Dynamis - Nothing Drops

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Dynamis - Nothing drops
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 18:28:03  
Sylph.Systematicchaos said:
Not sure what to tell you about that. I'm still fairly baffled that my procs weren't the same color as Upbeat's. How big was your sample? And you tried that on Hydra Monk/Thief then right?
Not enormous, but I'd imagine if the combination could get red !! on every monster previously, I would have at least seen some semblance of staggering at least once among my fights. :(
I am trying again entering on Darksday tomorrow, unless Upbeat wants to test out coming up with the same/different results twice. I guess another difference is that I'm a Bastoker, but I highly doubt that has any bearing at all.
Maybe I'll try messing around with steps/etc. in Bastok on the Purloiners, because it doesn't help only having definitive thoughts on one monster family imo. I don't think my group's going to want to go to Beaucedine every day, at least.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
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By Phoenix.Fondue 2011-05-12 18:58:59  
provoke can stagger?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 278
By Ragnarok.Cerelyn 2011-05-12 19:09:37  
Phoenix.Fondue said:
provoke can stagger?
yes blue

Ragnarok.Tuvae said:
Ragnarok.Cerelyn said:
Did a Xarc - run with all TE taken and we got:
21 Byne 15 Bronze 14 Shell and 1 100 piece

11 people, 1 THF 1 BLM 1 WHM 1 DNC rest DD (if memory serves me right)

Edit: Proc'd plenty red !!
Yer secret being?
Other than being awesome? :D
I think procing red !! did alot of the work or our THF really got a pimp TH lol. 1 THF and 1 RDM drop was from RDM and THF NM though, idk if they 100% or just high drop-rate.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
Posts: 589
By Odin.Upbeat 2011-05-12 19:46:14  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Odin.Upbeat said:
Sylph.Systematicchaos said:
Odin.Upbeat said:
Someone needs to find out how to get Villain's Fortune Parchment to drop! Attestation Of Accuracy is the only thing I'm missing to finish Annihilator.

Hydra Thief, just got one after grellow proccing with Stutter Step, same terrain level as you start on, right near the ramp to go down into the Yagudo is.
Awesome!! I'll have to try that tonight. And you entered on Lightningday correct? Did they drop each time you proc'd grellow, or do you think It's just TH/luck based?
Can certainly get them without grellow, we went 1/3 or so last night on the parchment with no TH or weakness procs.

Ironically, gun attestation dropped... we were just there for Spharai trials.
Sooo lucky :( /wrist
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2056
By Bismarck.Rinomaru 2011-05-12 20:03:30  
Dynamis Xarcabard:
Nin/blm(oops lol)

Blade Hi proc'd on a DRK i remember, dunno other mob.
Sleep2 proc on RDM and a few others, sleepga also. Sleepga Staggered the OTHER mob it hit, not the actual target(strange)
I casted Fire on firesday on.... a blm or somethin, forgot.
Evis proc'd on a DRK
(All Yellow !!, no red/blue/green,white,pink)

Got my TH7 finally though, whew.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2011-05-12 23:00:44  
Did a xarc and had no luck with procing

not even Evis. on a drk :(

oh well till tomorrow.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-13 00:26:11  
Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
Got my TH7 finally though, whew.
A little off topic, but is it just our server that calls it TH7, or does everyone call it that? >< TH3 + knife + hands + feet... = 6?

And sounds like Provoke has staggered red, yellow, and blue in this thread. What day did you enter that you got procs on?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2011-05-13 00:26:46  
Bismarck.Aena said:
Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
Got my TH7 finally though, whew.
A little off topic, but is it just our server that calls it TH7, or does everyone call it that? >< TH3 + knife + hands + feet... = 6? People keep saying 7...

And sounds like Provoke has staggered red, yellow, and blue in this thread. What day did you enter that you got procs on?

Atma of Dread.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-13 00:27:47  
Yes, I know, but people say they have TH7 when they go into Dynamis is what I mean. I know Atma of Dread is TH7, but I think some people even call that TH8. >< Is it just people I'm running into on my server?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2011-05-13 00:29:00  
Bismarck.Aena said:
Yes, I know, but people say they have TH7 when they go into Dynamis is what I mean. I know Atma of Dread is TH7, but I think some people even call that TH8. ><

I've never heard that. I think you're confused when people are talking about their treasure hunter effectiveness or whatever, that goes up the more you melee on monsters. That can get to 9? I think.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-13 00:30:51  
I'm saying I call it TH6 (THIII + 3 equipment slots), but some people in Dynamis shouts say they have TH7. Just making sure whether or not people were universally calling it TH6 or TH7. Want to make sure it's understood we're all bringing in max TH when we say we're bringing TH6 for Dynamis with little apparent success. :( I've heard it can proc up to 14 and have got it up to 12 before, am the THF that goes on our runs.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-13 00:31:04  
They are confused with how it works. Once you hit the mob and get a proc your initial TH level is enhanced by 1. So they probably see TH7 and think Oh I have TH7. I had someone that thought this earlier that all players have TH1 already on.

armlets + af3 feet + base + TK = 6
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: pheared
Posts: 176
By Shiva.Pheare 2011-05-13 00:50:44  
Just got an Oneiros Pebble and Tome #10 to drop in Dynamis - Bastok from NM which is spawned by trading an Odious Letterbox to the ??? at (J-7).

NM's name was Bu'Bho Truesteel. It was a PLD/RNG that used both EES and Invincible multiple times. It seemed to use both 2hr's at once at low hp. Was a fun fight with 8 and we did end up getting red !! on the NM.


サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: anariodin
Posts: 185
By Sylph.Anariodin 2011-05-13 02:36:41  
For everyones easy reading. I took the liberty of taking info from BG and some i found here and put it together on my web page.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Antaress
Posts: 133
By Asura.Antaress 2011-05-13 02:40:37  
ok so, we just went on beaucedine on watersday, stayed until icesday, tried all kinds of dnc steps and no trigger at all on any hydra. i'm starting to suspect they're day based >.>
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: anariodin
Posts: 185
By Sylph.Anariodin 2011-05-13 02:46:35  
tried and tested.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Napsuko
Posts: 5
By Shiva.Napsuko 2011-05-13 03:07:00  
Hm.. I might be insane, but I am 99.99% sure I proc'd a BRD in Bastok with Chi Blast. So the whole JA/Magic list might be off a tad. Unless somehow it's counted as magic, then I am a confused person. :/ I know the PLD/RNG NM we fought was proc'd via Drakesbane/Victory Smite however.
Posts: 74
By funstealer 2011-05-13 03:30:36  
Shiva.Napsuko said:
Hm.. I might be insane, but I am 99.99% sure I proc'd a BRD in Bastok with Chi Blast. So the whole JA/Magic list might be off a tad. Unless somehow it's counted as magic, then I am a confused person. :/ I know the PLD/RNG NM we fought was proc'd via Drakesbane/Victory Smite however.

as one of the people who discoverd the ja/ws/magic procs i can tell you u didnt proc chi blast on a brd for sure we havnt found anything that has fell outa the proc system even tryed to prove it wrong but could not

the list of procs is soild using the following will proc

we are currently trying to work on a patten atm
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 46
By Lakshmi.Dkbutterflavah 2011-05-13 03:49:15  
ok, went into Dynamis - bastok to test the theory. Went in on a run 5/12/11 starting on Watersday, approximately 6pm EDT. Group was WHM/WHM/NIN/BLU/RDM/BRD.

DID not trigger ONE mob.

I'm thinking that JA/WS/MAGIC procs might be zoned based or day based that applies.

Could one of the people who tested this JA/WS/MAGIC procs tell me which zones they have tested this in exactly? thanks for awesome info btw.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 278
By Ragnarok.Cerelyn 2011-05-13 03:55:45  
My group only done Xarc so far and we proc red !! (magic/WS) and blue !! (JA)
Posts: 74
By funstealer 2011-05-13 04:01:57  
Lakshmi.Dkbutterflavah said:
ok, went into Dynamis - bastok to test the theory. Went in on a run 5/12/11 starting on Watersday, approximately 6pm EDT. Group was WHM/WHM/NIN/BLU/RDM/BRD.

DID not trigger ONE mob.

I'm thinking that JA/WS/MAGIC procs might be zoned based or day based that applies.

Could one of the people who tested this JA/WS/MAGIC procs tell me which zones they have tested this in exactly? thanks for awesome info btw.

all the ja/ws/magic procs we have done have been in sandy tho alot of other data has been collected and noticed from screenshots and posts from other people doing other zones which adds on to the theory to make it true for any zone ;/
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 46
By Lakshmi.Dkbutterflavah 2011-05-13 04:10:45  
Has there been anyone from Dynamis Bastok that has procced with the trigger condition provided above?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 196
By Asura.Jaybezz 2011-05-13 04:19:11  
Lakshmi.Dkbutterflavah said:
ok, went into Dynamis - bastok to test the theory. Went in on a run 5/12/11 starting on Watersday, approximately 6pm EDT. Group was WHM/WHM/NIN/BLU/RDM/BRD.

DID not trigger ONE mob.

I'm thinking that JA/WS/MAGIC procs might be zoned based or day based that applies.

Could one of the people who tested this JA/WS/MAGIC procs tell me which zones they have tested this in exactly? thanks for awesome info btw.
the system is in its early stages a number of factors still need to be figured out, but it works, my ls was working on the "trigger was determinded by claimer view" but the info we gathered points to the:


all of our DD have emp weapons but we noticed emp WS's were the main proc's

i did proc a few times with rana(just messing about).

all of our staggers tie in2 the table above, below is the findings

mnk = provoke

Pld = rudra's storm
DRK(NM) = Evisceration
Drk = Rudra's Storm

rdm = CDC
drk = CDC
sam = CDC

rdm = sleepga 2


サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Napsuko
Posts: 5
By Shiva.Napsuko 2011-05-13 04:19:56  
I can't think off the top of my head what has proc'd which mob type. But I'll be entering Bastok again today, so I'll report any results we get if nothing has popped up yet. :/
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: anariodin
Posts: 185
By Sylph.Anariodin 2011-05-13 04:24:48  
Ramuh.Lorzy said:
Bismarck.Aena said:
Hmm, because of cast time, I did not try Ichi spells, in retrospect. >< Should be ice blue or water blue around Windsday, though... In that case, I should have tried Blade: Retsu, Teki, To, Yu, and Suiton/Huton/Hyoton: Ichi/Ni also. Next time will try spamming skills with icons matching colors of the three days around when I enter, if I have any, probably in a different zone (considering San d'Oria, Jeuno, Xarc). Maybe will wait for a day that works with a job ability I have and isn't Darksday...? Well, this is the list we got earlier: Dynamis-Bastok // Darksday Earth Shot - Red Light Shot - Red (Don't suppose these just fit under the general "Quickdraw" for JA color? If so, then I think these all fit with "Darksday.") Stun - Yellow Provoke - Yellow and Red Shadow of Death - Yellow Flash - Yellow Holy - Red Red Lotus Blade - Red Numbing Shot - Red Dispel - Red Sanguine Blade - Red Banish II - Red Blind II - Red Ground Strike - Red This would mean Lightning/Lights/Darksdays would be potentially easier days to go in and stagger if that's true? This would absolutely explain why my group was never able to stagger, though, since we mostly only have white-icon JAs and entered in the middle of the week (Thunder, Earth, etc.)
forgive me if i missed something, but someone earlier mentioned that it was based on who claimed the mob. were your results of not being able to proc with flourishes etc a separate solo run, or was it from this run with a group? do you happen to know if your results support that idea?
If you are going to read a forum READ THE WHOLE THING

Yes procs work in Bastok. Just as they do in all other Dyna zones so far.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: beesknees
Posts: 203
By Siren.Screamingbabies 2011-05-13 09:16:40  
I'm guessing SMN's blood pacts count as ja?

EDIT: And spells used under scholars new stratagem, Immanence i think it is, would they count as ws or still as spells?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Binckly
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2011-05-13 09:51:25  
Sylph.Systematicchaos said:
Bismarck.Aena said:
Sylph.Systematicchaos said:
Bismarck.Aena said:
Upbeat, were/are you able to get consistent results like this twice+, or have you only done one trip?
BLU LS mate ran around solo in Bastok trying the monster job type proc thing. He had no luck, entered on Earthsday, spammed WSes and spells according to the job:proc type theory.

Lots of possible WSs and spells as a BLU. Could be the issue. Need to pick a job with very few possible triggers (if it's based on your job, which it seems like it is) and target the right mobs. The best way to test it would probably be on JA mobs since you won't have 100 possible procs.
This is something we both agreed upon when he exited, but I fought the same mobs as Upbeat on the same job with the same abilities as ones that staggered, just on a different day (the exact opposite end of the week), and never saw one proc.

Not sure what to tell you about that. I'm still fairly baffled that my procs weren't the same color as Upbeat's. How big was your sample? And you tried that on Hydra Monk/Thief then right?
Might be a tad late, but I was in Dyna - Xarc yesterday, Maybe remembering the day would've been nice. :\. But i was dboxxing to get a friend his thf hands,came thf/dnc on his char, Stutter step wouldn't proc, or anything. Then the MNK or THF (Those were the ones~), used their 2hr, and stutter step proc'd BLUE on them. D:~. Proc'd whichever proc on a BLM with Holy too, which gave me the *** Armlets and an opiece, if that helps any
Edit: Oops, don't know if theres any new info, I was still reading page 11. <.<;
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-13 09:57:00  
This could explain why it was impossible for us to proc in Bastok previously at the entrance mobs because the puller had neither job abilities (save for terrible-recast Steal/Despoil/Mug) nor tools for magic. Going into San d'Oria* as soon as it turns to Darksday today on NIN/DNC; was thinking about trying DNC/NIN, but it can't use universal tools and has more steps and stuff to pick from.

If it randomizes which of your abilities/spells(?) can proc every time you use a new ability, I could have just been incredibly unlucky yesterday.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-13 09:59:57  
About to give windy a shot myself, just waiting on the markings to let me back in... damn thing saying I can't enter for 0 days rather then a timer of some sort >.>
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tuvae
Posts: 1277
By Ragnarok.Tuvae 2011-05-13 10:38:04  
Righto just got home and gunna pop into dynamis. We got a list of what procs are affected by days at all? Cuz from what im reading Iceday appears to not be too hot :/
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