu said:
"eng" (try end) game. KEY WORD "END"
You reallly think you can do anything with a level 60 rdm?

FYI level 60 is only the 'halfway' mark to 75.
Also you need 110 merits to cap off your first main job. 110x10,000=1,100,000 exp.

Then go to endgame

Some people... seriously. But I'm sure you were never curious about when you could start endgame when you were new-ish to the game. Next time try to be a little more helpful instead of the elitist wanker you just came across as.

Lots of great advice from people so far, /blm, /drk and even /sch as a sub work wonders.

If you're after some 'warm up' activities, it may be worth looking into getting a sky shell once you get some ZM missions under your belt. Sky isn't all that rough, but it's a great place to get some pieces of mage gear, or if you change your job, you can get some nice DD Pieces there too :).

Nice advice on a social linkshell too from Jadecc ^^.

CoP can be tiresome if you don't get a decent group, but don't rule out pick up groups altogether^^ I've had some bloody awesome pickups (Honestly I think 90% of my total missions were done with pickups lol^^). Just absorb the walkthroughs on Wiki, they're detailed and can save so many headaches. :)

Happy hunting~! and Have a good day everyone :) (Sorry for mini w-o-t^^; )
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6,473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-05-08 06:19:08  
Daus said:
Or you could like..cap your buffer and then never have to worry about your exp. I leave my game set on exp mode, when its capped I get limit points..if I die I go back to exp points..but usually its capped again pretty quickly. It might technically be a waste of 3-4 merits..but imagine how many more merits you could get if you werent constantly worrying about getting that 7k buffer after a raid.

Its not uncommon to die in endgame but its a very rare occasion where I die so much it has such a noticeable toll on my exp. Think I lost 13k exp on a seramaya gone bad once, had to find a meritpt the next day to recap it even then I still had like 30k exp there around :/ usually my exp loss is something like 1k exp or so and I just recap my buffers in nyzul isle or assault.

I do the same thing, since I first capped my buffer at 43,999 exp, I've been below 30k exp once, and I almost never exp.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2,849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-05-08 06:21:51  
I used to do that too. But when you're asked to come on different jobs on different events all the time it makes it a fulltime job to keep full exp on all jobs D:
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6,473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-05-08 06:36:52  
Just another good reason to only have one job :P
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2,849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-05-08 07:03:06  
I dont like to be limited with only 1 job,

THF for farming

NIN for fun

RNG for DD

BRD for meriting

PLD for if absolutely no1 else can go pld and its really needed D:
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,932
By Unicorn.Excesspain 2009-05-08 07:22:10  
Zanno said:
I dont like to be limited with only 1 job,

THF for farming

NIN for fun

RNG for DD

BRD for meriting

PLD for if absolutely no1 else can go pld and its really needed D:

I feel the same way only I'm not as flexible. MNK when I want to DD, THF for when I am farming or the normal LS THF doesn't show for events, BLM for everything else since that's the only job I have people care about. ; ;
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Sylph.Dubberrucky 2009-05-08 08:00:17  
Just a sugestion but focus on Maat first hes a real cheating lil penis wrincle of a *** as RDM you will have plenty of time to worry about endgame after him. Not to be beating the dead horse but be prepared to be insulted often if you try applying for endgame shells at this point, all that I have ever seen from "decent" ones is they are extremely pompus and tend to try to find a reason to insult people even after they have 75 (dynamis shells aside they are a bit less picky). That is just based the experiances I have had to calm down hurt feelings from a few friends who have gone endgame though, Im not an endgamer myself just throwin in my 2 cents :P
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