Your In-game Name

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Your in-game name
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サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Neclord
Posts: 504
By Diabolos.Neclord 2011-04-12 01:01:11  
Name is from a villian in suikoden(2nd fav rpg series), was gonna use name of a darkknight named pesmerga from same game but was taken so decided on neclord.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2011-04-12 02:02:52  
all variations of my name (sira) was stolen by my ex's ex (long story and an amusing one at that).

so due to lack of creativity i picked this:

サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2011-04-12 02:05:08  
It's a cool name Yuni !
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Auraflare
Posts: 38
By Valefor.Auraflare 2011-04-12 02:25:09  
Old aol sn i used several years ago. Char name i wanted was taken and I started playing before I started naming game characters with gaelic names or varitions of (my mules all have gaelic names as do my two characters on another mmo.)

current mule is Beageagla (beag eagla, ffxi doesnt allow spaces >.>.....) i think it ment little terror, but it's been a while since I had looked it up in the gaelic dictonary.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Abrianna
Posts: 2929
By Asura.Abriannah 2011-04-12 02:47:37  
Oh gosh..

Well, I am definitely not one of those creative people.

For Abrianna, I literally opened a baby name registry online and started looking through the names.. I didn't get far as you can tell. :)

Now, my second character is a little more personal. My second character started off as a secret, to get away from everyone and their ridicule, but still being able to play.. So, I kinda had two options, Madison or Mckennah, and Bart liked Mckennah more.. so that's how she came to be named. :)

Madison Mckennah Rose..
Forum Moderator
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15592
By Asura.Vyre 2011-04-12 02:51:15  
Bismarck.Dracondria said:
Midboss was the best char lol
He totally was, well, he did have competition from Flonne. Nin nin nin! Ninja Flonne!

My brother has poor memory and asked me if I used a variation of "That guy, Midboss." for my name when I made it on FFXI. I head desked. A lot. >_> Now I want to name myself Midboss.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: rinkydink
Posts: 494
By Bismarck.Rinkydink 2011-04-12 02:55:37  
well anyone that knows me in any shape of form knows me on facebook (god knows why its jsut a log of ***)

anyway .. my RL surname is Rinkauskas.. which people couldnt pronounce.. peopel shortened it to Rinky. one guy called me RinkyDink. and well thats where it stuck..

its NOT thats STUPID Rinkydink song that random people come up to me and sing
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Siren.Matsui 2011-04-12 03:06:26  
The fist bar i went to was called Chopsuey. Back when i first made the account i thought it was Matsui!( i musta been drinking too much to remember name xD) oppsies. Now alot of people ask if im jap but im not. If i could change it i would.

I also have a mule name Demosthenes. If you read the book Ender's game, enders sister valintine blogs under the name Demosthenes.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Rayik
Posts: 924
By Cerberus.Rayik 2011-04-12 05:33:06  
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Jaerik was actually the name of a secondary main-plot character I wrote back as a content developer for Ultima Online.

We had a system whereby a certain kind of non-customer service GM (called an Interest GM) would develop and play certain NPC's strictly in-character, wandering around in the world to hand out quests and one-time events. Imagine if a FFXI GM walked around as Wolfgang or Shantotto and sent players out on ad-hoc quests where they created one-off dungeons, spawned monsters, played secondary characters, and handed out unique loot.

He was the captain of Blackthorn's guard, a member of the Chaos faction, that grew up in Buccaneer's Den (think Norg) and came to the city of Britain (think Jeuno) as a young adult.

While he had GM-level stats that made him attack faster and harder than any player character, he was bitten by a highly venomous Silver Serpent while on an expedition for Blackthorn, causing serious internal injuries. This meant he could only fight for about 20-30 seconds at a time before collapsing from complete respiratory failure, and had to rely on players for most of the serious fights and legwork.

He was only supposed to be a secondary character (like Wolfgang), but became so popular among the player base that Electronic Arts ended up keeping him in-game after I left the position. And the name, while originally out of an EA-supplied random name generator, stuck with me because I became rather attached to playing the character.

Amusingly, once I went to work for another MMO, I used Jaerik as my GM/developer handle and was cease-and-desisted by EA for work product violations. Oops.

I don't have anything but a crappy light concept sketch I made for him back for reference for the art team to design an outfit for (12 years ago when my art skills sucked ***.) But he wore a dark charcoal black set of dragonscale+chain armor, forest green cloak and sash, and dark brown leather boots and gloves, a burnished gold cloak clasp and shield in the shape of the Chaos crest, and a matching hand-and-a-half/*** sword.

Wow, I used to play Ultima Online back in the day, from around '98 until '04. I miss that game sometimes, but it got too weird by the time I left. The Samurai expansion was a cool idea, but the hot-neon colored gear made everything look like plastic toys.

Spend any time on Siege Perilous?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Stryger
Posts: 140
By Asura.Stryger 2011-04-12 05:42:37  
I have no idea how i got mine, started the game originally as Reckless, that was when i was like 12-13ish, name came from my character on NBA Ballers lol, then i quit, came back as Spencerman, aka my last name and superheroafied, and now Stryger, which i dunno where it came from i did learn its a real name tho used.. mainly as a last name. but now Stryger or Stry is used for everything even get called Stry by a few people irl including my boss.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Liandrian
Posts: 2730
By Cerberus.Liandaru 2011-04-12 06:26:59  
I know we had this thread somewhere before, but ok...

Long time ago (like 11 years ago) when I first discovered the internet, I frequented chat rooms. One such chat room was dedicated to RPG, it was called the Mystic Tavern on Lycos. One minor character I created was this demon type chick named Liandrian. I went with that name for my first character, a Mithra, just because it sounded pretty. When I got my own FFXI account, instead of being a secondary on my husband's account, I decided to make a taru, and wanted to have a taru sounding name. My mule, Winterwasp is a white haired Mithra. That name is taken from my screen name on just about everything else I use, being Winterwisp, because winter has always been my favorite time of year :D
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2982
By Phoenix.Amael 2011-04-12 06:31:38  
Now I wonder if Any of you have given your char a last name O.o
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21615
By Cerberus.Kalyna 2011-04-12 06:52:59  


my in game name (Kalyna) is an actual girls name =P
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Elmodfz
Posts: 158
By Ifrit.Elmodfz 2011-04-12 07:34:14  
Elmo = my nickname from school, no idea why
DFZ = a tag my ex and his friends used to use for gaming and stuff.

I wanted Elmo on it's own, but of course every server has one, but the one on Ifrit has been inactive for years, which pisses me off coz I want to be able to change my name!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Thejew
Posts: 76
By Cerberus.Thejew 2011-04-12 07:37:09  
Thejew! >_>;

I was the only Jewish person at my school, and it stuck. lol
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2011-04-12 07:45:55  
I stared at the character name field for at least 10 minutes. The character name field sat there, blank, mocking me and my feeble mind. I grasped nothing but air in my search for a clever, interesting name.

Then it hit me:

I had to add an extra E to the name, but I liked Eeek a little better than Eek. In any case, the name works damn well for a Mithra, and people comment on it all the time in /tell and /say.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: nignog
Posts: 802
By Ramuh.Yarly 2011-04-12 07:49:21  
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Andromida
Posts: 44
By Lakshmi.Andromida 2011-04-12 07:52:25  
Bad spelling of Andromeda from Greek Mythology:

Wikipedia said:
In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, king and queen of the kingdom Ethiopia. Her mother Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, the nymph-daughters of the sea god Nereus and often seen accompanying Poseidon. To punish the Queen for her arrogance, Poseidon, brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent a sea monster (Cetus) to ravage the coast of Ethiopia including the kingdom of the vain Queen. The desperate King consulted the Oracle of Apollo, who announced that no respite would be found until the king sacrificed his virgin daughter Andromeda to the monster. She was chained naked to a rock on the coast.

Although I probably got the name from the TV series, I wouldn't have picked it if it wasn't for the mythology as well. I also have a mule called Sirrah which is the brightest star in the Andromeda star constellation.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: gillmaree
Posts: 34
By Sylph.Amfortas 2011-04-12 08:24:23  
My main, Octaviane, this mule Amfortas, and second mule Marshallin are all named after opera characters. Octavian, from Der Rosenkavalier was taken, so I added an "e" to make it feminine. Marshallin is also from Der Rosenkavalier, and Amfortas from Parsifal.

Nice thread :)
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 84
By Sylph.Aegisbushido 2011-04-12 09:12:02  
i made it up and used it on armoured core then i was like what the hell and used ti for this
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Anapinata
Posts: 4
By Asura.Magrat 2011-04-12 09:35:13  
i took mine from my fave character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ariyon
Posts: 383
By Bismarck.Ariyon 2011-04-12 09:38:22  
Phoenix.Amael said:
Now I wonder if Any of you have given your char a last name O.o
As a matter of fact I did, though I didn't add it until way later. I used the last name "Durandal". (Xenosaga ftw)
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Greatbob
Posts: 1
By Bismarck.Greatbob 2011-04-12 09:38:34  
Bob was a nickname I got in high school...and Great is because I am. short story.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lynxblade
Posts: 1654
By Carbuncle.Lynxblade 2011-04-12 09:41:58  
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Zeota
Posts: 85
By Bismarck.Zeota 2011-04-12 09:49:20  
I made up this name sometime in the mid-90s only to find out years later it was an actual name. It was the name of my main character on PSO for the gamecube back in 2002-2003. I used the name "Darkepyon" on a lot of forums I frequent over the past 10 years, but it wasn't really viable in a world like FFXI. "Zeota" just had a more fantasy vibe to it and seemed more appropriate.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2011-04-12 14:53:32  
Cerberus.Rayik said:
Wow, I used to play Ultima Online back in the day, from around '98 until '04. I miss that game sometimes, but it got too weird by the time I left. The Samurai expansion was a cool idea, but the hot-neon colored gear made everything look like plastic toys.

Spend any time on Siege Perilous?
Nope, we actually tended to stay off the PvP shard because players there weren't usually super interested in say... plot events. :D

I left before UO2 collapsed and they attempted to back-shovel all of the sequel's lore into UO for contractual reasons. So I never got to see Blackthorn go from "guy with simple philosophical differences from British" to "giant evil mecha-overlord that tries to kill everyone." Nor the day-glo items, etc. Just heard of it.

Raph, Starr, Richard, etc were all long gone by that point as well.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Urial
Posts: 31068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-04-12 15:03:40  
Typically I use Uriel, but that spelling was taken on Ramuh thus I went with Urial...I later found out is a type of sheep...Now to avoid the chance of people having take Uriel I just go with Uri.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2011-04-12 15:07:46  
Asura.Silvaria said:
I used to be a huge DragonLance fan, so when I saw I could pick an Elvaan character, I wanted a name based on the Silvanesti elf race.

In the nearly 4 years I've played, only 2 people have recognized that, but, that's 2 more than I expected. 8)

Oh jeez, I didn't even notice. I only read the original first three DragonLance books, once, a long time ago. If you'd been named Kitiara or Lauralanthalasa I would've gotten it! (I hated Kitiara though, and Laura seriously needed to punch Tanis right in his stupid nose.)
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