Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-28 17:30:40
It's what they were going to do, when it got to us. It was simply an inferior game that took too long to make and died in the crib. It would have been smothered to death, but never even got the chance.
It's easy to get conned into reading misinfo about it.
By Josiahafk 2024-08-28 19:30:59
By Pantafernando 2024-08-29 01:11:06
Sounds familiar?
By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 04:51:27
Bandai Namco have setup a DEI dept (just like Square Enix did!), to better appeal to western players. Amazon (their partners) told them to do this, and they have been building it for the past year.
Golden times ahead, for Chinese developers doing Anime games better than Japan.
By Afania 2024-08-29 05:36:03
Golden times ahead, for Chinese developers doing Anime games better than Japan.
Lolno. Mihoyo changed their underwear design for their gacha character after release, only because Chinese government doesn't like inappropriate clothing designs. So many female character's underwear were changed into shorts inside their skirts.
And they deleted lesbian kiss scene in their honkai impact manga. Again, because the government doesn't like it.
Loooooooool if you think Chinese never censor anything in games. It's just so wrong. You obviously never cared enough about Chinese game industry to know about a *** tons of censorship they did over the years and they will continue to do it in the future.
Also just FYI, even without so-called DEI department, Japanese also censor their games. It has been a tradition that any R18 VN would remove the R18 element when they did console release.
Just a few years ago I read some Japanese gamer on 5ch had a mental meltdown after they spent 20000 yen on a gacha character, only to have her short skirt design changed to something longer after all the money spent. And this game didn't even have western release at that time, obviously it's not western DEI's fault that skirt length became longer.
Asian gacha companies do clothing censorship all the time. Both Chinese and Japanese. You just don't know because you obviously don't play those games nor read about them in their community, so when it happened you wouldn't know.
By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 06:18:41
the problem with Western and now Japanese companies is they are not making these changes for the enjoyment of of players, they are doing it to felate mega investment corporations like Blackrock who want them to do it.
These companies are running their corporations and following the best meta (pandering to blackrock) but in doing so they are killing the long term health of their companies by alienating their customers, and allowing other companies to take them away from them. China is literally dominating the anime game scene right now, they are making hundreds of millions of dollars a month.
Customers are the lifeblood, and even if there is a better short term strat, you'll pay for it in the long term. Japan are so dominant lately, not becasue they are so good but because the west are so bad at making games now due to DEI hiring, and alienating customers with woke crap (one of the major reasons any Star wars product is so bad, is becasue Kathleen Kennedy demands 40-50% women behind the scenes staff, even if they are incompetent. This obvioysly makes all star wars products garbage, an incompetent animator will make garbage) Japan will start following them down into that pit.
China being the way it is, they won't have this problem cause western investors and Blackrock are never gonna invest heavily into them. Which is amazing boon for their industry, cause investors are cancer to creativity.
So China are unironically the future of gaming, and the western investors are gonna lose their money when this industry crashes and burns.
Blizzard are a perfect example, they used to be one of the most loved companies that existed. They had literal fan shows people paid to go see, to show off their adverts for new expansions and games (this is not like ff14 fanshows that are fans of the game, these were fans of Blizzard itself). Then they pandered fully to investors, and now they are hated and they can't even have fan shows anymore cause they will be trolled into oblivion.
Not only are Blizzard dying (they have locked in players, but once they are gone they won't renew them) and everything they make is hated and review bombed. Also becasue they have lost the prestige they used to have they now wll never attract good developers, cause they are crappers.
Square are the same, what amazing young jp dev wants to go work at Square Enix and make Forepoken or foamstars? That's not fun and exciting, Square have no prestige anymore. Fromsoft have prestige, Nintendo have prestige. SE = lol
By Afania 2024-08-29 06:31:19
China being the way it is, they won't have this problem cause western investors and Blackrock are never gonna invest heavily into them. Which is amazing boon for their industry, cause investors are cancer to creativity.
Did you read any of what I said? China censor games all the time. They didn't do this for money nor investors. They do this because the government thinks it is culturally inappropriate if something they don't like shows in their games. And they censored culturally inappropriate ***in creative industry all the time.
You have absolutely zero idea how Chinese gaming industry is like, at least do more research before spamming endless ridiculous comments.
It's *** ridiculous that anti-woke propaganda is now hyping Chinese gaming industry as a beacon of censorship-free games, while knowing nothing what's really happened in Chinese gaming industry in the past 5-8 years nor cared.
(Read: CCP puts so much restrictions on games a few years ago to the point that the industry took a huge hit, but yeah anti-woke factions who just want a weapon to fight their holy war wouldn't care to mention it at all.)
By Afania 2024-08-29 06:47:40
China is literally dominating the anime game scene right now, they are making hundreds of millions of dollars a month.
The reason why Chinese gaming industry is strong is because they have a much bigger market than other country, therefore it leads to bigger investments. That's really all there is. They can make anything and everything cheaply and solely rely on Chinese market to survive. So that's a LOT of advantage for Chinese business in global competitions.
Big games like Genshin Impact or Wukong only happened after YEARS of industry development, siphoning top talents and money in a big market. It all came from 30 years of making worse smaller budget terrible games to built a foundation for big budget well-made games.
That's really all there is behind Chinese gaming industry's success. Everything else you said are just anti-woke propaganda aimed at fighting western culture war.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2024-08-29 08:42:21
By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 08:43:10
Everness Neverness.
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By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 08:47:37
We forgot how soft power works, cause our leaders are stupid morons. Big oof.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11578
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-08-29 09:30:03
China is literally dominating the anime game scene right now, they are making hundreds of millions of dollars a month.
The reason why Chinese gaming industry is strong is because they have a much bigger market than other country, therefore it leads to bigger investments. That's really all there is. They can make anything and everything cheaply and solely rely on Chinese market to survive. So that's a LOT of advantage for Chinese business in global competitions.
Big games like Genshin Impact or Wukong only happened after YEARS of industry development, siphoning top talents and money in a big market. It all came from 30 years of making worse smaller budget terrible games to built a foundation for big budget well-made games.
That's really all there is behind Chinese gaming industry's success. Everything else you said are just anti-woke propaganda aimed at fighting western culture war. Not to mention they can keep other games out.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 09:58:55
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 10:00:43
So from what I'm reading, the new season of LOTR opens up with the screenplay trying to get the viewers to empathize with the orcs?? Trying to show that orcs are peaceful creatures who arent the embodiment of hatred??
By Dodik 2024-08-29 10:16:23
Why are you still watching or paying attention to that drivel is the real question.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 11:06:13
I cant control what extra ***pops up on my feeds unless I block them after its shown up.
Since the topic here has gone back to woke drivel, mentioning how the new LOTR show tries to make the viewer feel compassion for the bloodthirsty orcs seems relevant.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 11:07:01
I took off for the office and I left my gym shorts at home ***.
By Afania 2024-08-29 11:15:18
We forgot how soft power works, cause our leaders are stupid morons. Big oof.
I like western games because they are often unique. Chinese games not so much. ;( I've been waiting for that one game from China that would change my gaming life like Disco Elysium, Deus Ex, System Shock/Bioshock or Planescape Torment did with a thoughtful theme, but it never happened. And it is quite unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I blame the CCP oppression on creativity expression. Money and talent makes you beautiful games like Wukong or Genshin Impact, but pretty visuals are all there is.
Japanese games are hit or miss for me kinda. 90% of them are generic too. But VERY occasionally there are good stuff like 13 sentinels aegis rim, when the developers put artistic expression above everything else.
The fact that western gaming community even HAS woke v.s anti-woke debate, that alone makes it MUCH better environment for creativity . Because creativity comes from wide variety of pov on different matters. Something that doesn't even exist in many countries in the world.
Stop hyping Chinese games like some kind of saviour in our world, they are not, lol.
Edit:Despite I didn't play Wukong, I read all the in-game story online. I can't help but feel they *** up another opportunity to tell a good story AGAIN. (Or it's more like they can't due to creativity oppression.)
By Viciouss 2024-08-29 11:38:17
Imagine putting Gacha games on a pedestal, just lol.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-29 11:42:01
Imagine putting Gacha games on a pedestal, just lol.
I mean. They make a *** of cash. They are the pinnacle of gaming. Like it or not. There's more than 50, billion dollar (+) mobile games.
In turn that cash could be used to make a good game.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 11:50:08
Mfr said gacha games are the pinnacle of gaming
I dont need my gym shorts anymore, im getting a baller workout laughing my *** off at that ridiculously stupid statement.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-08-29 11:54:05
oh my gosh i had my PC on airplane mode for like 2 months i didint notice the internet issues
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-29 11:54:38
The pinnacle of gaming:
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By Afania 2024-08-29 12:11:39
In turn that cash could be used to make a good game.
If "good game" to you means good graphics, tight controls, great progression curve etc, yeah you can get them with money, by hiring top professionals that's really good at doing those.
But those aren't what pushed a "good game" above and beyond to "unforgettable one time experience" level in a game.
I've always found that a theme or story that challenged our pre-existing pov on things having way more potential to provide such life changing experience. You can't really get that with money IMO.
Probably one of the reason why AAA game stories are often more generic than indie or AA games. Money doesn't give you unique story.
By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 12:53:09
So from what I'm reading, the new season of LOTR opens up with the screenplay trying to get the viewers to empathize with the orcs?? Trying to show that orcs are peaceful creatures who arent the embodiment of hatred??
Rings of power isn't LOTR, it's a bad fanfic. I love how the amount of money you spend has little impact on quality anymore. The first series cost over a billion dollars and it's amateur garbage.
A popular youtube channel with writers created a link between orcs and a group of people, and they are all aware of it now so you can't have evil orcs anymore (or any evil race for that matter, can't even have Xcom games anymore cause it's seen as problematic against illegal aliens)
By Drayco 2024-08-29 12:58:41
So from what I'm reading, the new season of LOTR opens up with the screenplay trying to get the viewers to empathize with the orcs?? Trying to show that orcs are peaceful creatures who arent the embodiment of hatred??
Rings of power isn't LOTR, it's a bad fanfic. I love how the amount of money you spend has little impact on quality anymore. The first series cost over a billion dollars and it's amateur garbage.
A popular youtube channel with writers created a link between orcs and a group of people, and they are all aware of it now so you can't have evil orcs anymore (or any evil race for that matter, can't even have Xcom games anymore cause it's seen as problematic against aliens)
Is this real? You're telling me that some idiots on YT had an idea and that somehow became canon in LOTR universe?
By RadialArcana 2024-08-29 12:59:40
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I think this was the video, it may have been an earlier one. This obviously was discussed earlier, but this solidified it from what I remember.
By Drayco 2024-08-29 13:04:29
ok, channel has 165k subs and video has under 500k views... Not even gonna bother watching it.
Good guy, bad guy... basic story telling for literally all of time. Bunch of idiot writers these days want to say that's no longer acceptable... That's fine. Their ratings and revenue are showing how absolutely stupid this ideology is.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 881
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-08-29 13:19:04
ok, channel has 165k subs and video has under 500k views... Not even gonna bother watching it
Well, the channel used to have a lot more subs, but it did fall of pretty hard. honestly i am suprised it is down to 165k subs now that is crazy.
By Afania 2024-08-29 13:19:14
A popular youtube channel with writers created a link between orcs and a group of people, and they are all aware of it now so you can't have evil orcs anymore (or any evil race for that matter, can't even have Xcom games anymore cause it's seen as problematic against illegal aliens)
Apparently J.R.R Tolkien doesn't know how to write then......
You CAN make evil races in a story, but it is generally not a good idea to make them the main conflict. That's what people really meant when they said "no evil race" etc.
JRR Tolkien never make orcs the central of conflict in his story. The center of the conflict has always been humanity and their inner struggle, and the love hate relationship between races. The orcs, Sauron and the ring are simply a trigger to the main conflict, but the orcs itself are not the central conflict.
The evil races are the same role as disasters in disasters movies. In any disasters movies the real antagonist is never the disasters itself. It is people and humanity struggle being the central conflict in disasters movies.
This is why the main conflict in "Tiantic" isn't ship sinking and people escaping, but Jack v.s Rose's Fiance.
I didn't watch all of the YouTube video content, but if your conclusion after watching the video was "a story should never have evil races" instead of "an evil race shouldn't be the main conflict", then that video probably doesn't teach the art of script writing correctly.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.