now when the hell will FFXI stop being homophobic...
/to try and quell a few flaming hom0trolls~
i know, you're all scared of Galkas in love,
but just imagine the Mithran weddings if that creeps ya' out =P
& jus 'cause i like Ricco's line of thought on this one:
Marriage is French, the root word is
main /mɛ̃/
feminine noun
se donner or se tenir la ~ to hold hands;
saluer qn de la ~ to wave at sb;
haut les ~s! hands up!;
demander la ~ de qn to ask for sb's hand in marriage;
avoir qch bien en ~(s) to hold sth firmly;
figurative to have sth well in hand;
si tu lèves la ~ sur elle if you lay a finger on her;
à la ~ [sew] by hand;
[adjust] manually;
fait ~ handmade;
vol à ~ armée armed robbery;
donner un coup de ~ à qn to give sb a hand;
une ~ secourable a helping hand;
une ~ criminelle someone with criminal intentions;
avoir qch sous la ~ to have sth to hand;
cela m'est tombé sous la ~ I just happened to come across it;
mettre la ~ sur qch to get one's hands on sth;
je n'arrive pas à mettre la ~ dessus I can't lay my hands on it;
je l'ai eu entre les ~s mais I did have it but;
être entre les ~s de qn [power] to be in sb's hands;
prendre qn/qch en ~s to take sb/sth in hand;
à ne pas mettre entre toutes les ~s [book] not for general reading;
tomber entre les ~s de qn to fall into sb's hands;
les ~s vides empty-handed;
je le lui ai remis en ~s propres I gave it to him/her in person;
de la ~ à la ~ [sell] privately;
[be paid] cash (in hand);
écrit de la ~ du président written by the president himself;
de ma plus belle ~ in my best handwriting;
avoir le coup de ~ to have the knack;
se faire la ~ to practise (BrE);
(in cards) hand;
à ~ droite/gauche on the right/left.
So Marriage basically means touching, right? REALLY?
By the french definitions prostitutes have a few marriages a day!!! Slapping 5 *could* be called marriage~ LmFaO
Marriage has nothing to do with the republicans, accept that the majority of them are self-hating in-the-closet homophobes who just need to get over their bad relationships. Don't be jealous, be kind and learn.
All of you against gay marriage are secretly homosexual. Anyone secure in their sexuality doesn't care!
/cheers to the struggle! keep fighting for your rights!!
/in princess bride voice MArwwwidge~
Honestly, MArriage is about as christian as the word jesus, which is roughly 500 years old, as a Greek “Iesous” Latin “Iesus” bastardization suggests. Yahweh and His Son Yahshua are proper, or at least older and most likely, if unpronounceable to the culture of the time, thus a mystery. Hebrew is, after all, in Hasidism a changing language according to the epoch, the time can change the definitions.
The french root "Main" is about 300 years older then the word jesus.
...christians need to shut the $%$# up =P 'cause that's a weak case. It also means the version of the word marriage in the bible, is another word(s) נישואים, (ש"ע) נישואים; חתונה, טקס כלולות; זיווג, and it's not as one-sided as many like it to seem. Here we get everything from relationship, sex, contract, etc. all not really translatable to english, but the fact that it would take many english phrases to attempt should be an indication that the simple-minded duelist argument going on right now doesn't even care what marriage really is.
So don't take any of this christian cultist ***; it's recent, made-up nonsense pro-ported by wanna-bes.
They wouldn't know gay from there *** or a hold in the savior. A christian that cannot at least read a little hebrew is a cultist extremist evangelist and needs a good lesson in the OLD testaments so they can translate properly.
Not to mention that much of the new testament is zorastrian, hindu, buddhist, egyptian, babylonian, roman, greek, persian, etc, etc, name any culture that owned the middle east and their language and history are vital to transliteration. This ethnocentric hatred of manifest-destined homophobia will only go on to express itself in terrible ways if not recognized and balanced.
Monkeys can be gay, fish, reptiles, lizards... many of them can change their sex... does god send them to hell, really?
What about people born X Y chromosome? Don't bi-gender deserve marriage? They have no choice. Why can't everyone choose in a democratic free nation? Why do the animals have more rights then us here?
You should all stop talking in this dominator slaver culture language, as most of our ancestors were the "barbarians." FFXI is here to teach us the old mythology; don't any of you haters learn ANYTHING from the storyline??
Do yourself a favor and learn some Hebrew or old languages.
The people who can read a few languages or at very least translate have more right then those whom are ethnocentric to one cultural stereotype. Learn sanskrit, learn japanese (prolly the most common bilingual here ^-^) there are so many opportunities! Just ask people to learn instead of pushing around a biased opinion, compare cultures. Then your opinion will slowly become more pertinent, validated in experience instead of sexual frustration troll-mongering.
Keep fighting the good fight to filter out all these fake political associations to the "institution of marriage." MArriage is free from all religion and politics. It is a choice of love to touch another being, that's all.
All public institutions in the USA *should* be democratic.
That's my fiercely researched hetero biased opinion =P
No offense to any, but quit representing belief systems you don't understand and ask more questions.. It is the easiest age to translate since Babylon ffs..
pz, <3, keep reaching for those rainbows~