Bahamut.Dasva said:
I wouldn't really make an exception for most of that. Doctorate depends on what field but yeah what is required for that usually is abit more. But if you plug away at anything long enough you will get it done.
How many people do you know with a Masters or Doctorate that you would consider unintelligent? I agree with you completely when speaking on a High School diploma, Associates degree and even a Bachelors degree but disagree when it comes to someone who has proven themselves to earn a Masters and even more so a Doctorate, I feel as though you are selling those accomplishments a bit short. You literally said:
Doctorate depends on what field but yeah what is required for that usually is abit more.
If I had earned a Doctorate myself I would be feeling pretty insulted by that statement, jus sayin. Keep in mind I am not saying it's proof that someone with such is more intelligent than someone without or that it should be used as a scale to determine levels of intelligence, what I am simply saying is in my opinion it is credentials worthy enough to respect their intelligence.