Ballista - Test Server!

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Ballista - Test server!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Xyooj
Posts: 33
By Ragnarok.Tarutaur 2012-02-07 03:49:47  
when is the next official match?
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-07 09:53:22  
17 hours from now, 1:45AM MNT signups for jugner start. (This is a vanadiel time clock, featuring almost everything from ship arrival and departure times.. to ballista start and sign up times)

We are planning to set up numerous diorama games, so the time hindrance of official matches will not be an issue.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Sayomi
Posts: 36
By Phoenix.Sayomi 2012-02-07 09:56:48  
xbox be damned
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-02-07 10:15:14  
Bismarck.Stfutaru said: »
Phoenix.Urteil said: »

Actually, in 60 cap, BLU doesn't really do anything that's overpowered. Also, SAM's Sidewinder is pretty inaccurate and surely doesn't even almost kill you like so many of the WS's in uncapped.

You can't simply have all caps at the same level of balance, there is, without any doubt, going to be a jobs that will do better than others. How big the gap is between jobs affects the balance. The gap in 60 cap and uncapped can never be the same, it's just unrealistic. Therefore balance amongst caps is not constant; there will be some caps that are going to be more or less balanced.

It's true that capped battles are considered a turnoff. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to gear to the fullest potential and telling people to do so is unreasonable and impractical. With future updates, the introduction to even more gear at lv99 will broaden the selection of gear as well as tweeks in abilities and spells. However, at lv60, the variety remains as it is, regardless of future updates, and if there are gear or tweeks introduced at lower caps, they are hardly equivalent to those at lv99. Subsequently, gear will always have a larger impact at uncapped than at lv60 and also heavily affects the gap amongst players.

At 60 cap, you are going to depend more on your skill than on your gear. At uncapped, your gear and your skill will have as great an influence. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy uncapped as well, but I strongly believe that uncapped is much more unbalanced than 60 caps.

I'd like to preface that I even fight at 10cap on occasion, 60cap is fun to diddle around in too, but when I'm out there shouting for fights paying up 200 AC singles to someone if they win, I don't go:

"BLU RDM BLM and SCH not allowed, only I get to use my Apocalypse magian weapon for you pls."

I suck it up and open the floodgates to anything and everything, not just Perle BSTS, HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE DRK/SAM's and Bubblegum MNKs.

Gear affects things at every cap. The fact that people can't/don't want to gear to keep up is their problem, thats the nature of an RPG.

Telling people to get the things they need to be good is very reasonable and very practical, You expect gimps to be bad at PVE, why should they be any good at PvP? The skill is the hard part, why is everyone acting like the easy part is impossible?

A good player has both, and getting the gear is what I did because I was tired of doing shitty damage, I was tired of not working to my potential in events, and in PvP I was tired of getting my *** kicked.

Just because its "PvP" all of a sudden its wrong to expect people to work for their power, potential and tools for success? I would think that would motivate people more than topping a % on somebody's kParser would. If you're willing to throw a million synergy/Valor attempts at a level 60 ring/body, think of how obtainable it is to farm 6/6 Dark Rings, do voidwatch and get the Ogier's set for Ballista or even make an Amanokuramano(whatever), Resistance gear, grab /sch, enfeebling arrows and go to town (samurai).

Many WS's in proper gear (I've tested this) hit me for 300-400 damage and you can easily cap PDT in uncap. On top of that my enemy using a WS set in ballista is highly unlikely so outside off the test scenario their damage would be further reduced. There is nothing oneshotting me, Resolution still hardly breaks 1000 damage on a target with no PDT or Phalanx or Shield. Catastrophe is lucky to break 800 on a 0% DT target, Entropy just seems to suck, the almighty Ukko's has to crit to do well but its by no means 7k'ing anyone to the floor.

Empyrean WS's hit hard yes, but outside of Wildfire they are hardly doing 1500/1600/full health bars of damage, and if they are to you: you're doing it wrong.

If someone is striving to do max WS damage they will sacrifice survivability, and by gearing for PDT I sacrifice things as well, there are many tradeoffs.

I argue that people have even /more/ options to survive at 99 because they can augment themselves with gear to drastically boost evasion (dual magian weapons), the ability to boost their magic evasion to wreak havoc on traditionally strong jobs (BLM, RDM, BLU), and -damage taken and the introduction of Mana Wall aids BLM considerably to survive in group encounters of 10 v 10 or more.

Not to mention very powerful items such a the Flawless Ribbon, Killer Shortbow, augmented Abyssea accessories and the new soon to be "Enhances All Resistances" earring from legion.

The idea of a WS one hit killing me other than Wildfire is a bogus myth and I don't have a shield to hide behind.

In fact melee jobs have gained a distinct advantage versus jobs like RDM that are able to turtle incredibly well as our weapons have very high base damage and force hybrid jobs to choose an area to maximize, whether that be to survive, enfeeble, nuke, etc.

39 levels below the cap just alienates and destroys any synergy the events has with all the shinies that people can get, furthering to foster this idea that somehow we should be good at things without spending the effort to get gear to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses.

However if you want to cap out dealing with Byrnie +1's in, while I deal with with Aegis/Burtgang/Sagasinger and figure out ways to win, that's fine by me I suppose.

I say this with no sarcasm and as a compliment, I am sure you are good at what you do, and that deserves some credit.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: vyiv
Posts: 8
By Lakshmi.Vyii 2012-02-07 15:50:23  
Urteil, you seem to be enthusiastic about Ballista. Just so you know, you're always welcome to play on the test server with us. Since you do seem quite skilled, I think it would be a challenge and a lot of fun. Upbeat is already here with us, too, and we just so happened to have a few games last night when the test server recovered.

In regards to the points that you and Stfutaru mentioned, both sides have their own reasoning. It's true that in this game, there are imbalances—that's a given. That's directly due to the variations in jobs, and if it weren't for that, we would all be playing a singular job throughout the game. Now, at least to me, that sounds quite boring. It's like opening a bag of Skittles only to see that each one is of the same color. I would get a refund, but I digress. Although I do agree that uncap has more "imbalance" than 60, the dispute of balance should best be dropped. Uncap players could say 'this' and 'that' are imbalanced in 60, and likewise, 60 cap players could say the same for uncap. It would just be a contest of pointing fingers. Essentially, if the topic of discussion is balance, I would much rather play tic-tac-toe (or 'noughts and crosses' for those in the UK); that game is pretty balanced.

Phoenix.Urteil said: »
Go get your gear make your relics and come out, if you don't you don't want it as bad as the rest of us.
The equipment dispute could also be dropped. Uncap players could argue that 60 cap players are too so-called "lazy" to get some worthwhile gear in order to play uncap and that 60 cap is for those who cap out at Byrnies. However, 60 cap players could very have a similar stance. Uncap gear practically comes with the flow of endgame, but in order to gear for 60 cap effectively, countless hours upon hours of extra work is needed—equipment that a player must go out of his way to obtain. For those who still don't quite understand, here's an example:

(unedited screenshots)

For the past two weeks or so, I've been augmenting byrnies. As the rules of Fields of Valor govern, a player can only augment once per day, and thus, trying to achieve a perfect, or at least decent, augment requires several tries. As such, people have been devoting countless gil and days (leading to months and even years) with a grain of hope in obtaining a superior augment much like this byrnie:

(Glatan, Siren, 2010/07/03)

Of course, many people, much like myself, have tried and failed numerous times yet still continue to augment for the sole purpose of Ballista. For those who are puzzled as to why I would spend so much time and gil on a seemingly petty issue, we may all be playing 'FFXI', but within that, we diverge because it's clear that we have differing values. Too lazy to get equipment? Hardly. We're just getting different equipment.

Perhaps the most significant difference between 60 and uncap is the player database. 60 cap has always been ongoing and plentiful in player population, which is noticeable through only a few minutes of using Google. By taking a glimpse of some videos from Ballista players like Selt, Bering, or Galkax, it's obvious that the 60 cap community is still strong today. Although it only exists on a few servers, I would estimate the current Ballista population to be roughly 300, which is mostly comprised of JP. This is Sparta. On Carbuncle, where Selt plays, games still go up to 30v30 and even higher—perhaps cap out—during seasonal holidays. Uncap, on the other hand, has a low population and is rather difficult to arouse a larger and long-lasting crowd, people who are true to Ballista.

Phoenix.Urteil said: »
However if you want to cap out dealing with Byrnie +1's in, while I deal with with Aegis/Burtgang/Sagasinger and figure out ways to win, that's fine by me I suppose.

It's certain that uncap players deal with relic and empyrean users, but having those 'shinies' does not justify that they are indeed Ballista players. While uncap deals with those 'shinies', most of them are endgame players who probably have little to no Ballista experience. Conversely, 60 cap is primarily filled with more experienced Ballista players who play on a regular basis. Personally, I would much rather play with experienced players than people who are clueless, despite that they have 'shinies'. If you believe that the participants your tournament a while back are indeed skilled and know what they're doing, they're certainly welcomed to tag along, too. As previously mentioned, though, since you seem like you have experience, it would be great to have you aboard the test server with us. I think it would be a lot of fun. Who knows? Given a variety of options, maybe we might play some uncap at some point.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: deshi
Posts: 1
By Siren.Desutaru 2012-02-07 16:05:26  
Lakshmi.Vyii said: »
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: mithano
Posts: 541
By Valefor.Mithano 2012-02-07 16:24:42  
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
(I rock at uncap!)

Lakshmi.Vyii said: »
(I rock at 60 cap!)

Oh yes, it has been thrown ... ^^

I wanna watch!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-07 22:11:46  
For the past two weeks or so, I've been augmenting byrnies.

Resist sleep represent!
0/8293489255 and resist sleep is my best ;s
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-02-07 22:26:54  
At 75 cap it was 15 levels removed, at 99 it is 39.

When I was level 60~ I was into 60cap, and when I was hovering around 40 I was into that was well.
I passed those levels somewhere in 2006 and I never looked back.

You could have made 4-5 relics in the time you spent on byrnies and been unstoppable in all aspects.

But sadly or fortunatley at the end of the day it was 75 > 60, then 80 > 75, 85 > 85, 90 > 95, and now 99 is the end of the road.

The quantity of people, whether it be a thousand players or some crazy bad-*** with a Burtgang across the way, won't stop me. I want to fight Kenkonken I want to fight a BLU with Tizona, and I am waiting for Paladins with Ragnarok/Aegis to try a DD/Defensive set-up capitalizing in using /sch for Sleep after I hit low HP.

It is lonely at the top, but so be it, maybe someday some "experienced" players will climb up here, and hopefully this pisses somebody off enough to make a Mjolnir WHM and end me.

I don't have access to the test server anymore, I'll have to look into it.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-02-07 22:38:58  
Real PVP drks use Twilight Scythe and one shot everyone.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-07 22:40:12  
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
Paladins with Ragnarok/Aegis to try a DD/Defensive set-up capitalizing in using /sch for Sleep after I hit low HP.

PLD can equip shields with GSwords now? Sweet.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-02-07 22:47:48  
Bismarck.Sylow said: »
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
Paladins with Ragnarok/Aegis to try a DD/Defensive set-up capitalizing in using /sch for Sleep after I hit low HP.

PLD can equip shields with GSwords now? Sweet.

サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-08 02:41:47  
You could have made 4-5 relics in the time you spent on byrnies and been unstoppable in all aspects.

I'm quite certain that Vyii already realizes that he could have gotten multiple relics, as he has been augmenting for 60 cap ever since the system was first introduced. It was also already mentioned that we have different values.

For those who are puzzled as to why I would spend so much time and gil on a seemingly petty issue, we may all be playing 'FFXI', but within that, we diverge because it's clear that we have differing values.

People have different values, and that's just an intrinsic truth of life. To a 60 cap player, the perfect augment is practically equivalent to a relic. Others would definitely disagree, but this, again, goes back to everyone having different values.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: kivyin
Posts: 93
By Bismarck.Stfutaru 2012-02-08 17:34:36  
Looking for someone/people to play with atm on the test server! bored~ :(
Posts: 865
By Otomis 2012-02-08 17:38:47  
OMG ballista might be the hook that drew this fish back in to FFXI (*^.^*)
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: kivyin
Posts: 93
By Bismarck.Stfutaru 2012-02-08 18:01:49  
Having such a blast right now!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-08 19:01:21  
OMG ballista might be the hook that drew this fish back in to FFXI (*^.^*)

サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-09 03:06:19  
We interrupt your daily programming of ochain vs aegis and..... purple, to bring you the following announcement:

60cap Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba(Hako) - Mirror match teams setting~ for any and all information privy to hako, 60cap and shenanigans~

Date and Time
2/10/2012 (Friday) 9:30PM PST -> all night(12:30AM EST -> all night est, this is different than all night pst ok)
※The event will begin promptly at 9:30PM PST, so please gather and have your parties ready to go so we can move through the schedule on time.

Meeting Place
Undine (Test server)
Ru'Lude Gardens (I-8)

Also, the match times for 60 cap and uncap for this weekend are....
These are signup times, please keep in mind to sign up after 18:00 vana time - signup time is roughly 25 minutes~

- - - Saturday - - -
Jugner forest
60: 3:09:37PM PST
99: 8:55:13PM PST

Pashow marshlands
60: 5:04:49PM PST
99: 10:50:25PM PST

Meriphataud mountains
60: 7:00:01PM PST
99: 12:45:37AM PST(Sunday)

- - - Sunday - - -
Jugner forest
60: 7:57:33PM PST
99: n/a

Pashow marshlands
60: 9:52:49PM PST
99: n/a

Meriphataud mountains
60: 11:48:01PM PST
99: n/a

Hosting 1v1 bouts between matches is encouraged. iGladiator~

Be there or be square!
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: kivyin
Posts: 93
By Bismarck.Stfutaru 2012-02-09 16:22:01  
Lakshmi.Evviva said: »
We interrupt your daily programming of ochain vs aegis and..... purple, to bring you the following announcement:

60cap Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba(Hako) - Mirror match teams setting~ for any and all information privy to hako, 60cap and shenanigans~

Date and Time
2/10/2012 (Friday) 9:30PM PST -> all night(12:30AM EST -> all night est, this is different than all night pst ok)
※The event will begin promptly at 9:30PM PST, so please gather and have your parties ready to go so we can move through the schedule on time.

Meeting Place
Undine (Test server)
Ru'Lude Gardens (I-8)

Also, the match times for 60 cap and uncap for this weekend are....
These are signup times, please keep in mind to sign up after 18:00 vana time - signup time is roughly 25 minutes~

- - - Saturday - - -
Jugner forest
60: 3:09:37PM PST
99: 8:55:13PM PST

Pashow marshlands
60: 5:04:49PM PST
99: 10:50:25PM PST

Meriphataud mountains
60: 7:00:01PM PST
99: 12:45:37AM PST(Sunday)

- - - Sunday - - -
Jugner forest
60: 7:57:33PM PST
99: n/a

Pashow marshlands
60: 9:52:49PM PST
99: n/a

Meriphataud mountains
60: 11:48:01PM PST
99: n/a

Hosting 1v1 bouts between matches is encouraged. iGladiator~

Be there or be square!

Bump in case people missed it at 3:00AM EST lol.
Also, playing some small matches on the Test server right now! Come! :D
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-10 02:11:13  
3AM bump /

We have a plethora of 60 cap equipment to share, the copy gods have been good to us~
But there is only so much inventory space available to hold it all... so first come is first serve.

Of course, we can always copy more if the demand is high 8D
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-10 12:38:16  
Hmm... I should have copy/pasted this earlier.
Hopefully it helps a few people who are having trouble~

Understandably, some confusion may be drawn from the process you must go through to use the FFXI Test Server. This thread is meant to alleviate that confusion.

I. Applying for Tester Status
Before you can use the test server, you must first apply. The application may be found at the following page: Test Server Application Form

*Note: You may experience problems with the application process if you do not log out then log back in to your Square Enix account via the forums. I also recommend that you clear your cookies/cache.

The application process is fairly straight forward. Just choose which character you wish to apply with, (to select a character, click the "star" in the upper left corner of that character's bar), and away you go. You will not be able to change this character later, so be sure to use one that you really want. Please note, there are requirements for application:

-You must have at least one level 90 job.
-You must have every expansion and add-on scenario registered to your account.
-You must be using the new billing system.

II. Downloading and Installing the Test Server Client
Pending your successful application into the test server, you will be required to manually download and install a special, separate client to access it. The download links for the files you will need are here (I recommend using one of the Download Managers that Flionheart has linked to in the first post below this one to download these files):



1) Download the 4 zip files for your region
2) Extract the four files to a temporary folder of your choice, separately.
3) Run the setup.exe from the A11203W_001 or U11204W_001 zip
4) When the installation is complete, navigate to the installation folder for the Final Fantasy XI Test Client (C:\Program Files(x86)\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\Final Fantasy XI Test Client) and move the files contained inside of the ffxi folder generated by the other 3 zip files into the Test Client folder. Be sure that you're moving ALL of the files from EVERY folder labelled as "ffxi". Overwrite any files that you are prompted to overwrite.

III. Accessing the Test Server
Now that you've got your client installed, it's time to get down to the crux of it all. Open PlayOnline normally, (note that Windower will NOT work at this time), and log in. When you reach the FFXI splash screen, you'll notice a button labelled "Play on Test Server," click this button. When the game launches you'll find the character that you applied with on the character select screen.

IV. Once You're In
Now that you're in, you get to play around a bit before you start your testing. When you enter your mog house you'll notice two visitors to your abode that aren't normally around.

=TEST= Porter
This moogle functions just like a normal porter moogle.

=Test= Moogle GM
This is the fun one. Using this moogle you can augment your character in most of the ways that you've always wanted to.

-Change Parameters: This option will allow you to access several others, including editing your main job level (enter a number between 1 and 95 and it will set your job level accordingly), resetting your JA timers, obtaining merit points (this will automatically max out your merit points, allowing you to spend them in any way you wish), the ability to learn all spells and rolls as well as gain access to every puppetmaster attatchment, and the ability to unlock every job and support job.

-Teleport to key locations: This does exactly what it says it does. It will allow you to teleport to every major city/town as well as every outpost.

-Warp to home point: Warps you to your home point.

-Receive items: This one is slightly buggy in the English versions of the client. Each category offers you what they say they do, however, in order to access the list that you want, you'll have to click on the option above it. This is due to a known bug in the client. For instance, to access the "Weapons" list, you'll have to click on "Select an item category."

-Obtain 100,000,000 gil: Gives you 100,000,000gil.

There doesn't appear to be any limit to this moogle's functions per character, so go to town!

V. Changing Your Graphics Settings
Rather than playing FFXI for the Magnavox Odyssey, let's go ahead and fix your resolution and switch to windowed mode, along with other tweaks. More advanced users have already found the registry for the test client, but odds are they aren't using this guide to begin with, so I'll assume you aren't one of those people.

For you guys, we'll use the FFXI Config Tool. You can not use the same config tool that you normally use for FFXI to tamper with your Test Client settings. The Test Client adds a brand new Config tool for your perusal, located in your Test Client directory. (C:\Program Files(x86)\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\Final Fantasy XI Test Client\ToolsUS(or EU if you're from EU!)\FFXI Config)

The settings are the same as they are for the normal game, so go nuts. The only important ones are the background and overlay resolutions, as well as turning windowed mode on or off. The rest is personal preference, and there's already a fine guide for graphics on FFXIclopedia.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: kivyin
Posts: 93
By Bismarck.Stfutaru 2012-02-10 20:07:50  
Bump. For those going to Legion, why not Ballista right after?! /tell Evviva or Vyii for details!
Posts: 13
By Cassini 2012-02-10 20:13:36  
Cant! sadly im on ps2. But im moving to Lakshimi soon. i hate only doing JP's prime times ones. i want to do ballistas all the danm day!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-10 23:06:09  
Now that lollegion is done, the real event is about to happen~
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: kivyin
Posts: 93
By Bismarck.Stfutaru 2012-02-11 15:00:38  
60cap OM (Official matches) starting in about two hours! Hope to see you guys there!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-11 15:05:11  
60cap OM (Official matches) starting in about two hours! Hope to see you guys there!

Let's testing ballista yes!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-11 16:13:57  
Pending the turnout, Upbeat will stream the event~
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Xyooj
Posts: 33
By Ragnarok.Tarutaur 2012-02-11 16:57:47  
Haven't done an official match in a few years so go easy on me!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Lakshmi.Evviva 2012-02-11 17:02:16

And we're live~
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