Azdaja Duo Strategies

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Azdaja Duo Strategies
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By 2011-08-11 10:44:43
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-08-11 10:46:27  
Its also holding my +2 items!
By 2011-08-11 10:48:34
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サーバ: Bismarck
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user: Punchus
Posts: 233
By Bismarck.Punchus 2011-08-11 10:54:03  
I'm not sure about a duo as I've not fought him since they adjusted some of the things he could do. If the only thing you have to worry about is getting cured up from a strong spell or woken up from his sleep it is very possible to duo this NM now. If he can still terrorize you for an extended period of time it could be a little harder but not out of the realm of possible.
サーバ: Bismarck
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user: Faelar
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By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-08-11 10:54:40  
Any Ironclad for that matter. When I finish my BST I'm going to town :D

Anyway, to the topic:

The times I got to fight Azdaja with an LS it was somewhat tough, even with all the numbers. WHM is a MUST for the status removals, because you WILL get a few if not several effects.

If you're wary of duo, you can always brew :D
By 2011-08-11 10:56:00
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サーバ: Pandemonium
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user: Ironguy
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By Pandemonium.Ironguy 2011-08-11 10:58:22  
dd tanking it from behind + whm outside of party

problem officer?
サーバ: Lakshmi
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user: Minipie
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By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-08-11 11:00:00  
im working on Atma of a Future Fabulous for my bst, im sure ill be able to eat all magical dmg from rani and high mab nms for tanking, i need to do tests when i get it, that will be 71%mdt +50 mdb
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
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user: eLySiuM
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By Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 2011-08-11 11:01:05  
I've tanked this mnk/nin without getting hit once, excluding aoes, when it was first released. I really can't see it being that difficult as thf+whm, even back tanking. Just need the proper atmas/abyssites (stats/mp), gear sets (mdt/eva etc). Although I haven't touched it since the 'adjustments', wasnt even aware.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Punchus
Posts: 233
By Bismarck.Punchus 2011-08-11 11:01:29  
I myself have though about taking him down with pet jobs. Though I myself would be more inclined to use Bloodclaw as he seems to do better with the stronger spells. Ideal pet setup I would try would be with 2 BST and 2 SMN. Not a duo or trio but it's a strategy I've thought about recently.
サーバ: Sylph
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user: Emdief
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By Sylph.Emdief 2011-08-11 11:07:22  
I have duoed this myself with extreme ease. WHM and me (NIN kannagi 85), in pt. Tank from behind, RR GH C&D. I used sushi and went /dnc. Kept lvl 5 stutter step on it fulltime, stunned all the spells, got resisted about 1/10. Fulltime with Usukane body and switched to full int/macc during -ga nad -ja before stunning. Don't ask me why, but when I stunned dispel my buffs never got dispelled. I know wiki says differently, but I never lost cruor buffs. Beside that the mob will never hit you, it's totally blind. Spike flail is not a problem at all. Might want to keep migawari up when possible, as some spells will land. This fight is not hard, nor challenging, and I do believe this mob is definitely soloable by nin/dnc. By far easier than soloing Glavoid or Amhuluk.
By 2011-08-11 11:07:53
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By 2011-08-11 11:12:56
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Emdief
Posts: 27
By Sylph.Emdief 2011-08-11 11:15:52  
We did it almost two months ago. Wiki was already saying that it dispelled cruor buffs even if you stunned, so I don't know why I never got dispelled. It casted it several times.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
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By Ragnarok.Ashman 2011-08-11 11:17:54  
We've done it as thf drk whm blm. The blm literally only paid attention for grellow and I (drk) only stunned tier IV's. It was painfully easy. The whm had to cure me awake once in awhile (i was staying in stun range) but other than that the thf did all the work. He tanked on the feet (not forcing flail) and it was still cake.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: eLySiuM
Posts: 452
By Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 2011-08-11 11:24:03  
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:

How did you survive without cruor buffs? or did your whm just solo it and get lucky with en-amnesia, silence, paralyze, doom, dispel, petrify while you fluxed away? Because even with capped 50% MDT my thf got molested with thundaga IV and no cruor buffs

And if somehow you survived whm soloing him while you fluxed, as soon as I fluxed away Azdaja chased after me leaving my whm mule behind. Did you run into this problem back then?

Assuming you're unlucky enough to get hit w/ dispel, you should still be able to manage w/ atmas. Are you saying you get 1shotted by aga4s? I've never been 1shotted w/ 50 mdt and some mdb in my mdt set off that, worst case just get a stoneskin cure before it goes off. Get around 1400 hp as mithra? (hp merits), add 300ish stoneskin cure you should be fine.
By 2011-08-11 11:29:04
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
Posts: 1676
By Bismarck.Altar 2011-08-11 11:44:41  
Pandemonium.Ironguy said:
dd tanking it from behind + whm outside of party

This is the right answer. although it dispelling atma/cruor buffs might give you issues.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Cidz
Posts: 3
By Ragnarok.Cidz 2011-08-11 11:46:28  
In theory. if you tanking this thing from behind, it should only use spike flail, It shouldn't use any of the other TP moves. the only problem is keep him in the position whilst tanking,as spike flail will knock tank back. and the AOE moves are inevitable as they all range 30'
even WHM outside party doesn't help unless WHM doesn't cure at all.

I have tried and success with trio (NIN WHM RDM), NIN tank from the back NM and NIN back to the rock (so it doesn't knock you back and face to you instead, this will get messy as he will use random TP moves including couro buffs dispel), always keep shadow 2+, WHM (stay 20' from NIN) do the usual, and the 3rd person doesn't need to be rdm but a healer that stay 20' from WHM and keep WHM alive. if you keep everyone and NM in position, this should go smoothly , as he will only slap you with his tail, if you have 2 shadow ++ and some evasion
,the spike would get absorb by shadows and the only person taking dmg is WHM

I think it is possible Duo WHM+NIN but have not tried yet
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-08-11 11:52:00  
WHM out of party, position it so its butt is to the wall and you're facing its butt with your back to the wall. Put the WHM out of party and much lower down the hill than it. If you do it just right, the WHM won't be hit by Flail.

Dispel is technically a spell but seems to actually count as a TP move. Even if you stun it, you'll still lose your buffs. If your WHM is dualboxed, you'll want to be on Monk so you can survive without Cruor buffs. If you're not dualboxed, conflux to 1 when you lose your buffs and have the WHM kite it while you put them back on. He's pretty easy to kite.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: MGreer
Posts: 127
By Bahamut.Alpaka 2011-08-11 11:54:08  
I've 2box'ed this numerous times MNK+WHM tank it from behind, and WHM outside of party :) but ya the cruor buffs being dispelled can cause some issues :x
By 2011-08-11 11:54:49
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-08-11 12:02:50  
Lakshmi.Byrth said:
If your WHM is dualboxed, you'll want to be on Monk so you can survive without Cruor buffs. If you're not dualboxed, conflux to 1 when you lose your buffs and have the WHM kite it while you put them back on. He's pretty easy to kite.

I wouldn't kite him with my mule while I'm trying to re-get Cruor buffs. If it's a real second player, have them claim when it goes white when you conflux. Azdaja can deagro, so watch out both on pull and when kiting. Engage/Disengage to toss claim back to the other player. Cast a spell and then engage/disengage if it isn't working and he's stuck red.

He's actually really susceptible to knockback in my experience. I think it'd be funny but boring to watch a Regurgitation BLU try and solo it.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-08-11 12:07:28  
THF + WHM. Have the WHM kite it when it does dispel.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-08-11 12:10:40  
THF/NIN/MNK/whatever + WHM

Tank from the back, WHM outside of party. Not sure what everyone's talking about, but nothing he does will hit anyone outside of the party. He'll always do a Flail/Aga combo, so make sure your WHM isn't an idiot, or you'll probably end up dead. Kite up and down the hill with any degree of good pathing/movement speed while you get cruor buffs back if they get wiped. ***'s easy.

Edit: What Dray said^. We've done more of them like that than I care to remember.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: subakyo
Posts: 135
By Bismarck.Kyokaku 2011-08-11 12:14:28  
I've successfully tri-boxed him to a point where i got 40 horns in 1 day. You absolutly need the following things:

Either an Ochain PLD (Fully merit abyssites, etc, good atmas, knows what the *** is going on), Aegis Paladin (same), or a good Ninja. (And i mean a REALLY REALLY REALLY *** GOOD ninja).

The strategy is basically this.

Run him nearish to the VC, to the part where its a very narrow passage. Park yourself against the wall (if your the tank). Pretty much then you can go on auto-pilot... He'll use knockback moves to try and push you around. You need to be against the wall for this, because... if he pushes you so far, he'll turn around and use one of the super nasty AoE tp moves (Sleep wing, dispel atma/cruor...)

If you hold him behind the chances of him using Baleful Roar are slim to none. He also won't use that hideous sleep wing attack. He'll pretty much soley use Spike flail, which leads to my next point.

If you shield block on that, you'll take 400-600 damage usually. Thats a cure 4 these days lol. His ga4 spells become more severe, and a good Shell 5 and Atma from WoTG helps that a ton. I used Atma of RR, Apoc, and since i didn't clear WoTG, SS. But i would have liked to have used that one instead.

The WHM needs to be outside the alliance, and it can go sit next to the pld if it really wanted too.

About NIN and MNK tanking... MNK is probably the worst one to use here. Guard probably isn't procing enough to matter, and i'm not sure if you can even counter spike flail. Either way, if that move connects and you don't evade/absorb/block it, expect a solid 2-3000 damage. His spells are going to hit you for 1000 without the right gear sets, shell, and atma as well.

Ninja is in a similar boat... But i have a NIN in my LS who tanked it just for the thrill. It's a really rocky fight though. You need 2-3 shadows for spike flail. (yes, 2-3). Your evasion needs to pull through too, to help you keep those damn things up. Spells of course eat the NIN alive, but migawari also can be a saving ability here too.

I suppose, in the end, any of those tank jobs can work, it just really depends on player skill and thier own gear and choices in the fight.

One last thing, OP, you pretty much understand you need your WHM outside the pt. Thats means linearly, you won't get access to -na spells that might be critical. For example:

Azdaja has like 70%? chance to hit you with a various enfeeble spell from its claw attack. It can be paralyze, silence, amnesia, you name it. But BAD ones are Curse, Doom, and i've read about death. If death is true (though i have never seen it), go play checkers. If its not, just bring Holy waters. The poison and para he can hit you with are annoying, but nothing to write home about (but paralyze could criple a NIN.) Doom of course is serious, but its not as stubborn as say, chloris or buhkis doom.

My friend in lunarians said they tried to use 5 pet jobs to take azdaja out (after bst nerf update), and he says its probably impossible. he just deals too much damage too rapidly.

Happy hunting!
MSPaint Winner
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2011-08-11 12:20:27  
One last thing, OP, you pretty much understand you need your WHM outside the pt. Thats means linearly, you won't get access to -na spells that might be critical.
-na spells can be targetted on anyone right? I understand it may be a bit more awkward to put across the message that you are inflicted by something (would have to be /say or /linkshell) but you should still be able to remove it.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-08-11 12:25:19  
Bismarck.Kyokaku said:
I've successfully tri-boxed him to a point where i got 40 horns in 1 day. You absolutly need the following things:

Either an Ochain PLD (Fully merit abyssites, etc, good atmas, knows what the *** is going on), Aegis Paladin (same), or a good Ninja. (And i mean a REALLY REALLY REALLY *** GOOD ninja).

The strategy is basically this.

Run him nearish to the VC, to the part where its a very narrow passage. Park yourself against the wall (if your the tank). Pretty much then you can go on auto-pilot... He'll use knockback moves to try and push you around. You need to be against the wall for this, because... if he pushes you so far, he'll turn around and use one of the super nasty AoE tp moves (Sleep wing, dispel atma/cruor...)

If you hold him behind the chances of him using Baleful Roar are slim to none. He also won't use that hideous sleep wing attack. He'll pretty much soley use Spike flail, which leads to my next point.

If you shield block on that, you'll take 400-600 damage usually. Thats a cure 4 these days lol. His ga4 spells become more severe, and a good Shell 5 and Atma from WoTG helps that a ton. I used Atma of RR, Apoc, and since i didn't clear WoTG, SS. But i would have liked to have used that one instead.

The WHM needs to be outside the alliance, and it can go sit next to the pld if it really wanted too.

About NIN and MNK tanking... MNK is probably the worst one to use here. Guard probably isn't procing enough to matter, and i'm not sure if you can even counter spike flail. Either way, if that move connects and you don't evade/absorb/block it, expect a solid 2-3000 damage. His spells are going to hit you for 1000 without the right gear sets, shell, and atma as well.

Ninja is in a similar boat... But i have a NIN in my LS who tanked it just for the thrill. It's a really rocky fight though. You need 2-3 shadows for spike flail. (yes, 2-3). Your evasion needs to pull through too, to help you keep those damn things up. Spells of course eat the NIN alive, but migawari also can be a saving ability here too.

I suppose, in the end, any of those tank jobs can work, it just really depends on player skill and thier own gear and choices in the fight.

One last thing, OP, you pretty much understand you need your WHM outside the pt. Thats means linearly, you won't get access to -na spells that might be critical. For example:

Azdaja has like 70%? chance to hit you with a various enfeeble spell from its claw attack. It can be paralyze, silence, amnesia, you name it. But BAD ones are Curse, Doom, and i've read about death. If death is true (though i have never seen it), go play checkers. If its not, just bring Holy waters. The poison and para he can hit you with are annoying, but nothing to write home about (but paralyze could criple a NIN.) Doom of course is serious, but its not as stubborn as say, chloris or buhkis doom.

My friend in lunarians said they tried to use 5 pet jobs to take azdaja out (after bst nerf update), and he says its probably impossible. he just deals too much damage too rapidly.

Happy hunting!

Except you need no specialized atma, no relics or Empyreans, no out of the ordinary gear, or much of anything you've specified. This fight is extremely easy.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-08-11 12:27:12  
Bismarck.Kyokaku said:
I've successfully tri-boxed him to a point where i got 40 horns in 1 day. You absolutly need the following things:

Either an Ochain PLD (Fully merit abyssites, etc, good atmas, knows what the *** is going on), Aegis Paladin (same), or a good Ninja. (And i mean a REALLY REALLY REALLY *** GOOD ninja).

The strategy is basically this.

Run him nearish to the VC, to the part where its a very narrow passage. Park yourself against the wall (if your the tank). Pretty much then you can go on auto-pilot... He'll use knockback moves to try and push you around. You need to be against the wall for this, because... if he pushes you so far, he'll turn around and use one of the super nasty AoE tp moves (Sleep wing, dispel atma/cruor...)

If you hold him behind the chances of him using Baleful Roar are slim to none. He also won't use that hideous sleep wing attack. He'll pretty much soley use Spike flail, which leads to my next point.

If you shield block on that, you'll take 400-600 damage usually. Thats a cure 4 these days lol. His ga4 spells become more severe, and a good Shell 5 and Atma from WoTG helps that a ton. I used Atma of RR, Apoc, and since i didn't clear WoTG, SS. But i would have liked to have used that one instead.

The WHM needs to be outside the alliance, and it can go sit next to the pld if it really wanted too.

About NIN and MNK tanking... MNK is probably the worst one to use here. Guard probably isn't procing enough to matter, and i'm not sure if you can even counter spike flail. Either way, if that move connects and you don't evade/absorb/block it, expect a solid 2-3000 damage. His spells are going to hit you for 1000 without the right gear sets, shell, and atma as well.

Ninja is in a similar boat... But i have a NIN in my LS who tanked it just for the thrill. It's a really rocky fight though. You need 2-3 shadows for spike flail. (yes, 2-3). Your evasion needs to pull through too, to help you keep those damn things up. Spells of course eat the NIN alive, but migawari also can be a saving ability here too.

I suppose, in the end, any of those tank jobs can work, it just really depends on player skill and thier own gear and choices in the fight.

One last thing, OP, you pretty much understand you need your WHM outside the pt. Thats means linearly, you won't get access to -na spells that might be critical. For example:

Azdaja has like 70%? chance to hit you with a various enfeeble spell from its claw attack. It can be paralyze, silence, amnesia, you name it. But BAD ones are Curse, Doom, and i've read about death. If death is true (though i have never seen it), go play checkers. If its not, just bring Holy waters. The poison and para he can hit you with are annoying, but nothing to write home about (but paralyze could criple a NIN.) Doom of course is serious, but its not as stubborn as say, chloris or buhkis doom.

My friend in lunarians said they tried to use 5 pet jobs to take azdaja out (after bst nerf update), and he says its probably impossible. he just deals too much damage too rapidly.

Happy hunting!

wat >.>
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