Mattress Firm Refuses To Sell To Muslim Woman

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Mattress Firm Refuses To Sell To Muslim Woman
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サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:10:54  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 415
By Asura.Silvaria 2011-04-17 02:11:47  
Bahamut.Dasva said:

She had no problems in any other store but clearly there are alot of other problems there by your own quotes of that article thereby countering your own arguement. I see that it is a possibility. I don't see that it is the only possibility. Unlike you who is unwilling to see that there are actually other possibilities. So who exactly is the one being willfully obtuse one here again?

I saw nothing that countered my own argument.

Obviously, we simply view the facts through different filters.

I see is that burqas are not uncommon in that area, thereby dismissing the probability that he saw it as an unusual security risk.

I see that if other stores had no problem with it, it is obviously not a common security risk.

I see that if he wasn't even willing to do his "patriotic duty" and call the proper authorities about a possible terrorist, it was obviously not a blatant security risk.

I really don't know what else to say. We are apparently going to have to agree to disagree. Neither of us knows his true motives, therefore, we are both merely hypothesizing.

Thank you for the conversation, and to everyone who posted on my thread, whether we agreed or disagreed. Goodnight. 8)
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kanjirou
Posts: 475
By Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou 2011-04-17 02:13:20  
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:

So, tell me, why would a KKK guy wear a KKK hood into a mattress firm where a black manager was on duty, if not to declare his intention to harm him?

Now, tell me how a housewife wearing a burqa poses the same threat.

Maybe he had just gotten out of the rally and needed a new mattress. Duh.

KKK members buying mattresses in uniform after attending rallies, and Muslim terrorists posing as harmless every-day families in order to blow up Americans. This post is awesome.

But... Islamic extremists DO imitate harmless families to blow up innocent people. All the time. O.o; Not *** with you.

Seriously, this is why I say things like "What world do you live in?" You really believe Islamic extremists pose as harlmess families and go into places like mattress firm in order to enact Jihad? I mean, do you really walk around seeing every-day Muslims and think: "They could be a terrorist"? Are you actually the real-life embodiment of that Onion video?

And there's nothing prejudicial or illegal about denying service based on this?

Are you SO ignorant you don't read the news about people in marketplaces being blown up by men dressed up as women? Or how women 'while with their families' blow themselves up in hotels? Really. I'm not *** with you. It has happened and will happen. They imitate everyday people to perform their terrorism. Its insidious.

I am, however, not advocating that people in burqas be denied service. I'm pretty much as neutral in this as you can possibly be. I've made a point, repeatedly, that several of these arguments are really quite silly. The argument that anyone should be turned away for not showing their face if you allow anyone ELSE to hide their face is silly. Its totally unsustainable.

Yeah, those things happen in, like I said, Israel or the West Bank, not in the Baskin Robbins a few blocks from where I live. I'm not ignorant, here, I'm just not paranoid of people who have absolutely no intention to harm me just because they're a member of a given religion.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:13:28  
Asura.Silvaria said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:

She had no problems in any other store but clearly there are alot of other problems there by your own quotes of that article thereby countering your own arguement. I see that it is a possibility. I don't see that it is the only possibility. Unlike you who is unwilling to see that there are actually other possibilities. So who exactly is the one being willfully obtuse one here again?

I saw nothing that countered my own argument.

Obviously, we simply view the facts through different filters.

I see is that burqas are not uncommon in that area, thereby dismissing the probability that he saw it as an unusual security risk.

I see that if other stores had no problem with it, it is obviously not a common security risk.

I see that if he wasn't even willing to do his "patriotic duty" and call the proper authorities about a possible terrorist, it was obviously not a blatant security risk.

I really don't know what else to say. We are apparently going to have to agree to disagree. Neither of us knows his true motives, therefore, we are both merely hypothesizing.

Thank you for the conversation, and to everyone who posted on my thread, whether we agreed or disagreed. Goodnight. 8)

Well of course it wasn't a real security risk. If it was she would have blown him up first of course.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2011-04-17 02:14:38  
Terrorism's new plan is to attack americas bed. So you dont get a good nights sleep.

Think about it.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:15:14  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:

So, tell me, why would a KKK guy wear a KKK hood into a mattress firm where a black manager was on duty, if not to declare his intention to harm him?

Now, tell me how a housewife wearing a burqa poses the same threat.

Maybe he had just gotten out of the rally and needed a new mattress. Duh.

KKK members buying mattresses in uniform after attending rallies, and Muslim terrorists posing as harmless every-day families in order to blow up Americans. This post is awesome.

But... Islamic extremists DO imitate harmless families to blow up innocent people. All the time. O.o; Not *** with you.

Seriously, this is why I say things like "What world do you live in?" You really believe Islamic extremists pose as harlmess families and go into places like mattress firm in order to enact Jihad? I mean, do you really walk around seeing every-day Muslims and think: "They could be a terrorist"? Are you actually the real-life embodiment of that Onion video?

And there's nothing prejudicial or illegal about denying service based on this?

Are you SO ignorant you don't read the news about people in marketplaces being blown up by men dressed up as women? Or how women 'while with their families' blow themselves up in hotels? Really. I'm not *** with you. It has happened and will happen. They imitate everyday people to perform their terrorism. Its insidious.

I am, however, not advocating that people in burqas be denied service. I'm pretty much as neutral in this as you can possibly be. I've made a point, repeatedly, that several of these arguments are really quite silly. The argument that anyone should be turned away for not showing their face if you allow anyone ELSE to hide their face is silly. Its totally unsustainable.

Yeah, those things happen in, like I said, Israel or the West Bank, not in the Baskin Robbins a few blocks from where I live. I'm not ignorant, here, I'm just not paranoid of people who have absolutely no intention to harm me just because they're a member of a given religion.

I'm not paranoid of them either. O.o but I am paranoid about the KKK. Damned insidious ***. I heard they hanged a guy once in the last decade because he raped one of their daughters. That KKK needs to be rounded up and murdered with mattresses.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kanjirou
Posts: 475
By Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou 2011-04-17 02:15:43  
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.

No, no, no, I think you misread that. I accused someone of being xenophobic because someone else demanded that Muslims shouldn't wear burqas. I was then accused of demanding that we give up things instead. I'm not demanding we give up anything. Seriously, what great inconvenience is it for us to let people wear their religious outfits?
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:15:50  
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.

Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous.

The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.

Are you declaring gang war!?

No, I'm declaring thumb war!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Soube
Posts: 601
By Quetzalcoatl.Soube 2011-04-17 02:16:55  
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.

Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous.

The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.

Are you declaring gang war!?

No, I'm declaring thumb war!

Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war!

(10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:18:02  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:

You should just say.... "The KKK should be allowed to wear their uniform in any establishment despite their past history of violence while wearing the uniform." and get it over with. Its the only way you'll clearly win this argument. Really. Arguing against this argument is just a trap.

But they shouldn't. A KKK hood is a declaration of a deliberate intention to hurt people who aren't white, and it's worn exclusively for that purpose. Wearing a burqa is a sign of religious modesty, or oppression, or whatever you want to think. It's not an intent to -- like I said before -- lynch the black dude behind the counter.

If a guy in a KKK hood walked into a Mattress Firm and requested to buy a bed from the black manager on duty, he would be perfectly justified in being scared as ***, calling the cops, and telling him to get the hell off the premises. Telling a housewife who's trying to relieve neck issues that she can't buy a bed because her burqa makes her a security risk just isn't the same thing.

I know you can't appreciate this difference, but it's real.

No, really. A KKK outfit isn't a declaration of intent to harm. It may have been used by some people that took it as an intent to harm but originally the garment was worn for ceremonies. Just because a group of people wore it while persecuting black people doesn't make the garment itself evil.

Also, just because someone is bigoted doesn't mean they're not entitled to BE bigoted. They just can't ACT on it.

So, tell me, why would a KKK guy wear a KKK hood into a mattress firm where a black manager was on duty, if not to declare his intention to harm him?

Now, tell me how a housewife wearing a burqa poses the same threat.

Maybe hes shy and thinks his masculine face and shiny hair will seduce all who set eyes on him and lead them into homosexual sin. Therefore he wears his KKK suit wherever he goes to protect all the men from being seduced into homosexuality. The man may not be justified in this belief and many people would rightfully question whether or not people should have a right to have homosexual thoughts when viewing his stunning face and amazing physique. Maybe hes not worried about homosexuals so much as women becoming enamored of his Adonis DNA.

You know, if that was genuinely a common-held practice among KKK members, I would see absolutely no danger in him being there dressed like that.

It sounds like you just argued that the Muslim woman wasn't a security threat after all!

I never argued that the muslim woman was a security threat in the first place. I just think that banning one set of people from covering their faces while not banning others is just a silly conclusion and indefensible. Yet you keep defending it.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:19:02  
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.

Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous.

The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.

Are you declaring gang war!?

No, I'm declaring thumb war!

Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war!

(10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)

At the gay bar, gay bar
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:19:42  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.
No, no, no, I think you misread that. I accused someone of being xenophobic because someone else demanded that Muslims shouldn't wear burqas. I was then accused of demanding that we give up things instead. I'm not demanding we give up anything. Seriously, what great inconvenience is it for us to let people wear their religious outfits?
What great inconvience is it for them to not wear them?

Forcing a majority to accept a minority is just as bad as forcing a minority to accept the majority. Actually one could argue worse but neither here nor there
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-04-17 02:19:53  
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
A couple of things I'd like to say here.

1.) Anyone who walks into a store with something that covers 90% of their face is immediately suspicious to me, regardless of the reason.

2.) 93% of communication is non-verbal. I imagine covering your face to the point where someone could not see any kind of facial expression you were making would put anyone on edge.

Muslim women don't cover their faces to purposely hide their facial expressions to make you feel uncomfortable. They're raised (traditionally) to believe its disrespectful to show their faces publicly. Yes, to me, that's ridiculous ... but it's no more ridiculous than someone believing s/he is drinking God's blood out of a wine decanter every Sunday.

Ifrit.Arawn said:
So. If a man wearing a KKK hood walked into a black guys store and the black guy refused to sell him a bed, you'd have the black guy fired?

When was the last time you met a peaceful self-respecting KKK Klansman?
Your example of a KKK hoodie walking into a black guy's store is more comparable to a guy wearing a "Hitler is awesome" T-shirt into a Jewish-owned store.

What a lot of you numskulls don't realize (or refuse to accept) is that a Muslim probably sees some American fashion (thongs, ladies' pants, sagging over-sized mens' jean shorts, etc.) as repulsive and disrespectful, even though us Americans clearly (in general) approve of those items.
You think that's stupid that Muslims think that?
Well, they probably think it's stupid that you disapprove of traditional Muslim women's garb, too.

I personally don't care what you wear, but that's me. Sure I have my preferences ... who doesn't? But I'll also respect the fact that your tastes are likely different than mine.

Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
I'm absolutely stunned some of you think this isn't about religious expression, or that the manager's actions weren't discriminatory.

If it had been an Indian lady wearing a Sari, or a Catholic nun wearing a habit, or, hell, even someone in a hoodie, this would not have happened. How do I know? Because American culture isn't filled with stereotypes about Indians or nuns hiding bombs in their clothes. This was a clear-cut case of: "Oh ***, there's a Muslim woman wearing a burqa. I r scurred."

Yes, managers have a right to refuse service because of a genuine security risk and for most other reasons excluding religious expression (among other things.) A housewife wearing a burqa going bed-shopping with her family of 4 is not a *** security risk, she's a *** housewife going bed-shopping with her family of 4. And, I'm sorry, but I don't care what your views are on the burqa: they don't entitle you to deny someone service.

Agree. +1.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kanjirou
Posts: 475
By Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou 2011-04-17 02:20:11  
Ifrit.Arawn said:
I'm not paranoid of them either. O.o but I am paranoid about the KKK. Damned insidious ***. I heard they hanged a guy once in the last decade because he raped one of their daughters. That KKK needs to be rounded up and murdered with mattresses.

You realize that you did just argue exactly that in the case of burqas, right?

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Are you SO ignorant you don't read the news about people in marketplaces being blown up by men dressed up as women? Or how women 'while with their families' blow themselves up in hotels? Really. I'm not *** with you. It has happened and will happen. They imitate everyday people to perform their terrorism. Its insidious.

I'm not the bigot, here. People don't go walking around in public harmlessly wearing KKK uniforms: it is a declaration of an intent to harm. People do go walking around in public harmlessly wearing burqas. You yourself admitted that they believe they're doing it out of modesty.

You want to talk about security risks, you have to talk about intentions. There's a very, very clear difference, here. If someone walked into a store wearing a T-shirt that said "I am going to kill everyone in this room unless you empty your cash-register" and walked up to a clerk, you'd bet your *** that was a security risk. Wearing a Sari doesn't do that. Wearing a burqa only does that if you live in Prejudiced Paranoia Land.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Soube
Posts: 601
By Quetzalcoatl.Soube 2011-04-17 02:20:25  
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.

Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous.

The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.

Are you declaring gang war!?

No, I'm declaring thumb war!

Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war!

(10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)

At the gay bar, gay bar

10 Soube points to you. Each point redeemable for 5,000 gil, available only on Quetzalcoatl server.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:21:57  
Asura.Silvaria said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
She had no problems in any other store but clearly there are alot of other problems there by your own quotes of that article thereby countering your own arguement. I see that it is a possibility. I don't see that it is the only possibility. Unlike you who is unwilling to see that there are actually other possibilities. So who exactly is the one being willfully obtuse one here again?
I saw nothing that countered my own argument. Obviously, we simply view the facts through different filters. I see is that burqas are not uncommon in that area, thereby dismissing the probability that he saw it as an unusual security risk. I see that if other stores had no problem with it, it is obviously not a common security risk. I see that if he wasn't even willing to do his "patriotic duty" and call the proper authorities about a possible terrorist, it was obviously not a blatant security risk. I really don't know what else to say. We are apparently going to have to agree to disagree. Neither of us knows his true motives, therefore, we are both merely hypothesizing. Thank you for the conversation, and to everyone who posted on my thread, whether we agreed or disagreed. Goodnight. 8)
Probability does not possibility. I merely argue that there is a real possibility that he might have felt threatened. He might not have but it doesn't matter if he did or didn't he could've and said he did so unless you got someway of proving him wrong...

In the end that's all there was too it. The burden of prove is on the accuser not the accusee
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:22:54  
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.
Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous. The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.
Are you declaring gang war!?
No, I'm declaring thumb war!
Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war! (10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)
At the gay bar, gay bar
10 Soube points to you. Each point redeemable for 5,000 gil, available only on Quetzalcoatl server.
Damn saw it too late
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kanjirou
Posts: 475
By Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou 2011-04-17 02:23:14  
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.
No, no, no, I think you misread that. I accused someone of being xenophobic because someone else demanded that Muslims shouldn't wear burqas. I was then accused of demanding that we give up things instead. I'm not demanding we give up anything. Seriously, what great inconvenience is it for us to let people wear their religious outfits?
What great inconvience is it for them to not wear them?

Pretty damn great! How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how they perceive it. It's supposedly mortifying.

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?
By zahrah 2011-04-17 02:24:30  
Here's my stance on the burqa and oppression...

If men can't distinguish sexual content from the female or male anatomy, that is a problem. You can't have a progressive cultural attitude without being able to see the human anatomy for what it is.
The burqa is a denial of females as a whole!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Soube
Posts: 601
By Quetzalcoatl.Soube 2011-04-17 02:24:55  
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.
Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous. The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.
Are you declaring gang war!?
No, I'm declaring thumb war!
Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war! (10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)
At the gay bar, gay bar
10 Soube points to you. Each point redeemable for 5,000 gil, available only on Quetzalcoatl server.
Damn saw it too late

Well the points are transferable. All Arawn needs to do is post the name of the person he wants to give them to. Then that person needs to tell me their character name so I know who to give the gil to in game. >_>;
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2011-04-17 02:25:11  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.
No, no, no, I think you misread that. I accused someone of being xenophobic because someone else demanded that Muslims shouldn't wear burqas. I was then accused of demanding that we give up things instead. I'm not demanding we give up anything. Seriously, what great inconvenience is it for us to let people wear their religious outfits?
What great inconvience is it for them to not wear them?

Pretty damn great! How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how they perceive it. It's supposedly mortifying.

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?

The fact that they could now walk around concealed.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:27:08  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
zahrah said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Well, you are acting pretty xenophobic. Apparently you think foreigners should ditch their culture the second they come to our country.
You make it seem as though every Western nation is suppose to give up their culture to accommodate to others!!!
Wait, what exactly am I asking people to give up?
Well, you're accusing someone of being xenophobic. What is your solution? You think foreigners are "ditching" their culture. Why not adapt? There is give and take with both, or do you not see that?
What do you have to 'give' in order to let a Muslim woman wear a burqa? No, I really don't see it.
Last time I checked he didn't make her take it off
So your aruement about making her give it up doesn't really apply. It's making us accept someone wearing that as if they weren't wearing it that is making us give up our culture.
No, no, no, I think you misread that. I accused someone of being xenophobic because someone else demanded that Muslims shouldn't wear burqas. I was then accused of demanding that we give up things instead. I'm not demanding we give up anything. Seriously, what great inconvenience is it for us to let people wear their religious outfits?
What great inconvience is it for them to not wear them?
Pretty damn great! How would you like to walk around naked?

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?
In washington? No it's *** cold up here. But if everyone else was doing it *** it, When in rome do as the Romans do.

You are also dodging the question. What are they giving up to not wear it. Where is the great inconvience? Also I never said they shouldn't be allowed to wear it. I said it shouldn't be dictated to us to accept them and think of them the same as if they weren't wearing it. Just as they probably think are women are all ***.

Tell me honestly how well over do you think it would go if a girl pratically falling out of her bikini went to buy something in a store ran by that womans family?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-04-17 02:27:35  
zahrah said:
Here's my stance on the burqa and oppression...

If men can't distinguish sexual content from the female or male anatomy, that is a problem. You can't have a progressive cultural attitude without being able to see the human anatomy for what it is.
The burqa is a denial of the females as a whole!

Burqas are archaic and (in Western eyes) demeaning to women.

That has nothing to do with this discussion, though.

In the 1970's, many women believed bras were demeaning to women. But you wouldn't throw someone out of your store for "security purposes" because she wasn't wearing a bra, right?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-04-17 02:30:51  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how Muslims perceive an unconcealed woman. It's supposedly mortifying.

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?

Simple and plain answer: comfort.

And god forbid an American should have to feel uncomfortable on American soil every once in a while, right?
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:32:38  
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
I'm not paranoid of them either. O.o but I am paranoid about the KKK. Damned insidious ***. I heard they hanged a guy once in the last decade because he raped one of their daughters. That KKK needs to be rounded up and murdered with mattresses.

You realize that you did just argue exactly that in the case of burqas, right?

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Are you SO ignorant you don't read the news about people in marketplaces being blown up by men dressed up as women? Or how women 'while with their families' blow themselves up in hotels? Really. I'm not *** with you. It has happened and will happen. They imitate everyday people to perform their terrorism. Its insidious.

I'm not the bigot, here. People don't go walking around in public harmlessly wearing KKK uniforms: it is a declaration of an intent to harm. People do go walking around in public harmlessly wearing burqas. You yourself admitted that they believe they're doing it out of modesty.

You want to talk about security risks, you have to talk about intentions. There's a very, very clear difference, here. If someone walked into a store wearing a T-shirt that said "I am going to kill everyone in this room unless you empty your cash-register" and walked up to a clerk, you'd bet your *** that was a security risk. Wearing a Sari doesn't do that. Wearing a burqa only does that if you live in Prejudiced Paranoia Land.

God. I wonder if anyone has gone this long without getting a point. Its a fact that everyone else can be required to remove facial coverings if a company has a policy against them. *Tilts over* I would say that the KKK member should be required to remove their hood.

As tongue-in-cheek as this argument was in the first place (yes, elanabelle I realize the argument was horribly HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and I intended it as such.) you can't argue some of the key points in it. If anyone can be made to take off head coverings, everyone can be required to. Its obvious that the company's policy isn't to force people to remove head coverings. Since I hear they fired the man. (Personally I think he should have been reprimanded and made to issue an apology. He won't learn his lesson otherwise.) I also think the burqa is disgusting. To force a woman to wear it is disgusting.

and no... no, I won't say that the KKK uniform is a declaration of intent to injure someone. Why won't I? Because the KKK uniform is a uniform dumbass. A person could be wearing it as a halloween costume.

*facepalms* That I had to deliberately make sure you guys knew I was being sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek is seriously laughable. Really. Though, some of your arguments were horribly laughable as well. Like the one where muslim terrorists don't impersonate families to carry out suicide bombings. Muslim terrorists have proven time and time again they will go to great and thoroughly despicable lengths to disguise themselves long enough to blow up as many people as they can. O.o Though not so much in mattress stores.

But, then again, I never argued that terrorists did intend to blow up mattress stores. That was you taking my argument and blurring it with other people's arguments.

Also, if by the time I made that argument about the KKK member who was shy about his appearance you didn't realize I was making a grand joke... well, that's neither here nor there.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-04-17 02:34:23  
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
And while you argue you all this you know that if I went around in my normal street clothes in there hometown I would be lucky if all I got was put in jail without trial. Yes you adjust and adapt to wear you live it's just common sense.
Yes, but nobody here thinks we should go force them to be open minded. Why that would be barbarous. The world is insane. Live with it or we'll take you to the mattresses.
Are you declaring gang war!?
No, I'm declaring thumb war!
Let's start a war! Start a nuclear war! (10 points to anyone who gets this reference.)
At the gay bar, gay bar
10 Soube points to you. Each point redeemable for 5,000 gil, available only on Quetzalcoatl server.
Damn saw it too late

Well the points are transferable. All Arawn needs to do is post the name of the person he wants to give them to. Then that person needs to tell me their character name so I know who to give the gil to in game. >_>;

I looked up the answer and cheated. The first person on Quetz that asks you for the money can have it if you still want to give me the points. By the way, the video is hilarious.
By zahrah 2011-04-17 02:41:15  
Bismarck.Elanabelle said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how Muslims perceive an unconcealed woman. It's supposedly mortifying.

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?

Simple and plain answer: comfort.

And god forbid an American should have to feel uncomfortable on American soil every once in a while, right?

And God forbid Europeans feel uncomfortable on their soil, but they do every day!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kanjirou
Posts: 475
By Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou 2011-04-17 02:43:38  
Ifrit.Arawn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
Ifrit.Arawn said:
I'm not paranoid of them either. O.o but I am paranoid about the KKK. Damned insidious ***. I heard they hanged a guy once in the last decade because he raped one of their daughters. That KKK needs to be rounded up and murdered with mattresses.

You realize that you did just argue exactly that in the case of burqas, right?

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Are you SO ignorant you don't read the news about people in marketplaces being blown up by men dressed up as women? Or how women 'while with their families' blow themselves up in hotels? Really. I'm not *** with you. It has happened and will happen. They imitate everyday people to perform their terrorism. Its insidious.

I'm not the bigot, here. People don't go walking around in public harmlessly wearing KKK uniforms: it is a declaration of an intent to harm. People do go walking around in public harmlessly wearing burqas. You yourself admitted that they believe they're doing it out of modesty.

You want to talk about security risks, you have to talk about intentions. There's a very, very clear difference, here. If someone walked into a store wearing a T-shirt that said "I am going to kill everyone in this room unless you empty your cash-register" and walked up to a clerk, you'd bet your *** that was a security risk. Wearing a Sari doesn't do that. Wearing a burqa only does that if you live in Prejudiced Paranoia Land.

God. I wonder if anyone has gone this long without getting a point. Its a fact that everyone else can be required to remove facial coverings if a company has a policy against them. *Tilts over* I would say that the KKK member should be required to remove their hood.

As tongue-in-cheek as this argument was in the first place (yes, elanabelle I realize the argument was horribly HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and I intended it as such.) you can't argue some of the key points in it. If anyone can be made to take off head coverings, everyone can be required to. Its obvious that the company's policy isn't to force people to remove head coverings. Since I hear they fired the man. (Personally I think he should have been reprimanded and made to issue an apology. He won't learn his lesson otherwise.) I also think the burqa is disgusting. To force a woman to wear it is disgusting.

and no... no, I won't say that the KKK uniform is a declaration of intent to injure someone. Why won't I? Because the KKK uniform is a uniform dumbass. A person could be wearing it as a halloween costume.

*facepalms* That I had to deliberately make sure you guys knew I was being sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek is seriously laughable. Really. Though, some of your arguments were horribly laughable as well. Like the one where muslim terrorists don't impersonate families to carry out suicide bombings. Muslim terrorists have proven time and time again they will go to great and thoroughly despicable lengths to disguise themselves long enough to blow up as many people as they can. O.o Though not so much in mattress stores.

But, then again, I never argued that terrorists did intend to blow up mattress stores. That was you taking my argument and blurring it with other people's arguments.

Also, if by the time I made that argument about the KKK member who was shy about his appearance you didn't realize I was making a grand joke... well, that's neither here nor there.

Flounce harder.

The bolded sentence reminded me of that episode of South Park where Cartman dresses up as "a ghost" for Halloween. Except he uses a KKK hood. And then talks to Chef. And then gets sent to the principal's office, where they try to explain to him why it was inappropriate. And he doesn't get it.

You live in a strangely out-of-touch world. Wearing a KKK uniform out in public is apparently perfectly harmless and sends no mixed messages, but a burqa-wearing housewife going mattress shopping is a genuine security threat because of a few news stories about terrorists disguising themselves as women. Yeah. OK.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-04-17 02:45:12  
zahrah said:
Bismarck.Elanabelle said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how Muslims perceive an unconcealed woman. It's supposedly mortifying. You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?
Simple and plain answer: comfort. And god forbid an American should have to feel uncomfortable on American soil every once in a while, right?
And God forbid Europeans feel uncomfortable on their soil, but they do every day!
What you mean like this?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-04-17 02:45:52  
zahrah said:
Bismarck.Elanabelle said:
Quetzalcoatl.Kanjirou said:
How would you like to walk around naked? Because, by most of the testimonies I've read, that's how Muslims perceive an unconcealed woman. It's supposedly mortifying.

You keep dodging my question: what are we giving up by letting a woman wear a burqa? Where's the great inconvenience?

Simple and plain answer: comfort.

And god forbid an American should have to feel uncomfortable on American soil every once in a while, right?

And God forbid Europeans feel uncomfortable on their soil, but they do every day!

Do you feel that gust of wind rushing past you Zahrah?
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