Hai there!
OmgRubyLight, a GMT empyrean linkshell is currently looking for a -career- WHM with basic atmas/gears.
Officials runs are everyday but wed/sun, from 5 to 11 PM GMT+1.
We also tend to do stuff during wed and sun, but none of them are mandatory.
We currently have 4 empyreans to our name ( 2x Kannagi, 1 Ukonvasara and 1 Masamune ).
We pimp members 1 by 1, once your turn begin, you will be pimped like hell, full AF3+2, certain accessories (such as epona's, hecate ear, the usual...) and we will complete important storylines (i.e: CoP) for you.
It generally take ~2 weeks total.
Why do we look for a whm if our situation is stable?
Well, our current WHM is now a masamune holder, and would like to enjoy his other jobs during events, you know...
Once you get pearled, you will be a trial member for 1 to 2 days.
When you're finally a full member, we will get you missing AF3+1, merit abyssites, incase you need any.
If interested, contact one of our officier, myself, Gram or Varchesis, or go make an apply on our website: http://omgrubylight.guildwork.com/.
Thanks for your time, and in the hope the ls fit you!