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サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-19 09:30:47  
Aly you don't know much about ffxi do you? Nerfing SMN 2hr doesn't mean they'll change Monster's AFs(like when they changed Call wyvern into Spirit Surge).
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-19 09:31:54  
Kelvinclein said:
Aly you don't know much about ffxi do you? Nerfing SMN 2hr doesn't mean they'll change Monster's AFs(like when they changed Call wyvern into Spirit Surge).

But you clearly do, so instead of trying to put yourself on an intellectual high horse, enlighten us into what they'll do.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 10:39:50  
Kelvin, go play Summoner, seriously. You can whine about the people leeching all you want. When it comes to Summoners xp'ing though... That's vastly different than any other class tbh.

#1) As I stated earlier, Summoner gets practically no invites if there's anyone else seeking party. The only way you're going to get xp is to get lucky and have no one else seeking or get a static.

#2) How often have you been in a party where the Summoner was actually able to use their job to its full potential? And by this, I mean that they were able to use BP: Rage and BP: Ward every minute or nearly every minute (Which is even less than that at 50+.). Would be great to be able to Lunar Cry a mob, then either Crescent Fang or switch out to an avatar with a better Rage like Ifrit's Double Punch or Shiva's Double Slap (Depending on the level.).

#3) Do you think that Summoner in your xp party main-healing and occasionally throwing out a ward to buff the party is going to know how to do his job at 75? He WAS in standard parties for months getting 75 after all. So, he should know all the in's and out's of his job at 75, right? He should know exactly what additional effects are on each of his BP's and which avatars will be the best to use in each situation, right?

#4) Not to mention your Summoner that leveled up in a party isn't going to have any more Summoning Magic skill because they never used their avatars in the xp party anyway, so they're going to have to do the same thing as the Summoner and either summon a couple hundred times and then rest or summon a couple hundred times and zone in and out of the MH in Al Zahbi.

Seriously, if I were you I'd stfu about something you know nothing about. If a Summoner wants to go blow their 2hr on 50+ mobs, they have the right to do so and you have absolutely no ground to say otherwise. I'd say stop making yourself look like a fool, but you do such a wonderful job of it.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-19 10:54:13  
nonsense, you missed lots of post, came back without reading and throw this stuff at me? Go read previous page slacker.
It is wrong to abuse of the trick, i doubt you're reading what i said about it.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 11:04:14  
Kelvinclein said:
Aly you don't know much about ffxi do you? Nerfing SMN 2hr doesn't mean they'll change Monster's AFs(like when they changed Call wyvern into Spirit Surge).

I hate to ask this but, didn't they make Drgs better. The last time I checked now you don't have to wait 2 hrs to call out your dragon...

Your asking them to nerf smn's 2hrs.. Regardless on how they nerf it, it is still going to be worse then what it is now.

Not to be rude but please give us an example of how they nerf a 2hr for the better of the Job and other people if there is one, because I don't know one.

サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 11:05:56  
Unfortunately I read every post. Let's ask you this though... How often have you played Summoner? Have some secret character with 75 Summoner that you play all the time? Because obviously...

Kelvinclein said:
...There should be some kind of noticeable difference between a SMN75 and a SMN75 who leveled with that trick....

Kelvinclein said:
...Doesn't take a genius to play smn....

I'm sure you'd be a top-notch Summoner then.

Edit: He was talking about Drg mobs. No Drg mob uses Spirit Surge, they use the old '2-hour' "Call Wyvern". Our Drg got better, but the mob Drg stayed the same. This also wasn't a nerf though.. It was an enhancement.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-02-19 11:07:38  
Sorry Kelvin, but I have to agree 100% with TB >.>

SMN aren't invited into PT's to be Summoner's and deal damage with Ava's. They're taken to PT's to curebomb, and now with Level Sync, that's not really too big an issue for people..

So a SMN that hit 75 off Level Sync -> AF a huge group of mobs, will probably have a better idea of how to do their job, than someone who went to "standard exp pt's".
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-19 11:10:47  
Kelvinclein said:
nonsense, you missed lots of post, came back without reading and throw this stuff at me? Go read previous page slacker.
It is wrong to abuse of the trick, i doubt you're reading what i said about it.

It's far easier for your self absorbed ego to believe Tbest can't read, rather than believe somebody just might dare to disagree with your perfect, indisputable opinions? You tell Tbest off for not reading, yet you've completely ignored the past four or five perfectly good arguments made towards you?

So not only are you a jerk, not only is your ego bigger than Manhattan, but you're also a hypocrit?

You are a perfect example of why Final Fantasy XI has a blacklist. My I.Q. drops just reading your nonsense.

Wooooodum said:
But you clearly do, so instead of trying to put yourself on an intellectual high horse, enlighten us into what they'll do.

I'm still waiting, oh mighty intelligent one.

Edit: I had no idea your Summoner isn't even unlocked! Wow. You really are incredible. What an ego, you don't even have a job unlocked and yet you're arguing full well how Summoners should or shouldn't level?

You don't even have a mage job levelled! It's amazing how some people always think they know best. Amazing and pitiful.

Jesus christ, FFXIAH needs a blacklist feature for pathetic dipshits like you.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 11:14:29  
He talks about 'respect' that a Summoner would have from him if they xp'd in a standard party...

It looks like he has never leveled Summoner and I'm sure that if he was building a new xp party and saw a Smn seeking with Whm, Sch, or Rdm along with a tank and a few DD's that the Summoner would still be seeking after the party was made and he was out xp'ing.

So don't give me that crap about respecting Summoners that level up in a standard party when you know damn well that you aren't going to be inviting one when there's a better choice.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 11:28:09  
TBH I have smn leveled... in fact it is my main job... I never did a party as a main heal.. I always refused... But I did it the old fashion way... Blood, sweat, and wtf am I doing here?! Kiting a bomb for 5 mins! Just explode already! In fact i have gone where I saw the bomb get down to 10% w/o exploding... Finally when I need to run past it because I was at a dead end, it blew up on me, Being a Tarutaru smn that can take alot off of you, if not kill you. Some of the places you had to go... >.<

At one point, Smns were the sh*t, now you would be lucky if a HNML would even care that your a fully merited smn... No one complains about that, but when they give something good to the job people have to complain. >.>

Maybe I am wrong. idk.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-02-19 11:39:55  
I intended on doing the exact same as you Rebekah.

One of my friends in game and I decided we wanted an interesting job that we could duo with as and when, without being too restricted.

We both liked the prospect of having 75 BST, but neither of us liked the fact our pet could turn around and beat us to death for the first 34 levels.

So, we settled on SMN, we were really enjoying it and had gotten to around 33 duoing the entire way. Unfortunately, we had to stop there due to him passing away around 8 months ago now.

I took my SMN to 37 in LS pt's and told them they had to have a rdm whm or sch to heal, because I had no intention of doing so, but I ended up being told to do silly things like pull..

(Side note: Pulling and DD'ing as a SMN isn't all that easy >.> run out of mp way too fast and don't have chance to get it back up).

But most SMN seem to just be happy to get PT's now and deal with main healing.. Personally, I can't stand it (Yes, I know I'm a whm >.>)
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 11:47:48  
Sorry to hear about your friend, Hitetsu.

Summoner is a great and very fun job to have at the different level caps as well as at 75... That being said, however, it is probably the hardest job to get to 75.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 11:54:45  
I leveled whm so I don't have to be told to do whm things on my smn.

People that b*tch about this AB party say, well it brings more gimp smns around. What they don't know is, When a smn main heals... You really very rarely use your Avatar... That is how you get your "Skill ups". Calling them out or BPing with them.

SO now they want the smns to wait 3-4 days just to get an invite and On top of that in the end turn out as gimp as they would have been in a AB party, if not worse because now they are use to not pulling out their avatars but cure bombing with what huge MP pool they have.

Correct me if I am wrong if your a smn.

and I am sorry to hear about your friend... Horrible to lose a friend. ;_;
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 11:55:22  
Sorry bout your friend. :(

I see everyone's view on it, but doesn't mean they should be punishment for it. If SE wants to change a few things ok but make it where it benefits everyone.

I would rather them change the linking of mobs or the depopping imo than banning or nerfing a jobs cause ppl are crying that they get xp from doing a job.

I'm sure alot of vet smn's would be a bit mad that they went through all the soloing, pt, etc. just to get to 75 but its not the players fault if SE made the level sync and ppl found a way to get xp.

Those that do that will sit for a loooong time just to skill up just like any other job that level syncs to 75 at low lvl. Theres a big thread of that issue too about bard and other jobs that should have skills up than being so far behind.

Its their choice if they want to be gimp.

Edit: Just a thought, well wouldn't this AF burn work better with other avatars like levi other than Carby?? So technically if so, GS would have to do a shitload of work just to get avatars unless they lvl to 20 and get it by mini fork. They'd need to get a job to 30 to get smn, get fame for the quests, access to kazham to get to norg, etc. So i don't know if GS will actually wanna do all that unless they already have a char that has access etc. just a thought
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 12:42:58  
Face it people we're being trolled. We've got a snowballs chance in hell of convincing Kelvin there there's nothing wrong with burning as he does in convincing us that there's any reason why we should care that people are doing.

Someone had said that eventually we'll have to deal with these people one day. Sure we will. Maybe in a pt, maybe because they joined our respective LS, maybe in a pug... and you know what? Dumb people only get one chance to fool you.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...

People who don't know how to play their jobs aren't hard to spot, and once they've been identified they're that easy to avoid. So I fail to see a problem here.

@ Alyria from personal experience the avatar's I've seen used for this were Ramuh and shiva. I wish I could say I knew myself, but my SMN is only level 1. I have however, run the gauntlet on PLD getting mobs for people in BuBu. Gotta say that was a lot of fun. :D
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Pandemonium.Sepihroth 2009-02-19 12:57:04  
I just see AF burn pts as a way of getting fast exp in a small amount of time. Nothing wrong with it. Like a x2 Brd pt. Fast exp.
If SE wants to nerf a burn pt they should nerf say.....Brd pts? Only allow 2 songs on a player even if more then one Brd in pt.
Hearing ppl QQ over the Smns getting fast exp is dumb, Smns get ***for pts and when they have a way of getting exp ppl poopoo the idea just cause they're jealous.
If a Smn wants to lvl fast that's up to them, and I'm sure they understand...well ***it's a lot of skilling up...but hmmmm....
Fast path to 75 with a ***ton of skill ups....or spending 6months+ lfp cause ppl want DDs, Rdm, Sch, Brd or Whm?
You take your pick.
As for ppl that don't know how to play their jobs....yea taking the fast route is really gonna help them get end game...
Only times really have to deal with bad players like Malekith said....Pick ups...they join your LS and get into a LS pt...or the HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE WG shouts...other then that....can you see these ppl getting into the good end game shells? That's a fat no.
Unless shells like BG, Kupo, Apathy and other's need the laughs of a gimp.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-19 13:00:47  
I see no glitch or anything here, but using a high lvl player to gather all the mobs in the zone for a low lvl pt to aoe kill an entire zone is not an intended feature. No different than having a high lvl player PL you though. But I don't think it's ban worthy, SE will just have to eventually mitigate the 2hr dmg.

I see more SMNs QQing here than anything though just b/c they can't get an exp pt.

I'd say if you want to use this tatic do it while you can. If SE knows about it they will eventually nerf it in some way.

And btw, GMs are not SE if you pay attention it says SE is not responsible for everything they say/do. If you're really this butt-hurt over this talk to a SGM who would be more reliable. I've talked to some really dumb Gms before, I'd never rely on just any one GM.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 13:05:02
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Yakutatazu said:
I see no glitch or anything here, but using a high lvl player to gather all the mobs in the zone for a low lvl pt to aoe kill an entire zone is not an intended feature. No different than having a high lvl player PL you though. But I don't think it's ban worthy, SE will just have to eventually mitigate the 2hr dmg.

I see more SMNs QQing here than anything though just b/c they can't get an exp pt.

I'd say if you want to use this tatic do it while you can. If SE knows about it they will eventually nerf it in some way.

And btw, GMs are not SE if you pay attention it says SE is not responsible for everything they say/do. If you're really this butt-hurt over this talk to a SGM who would be more reliable. I've talked to some really dumb Gms before, I'd never rely on just any one GM.

サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 13:24:50  

Yakutatazu said:
I see no glitch or anything here, but using a high lvl player to gather all the mobs in the zone for a low lvl pt to aoe kill an entire zone is not an intended feature. No different than having a high lvl player PL you though. But I don't think it's ban worthy, SE will just have to eventually mitigate the 2hr dmg.

I see more SMNs QQing here than anything though just b/c they can't get an exp pt.

I'd say if you want to use this tatic do it while you can. If SE knows about it they will eventually nerf it in some way.

And btw, GMs are not SE if you pay attention it says SE is not responsible for everything they say/do. If you're really this butt-hurt over this talk to a SGM who would be more reliable. I've talked to some really dumb Gms before, I'd never rely on just any one GM.

first thing is first as a main smn I am not QQing over not getting parties. In fact as I said b4 I turned down lots of party invites because they wanted me to be a main healer. So tbh Smns should not really want to be in a party. The most they would look like is a gimp vers of a whm. lol =p

Second... Not every GM is the same... I have had Rude Mother F*ckers that took my GM calls, Real nice ones, dumb ones. I mean, you just can't go.. Well I am never going to listen to a GM again because I had a few bad exp with them.

I could be wrong or whatever. but I am just saying. not trying to Defend GMs lol.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-19 13:30:32  
I'm not talking about you personally, just all the SMNs using the fact that they can not get an exp pt as their only reason for them to be allowed to do this.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 13:32:58  
lol.. 'Allowed'... Yaku, make sure you ask me next time you want to use your 2hr. Gotta make sure you're allowed to do so.
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 13:36:50  
lolol Well it is their feelings... If I had to pick all over again a Static party (that will xp everyday) or go solo bombs/imps (Pots in sky are good too the ones that drop Waters, you get XP + a gil drop). I would have to turn down that static party...
One day I would love to try the AB party. LOL From what I have heard, it is fun... Maybe i can fully merit my lolwhm. LOL!
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 13:44:12
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Yakutatazu said:
I'm not talking about you personally, just all the SMNs using the fact that they can not get an exp pt as their only reason for them to get away with this.

サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 13:45:57  
It's not that their saying they can not get an exp pt, they are saying it is a harder to get a pt without the pt wanting the smn to be a main healer. Most smns i know want to be able to use their avy's not be a main healer in a pt, so alot reject invites often cause of it and many dont invite smns if a whm, rdm, or sch lfp too.

I would understand if this AF burn was altering the game, cheating using some hack or something of violation but as of now it is not a violation and let them use it until they do an update. they will be the under skilled players. SMN isn't a job that most endgame need for most events as it is. Besides its a good way for them to get merits too cause I sure dont see a merit pt looking for a smn.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: patience
Posts: 105
By Gilgamesh.Phalon 2009-02-19 13:45:59  
Pay no attention to Kelvin, he's just mad he hasnt unlocked smn yet :p
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-19 13:46:21  
Tbest said:
lol.. 'Allowed'... Yaku, make sure you ask me next time you want to use your 2hr. Gotta make sure you're allowed to do so.

Tbest get the butt plug out. I never said I had an issue with the 2hr, hell idc if you only 2hr for exp. If you read what I said, then you see I was talking about having a high lvl player gather for you, nothing about your 2hr.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-19 13:47:33  
Ugly Avatar Guy said:
We are being trolled because somebody disagreed with me


But seriously, let him think what he wants to think. Everyone is entitled into their own opinions, even about jobs. Some people like certain jobs and others don't.

But yeah, exploding bombs in the Cauldrin is actually profitable (before they nerfed the treasure coffer) because after every 5 or so bombs, you get to pop a chest for 10k gil...

And killing bombs give you an idea on how to kite without getting links also....
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-02-19 14:36:40  
Okay first thing I'd like to point out is what Shindo said: RMTs will abuse this. That I'll lay down money on. I know you probably don't want to hear it or are tired of hearing it, but RMTs abuse anything they can.

Being a person who hates RMT with a passion SE has gotta nerf the 2hr by decreasing its damage on Multiple mobs, lets say over 6, or something else.

You can still get skillups in a party and have fun playing summoner as main healer its easy Though you can't see (moved recently bought new computer and will be back on in a month) my SMN summoner is lvl 60 and I've had plenty of fun at the job doing DD and main healing. Sometimes I just have Carby out, but with Carby Mitts and HQ staves (Both easy to get and save for) I can have him dropping meteors, healing, and still bust out my other Avatars for Buffs. Most of the times you have another mage/healing job in party (plenty of em, or little need w/nin) and you get to kick some ***! Now getting my Thf to 75 was a pain, Smn has been hellu easy compared to thf. So people using the "its hard to lvl SMN excuse" need to check themselves (there are plenty of other jobs that are supposedly "hard" to level up)

With all the changes (exp rings/Sanction/ToAU/level sync/lower exp to lvl 50-60) that SE has made and people still looking for cheap ways to level job, and still more complaining. This game has and always will be a grindfest, but you get good sense of accomplishment when you make it 75 and get your 1st merit. AF Burn just gives the Lazy *** out there another reason to skate by in life.

Some made another valid point: "This isn't WoW" or in other words this isn't your garden variety kiddy MMORPG (we have decade older average playing age) that requires little skill to level up. Most (not all unfortunately) people who lack skills get weeded out of this game because it requires skill to play at/to the top. I've sucked it up on some jobs, but through trial and error learn to play the jobs respectably. Having more players at the top lacking skills, compromising others gameplay isn't my idea of fun.

What about people getting lots on Dynamis/Salvage/Limbus/etc... drops with jobs they AF Burned up in a short while while you took months/years to level your job up to 65/75? I would be pissed if some dude leveled his thf up in 1 month (or less) using AF Burn (mine took 2 years) and got to lot on Assasin's Armlets, very f*&kin pissed because they didn't earn it!

I can't wait to get back on and play (want to get my smn to 75 and get by Yinyang robe too!) Hopefully SE changes the Smn 2 hour just a little so people can no longer take advantage of it. RMT's, Unearned Gear lotters, and Lazy *** be damned!
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 14:46:45  
So what about other jobs that can level fast in less than a month? Bard can, blm can, and few others can level fast in a month and so they don't earn drops? It is the ls who decide to get a player that is under skilled and accepts them to lot on gear.

so they have to play like 2 years to level a job to earn something in a ls? From what i know is most ls's go by points, so if they got the job and points they can lot no? (again up to ls to accept their application) What makes the smn any different than other jobs that level quick in less than a month?

I dont see how the gear thing has anything to do with smn AF burn imo.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 14:51:14
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I think what he's saying is it would be outrageous (and I agree) for someone to have rights to lot on high level gear for something that only took them a few days to achieve in level, leaving the ones who took the time, patience and effort to learn the tricks of trade and functionality of the job by legitimately exping for a much longer and experienced amount of time.
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