The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms For A New Age

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The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-02-21 08:55:36  
Desultor Tassets with Waltz TP Cost -5 are an option. Aristo belt is a lot of CHR, but it's only worth about 13 HP on high Tier Waltzes. If you already carry them, might as well swap Athos's Gloves in too.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Yuriki
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2013-02-21 09:01:31  
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Desultor Tassets with Waltz TP Cost -5 are an option. Aristo belt is a lot of CHR, but it's only worth about 13 HP on high Tier Waltzes. If you already carry them, might as well swap Athos's Gloves in too.
Ah, I forgot to mention that I finally got off my *** and started working on Shantotto's add-on. Those look pretty awesome. Thanks for the suggestions, Byrth.

Oh, since you're around, how are your drop rates in Salvage with the only TH coming from DNC/THF? I've been THF in Salvage but, and you may feel this way as well, I can't stand THF. I'd much rather DNC/THF, but only if the drop rate on plans doesn't suffer all that much.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-02-21 09:05:00  
I go DNC/NIN and WHM/THF now (no Tarutaru Sash), but my drop rates are fine. I probably average 8 Plans per Arrapago II (6 forced, Acrolith and Qutrub love to double-drop). I have only gotten three Linens off NQ bosses ever, but the drop rate on those sucks.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Yuriki
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2013-02-21 09:14:09  
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I go DNC/NIN and WHM/THF now (no Tarutaru Sash), but my drop rates are fine. I probably average 8 Plans per Arrapago II (6 forced, Acrolith and Qutrub love to double-drop). I have only gotten three Linens off NQ bosses ever, but the drop rate on those sucks.

I think that seals the deal then. Thanks.

Thanks for helping me "plan" my Salvage strategy, heh.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Kari
Posts: 89
By Shiva.Karichan 2013-02-22 06:07:25  
Couple questions~

On page 83 this set was mentioned for capped magic haste:

Is this not the same deal with Twash 90 / STR Thokacha?
DPS Spreadsheet is giving me slightly better numbers with Rancor Collar + Atheling instead of Nefarious Collar + Rancorous Mantle.

...but it wouldn't be the first time I messed up somewhere with the spreadsheet.

And any idea what would be the best set with the body slot locked? In Arrapago II if I don't get body from the first lamp, I end up without one for a long time and I'm not sure if either of my TP sets are optimal. [I'm gonna play around with what gear I do have and see if I can figure anything out.]
I pretty much have moooooost of the currently relevant gear for DNC, except new Salvage gear that I'm currently working on quickly. Doing Salvage with DNC, WHM mule, BRD buddy/sometimes-tri-boxed.

And one last thing, for DNC in general, when is Rudras worth using?
Personally I've been only using it when I can make a 2x crit darkness with it, and just spamming Extent otherwise. Is aftermath ever worth keeping up over just spamming Exent for damage?

Sorry for the wall of text, any advice is welcome.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-02-22 06:44:27  
Using AM3 with Terpsichore devalues Double Attack, which is why Twash/Thokcha and Terpsi/Twash sets are a little different. If AM3 applied to the offhand too, they'd be very different.

I honestly haven't bothered figuring out what the best set is for Arrapago II. I basically just use my non-delay capped set without the AF3+2 body. There aren't any specific tradeoffs I can think of that would really change it.

Rudra's is worth using for darkness, double darkness and not a whole lot else. If you're fighting things constantly, it might actually be worth the damage sacrifice to just use Rudra's all the time and maintain AM, but that's not realistic in many situations.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Kari
Posts: 89
By Shiva.Karichan 2013-02-22 06:56:59  
I guess the only time I'd be using Rudras in Salvage then [outside of Darkness] would be for rooms with tons of gears for AM.

I really need to hurry up and finish Terpsichore so I can just leech gear sets off you and Sylow! =P

I ended up doing more stuff with the spreadsheet, and for bodyless Salvage it looooooks like I can use the same marches set I'd use with my body, but replace Thaumas Nails with Charis Toeshoes +2. Maybe not the best solution, but the increase in DPS is huge and I'm too lazy to search other options.

Only reason I'm really asking is that I'd like to speed up my Arrapago II runs. Only attempted it once previously with DNC + WHM + BRD, and didn't have enough time to full clear. If changing my gear to be more efficient can't bring a full clear, I might just have to ignore farming alex while I get gear/plans.
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Raelia
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2013-03-01 14:10:14  
This is not a serious build.

0.2772 delay with haste spell. Whee!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mirvana
Posts: 1009
By Sylph.Mirvana 2013-03-01 18:01:06  
Needs more Puginiculus (sp), 150 delay

EDIT: Got bored, I think this as fast a subless DNC can go w/o outside buffs (Oynos Haste assumed, as well as being in assault for ring)

DualWield +58%, Haste+50%
~73.71 - The -80% cap is 70.2
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Raelia
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2013-03-02 17:52:58  
Ah, only in Assault. Was wondering how you capped haste.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mirvana
Posts: 1009
By Sylph.Mirvana 2013-03-03 04:54:47  
If for sake of "TehLulz" we're looking at "Most # of attacks in X-time frame", same set w/ double 2-4x dagger probably gets you the most swings in. 99.17 delay but 2-4xprocs effectively make that 55.09 (Avg rate of 1.8x attacks) or 24.79 with a pipedream string of 4x procs on each.

Bonus Edit: Totally forgot about Sleight Kukri

Dualwield +53%, Haste +50%
70.5 Delay, -80% cap 60
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-03 16:58:23  
YouTube Video Placeholder
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radiuz
Posts: 1273
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2013-03-03 17:24:31  
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »

Awesome job killing him :) , and makes me want to have that mythic dagger myself :p
by the way, I'm curious on what you use to record your gameplay?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mirvana
Posts: 1009
By Sylph.Mirvana 2013-03-03 17:36:18  
Anyone else hear "Careless Whisper" in their heads that whole video?
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-03 18:54:27  
I use a beta version of the Windower hook that allows Windower to record video. This function has been carried through to Windower 4.0, which will likely go into open beta next week. There have been numerous other improvements, which will likely be posted about in a few days. Honestly it's a pretty substantial leap forwards, and should be (almost?) completely backwards compatible.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2013-03-03 19:21:06  
Wait what, windower 4 is really coming soon? :o

Great vid btw, making DNC look awesome!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-03 20:05:43  
Yeah, it is. It's in closed beta now. Unless some kind of large problem is found, it's supposed to go open in the next week.

Thanks! The song does kind of match, though with that much Haste I would perhaps choose something with a faster tempo. Also, considering I'm triboxing the fight, perhaps this is appropriate:
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mirvana
Posts: 1009
By Sylph.Mirvana 2013-03-04 06:23:56  
Yeah but it's Cerberus SEETHER *nudgenudgewinkwinksaynomore*
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-04 06:29:05  
Aaaaah, that's what you were going for. The original version of Careless Whisper was by George Michael / Wham and the Seether version was a cover, which is why I didn't pull that out initially.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-13 09:11:09  
Windower 4.0 is really coming along rapidly, and I have an alpha version of a Daze tracking addon out. It always annoyed me that I couldn't just see the Daze level of the monster, but now I can!

It'll basically make a text box that displays the current daze level on the current monster ID that you're fighting. It does not reset when the monster dies, so if you kill the same monster twice then it will act like the monster still has the daze from the previous kill when you engage. It does reset when you zone, so it would be fine for something like Salvage which is where I intend to demo it tonight.

In the future I plan to:
1) Make it so the counter resets when the monster dies.
2) Add settings options for font color/type/size/whatever
3) Switch from using font to using icons (one for each type/level of daze) that will be placed next to the monster's name (or wherever). - I could use some help making these images as I have 0 art skilz.
4) Potentially add Samba Daze support.

So I'd be looking for someone to make 20~23 icons, which would actually just require 4~7 base icons and the numbers 1-5 superimposed on the Step Dazes.

Windower v4 is stable enough that I have no hesitation taking it in to Salvage anymore and hasn't crashed on me recently.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-14 13:53:33  
Took this in to Salvage with me and it's an accurate measure of Daze level. Nitroustaru may be incorporating this into his bTimers after Ihm expands the custom Timer commands a little. That way we could have a timer counting down for the monster's daze while we're fighting.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Yuriki
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2013-03-14 23:13:39  
So... Thaumas gear. Any use in a "normal" situation i.e. low man, solo, not fully buffed, etc...?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-14 23:40:07  
Legs are 2nd to Skadi+1 for TP, Legs/Feet/Hat used for Exenterator (+Hands depending on the number of downgrades you've made from optimal).

The only piece there is absolutely no use for in low-buff scenarios is body.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6191
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2013-03-16 09:24:03  
The maximum value for damage dealt from the attack defense ratio will be adjusted so they are identical for both single-handed weapons and two-handed weapons.

サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Bien
Posts: 12
By Carbuncle.Bien 2013-03-17 03:28:56  
Jesus, update the front page. Please.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-22 22:00:39  
Tosssing this here since it's something I'm working on, but don't feel like working on any more at the moment because I want to do Salvage!

Delay Reuction

Dancers have two main sources of delay reduction, haste and dual wield. Our total delay reduction (R) is calculated via the following formula:

Delay Reduction Formula said:

Where C is the sum of all c from sources of dual wield, G is the sum of all g from gear in, H is the sum of all h from sources of magic haste, and J is the sum of all j from sources of Job Ability Haste (see tables below).

Important Notes! said:
G has a maximum value of 256 (25%)
H has maximum value of 446 (43.75%)
J has a maximum value of 256 (25%)

Since R has a minimum value, 0.2 (80% delay reduction), we are often most interested in "how much G do we need minimize R when we have high levels of H."

For example, if we have Haste Samba, WHM Haste, 2 Marches with March+3 (typical bard mule), and wear no additional dual wield equipment:

H = 150 (haste) + 64 (advancing) + 48 (march+3) + 96 (victory) + 48 (march+3) = 406
J = 101 (samba)
C = 0.3 (Dual Wield IV)

Since we want to minimize R we set it to 0.2 and solve for G.

We can solve this to determine that in this case G ≥ 224.429, which translates to about 23% haste as displayed on equipment.

It's often best to minimize C first because when we have lots of haste elsewhere, we can cap delay without any additional dual wield, and our sources of delay reduction outside of dual wield do not reduce our TP/hit. But this is not always the case. For example, with March+3, haste, and samba as above, it's actually better to use a Suppanomimi instead of the Ghillie+1 used in the capped magic haste set instead of adding wasteful haste to the belt slot.

Here's a Wolfram Alpha formula in which you can change the values of C, H, and J to solve for G needed to cap delay reduction.

Reduction Parameters for Commonly Used Spells, Abilities, and Equipment

Dual Wield Parameters

DNC 20 - DWI0.1
DNC 40 - DWII0.15
DNC 60 - DWIII0.25
DNC 80 - DWIV0.3
Charis Necklace0.03
Charis Casaque +20.1
Patentia Sash0.05

Magic Haste Parameters

Haste (WHM)150
Hastega (SMN)153
Advancing March64
Victory March96
March +1 (per song)16
March +2 (per song)32
March +3 (per song)48
March +4 (per song)64
March +5 (per song)80
Neo-Embrava (500 skill)256?

Job Ability Parameters

Job Abilityj
Haste Samba101

Equipment Haste Parameters

Charis Tiara +261
Charis Toe Shoes +240
Etoile Tights +240
Thaumas Kecks60
Thaumas Coat40
Skadi's Visor +171
Skadi's Chausses +161
Skadi's Bazubands +140
Ocelomeh Headpiece +171
Athos's Tights40
Khepri Bonnet (A)61
Khepri Kecks (A)61
Twilight Belt71

サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-23 02:39:10  
This is my test/storage post, feel free to correct anything you see that I post here that's wrong
LevelFlourishes IEffect Finishing MovesRecast
20Animated FlourishProvokes target.1-20:30
30Desperate FlourishWeighs target down with a low rate of success.10:20
45Violent FlourishStuns target with a low rate of success.10:20

LevelFlourishes IIEffect Finishing MovesRecast
40Reverse FlourishConverts finishing moves into TP.1-50:30
50Building FlourishEnhances the next weapon skill.1-30:10
45Wild FlourishReadies target for a skillchain.20:20

LevelSambasTP CostDurationEffect
5Drain Samba102:00Party members recover HP on melee strikes.
25Aspir Samba102:00Party members drain MP on melee strikes.
35Drain Samba II251:30Party members recover HP on melee strikes.
45Haste Samba351:30Increases attack speed of party members.
60Aspir Samba II251:30Party members drain MP on melee strikes.
65Drain Samba III401:30Party members recover HP on melee strikes.

LevelTP CostWaltzesEffect RecastScaling FactorBaseEst. Recovery*
1520Curing WaltzRestores target's HP.0:060.2560123 HP
2540Divine WaltzRestores HP for party members in area of effect.0:130.2560123 HP
3035Curing Waltz IIRestores target's HP.0:080.5130258 HP
3520Healing WaltzRemoves one detrimental effect from target party member.0:15
4550Curing Waltz IIIRestores target's HP.0:100.75270473 HP
7065Curing Waltz IVRestores target's HP.0:171.00450736 HP
7880Divine WaltzRestores HP for party members in area of effect.0:200.5280431 HP
8080Curing Waltz VRestores target's HP.0:231.25600963 HP

*Estimated recovery calculated with caster CHR + target VIT = 190 and Waltz Potency +15%
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-23 05:20:42  
OOOOK sleeping, but check out how the new page-front is coming along!
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-03-24 12:37:16  
DNC101 complete up to Flourishes III!
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