Lowman Abyssea Group (Do You Need It?) |
Lowman Abyssea Group (Do you need it?)
Courtni has already expressed her want to go with me wherever I am. Sorry, bud. ^^
what time do are you guys wanting to do "events"?
Well, at the moment, we don't have a very set schedule. We are working on getting everything squared away with jobs, skilling up, etc. but We're thinking 7pm EST - 4am (absolute LATEST). I don't think that will ever be too STRICTLY enforced, due to real life always being an issue, but that's the general idea.
C'mon, you know you all wanna join up :D
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[31 days between previous and next post]
Asura.Xeth said: Hello, I'm starting up a low-man group soon that will be farming Seals, +2 items, and Empyrean weapons eventually. Right now we have WHM, NIN, and a WAR but we could use a BLM and maybe some other jobs like BLU or BRD. I only want to have 4-6 people total so I can actually get things done and progress rather quickly. You don't have to have anything too special, I'm not looking for elite people with the best possible gearsets, I just want you to know what you're doing while having an idea of what you're aiming for. If you're interested just send me a /tell in game or PM on here. You don't have to sign up on some forum and then fill out an application telling me where you live, I just need you to talk to me and tell me what times you play usually. Thanks! By the way, don't bother if you are PUP. :] Thanks again! |
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