Blocking Guildwork

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Blocking Guildwork
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サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: vaness
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Krystale 2011-09-07 01:42:49  
Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Shiva.Flionheart said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
I am not comfortable with the things I say in shout being available publicly to people who aren't in game. Is there anyway to get it blocked from showing my shouts?
What is this? I don't even.....

GTFO from cerberus pls ---->
Never felt so bad about someone from my server posting something idiotic.

your hair is ridiculous
;_; butbut I like them :3

what's a "them"? D:
My hair? ;o
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: MisterRyu
Posts: 2742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2011-09-07 01:45:12  
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Shiva.Flionheart said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
I am not comfortable with the things I say in shout being available publicly to people who aren't in game. Is there anyway to get it blocked from showing my shouts?
What is this? I don't even.....

GTFO from cerberus pls ---->
Never felt so bad about someone from my server posting something idiotic.

your hair is ridiculous
;_; butbut I like them :3

what's a "them"? D:
My hair? ;o
o..i liek "them" too then? D:

wry does that sound bad? lol.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: vaness
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Krystale 2011-09-07 01:48:30  
Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Shiva.Flionheart said: »
Cerberus.Krystale said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
I am not comfortable with the things I say in shout being available publicly to people who aren't in game. Is there anyway to get it blocked from showing my shouts?
What is this? I don't even.....

GTFO from cerberus pls ---->
Never felt so bad about someone from my server posting something idiotic.

your hair is ridiculous
;_; butbut I like them :3

what's a "them"? D:
My hair? ;o
o..i liek "them" too then? D:

wry does that sound bad? lol.
no idea lol
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Holyman
Posts: 122
By Ragnarok.Holyman 2011-09-07 01:48:54  
Yet it doesn't include processing whatever said on chat "say/tell/shout etc" through third party server, or collecting data other than "usage/areas distibution/in-game population/jobs etc", probably the only thing they collect is chat frequency.

What if I was shouting personal/sexual/cybering lol or whatever??????, while it's no longer privacy once it's shouted lol but at least it's not archived/searchable/indexed.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Fenrir.Uzugami 2011-09-07 01:51:24  
Man, all the fun stuff happens when I'm asleep. :(
also: wat
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Patrik
Posts: 1325
By Bismarck.Patrik 2011-09-07 02:15:31  
maybe its just me... but when i think of "cheating" i think of cars in GTA flying 500 m/h, god mode in any game, and immediately winning the quest/mission/game.

though... being able to see what people are trying to get groups for, thus helping yourself without always being on the game, and helping them to have more people see it... idk >.> maybe its just me. i can understand people having a problem with the implications of what else something like this could do, but that's not what the OP was about.

basically, if your shouting for groups and such, great! more people will know, its helpful, though its not like its just dropping the gear into your inventory, it just speeds up an annoying process of waiting. if your shouting things like "LIKE OMG U IZ ALL NUBZ" and you don't want people to see that... stop it >.>

on that note, to the OP, I am not saying that that is what you're doing and that those are your reasons. i just don't get the big deal in that regard... /shouting is ment to be seen by the public. if your worried people are reading personal conversation in shout... well that's not what shout is for >.>;
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Stanislav
Posts: 105
By Cerberus.Stanislav 2011-09-07 02:49:28  
I am out of town for 1 day and come back to a thread like this...

I would like to start off by saying that I have been working on Guildwork for almost 2 years now (it has been a 100% live site a little over a year now). With a site with so much going on a good chunk of users comes a monthly cost and Guildwork's ranged from $240-$300 a month which I paid out of my pocket for the longest time. Premium and this shout feature has been the saving grace for myself and the site because I don't know how much longer I could have poured money into it.

That being said I would like to point out that Guildwork has become a household FFXI name and clearly many people enjoy using it and I love working on it and providing new features. I respect all the users and wouldn't do anything jeopardize that the trust that has been given me. If you would like to know my dedication, I interviewed at Blizzard Entertainment today (my dream job) and one of the questions they asked me was, "If you were offered a job on the condition you had to give up Guildwork, what would you do?" and I told them that I would have to turn down the job because I couldn't disappoint so many people.

When it comes to the topic of some of Guildwork's feature being "cheating" then I would like to remind those same people that they are on a site that is constantly scanning Square-Enix's servers for information without permission and accessing data out of the game that is meant to be only accessed within the game. SE clearly knows this is happening but has not stopped it because its a great feature and so many people like using it and it is definitely not hurting anyone. Guildwork is not much different except that the data is crowd-sourced and opt-in (using the Client opts you in, but I certainly should make this clear).

As I mentioned I take trust and privacy very seriously and Guildwork Client does not expose any personal information. The only data sent up to Guildwork for non-premium users are character information that is used to update your FFXIAH and Guildwork profiles and shouts/yells, this can be 100% verified by firing up an HTTP inspector and seeing what Guildwork Client is sending back to Guildwork. I would also like to note that 2 prominent FFXI community leaders (Scragg@FFXIAH and Nitsuj@Windower) have access to Guildwork Client's source code and they will be happy to confirm anything I say about the client.

As far as allowing people to remove themselves from shouts that are shown on, I really don't see the big issue here since shouts are very public and there is no invasion of privacy and the same effect occurs when anyone takes a screenshot.

I am happy to address any issues and answer any questions people may have.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 167
By Gilgamesh.Hunewearl 2011-09-07 02:58:54  
Cerberus.Kiori said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
Well its not so much that, as I feel like its cheating and don't approve of the use of it. I also don't approve of windower either, so there you have it.
FFXIAH is a third party tool...log off now so you're no longer cheating. Also...Wiki and Gamer Escape, and all those little forums out there are also "cheating" since they provide "guides" and "tips" on how to make your character better. (using logic as strategy guides are tools for cheating)
Your logic is wrong.

Any wiki type web page, or any forum in its text form, is nothing more than a community website and the information shared there remain perfectly ok. Where the line is crossed and there is a need to clean up (which I will probably do one day), is when you read up on one of the first missions such as CoP or ZM, forgot which, and you are told "use a speed hack to get this part done". At this point, it stops being informative or even helpful, it's just being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and it is not really what we are looking for on wiki in the first place.

Now, the Guildwork feature is very good. If anything, SE should feel ashamed to not make this kind of feature available by themselves. I wouldn't call this cheating, especially in 2011. It's not entertaining anymore to log on just to see shouts, old video game players will enjoy.

That being said, it's really not smart to leave your in-game name available for anyone to see, especially when the "anyone" includes people that could hammer you. Or even worse, have people like the OP report it to the STF, making you as vulnerable as a blow up doll.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Stanislav
Posts: 105
By Cerberus.Stanislav 2011-09-07 03:01:54  
Gilgamesh.Hunewearl said: »
That being said, it's really not smart to leave your in-game name available for anyone to see, especially when the "anyone" includes people that could hammer you. Or even worse, have people like the OP report it to the STF, making you as vulnerable as a blow up doll.

The client does not send your own shouts to Guildwork, but everyone else's shouts that you see so there is really no way to prove anything to STF.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 167
By Gilgamesh.Hunewearl 2011-09-07 03:06:28  
I meant the example screenshots provided by Scragg.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-09-07 03:46:42  
I feel like the OP is board and wanted to complain about something for the sake of complaining... Honestly this really isn't any different then someone logging in and sitting in jeuno lurking shouts. This just saves people having to open an extra window on their pc, and even better for console players because it allows them to lurk shouts while actually playing something not just stairing at some random mithra's butt.

The 3ed party tool argument it's moot, SE doesn't care. I've always felt there was somekind of unspoken agreement between SE and the windower makers/FFXIAH and now guildwork because they provide things that players would like but SE can't include due to console limits. Nothing these tools give (well spellcast could be pushing it but thats just my opinion so doesn't count) is in anyway shape or form gamebreaking it just simplifys some things. Get a drop you wern't expecting and don't know if its worth holding onto to sell? check it on AH. Windower keeps you from needing to keep a dozen or so mental timers or more going at any given time or be like me and have to hit 4 macros while doing a WS. As I said above this shout feature from guild work just keeps you from having to lurk jeuno for stuff. If SE was really opposed to these things they would do something about it, and at one of the fan fests didn't they set up their play stations (not the console but where people went to play the game >.>) with windower plugins? I could have sworn there was a SS they put out that had it running too so that should tell you their opinions of it.

As for them going in and getting your party/tell/LS data, do you honestly thing they don't have better things to do? Even suggesting that is a bit of an insult to the ammount of hard work they have put into guildwork for us and as they have said, don't use the client and they can't get that info.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Ihm
Posts: 688
By Siren.Ihm 2011-09-07 07:50:18  
Personally, I love the Guildwork shout thing, it has enabled me to do stuff in the game more often, no longer do I have to camp Jeuno to see the shouts for hours while I go play a different game, now I can actually play the game I pay for monthly while waiting for other interesting shouts to appear.

So yeah, TL;DR, GW rules!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 618
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-09-07 09:15:29  
Cerberus.Stanislav said: »
I am happy to address any issues and answer any questions people may have.

I think the real question everyone wants to know is: did you get the job? :)
Posts: 39
By Cerbpunky 2011-09-07 09:38:30  

Love this feature. Means people can do stuff and still see if anything more interesting happening in jeuno but I want more...

For those who are ultra lazy could you have it notify you on keywords, so for example if you needed Rani win you program it to search for word Rani in shouts. It then scans the shouts on your server and pops up a message / notifies you when it reads the word Rani?
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 732
By Carbuncle.Tweeek 2011-09-07 10:29:53  
Pretty sure the people that have the biggest problem with this feature have absolutely no understanding of how it works or how the data is collected.. which I thought was pretty clear from the very beginning.

This just goes to show you how misinformation can be dangerous, people don't understand something and paranoia kicks into overdrive.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kakomei
Posts: 1
By Quetzalcoatl.Kakomei 2011-09-07 10:34:29  
Carbuncle.Tweeek said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
Well its not so much that, as I feel like its cheating and don't approve of the use of it. I also don't approve of windower either, so there you have it.


I will move servers and sit in Jeuno taking screen shots of your shouts and upload them to the int0rwebz everyday.. TRY TO STOP ME CHEATER!

I have never post on these forums but this made me laugh! hehehe.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kogenta
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2011-09-07 11:13:49  
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
I don't really care of people use windower or guildwork... its just not for me and I'm personally against it, but i won't stop anyone else from using it. I was mostly just wondering if there was a way I could add myself to a blocklist for it so my shouts wouldn't show up. I'll talk to stan about it next time he's on since he's on my server.

I hope stanislav doesn't take you seriously because this is so illogic at a level i'm not even capable of explaining why.

サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dhex
Posts: 14
By Asura.Dhex 2011-09-07 11:26:29  
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
I am not comfortable with the things I say in shout being available publicly to people who aren't in game. Is there anyway to get it blocked from showing my shouts?

Stop playing my game.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Matteh
Posts: 368
By Leviathan.Matteh 2011-09-07 11:28:17  
My long response to OP Concerns
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: wolftamer
Posts: 44
By Cerberus.Nyanoh 2011-09-07 11:38:28  
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
Well its not so much that, as I feel like its cheating and don't approve of the use of it. I also don't approve of windower either, so there you have it.

Dat modding and altana viewer are very much against ToS hypocrite

Remove the tin foil hat
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kogenta
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2011-09-07 11:42:50  
Cerberus.Nyanoh said: »
Cerberus.Jaxson said: »
Well its not so much that, as I feel like its cheating and don't approve of the use of it. I also don't approve of windower either, so there you have it.

Dat modding and altana viewer are very much against ToS hypocrite

Remove the tin foil hat

Oh gawd this is a serious butthurt sir. Quick, someone get him a butthurt report form!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tamoa
Posts: 1341
By Asura.Tamoa 2011-09-07 11:43:32  
Cerberus.Nyanoh said: »

Dat modding and altana viewer are very much against ToS hypocrite

Remove the tin foil hat

Lol, nice find.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Jamehkun
Posts: 1932
By Asura.Dajociont 2011-09-07 11:44:19  
you're a nice find

サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Matteh
Posts: 368
By Leviathan.Matteh 2011-09-07 11:46:42  
Asura.Tamoa said: »
Cerberus.Nyanoh said: »

Dat modding and altana viewer are very much against ToS hypocrite

Remove the tin foil hat

Lol, nice find.
Maybe thats what hes scared of, having what he said in the past used against him? gotta love how some ppl cant stand by their opinions >.>
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Dmaul
Posts: 59
By Bismarck.Dmaul 2011-09-07 11:47:51  
Shiva.Flionheart said: »
I feel this trespasses on my personal information too. I don't use Guildwork any more. Consider yourself boycotted.

サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tamoa
Posts: 1341
By Asura.Tamoa 2011-09-07 11:56:25  
Asura.Dajociont said: »
you're a nice find



Leviathan.Matteh said: »
Maybe thats what hes scared of, having what he said in the past used against him? gotta love how some ppl cant stand by their opinions >.>

Sort of reminds me of this guy that once made some dumb/amusing statements in shout, I screenied it and posted it on BG, TWO MONTHS later I get tells about what a terrible person I am and that he didn't like me taking screenshots of what he shouted.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Stanislav
Posts: 105
By Cerberus.Stanislav 2011-09-07 11:59:59  
Cerberus.Kaht said: »
Cerberus.Stanislav said: »
I am happy to address any issues and answer any questions people may have.

I think the real question everyone wants to know is: did you get the job? :)

I won't know for 2 weeks =)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 646
By Fenrir.Fearforever 2011-09-07 12:01:51  
Cerberus.Stanislav said: »
Cerberus.Kaht said: »
Cerberus.Stanislav said: »
I am happy to address any issues and answer any questions people may have.

I think the real question everyone wants to know is: did you get the job? :)

I won't know for 2 weeks =)

Whats the job doing, designer, programmer? :D
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Jamehkun
Posts: 1932
By Asura.Dajociont 2011-09-07 12:06:20  
Asura.Tamoa said: »
Asura.Dajociont said: »
you're a nice find




now teach me how to viking!
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