Ragnarok.Hevans said:
i always go start my gf's cars in the winter so it's warm when they get in it. i do stuff like that half to be sweet, half to prevent hearing whining.
That's so nice, but that's not a bitchworthy offence.
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
I need a gal who doesn't mind the fact that I'm a complete and total dork lol.. I like anime and video games. I can't really change that. Its who I am lol. Doesn't make me a bad person, per say, but it sure doesn't help in the ladies department >_<.
We're here. Aren't we all dorks?
Fenrir.Niniann said:
Yeah, someone broke my common room window in the middle of the night, and Nightfyre was staying at my apartment thankfully. I was freaking out, and he went out there and made sure it was safe and stuff and was trying to figure out how it happened. I was shitting bricks, and probably would've died if he weren't there. ; ;
Daaawww...Awww...That's sweet!