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New test server info
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zellc
Posts: 643
By Bahamut.Zellc 2011-10-08 06:46:14  
Ramuh.Austar said: »
I don't see why giving BLM poisons is bad.

i see what you did there lol
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-10-08 07:11:50  
Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu said: »
Cerberus.Vaness said: »
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Because by giving the sub these spells, they pretty much killed the last special thing about sch's.Wich reduces his usefullness in the only event ppl would actually use sch to 2 abilitys.......

I swear PPL obsession with being able to low man ***is killing jobs slowly by slowly.Making everything else except Ninja,war,blm and whm total crap -_-
agreed, SE was like, oh we hear you, you are no longer a special cupcake anymore so we are gonna give you some 2 hr nukes and give you regen 4 which you should have already had but we are to special to admit we forgot to give them to sch 16 levels ago, OH and btw since you bitched about it, we gave one of the last bit of sch uniqueness to every other job in the game, ENJOY!

no seriously though im quite sure blm would be pissed if sch got AM, so sch have a right to *** about getting that boot in the ***. Im also concerned about the damage change on helix themselves, i cant really base it off mischief's post since i didnt know what his helix did before the change.

Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
maybe tier2 helixes will come on cap 99? helix as /sub is gimp anyways no hailstorm, no ebullience , so it's no big deal rly
there is almost no reason to only rely on cryohelix, they all have the same values, just hailstorm gives you some int if you have stormsurge, which is like 3 more dmg on your helix. Start using helices in proportion to what your target is weak to, not what your current strongest nuke is.

what you should have said was: No merits, No ebullience = it's still better than nothing (A dot is a dot)
your saying it like /sub gets all weathers, which is not, they can only use sand/wind/aqua storms, totally crappy helixes (excluding wind) , it's very rare to find mobs that are weak to those elements , again it's not big deal, people are overreacting to these helix spells obtained now as /sch, but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes, even if blms wont get the dmg boost from af3+2 boots, i do expect tier2 helix on cap 99, they usually do that when lowering low stuff to be available as sub.

voidwatch it's not the only event on this game, most schs(at least on my server) gets invited for nuking dmg, not cure, only the bad equiped sch that only wear/plays as healer gear gives a bad reputation to the job, because there is people that don't know how versatile is sch, saying that is useless now is ignorant.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-10-08 10:13:51  
Phoenix.Cathaldus said: »
Cerberus.Ciecle said: »
is regen's enhancement in light arts carried over to sub?

edit: herp derp... i could test this myself... I'll just let someone else answer the question so i dont have to go figure it out(being lazy! >.>)

They already said the Light/Dark Arts buffs would be SCH main only.

OK so wait im confused. LA and DA is for sure going to be main only?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DanielH
By Phoenix.Cathaldus 2011-10-08 10:24:47  
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
Phoenix.Cathaldus said: »
Cerberus.Ciecle said: »
is regen's enhancement in light arts carried over to sub?

edit: herp derp... i could test this myself... I'll just let someone else answer the question so i dont have to go figure it out(being lazy! >.>)

They already said the Light/Dark Arts buffs would be SCH main only.

OK so wait im confused. LA and DA is for sure going to be main only?

No! They're buffing LA and DA for SCH main only. Everything that LA and DA are now will stay Sub Job. As an example the Regen Buff/Helix buff is SCH main only.

Also I found someone to check, Regen IV is now accessionable.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1060
By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-10-08 13:34:54  
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
your saying it like /sub gets all weathers, which is not, they can only use sand/wind/aqua storms, totally crappy helixes (excluding wind) , it's very rare to find mobs that are weak to those elements , again it's not big deal, people are overreacting to these helix spells obtained now as /sch, but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes, even if blms wont get the dmg boost from af3+2 boots, i do expect tier2 helix on cap 99, they usually do that when lowering low stuff to be available as sub.
how are you like picking certain helices and calling them better than the other ones, this is exactly what i was trying to explain to you.....
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2011-10-08 14:11:28  
Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu said: »
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
your saying it like /sub gets all weathers, which is not, they can only use sand/wind/aqua storms, totally crappy helixes (excluding wind) , it's very rare to find mobs that are weak to those elements , again it's not big deal, people are overreacting to these helix spells obtained now as /sch, but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes, even if blms wont get the dmg boost from af3+2 boots, i do expect tier2 helix on cap 99, they usually do that when lowering low stuff to be available as sub.
how are you like picking certain helices and calling them better than the other ones, this is exactly what i was trying to explain to you.....

He's doing it because Atma. Beyond/Ultimate/MM make Cryohelix "the best." But yeah... The helixes are the same basicly. Hailstorm gives 7 INT sure but that's only three MAB/MAcc. And you're not going to cast Cryohelix on an Ice based/resistant monster.

Giving people that sub sch all of the helixes is crap. -.-
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2011-10-08 14:14:15  
wtf I hit submit once not three times >.>
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-10-08 14:35:13  
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Proc system ruined the game true story x:

I'd say specifically as it relates to drops. If it was nothing but a tactical advantage for temporarily debuffing a target, it'd be just fine.

Kinda glad I'm not playing anymore though. I always had intention of coming back, but it seems once a week there's a new nail in the coffin.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2011-10-08 15:50:15  
Cerberus.Vaness said: »
Because by giving the sub these spells, they pretty much killed the last special thing about sch's.Wich reduces his usefullness in the only event ppl would actually use sch to 2 abilitys.......

I swear PPL obsession with being able to low man ***is killing jobs slowly by slowly.Making everything else except Ninja,war,blm and whm total crap -_-
Is the ability to proc weaknesses really something "special" about a job? Last I checked, people weren't jumping on any band wagons for the ability to stand around for hours on end waiting for their "usefulness" to come up. I swear... as if hearing everyone complain about procs wasn't bad enough, now I have to listen to people complain about being robbed of them. "I don't know what I want but it's not this" -> play something else.

Furthermore, no one is "obsessing" over low-manning everything. Saying such things just demonstrates your utter lack of understanding the system. SE's marketing model for FFXI, titled "We really, really hate our userbase and their money", works something like this:
1) Create a game that has an extremely steep learning curve, where accomplishments can only be obtained after considerable time investment and frustration
2) According to 1, turn off everyone from your product except the most hardcore fans, the unemployed, and children still supported by their parents
3) According to 2, realize your userbase is in a downward spiral and adjust your content such that everything is much, much easier, less time consuming, and requires far less people
4) According to 3, turn off your hardcore fan demographic because of "lolEasy mode" and fail to spark interest in any new demographic because of "lol9 year old game" and a now saturated MMO market
5) ???
6) NO profit!

We're somewhere in a transitory phase between 3 and 4 right now, where people like you are getting sick of the game except you think SE is "hating" on your job instead of desperately trying to make the game more accessible to the few people who are still paying to play it.

So no, no one is obsessing over low-manning. As the population dwindles, things have to become increasingly accessible to low-man groups lest no one be able to do anything at all.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1097
By Fenrir.Gradd 2011-10-08 15:53:43  
Odin.Zicdeh said: »
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Proc system ruined the game true story x:

I'd say specifically as it relates to drops. If it was nothing but a tactical advantage for temporarily debuffing a target, it'd be just fine.

Kinda glad I'm not playing anymore though. I always had intention of coming back, but it seems once a week there's a new nail in the coffin.

I'm taking time off myself, there is nothing keeping my interest in the game at the moment, I would mainly just log in to talk to friends, this update was fairly underwhelming.

Really debating on staying gone till next update.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-08 15:55:23  
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Odin.Zicdeh said: »
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Proc system ruined the game true story x:

I'd say specifically as it relates to drops. If it was nothing but a tactical advantage for temporarily debuffing a target, it'd be just fine.

Kinda glad I'm not playing anymore though. I always had intention of coming back, but it seems once a week there's a new nail in the coffin.

I'm taking time off myself, there is nothing keeping my interest in the game at the moment, I would mainly just log in to talk to friends, this update was fairly underwhelming.

Really debating on staying gone till next update.
Don't leave =(
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2011-10-08 15:55:41  
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Odin.Zicdeh said: »
Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Proc system ruined the game true story x:

I'd say specifically as it relates to drops. If it was nothing but a tactical advantage for temporarily debuffing a target, it'd be just fine.

Kinda glad I'm not playing anymore though. I always had intention of coming back, but it seems once a week there's a new nail in the coffin.

I'm taking time off myself, there is nothing keeping my interest in the game at the moment, I would mainly just log in to talk to friends, this update was fairly underwhelming.

Really debating on staying gone till next update.

Ragnarooooook! D:<
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Xenophire
Posts: 2106
By Asura.Xenophire 2011-10-08 16:03:46  
Phoenix.Cathaldus said: »
Also I found someone to check, Regen IV is now accessionable.
Yay, this makes my WHM happy.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-08 16:04:53  
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes
I QQ'd for Everything that actually destroyed the things that made jobs special.

Hell I was mad when I learn /sch would get accession AND WEATHERS (it's a *** sch-specific-spell wtf SE)

/dnc give haste samba and reverse flourish....

/rdm would get Convert/Refresh didnt mind so much about haste because it wasn't something unique to rdm.Hell they even gave addle to whm it's like wtf <.<

You have warp 2 as /blm......

You can do BRD procc as /Brd..... That made me sadpanda but oh well =/

I just wish Job specific spells would stay job specific spells and not being accessible as sub like ninja and Yonin/Inin.That made those jobs Unique, now whm are also rdms (enfeebling/haste/refresh) and blm are also schs with helixes and weathers.

Helixes was the only special spells sch had, with BLM having access to them, they are just tards that can Cure 4 and nukes, nothing special anymore.

It's like all the jobs are mix and match of other jobs, no1 is special anymore.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2011-10-08 16:08:12  
Cerberus.Vaness said: »
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes
I QQ'd for Everything that actually destroyed the things that made jobs special.

Hell I was mad when I learn /sch would get accession AND WEATHERS (it's a *** sch-specific-spell wtf SE)

/dnc give haste samba and reverse flourish....

/rdm would get Convert/Refresh didnt mind so much about haste because it wasn't something unique to rdm.Hell they even gave addle to whm it's like wtf <.<

You have warp 2 as /blm......

You can do BRD procc as /Brd..... That made me sadpanda but oh well =/

I just wish Job specific spells would stay job specific spells and not being accessible as sub like ninja and Yonin/Inin.That made those jobs Unique, now whm are also rdms (enfeebling/haste/refresh) and blm are also schs with helixes and weathers.

Helixes was the only special spells sch had, with BLM having access to them, they are just tards that can Cure 4 and nukes, nothing special anymore.

It's like all the jobs are mix and match of other jobs, no1 is special anymore.

WAR NIN MNK WHM BLM THF are just a bit more special!

Edit: Still waiting on SE to announce they'll lower the level requirement for Thunderstorm, Voidstorm and Aurorastorm.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2011-10-08 16:12:42  
What about Warp 1? What job can use that besides BLM? Perhaps songs should be outright stripped from /BRD because BRD is the only job that can sing? /DNC probably shouldn't be able to use TP at all, and we really need to take ninjutsu away from /NIN.

Nevermind the fact that SCH is inherently a last ditch effort of a job that SE threw together from spells and abilities that should have just been added to existing jobs. Players wanted more jobs! They can complain about it later when, duh, the jobs come up surprisingly lacking uniqueness or anything remotely "special".
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2011-10-08 16:14:27  
SCH didn't lack uniqueness. SE took it away though.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-08 16:24:44  
Honestly what I think SE would need to do to balance mage's jobs.
would be to:

WHM: Make it the best healers (it kinda is already)
Give them powerfull regens and cures.

RDM: Make it a powerfull enfeebler, like any other job would ever be.

SCH: Make it a powerfull DoT jobs, with a mix and match of healing/nuking but lessen then blm and whm.

BLM: Make it the best Nuker, like no other job would ever be.

That would make each of them special.

I cannot speak for melee jobs because I am not a melee person, sorry.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-08 16:34:34  
Ragnarok.Kongming said: »
What about Warp 1? What job can use that besides BLM? Perhaps songs should be outright stripped from /BRD because BRD is the only job that can sing? /DNC probably shouldn't be able to use TP at all, and we really need to take ninjutsu away from /NIN.

Warp 1: Not like back in 75 we would /blm for the warp purpose.I don't necessairly have anything aggaisnt warp 2 being usuable it's just a bit wtf @_@

Songs:Just wanted to point out how brd got a bit destroyed in abyssea proc wise.Like a "merging jobs".Bard will always be better for songs no matter what.

Ninjutsu: SE did right by not giving 4 shadows to subs (at least they got something right?)Don't have anything aggainst ninjutsu uses as Ninja sub because that deffinitly didn't killed ninja usefullness/sexyness.

/DNC: I'm just not sure what to think honestly.The fact haste samba got accessible to /dnc made me sad but no where near mad.They still have a tons of special abilitys left.
Posts: 670
By Inuyasha 2011-10-08 16:44:31  
Bahamut.Mischief said: »
Test server went up today, went on it to test out the changes. Bad news first: Notice what job I'm on. Yeah, 95 BLM/SCH gets all 8 helices. Also notice the MP cost, without Dark Arts up even. Now for the actual changes: 1. Regen: SCH does get Regen IV, idk what level. With Light Arts but no Tabula Rasa, Regen IV healed 46 HP/tick without Savant's Bonnet +2 and 50 HP/tick with. Lasted 2 min 30 seconds without Perpetuance. With Tabula Rasa, it healed 54 HP/tick without the Bonnet, and 58 HP/tick with. And yes, it stacks with Embrava, 110 HP/tick go go! 2. Helices: Amun was my test subject for this. Using Cryohelix, but it was Firesday so...yeah. Without Tabula, it did 677 and wore off when Amun was at 60%. With Tabula, it did 709 and wore off when Amun was at 47%. Seems like the change to the damage was minor if any difference, just the duration has been boosted. 3. Klimaform's duration is 3 minutes now. Modus Veritas' recast is also 3 minutes, but the accuracy didn't seem to change.
it would seem they are lowering the levels of helices then....seeing as how at 99/49sch you wouldnt have access to even geohelix which is 61...wonder what the new levels are if they did...

edit: unless they did like Banish IV and dont plan to implement it and is just a fun thing for test server only...
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-10-08 16:47:15  
January 2012 update.

->New Jobs to Explore

Warunkinja:[WKJ] A unique Job that can dish out as much as it can take. Use Wind Crystals to gain the effect of Blink, counter every attack thrown at you, and specialize in the Greataxe supplemented with Kick Attacks and the ancient art of Psionic Mind missiles that deal elemental damage and weaken the enemy to certain elements!

Brown Mage:[BWN] Buff your Party with one hand, nuke the enemy with another, the Brown Mage provides an exciting new experience by allowing the full potential of the Black mage and White Mage to flourish, while simultaneously giving it every Ga and Ja spell available. Separate from the Tactical Masters of magic that is the Scholar Job, Brown Mage simply gets all it's spells AOE without the use of troublesome strategems. The penalty though, is you don't get Light arts or Dark arts (Unless you sub SCH that is!)

->New Areas to Explore!
Ever Wonder what Jugner Forest would look like if the Sky was Purple? Or how about if West Ronfaure was themed in Autumn instead of evergreene? Well, our team of dedicated level artists worked extremely hard for 22minutes to reskin new zones and sell them to you for 40$ USD. What a deal!

Callin' it.
Posts: 670
By Inuyasha 2011-10-08 16:54:38  
Odin.Zicdeh said: »
January 2012 update. ->New Jobs to Explore Warunkinja:[WKJ] A unique Job that can dish out as much as it can take. Use Wind Crystals to gain the effect of Blink, counter every attack thrown at you, and specialize in the Greataxe supplemented with Kick Attacks and the ancient art of Psionic Mind missiles that deal elemental damage and weaken the enemy to certain elements! Brown Mage:[BWN] Buff your Party with one hand, nuke the enemy with another, the Brown Mage provides an exciting new experience by allowing the full potential of the Black mage and White Mage to flourish, while simultaneously giving it every Ga and Ja spell available. Separate from the Tactical Masters of magic that is the Scholar Job, Brown Mage simply gets all it's spells AOE without the use of troublesome strategems. The penalty though, is you don't get Light arts or Dark arts (Unless you sub SCH that is!) ->New Areas to Explore! Ever Wonder what Jugner Forest would look like if the Sky was Purple? Or how about if West Ronfaure was themed in Autumn instead of evergreene? Well, our team of dedicated level artists worked extremely hard for 22minutes to reskin new zones and sell them to you for 40$ USD. What a deal! Callin' it.
New Areas: "You guys wanted the Far East right? Sure, you can have it.You guys liked the look of Aht Ughran right?"
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-10-08 22:28:08  
Cerberus.Vaness said: »
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: »
but nobody qqed when rdm got shafted like crazy for refresh being available now /sub (even if rdm gets refresh2) or haste, i do recognize that is annoying they gave klimaform /subed and now the duration will be 3 minutes
I QQ'd for Everything that actually destroyed the things that made jobs special.

Hell I was mad when I learn /sch would get accession AND WEATHERS (it's a *** sch-specific-spell wtf SE)

/dnc give haste samba and reverse flourish....

/rdm would get Convert/Refresh didnt mind so much about haste because it wasn't something unique to rdm.Hell they even gave addle to whm it's like wtf <.<

You have warp 2 as /blm......

You can do BRD procc as /Brd..... That made me sadpanda but oh well =/

I just wish Job specific spells would stay job specific spells and not being accessible as sub like ninja and Yonin/Inin.That made those jobs Unique, now whm are also rdms (enfeebling/haste/refresh) and blm are also schs with helixes and weathers.

Helixes was the only special spells sch had, with BLM having access to them, they are just tards that can Cure 4 and nukes, nothing special anymore.

It's like all the jobs are mix and match of other jobs, no1 is special anymore.
i know, it's very annoying, the game is getting stupid, jobs don't have uniqueness now, unless your a pup or uuh.. i can't think of any job that are unique now,at least /sch gets very limited stratagems, it's good to add useful stuff when you put certain jobs as /sj but they are destroying the purpose by making the main jobs less relevant
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 652
By Leviathan.Dodu 2011-10-08 23:11:45  
Being unique has never been a benefit in this game. Most of what made jobs unique lowered their performance, and if your goal was to play to capacity, you ignored most ulterior aspects of your job and played like a warrior with a different equipment set.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Haptic
Posts: 39
By Shiva.Haptic 2011-10-08 23:39:32  
The truth is, sch has never been useful.
Not at 75, not at 80~95.
Blm has always been a better nuker, and if you need cures or whatever... RDM would be more useful than a sch on that situation.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2011-10-08 23:40:39  
Leviathan.Dodu said: »
Being unique has never been a benefit in this game. Most of what made jobs unique lowered their performance, and if your goal was to play to capacity, you ignored most ulterior aspects of your job and played like a warrior with a different equipment set.
Dear lord, someone who gets it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-10-09 00:44:48  
Shiva.Haptic said: »
The truth is, sch has never been useful.
Not at 75, not at 80~95.
Blm has always been a better nuker, and if you need cures or whatever... RDM would be more useful than a sch on that situation.

lol no offense but rdm is down there in the gutter with sch as far as usefulness. they are both as useful as eachother. its not the abyssea mentality either. 1) whm is the best healer. 2) blm can cycle through spells faster....making it the best nuking processor.

the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.

as far as healing capabilities. SCH 10x a better healer than rdm. healing magic skill as well as being able to hit 1k cure4s outside abyssea. do u need 1k cures all the time? NO. but there are occasions where 300-500cure4s dont cut it and rapture + cure4 does the trick.

where does rdm and sch come in VW?

RDM/blm is great for debuffing, which is what rdm should be good at... healing no. RDM has not been a competent healer or assistant healer since ToAU. RDM can assist blm in process, but much better that a SCH assist because of the af3+2 body enmity reduction on tier spells. As well has stun duty.

SCH/blm or sch/rdm? is great for assisting BLM in processing. ask why not just have anouther blm? well sch can also main cure a full dd party as well as every tier nuke and helix spell. thats the beauty in the job. A good sch should be able to keep dd's cured, to relive hate and mp issues from whms. as well as assist BLM in processing relieve hate generation from BLM. because the fact is enmity douse isnt every 2 minutes.

I have blm rdm whm sch at 95. i love all my main jobs and can say each has their purpose. obviously if u think sch is trash uve been partying with some crappy schs. I think a lot of people think oh sch is JUST a nuker or healer. no its not. its called AoE pax on the blms or aoe pax on the dds' so they arnt stealing hate. its called aoe regain for more ws processing, its called AoE embrava on entire alliance and kaustra because ur low manned that one time. if ur sch isnt doing all this they arnt a good sch imo.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Billzey
Posts: 1335
By Bismarck.Helel 2011-10-09 01:40:27  
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
Shiva.Haptic said: »
The truth is, sch has never been useful.
Not at 75, not at 80~95.
Blm has always been a better nuker, and if you need cures or whatever... RDM would be more useful than a sch on that situation.

lol no offense but rdm is down there in the gutter with sch as far as usefulness. they are both as useful as eachother. its not the abyssea mentality either. 1) whm is the best healer. 2) blm can cycle through spells faster....making it the best nuking processor.

the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.

as far as healing capabilities. SCH 10x a better healer than rdm. healing magic skill as well as being able to hit 1k cure4s outside abyssea. do u need 1k cures all the time? NO. but there are occasions where 300-500cure4s dont cut it and rapture + cure4 does the trick.

where does rdm and sch come in VW?

RDM/blm is great for debuffing, which is what rdm should be good at... healing no. RDM has not been a competent healer or assistant healer since ToAU. RDM can assist blm in process, but much better that a SCH assist because of the af3+2 body enmity reduction on tier spells. As well has stun duty.

SCH/blm or sch/rdm? is great for assisting BLM in processing. ask why not just have anouther blm? well sch can also main cure a full dd party as well as every tier nuke and helix spell. thats the beauty in the job. A good sch should be able to keep dd's cured, to relive hate and mp issues from whms. as well as assist BLM in processing relieve hate generation from BLM. because the fact is enmity douse isnt every 2 minutes.

I have blm rdm whm sch at 95. i love all my main jobs and can say each has their purpose. obviously if u think sch is trash uve been partying with some crappy schs. I think a lot of people think oh sch is JUST a nuker or healer. no its not. its called AoE pax on the blms or aoe pax on the dds' so they arnt stealing hate. its called aoe regain for more ws processing, its called AoE embrava on entire alliance and kaustra because ur low manned that one time. if ur sch isnt doing all this they arnt a good sch imo.

lol, this post got rated up twice? seriously? RDM's job is to refresh the mages, and that's pretty much it. I can't believe you would talk specifically about rdm in VW and not mention refresh. As far as I'm concerned, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, if a RDM is going /BLM, chances are they'll be stunning... not enfeebling. Shouldn't need to elemental seal debuffs >.>.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-09 01:52:59  
Bismarck.Helel said: »

RDM's job is to refresh the mages

I don't remember the last time I had a rdm that would actually keep refreshing me, and I play with rdms often.It's like they don't know what that spell is for, same for Haste and all -Nas. =/
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