[dev1063] Job Adjustments: Warrior

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[dev1063] Job Adjustments: Warrior
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Stephano
Posts: 1377
By Bismarck.Eburo 2011-12-21 11:53:30  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
They didn't *** up Ukko's. They're *** up now by downgrading 90% of anything that even looks like power creep instead of pushing limits the way 24 more levels should have.

I can agree with this a bit.

Example in WoW, DPS (Damage per second) progression for Warrior as I've seen it so far

Lv30 - 200 DPS?
Lv65 - 1500 DPS
Lv70-80 - ???
Lv85 - 25,000 DPS

Yeah yeah, different game, but this is just an example.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 11:53:52  
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2168
By Pandemonium.Anookulchandra 2011-12-21 11:56:33  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
They didn't *** up Ukko's. They're *** up now by downgrading 90% of anything that even looks like power creep instead of pushing limits the way 24 more levels should have.

With content the way it is now that's not gonna happen. In general they had no plan with anything they did, and game play suffered on every job. I think mnk is one of the most balanced jobs, that and ninja. I still think they didn't mean for ukon to be so destructive at 100% tp.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Stephano
Posts: 1377
By Bismarck.Eburo 2011-12-21 11:56:57  
Was just thinking also, Askar Korazin +5 is going to re-cap our Critical Hit Damage in Abyssea anyways. :x
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2011-12-21 11:58:38  
Well I guess I will say bye to my 9552 hits at times. Just sucks.WAR parring and evasion sucks. If your going to nerfs us. Give us something else.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-12-21 11:58:45  
Shiva.Keyera said: »
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think

That argument works great if you ignore all the conflicting evidence that suggests they don't even understand the game they're trying to balance. Is it a complicated affair? Yes, but there's no reason to believe they're more knowledgeable about it than us or even on the same level at times.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kaisuko
Posts: 996
By Asura.Kaisuko 2011-12-21 11:59:50  
I'm fine with Ukko's being slightly nerfed because it and Ukon will still be a great improvement above Raging Rush and the sort, but gimping Blood Rage is complete crap. It's not only gimping WAR's DoT/WSs, but any other melee in the party getting the AoE buff as well.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Shiva.Squally 2011-12-21 12:01:20  
Honestly, I think this is a pretty okay adjustment. I've played around with Ukko's for half a year...its fun, its amazing, it gives great chuckles but I think its important to have balance. Though anyone who thinks a SAM is going to touch a war just because of these adjustments is probably just hopeful. Played war main since 2004, have yet to see many SAMs outparse a war on anything that didnt require a skillchain.

Either way, I'm glad that my Bravura is almost done and I am kinda glad they're willing to fix things that are broken. This will not make war a job that collects dust in the background; war has far too much utility for that to happen.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 12:03:48  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
Shiva.Keyera said: »

That argument works great if you ignore all the conflicting evidence that suggests they don't even understand the game they're trying to balance. Is it a complicated affair? Yes, but there's no reason to believe they're more knowledgeable about it than us or even on the same level at times.

its only a different perspective, lets all wait for the true impact before qqing.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Aleaucent
Posts: 10
By Sylph.Aleaucent 2011-12-21 12:05:11  
Namas Arrow is too good for VW, squishy rng is not dying, better nerf it.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2011-12-21 12:05:24  
Shiva.Keyera said: »
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think

Adding destructible rocks wouldn't balance ffxi. Points if you get that!
Forum Moderator
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15555
By Asura.Vyre 2011-12-21 12:07:23  
Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
Asura.Vyre said: »
then Monk would probably out damage Warrior on weaponskill, more often than not.
A full 8hit-impetus VS already could, but those are so rare that War's avg would still be better.

That being said, monk was never overpowered with VS, what made monk over powered was its survivability over other jobs in Abyssea. Outside VS is strong, but nothing other jobs will find an-inbalance about.

All Im getting from all this are there are people out there complaining they will never do as much damage as a job thats suppose to put out high damage(war). That people want the new ws to be better than what they are or what we currently have. This not how you do it, you dont nerf something to make something better, you improve it.....

I can understand reducing Ukko's Crit rate on ws. Honestly I dont see it suffering -that- much. No reason to touch Bloodrage as its a buff for the entire party(what about those that dont have crit ws, then give it an attack boost in crit-dmg absense).

That being said, Ukko is still going to outdamage all the ws that it has continued to outdamage, it wasnt just the ws, it was the job that made Ukko...Ukko. VS is still going to be better than Shijin with impetus up.

SE has done nothing other than just make Shoha better.....than it was already. No shock there.
Nothing touches a full 6 hit Ukko's under Blood Rage, but those are even harder to come by than 8 hit smites. My point wasn't that Monk is overpowered by having VS, it's that if they left VS alone and nerfed only Ukko's, then Monk would be overpowered. I also agree with that it's more Warrior that makes Ukko's than it is Ukko's that makes Ukko's, but that should be fairly obvious. Any weaponskill that another job can do, that Warrior can also do, Warrior can always do better.

5200+ Savage Blades come to mind when I say that, and then other such similar things. I'm gonna miss Blood Rage, as are my friends when we go wild.

And yeah, it's not how they should of handled this, but it's Square Enix, and they always handle things the wrong way.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 12:08:00  
Asura.Chexmix said: »
Shiva.Keyera said: »
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think

Adding destructible rocks wouldn't balance ffxi. Points if you get that!

if there werent destructable rocks, IdrA might not have left a won game after MMA destroyed his own CC with tanks! points if you get THAT!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: solara
Posts: 536
By Asura.Solara 2011-12-21 12:08:31  
Pandemonium.Anookulchandra said: »
I'm sure relic wars aren't giving a rat's ***.

Considering this is the 3rd War nerf this month (Restraint damage was halved and half of the Blood Rage effect was removed), I'm pretty sure they are.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Stephano
Posts: 1377
By Bismarck.Eburo 2011-12-21 12:09:19  
What kind of Triple Attack gear can WAR wear?

Besides Nocturnus Mail, good luck with that...
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2011-12-21 12:10:03  
Shiva.Keyera said: »
Asura.Chexmix said: »
Shiva.Keyera said: »
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think

Adding destructible rocks wouldn't balance ffxi. Points if you get that!

if there werent destructable rocks, IdrA might not have left a won game after MMA destroyed his own CC with tanks! points if you get THAT!


サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2011-12-21 12:11:26  
@ Eburo

windbuffet belt and oneiros ring
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: danthebk
Posts: 198
By Bahamut.Danthebk 2011-12-21 12:13:47  
Pandemonium.Anookulchandra said: »
Well they *** up ukko's in the first place and are now fixing it. See you are mixing up progression with transgression. (The exceeding of due bounds or limits.) See progression would be giving me jubaku:ni or monomi:ni. Also giving me what they said they would on rdm, which they haven't. Still have yet to see them be the masters of enhancing other than base skill lvl. Instead they give them temper which isn't to be used on other players, and /sch can't even *** aoe it. Let's talk real progression, not selfish bs about war getting ukon nerfed. I'm sure relic wars aren't giving a rat's ***.

You seem to be unable to see where the upper limit actually lies, probably because you're busy playing RDM whose upper limit is still at the 75 cap.

You're right though, WE should have gotten Monomi: Ni and Jubaku: Ni. We also shouldn't have an attack and ftp penalty on the new weaponskill because the level 96 weaponskill should be significantly better than the level 60 weaponskill. But nerfing one of four good weaponskills isn't going to make your ninja or rdm any more viable in the least.

RDM is completely irrelevant in this entire discussion so stop bringing it up. They do need to fix RDM, I already agreed with you. But you're too busy trying to make every job suck rather than pushing to improve the jobs that need help.

Of course relic war's aren't giving a rat's ***, Metatron torment was never a good weaponskill and they were better off just using RR anyway. But, you know what they could do? Make Metatron torment not suck worse than RR, and now Bravura isn't a complete waste.

Ukko's was fine, the other DD's need buffing. And shut up about RDM unless it's about RDM DD because it's completely irrelevant in this context.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 44
By Fenrir.Solanis 2011-12-21 12:14:57  
you have got to be *** kidding me with this nerf.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-12-21 12:16:19  
Bahamut.Danthebk said: »
And shut up about RDM unless it's about RDM DD.
Oh thank god. I was afraid no one would have mentioned that.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 12:18:38  
Asura.Chexmix said: »
Shiva.Keyera said: »
Asura.Chexmix said: »
Shiva.Keyera said: »
game balance takes a lot more into account that many people give the developers credit for...

they dont just pull nerfs/buffs out of a hat and decide to watch every war out there *** and moan about a nerf.

taking another example, starcraft(2), the developers pour endless hours and calculations into the statistics of the races and metagame phases in order to make the game as balanced as possible. while it does not directly coorelate to ffxi, it does prove a strong example of how difficult game balance is and how developers do spend time on the approach to balance.

i'll admit that the recent months have been filled with some envy over ukon wars. but i dont think the reaction to the nerf should be this volatile as it was (admittedly) long time incoming, and there was no specification on the exact magnitude of the nerf to my understanding.

game development is harder than it looks, nerf isnt has bad as you think

Adding destructible rocks wouldn't balance ffxi. Points if you get that!

if there werent destructable rocks, IdrA might not have left a won game after MMA destroyed his own CC with tanks! points if you get THAT!


best game ever! lol. ukko's wars should learn a thing or two from terran, OP without nerfs and the game is still balanced ;P
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 44
By Fenrir.Solanis 2011-12-21 12:21:21  
best game ever? can you really call it the best game ever when it was just the great white hope getting mindfucked by a mid-tier korean? lawd have mercy
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 12:24:38  
Fenrir.Solanis said: »
best game ever? can you really call it the best game ever when it was just the great white hope getting mindfucked by a mid-tier korean? lawd have mercy

MMA isnt mid-tier. watch GSL at all? only terran to beat MVP in a TvT and pretty much made DonRaeGu look silly in the blizzard cup finals. on top of that, he was the only terran player to beat Nestea consistently...MLG columbus WAS korean dominated. best game ever by comedy standards, not real standards. if i had to put my finger on one, the best game ever was probably game 1 on tal'darim of Leenock vs Jjakji in the GSL final. but seriously ukko's wars, take notes.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 44
By Fenrir.Solanis 2011-12-21 12:28:12  
you are seriously mistaken if you think the complexity of ffxi is on par with sc2 lol

let's not get it twisted, sc2 is a war game, ffxi is "collect the best gear, autoattack and ws at 100% tp" tbh

I love me some ffxi but plz
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2011-12-21 12:28:20  
Shiva.Keyera said: »
Fenrir.Solanis said: »
best game ever? can you really call it the best game ever when it was just the great white hope getting mindfucked by a mid-tier korean? lawd have mercy

MMA isnt mid-tier. watch GSL at all? only terran to beat MVP in a TvT and pretty much made DonRaeGu look silly in the blizzard cup finals. on top of that, he was the only terran player to beat Nestea consistently...MLG columbus WAS korean dominated. best game ever by comedy standards, not real standards. if i had to put my finger on one, the best game ever was probably game 1 on tal'darim of Leenock vs Jjakji in the GSL final. but seriously ukko's wars, take notes.

So you are saying give WARs mules? k

Blizz cup finals were still sick, I was sad DRG lost but the fact he took it to game 7 was sweet <3

Fenrir.Solanis said: »
you are seriously mistaken if you think the complexity of ffxi is on par with sc2 lol

let's not get it twisted, sc2 is a war game, ffxi is "collect the best gear, autoattack and ws at 100% tp" tbh

I love me some ffxi but plz

They were just using it as an example that balance is harder then people think~
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2168
By Pandemonium.Anookulchandra 2011-12-21 12:35:00  
Bismarck.Eburo said: »
What kind of Triple Attack gear can WAR wear?

Besides Nocturnus Mail, good luck with that...

Valkryies body says hi lol both body slots though
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 44
By Fenrir.Solanis 2011-12-21 12:35:54  
Asura.Chexmix said: »
They were just using it as an example that balance is harder then people think~

but it's their job to maintain balance without pissing everyone off D:
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2011-12-21 12:43:18  
Fenrir.Solanis said: »
Asura.Chexmix said: »
They were just using it as an example that balance is harder then people think~

but it's their job to maintain balance without pissing everyone off D:

maintaining balance is their job, pissing everyone off is their hobby =D
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Yummee
By Fenrir.Kelyn 2011-12-21 12:48:49  
Leviathan.Catnipthief said: »
picture is relevant

Tonaka is the Christmas Anti-Clause, He brings misery, gloom, and depair to Vana'diel, by taking away as much fun and joy as he can. Nerf all the things!

He is the Gwinch who stole weaponskills.

He is also laughing at you with a maniacal "Ho-Ho-Ho, Ha-Ha-Ha".

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2011-12-21 13:04:22  
Asura.Vyre said: »
Nothing touches a full 6 hit Ukko's under Blood Rage, but those are even harder to come by than 8 hit smites.
9.25ftp 100% crit + 100 crit damage + 3% ws damage vs 7.00ftp 100% crit + 94% crit damage + 2% ws damage. Restraint would have to over come a 32% ftp advantage from VS. All in all they are very close, but saying nothing touches a full Ukko is pretty misguided. Maybe outside of Abyssea that statement is more true, but theres always Mythic drg...and now shoha.

Im pretty sure its the otherway around. And a full 8 smite fully charged impetus is harder to come by. Ive come by a full charged impetus but never a full impetus and 8 hit.

Its easier to see better avg from Ukko, because of the job's natural JA buffs/traits and that its BR is static in increase. Impetus relies on not missing and consecutive hits/counters being landed.
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