I have a couple hundred needle laying around that I wont ever use...want them?
Sure, why not. I'm not afraid of them until they're piercing skin..
Last time I went to an actual dentist (I have to be put full under to have dental work done because of this) to have work done, they stuck the needle in my mouth and the last thing I remember is the tingly body colored dots feeling you get before you pass out, then I woke up covered in sweat with the dentists screaming for help and like 6 nurses standing around me in the room.. When she stuck me with the needle I passed out and went into violent convulsions that lasted not seconds, but a full minute or two.. The friend who took me and was in the waiting room heard the doctor yelling and saw everyone running towards the room (at the time he didn't know it was me, but he was wondering what was going on)..
I'm absolutely terrified of needles, well used in that manner.
When I was really young I was attacked by a particularly nasty cat and had to get a lot of stitches, but it was an emergency situation, I don't remember everything that went on, but I remember screaming, my grandparents asking why they couldn't give me anything and them saying it wouldn't help (I assume because it would have just bled out) I felt every one of those needle ***, it wasn't just 2 or 10 stitches, either.