Asura.Vyre said: »
Holy ***, what, Maim applies the slashing debuff now and not a damage increase? Are they putting the damage increase on Storm's Eye then? What what what? Seems like they're killing WAR softly.
Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking? |
Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
Asura.Vyre said: » Holy ***, what, Maim applies the slashing debuff now and not a damage increase? Are they putting the damage increase on Storm's Eye then? What what what? Seems like they're killing WAR softly. Sylph.Oraen said: » As much as I love WAR, it's hard to deny that it needed to be toned back. I know Eye gave a buff to the WAR, so it's possible they just swapped Maim and Eye effects. We'll have to wait and see. Problem is, Paladin and Dark Knight weren't as far behind as gimplets would have you believe. They need to tread very carefully, especially since Warrior's only utility is Storm's Path; its gimmick is being the high damage, high HP tank. With the new abilities that PLD is getting, it would not be difficult for it to replace WAR entirely. Keep in mind that Berserk got nerfed too. Old avg dmg bonus = 11.1% (50% for burst rotation) New avg dmg bonus = 9.9% (30% for burst rotation) The berserk thing might actually work out to be a buff depending on how other stuff times out. 60 second cooldown instead of 90 makes it sync up with infuriate, hypercharge and trick attack more under the current arrangements. I really don't see warrior falling by the wayside anytime soon
Edit: on a strictly personal basis it's a nerf, but in a group not necessarily. I think they're mainly towing the line for responding to player demand/trying to rearrange the meta. I kinda feel thrown off by some of the changes. I'd initially thought that they'd try to run two meta comps, but it seems more like they're pushing to just make people use underused jobs, except WHM.
With WAR's damage technically going down, I'm betting that DRK will pull ahead without contest, unless they scale it back too, but they seem kind of quiet about DRK. On the bright side, I was planning to level DRK first anyway, because I slowly fell in love with it as time wore on in Heavensward. I'll level WAR second, regardless(longtime WAR love since 2004 XI yo), then RDM. And any way this goes, this has got me stoked for next month. Edit - Also slightly miffed that Low Blow/Reprisal are going cross class and Reprisal got nerfed. It's a nerf either way. Allow me to explain: since we know that all forms of damage enhancement are multiplicative, we can *** this fairly accurately.
(Base Multiplier + Additional Multipliers) / Reduction Multipliers ex.: (1 + .5) / 0.8 Current Scenario: 0s: Berserk (50%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 70%; 1.875x 60s: Trick Attack (10%) = 10%; 1.11x 90s: Berserk (50%) = 50%; 1.5x 120s: Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 20%; 1.25x 180s: Berserk (50%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 60%; 1.67x Total after 180s: 7.405x New Scenario: 0s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x 60s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 40%; 1.44x 120s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x 180s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 40%; 1.44x Total after 180s: 6.13x In terms of total damage output, the new scenario is far inferior to the old. The only way to look at the new Berserk being better than the old is by assuming that A) 10s Pacification is worth an extra 1.275x multiplier over 180s (it isn't), or B) the more reliable 1.625x will be more useful to help push phases or bust down shields/mechanics, which it might, but you can just use a normal Berserk rotation for that, too. Edit: Hypercharge is every 120s, not 60s. Oops. I think I read in Ghishlain's link that when Yoshi P was goofing off before the trailer, they did indeed remove pacification from Berserk, but in the meta comp the bard can Warden's it anyway, so it's moot me thinks in terms of the calculations.
Pretty sure all the tanks will be toned back damage wise even if only by the accessories. How big of a deal warrior is will depend completely on what happens with other jobs as far as min/maxing goes. If brd and mch are still worth bringing then drg will likely still lock a spot unless they get their own disembowel. This sam and mnk in awkward places because they would need to bring a lot to unseat ninja if it remains the same because of how good TA is. Nothing can really be said for sure till it's released + they go through their initial "oh ***this is too powerful/too weak" 4 weeks in. I don't doubt that you'll be able to use any comp just fine though as long as you stick to 2 tank 2 melee 2 ranged 2 healer, I could see triple melee will make a come back though.
Whm definitely feels like they got the short straw. Ran the calculations even further (to the next triple lineup for current scenario) and it gets worse the longer the fight lasts...
Current Scenario: 0s: Berserk (50%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 70%; 1.875x 60s: Trick Attack (10%) = 10%; 1.11x 90s: Berserk (50%) = 50%; 1.5x 120s: Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 20%; 1.25x 180s: Berserk (50%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 60%; 1.67x 240s: Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 20%; 1.25x 270s: Berserk (50%) = 50%; 1.5x 300s: Trick Attack (10%) = 10%; 1.11x 360s: Berserk (50%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 70%; 1.875x Total after 360s: 13.14x New Scenario: 0s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x 60s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 40%; 1.44x 120s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x 180s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 40%; 1.44x 240s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x 300s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) = 40%; 1.44x 360s: Berserk (30%) + Trick Attack (10%) + Hypercharge (10%) = 50%; 1.625x Total after 360s: 10.82x This is also, of course, ignoring phase changes/jumps/etc.; it would be impossible to say which one of these lines up better, but you lose less by missing a rotation in Scenario 1 than you do in Scenario 2 as it merely allows your cooldowns to sync up closer with debuffs. I feel as though Paladin was the only tank that needed any major adjustments. It was too far behind DRK and WAR, and its new kit should really help with that. Hopefully the changes to WAR won't make it become the new PLD for this expansion and instead all 3 tanks can be used reliably. Geirskogul getting changed to 220pot with 35s recast.
DFD getting bumped to 300pot. 2.1pps nerf.:| Sylph.Cherche said: » Geirskogul getting changed to 220pot with 35s recast. DFD getting bumped to 300pot. 2.1pps nerf.:| I just got to work, source for this? XD Also by the looks of the Job Abilities video, it seems like DRGs get a second Geirskogul-type move which may balance the lose. Also, with the removal of accuracy stat and the fact healer damage is based off MND, there's literally no reason for a healer to not DPS unless under extraneous amounts of healer strain or just uncomfortable. ... the healer community is going to get destroyed by the time 4.1 rolls around. lol >>;.... Serves lazy healers right imo <.< Everyone else in the party is doing all they can do kill something as fast as possible but a lot of healers just stand around doing nothing for a lot of the fight
Reddit translation post is still being updated.
Like, dps overall will definitely go up. It's just annoying that a midline dps job is getting a dps nerf to some aspect of its kit so another can be tacked on. All the while mnk, who already was top personal dps, is getting a *** of utility tacked on. So glad I won't have to stance dance anymore on healer. So many times I've hit clerics really fast so I could heal someone just to watch lustrate heal for 250 cause it didn't register.
BLM + WHM (or I guess any healer) in 4.0
Sylph.Cherche said: » All the while mnk, who already was top personal dps, is getting a *** of utility tacked on. YouTube Video Placeholder
For Seha, if she still lurks or something ~ Bismarck.Patrik said: » So glad I won't have to stance dance anymore on healer. So many times I've hit clerics really fast so I could heal someone just to watch lustrate heal for 250 cause it didn't register. I will kind of miss it though, if only for the fact that one time I screwed up like that during a Thordan, so everybody except for Spath died, and he killed Thordan right before Walking Dead fell off. Asura.Ina said: » Sylph.Cherche said: » All the while mnk, who already was top personal dps, is getting a *** of utility tacked on. It's the here, have more on top of what you have! vs here, have this thing but give us something back in return. I'm confidant its going to be a positive exchange, but I'll alwaus know I could've performed even better if they hadn't dialed back geirskogul. Edit: losing traited leg sweep is another 3.25pps loss. While nin and mnk get that much more. And now I know why Surecast is a level 48 ability in the class role list:
>> Surecast - While active, next spell is cast without interruption, and you are immune to sleep, stun, knockback, and pulls // 10s duration // 30s cooldown Tempered Will while casting? I'll take that. I kinda wonder how it works mechanically because current Surecast wears off the moment you begin to cast a spell. This might become an oversight on implementation due to how it currently works. I guess I'll see once 4.0 is launched. [EDIT] @Cherche - Doesn't being able to basically get a five hit combo with both Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw give you increased PPS since your average potency/GCD would go up? I imagine that'd be applicable to both your Chaos Thrust and Full Thrust combo. Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: » @Cherche - Doesn't being able to basically get a five hit combo with both Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw give you increased PPS since your average potency/GCD would go up? I imagine that'd be applicable to both your Chaos Thrust and Full Thrust combo. On one hand, CT will actually go through every tick. On the other, the second set of WT and F&C will lack HT buff. Also, that's a potential 360 potency loss due to positional requirements. On top of the potential 120 from HT and CT. Also also, I'm aware this is preliminary worry with incomplete pieces to work off of. But from what we're able to see so far, DRG's getting a nerf. So, I'm pretty damned disappointed with the changes to DRG at this particular moment. And this'll have a pretty negative effect on how it'll perform in past content roulettes in 4.0. |
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