Recommendations (Job-wise) For Returning To FFXI |
Recommendations (Job-wise) for returning to FFXI
I am currently considering returning to FFXI after a 6-month-long break. The only thing holding me back is the thought that I will be so far behind that it won't even be desirable if I do end up coming back. In the event of my return, I am not sure what jobs I should keep working on and which I should abandon. I hear everyone saying that DRK is worthless now so I plan on canning that, but as for WAR, NIN, MNK, and SAM, I am not sure what to do with those. I can tell by looking over all of the new gear that has been added since I have been gone that WAR and MNK have gotten the better end of the stick. I am open to thoughts, suggestions, tips, what-have-you, in regards to what anyone believes I should do.
The mentality on this forum is that if something isn't optimal, it isn't good. I'm sure DRK is just fine. I'd suggest that you play what you find fun.
I enjoy every job I have played, which is mainly the reason I am trying to narrow down my selection. I do not want to continue DRK if they have only gotten marginal improvements and struggle to get invites/have a purpose, whereas WAR and MNK received pretty hefty upgrades.
WAR NIN MNK all have their place. I'd honestly go with NIN or MNK since they have more utility.
Is NIN finally considered a DD job as well, or is it still mainly a tank job? I originally only leveled NIN as a means of soloing mobs that weren't easily solo-able by traditional DD jobs.
Ragnarok.Thehobo said: Is NIN finally considered a DD job as well, or is it still mainly a tank job? I originally only leveled NIN as a means of soloing mobs that weren't easily solo-able by traditional DD jobs. It's a very good DD now, and still an amazing tank. So it's both, hence the more utility. Most things people low-man, so it's good to have something that does both well. WAR's still one of the best DDs... but it can't tank, so it's only used for proccing Red!! or cleaving for the most part. Level what you want to level and play, and only that. If you assume you have to level a certain job to get into a linkshell and get gear, then you won't have fun and ffxi will be a waste of time. Don't try to make other people happy.
I'm pretty sure I will decide between NIN and MNK. How does the overall end-game type of mechanism (abyssea events) compare to the old sky/sea/einherjar/etc. setup in terms of drop-rates, waiting lists, etc? Is it any better than it used to be? One of the main reasons I have quit so many times is due to the fact that you would have to devote days on end of your time to get those items, which simply didn't seem worth it or enjoyable to me.
Leviathan.Hohenheim said: Level what you want to level and play, and only that. If you assume you have to level a certain job to get into a linkshell and get gear, then you won't have fun and ffxi will be a waste of time. Don't try to make other people happy. ^ This, who gives a ***what "everyone else" says is a good or a "shitty/dead" job, level & play as what you want. *awaits down ratings* I, personally, don't believe that either end of the argument deserves to be "rated down." I am simply trying to decide from the list of jobs that I have decently leveled which ones I should pick back up once I return. I see both sides of the "you need to play THESE jobs / you should play whatever you like" debate. I appreciate all of the advice by the way. Keep it coming.
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said: Don't level PUP. Don't level DRK. Don't level PLD. Level anything else, but mainly MNK WHM BLM BLU or BRD. I wouldn't pay any attention ^^^^^ ...Level what you want... Its your game, your choice! You're paying for it. BTW Glad to have you back in the game... Where did you go for 6 mos? The real list of useful jobs and a brief why is as follows(might miss a few)
WAR - (most)Red !!, Fellcleave for exp, top-tier DD NIN - (halfish)Red !!, Migawari, tanking, top-tier DD, (some)Yellow !! MNK - (complete nighttime)Blue !!, tanking, top-tier DD WHM - (some nighttime)Blue !!, best healer in the game, (some)Yellow !!, some buffs/enfeebles. BLM/BRD - (most)Yellow!! BLU - (some)Yellow!!, (random things BLUs use to justify their usefulness outside of Yellow!!) THF - Treasure Hunter BRD - Always useful, but not always needed. That's probably about it. I get tired of the game after about a year or so of playing and then I take a month to 6-month-long hiatus. It is always refreshing to take a break and then come back once you start getting the craving again. I enjoy helping people in game, but at a certain point it starts to get tiring when you don't see yourself improving at all. That pattern tends to repeat itself everytime I come back, but I still find the game enjoyable after a break.
Cool, well that's ok... I know that there is many things to do, and now I decided 4 jobs at 90, might as well open summoner and, really its a whole new expereince to me.. love how it is different.
@ Niniann
Sorry for this, but keep in mind that I have been gone for 6 months; I don't understand anything that you just listed :P That is another reason I started this thread was to learn about some of the new features/strategies in the game. Ragnarok.Thehobo said: @ Niniann Sorry for this, but keep in mind that I have been gone for 6 months; I don't understand anything that you just listed :P That is another reason I started this thread was to learn about some of the new features/strategies in the game. FFFFF ok. Basically there's three !!'s you can get on a boss-type creature. Yellow(commonly called grellow) - Helps AF mats drop, triggered by magical spells. Blue - Helps the rare drop drop, triggered by physical weaponskills. Red - Forces the key item to drop, triggered by magical weaponskills. Ragnarok.Thehobo said: @ Niniann Sorry for this, but keep in mind that I have been gone for 6 months; I don't understand anything that you just listed :P That is another reason I started this thread was to learn about some of the new features/strategies in the game. Fell Cleave: AoE GAXE WS. Pull a shitton of mobs with a different job and go to town, basically. There are variations on this that other jobs can do (-agas, Aeolian Edge, BLU AoEs, Cataclysm, etc). Migawari: Ninjutsu nullifying any damage greater than your max HP. Titan.Darkwizardzin
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said: Caitsith.Neonracer said: Pandemonium.Spicyryan said: Don't level PUP. Don't level DRK. Don't level PLD. Level anything else, but mainly MNK WHM BLM BLU or BRD. ...Level what you want... Its your game, your choice! You're paying for it. BTW Glad to have you back in the game... Where did you go for 6 mos? Fairy.Spence said: The mentality on this forum is that if something isn't optimal, it isn't good. I'm willing to bet that he isn't serious, he is just jokingly trolling. I understand that every job can be utilized in different situations, but again, I am just wanting to get the most out of my playing experience from the list of jobs I have leveled. I have always enjoyed Ninja, and Monk was an up-and-coming pass-time for me, but Warrior and Dark Knight seemed like labors of love instead of just being fun.
Titan.Darkwizardzin said: Pandemonium.Spicyryan said: Caitsith.Neonracer said: Pandemonium.Spicyryan said: Don't level PUP. Don't level DRK. Don't level PLD. Level anything else, but mainly MNK WHM BLM BLU or BRD. ...Level what you want... Its your game, your choice! You're paying for it. BTW Glad to have you back in the game... Where did you go for 6 mos? Fairy.Spence said: The mentality on this forum is that if something isn't optimal, it isn't good. Titan.Darkwizardzin
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Why So Serious? Phoenix.Kirana
I would highly suggest nin or sam. If you want to to do respectable damage, you'll want to get an empyrean weapon. In most cases, they are better than relics. Sam has the easiest path for their emp weapon, nin's is almost as easy. Nin however is a more useful job overall. While War is probably the best DD around, their empy weapon is the glavoid path, which is easily 5x as hard+time consuming to complete. Mnk's path is also just as bad.
WAR might be harder but god damn it looks worth it. I see so many Masamune's lately its just meh..
Titan.Darkwizardzin said: Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Why So Serious? Im gonna say what I always say. Play what you enjoy, and what you fell in love with to begin with. I love LOLDRG like crazy but hell i have a pretty nice WAR to play rough when needed.
Titan.Darkwizardzin said: Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Why So Serious? Thank you.. Some ppl want to be ***... I'm just letting the OP guy know that any job is optimal.. Its the "GTFO" mentality that really ruins the posters thoughts or ideals when anyone comes to play this game.. Spicy is just mad that I told the OP that he can play whatever he wants to feel, and comes to attack "moi" on the forums.. but meh can't help what can't be helped. You do try to ignore the idiots.. but some idiots need to be shown on paper, that truly they are # 1 Idiots.. IDK!! Last I thought, trolls belong under bridges, not forums.. <shrugs> |
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