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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Carbuncle.Solinvictus 2010-06-24 14:33:59  
I did a 30 minute La Thiene earlier and had one of the Red "air-pressure" chests drop also. Sadly it dropped with 30 seconds left on our stones so we had no chance to figure it out, other than it needed the correct air-pressure. Seems that the chests drop randomly from defeated mobs much like the chests in the Zilart zones.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 14:36:08  
I don't know if I've mentioned it up to this point, but if you see a chest randomly laying around, DO NOT touch it. It is a brutal mimic. I don't think I've seen a single case of it not being a mimic.

If the chests drop, then you're good to go.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2010-06-24 14:38:56  
I found the red ones a bit difficult to figure out in the short amount of time you had. it probably takes a bit of practice to figure out though
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 14:46:21  
I haven't personally seen any of the chests yet.

I can't wait for this afternoon to go back in and explore more. So tired of reading other peoples' experiences.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2010-06-24 14:48:36  
Well I just got 2 trav stones for the NPC if anyone was wondering you don't have to collect a stone a day the NPC will hold a max of 3 for ya if it's passed 60hrs since your visit just ask for a stone 3 times.

I might wait for a 3rd stone but not sure just yet
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 14:52:13  
Well I currently have 2 stones on me (got both yesterday), and I should have another one on the NPC. My group was supposed to do 3 stones worth today, but one person might only have 2. Either way I'm going to use the 3 stones to get the full time in.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2010-06-24 14:54:20  
I've been exploring only La Theine so far; I figure focusing on one zone then moving seems like a good idea. Also does points from all zones link together?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Doluka
Posts: 252
By Ragnarok.Doluka 2010-06-24 15:10:37  
I've been under the impression that Cruor accumulated is good for all 3 zones and isn't zone specific. I should be trying out La Theine tonight with 2 stones worth so I'll find out then, if not tomorrow.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Raigne
Posts: 67
By Phoenix.Raigne 2010-06-24 15:21:46  
This sounds like a good deal of fun, I love exploring random crap like these new Abyssea zones. The rewards sound really nice too.

Appreciate the hard work ya'll are putting in to figure out these new zones, I hope to help soon enough, just now getting my first CS with the creepy hume guy xD
サーバ: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Varistor
Posts: 238
By Alexander.Varistor 2010-06-24 15:52:44  
Thank you very much, Krizz. Our LS does this now as a scheduled event. Now we have some goals and objectives to take care of. we are all saving up for an 1 1/2 hr run this saturday thru La Theine. Looking forward to it and hopefully revenge on that f-in Rabbit Marvin that killed us.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 16:15:58  
Alexander.Varistor said:
Thank you very much, Krizz. Our LS does this now as a scheduled event. Now we have some goals and objectives to take care of. we are all saving up for an 1 1/2 hr run this saturday thru La Theine. Looking forward to it and hopefully revenge on that f-in Rabbit Marvin that killed us.
Lol, make sure to post SSs of Marvin going down so we can all savor in your victory.

Phoenix.Raigne said:
This sounds like a good deal of fun, I love exploring random crap like these new Abyssea zones. The rewards sound really nice too. Appreciate the hard work ya'll are putting in to figure out these new zones, I hope to help soon enough, just now getting my first CS with the creepy hume guy xD
Glad I wasn't the only one that thought he was kind of... off...

Ragnarok.Doluka said:
I've been under the impression that Cruor accumulated is good for all 3 zones and isn't zone specific. I should be trying out La Theine tonight with 2 stones worth so I'll find out then, if not tomorrow.
I'm 99.3% certain that it's good for all three zones.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 19:34:06  
More screenshots!

But go figure FF just DCd so I'm going to lose the chat log I wanted to screenshot as well with the quest dialogue so I could identify the 8 quests the NPC references...

Anyway, screenshots of the three big boses. I've already seen screenshots of the worm boss, but not the other two.

Please bear with me on the quality. Wanted to reduce the file size and screenshot size so it wasn't a lot of scrolling / loading.

La Theine



サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: darkmod
Posts: 20
By Leviathan.Darkmod 2010-06-24 20:41:16  
Just spent my second 30 min duration in la'theine. I don't have much intel to share...

We did find a "bubbly" mob that gave a larger amount of Cruor. I found the gigas's to be rather easy... The jelly fish looking mobs that spam that AoE burn DoT stuff... That's just nasty...

I also noted some of the NPC's want "x" amount of "y", y = what look like synth mats found from mobs there.

I'll definitely be trying to organize a routine out of this. As much as I'd rather be no time limit, it makes it a lot more exciting that there is one.

-- By bubbly, i mean it appears they are casting white magic constantly, but its a small animation.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-06-24 20:56:42  
I've only done a half hour trip so far, will have 3 stones tonight so planning on another trip, but first I have a couple questions.

If you go to one zone, and use two stones, and then leave to another zone in half an hour, will your remaining time be wiped, or will it just keep ticking down?

I was hoping to spend 45 minutes in La Theine and 45 in Konschtat (less the time it takes to choco from the crag to the maw).

Also, we fought a bunch of mobs that are found in random zones throughout the zone and it was all much of a muchness. Fairly normal difficulty, exp rates, and cruor (from what I could see). Then we came across a Titan avatar running around on his own. We buffed up and prepared for a hell of a fight, but he went down really quick, and gave a massive amount of both exp and cruor (can't remember how much). This was in Konschtat btw, and he was just SW of where the crystal to promyvion/sky would be.

We also found a bunch of little land worms around the edge of where the crag should be. These things are *** turds, gave us a hell of a hard time and gave us next to no exp/cruor for our effort, I really don't want to fight a full-size one of these (I've never fought lambtom worm).
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 21:12:40  
I'm in Abyssea La Theine right now. Taking screenshots and noting POS of everything. Got my first two Confluxes unlocked. Died to the bird NM already =D

Edit: blazza, you can split the time amongst zones. Only time your clock keeps ticking is if you /logout in abyssea.

Edit2: but note that you have to get visitant status every time you re-enter
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Taheenaa
Posts: 28
By Bismarck.Taheenaa 2010-06-24 21:19:56  
Ramuh.Krizz said:
I don't know if I've mentioned it up to this point, but if you see a chest randomly laying around, DO NOT touch it. It is a brutal mimic. I don't think I've seen a single case of it not being a mimic.

If the chests drop, then you're good to go.

We found a random blue chest layin' out the other night, managed to open it and we all received 250xp. So, I'm guessin' it's all chance.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 22:09:45  
Bismarck.Taheenaa said:
Ramuh.Krizz said:
I don't know if I've mentioned it up to this point, but if you see a chest randomly laying around, DO NOT touch it. It is a brutal mimic. I don't think I've seen a single case of it not being a mimic.

If the chests drop, then you're good to go.

We found a random blue chest layin' out the other night, managed to open it and we all received 250xp. So, I'm guessin' it's all chance.
Might be the brown ones.

Still 10 minutes in zone
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 22:23:00  
Finally out of zone... took 40 screenshots, lol. I'll go through and post stuff in the morning.

BTW, the POS for Conflux #4 is a dirty lie. It's nowhere in H-11. Couldn't find #5 even though the NPC at #6 said 'westward'.

I did unlock Confluxes 1-3 and 6 though.

The puks near #6 make a good XP camp.

I died ~3-4 times and still netted a ~3.5k XP profit in the 90 minutes. This time was spent focusing on confluxes and glowing mobs we ran across.

Edit: I earned approximately 650 Crour in that 90 minutes.

Edit2: Oh hey, this thread is stickied now. lol.

Man, I need some sleep.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2010-06-24 22:40:46  
Ramuh.Krizz said:
Edit2: Oh hey, this thread is stickied now. lol.
lol (^^)b Keep up the good work, Krizz.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-24 23:10:20  
PM said:
Question though, the aura of light that you gain from killing enemies, specifically the glowing ephimeral mobs... Do you know what that is for? Is it some sort of status enhancement "hidden" status? Or is it the vivification status spoken about in the SE description? When the aura gets stronger, mobs respawn faster and harder?

We're still trying to figure out how the glow comes in to play.

My best theory is that the more mobs of the same type you kill, the stronger that particular glow gets. You'll notice in the screenshots I post that I change color glows periodically. I believe this is one of the main reasons I didn't get an abyssite key item.

From all reports I've seen, if you camp in a particular mobs, yes, the mobs will respawn stronger.

Monday I will probably test that since I'll have a bigger group and a full 90 minutes in zone again.

I finished editing the screenshots, but I have to compile the info I want and post it. That'll be in the morning though.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Darkfire
Posts: 46
By Bismarck.Ankiseth 2010-06-25 01:26:04  
After 2 runs of 30min in Tahrongi, this is what I've figured out. Nothing is concrete and the areas I list things are generally where I think they are, going off visual mapping not the actual in-game map. Used Gwynplaine's Tahrongi map posted on BG as a template:

As you can see, We haven't covered the whole map in terms of ???'s and confluxes, and I have no clue where the initial NMs wander around that are already up.

Map also doesnt include what drops off the popped NMs but like I said its rough and a general idea of where mobs are grouped, some of the confluxes and ???'s.

Conflux#4 I have on there may actually be a different number, but there IS a conflux there, and Efts may be located elsewhere in the south canyon area, was hard to tell. Also of note, there are clionid's around where the Qutrub NM Manananggal is shown in the south.

Still working on the ???'s on the Northeast side of the map, as I'm sure is obvious. We popped a Coeurl NM and got it to 18% before it spammed Mortal Blast which one-shotted our DD's, then proceeded to have it's way with the rest of us.

If something on here is wrong, let me know. I'm sure I mis-numbered a conflux or two, or have a ??? off but its a work in progress.
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Cameryn
Posts: 254
By Diabolos.Gira 2010-06-25 01:30:52  
Asura.Tero said:
Bismarck.Rinako said:
Some of the mobs give 400 exp and are easy to kill they're VT but there arent many of them.

The ones that glow give 400 exp for a pt of 6 75's.

I'm just kinda pissed SE promised new areas to exp but I'm sorry... exping for 30 minutes doesnt seem to appealin for me except for that gear... and even then it's only 30min...

Edit: Btw we fought the Wasp NM; it does Hundred Fist and raped us cause we were unprepared but a different setup I think we woulda been fine with 6.

Se did add new exp camps in promys and cost / meadows >>

At what <pos> did you find the mob that gave you that level of experience? So far I've only done the first 3 quests in Abyssea - Tahrongi Canyon and fought some of the clinoids at the camp and some of the mini-turtles near the NW encampment. I want to go in with a party 6~ 75 to 80 players and go for the most possible cruor/hour.

Unlocked Conflux 01, 03, 04. Next time I have enough stones to spend a decent while in there I aim to get the other 3 conflux out there, I was able to solo for 1.2k Cruor on PUP.

FYI: There are chests that drop that can give as much as 600 cruor (that's what the one I found gave me). To open them you need to guess high/low a certain number of times in a row. There may be different kinda of chests, but that's the one I got. It gave me a number 1-99, I had to say if I thought the unknown number was higher or lower. Chest will vanish in 3 minutes if you fail to open (or at least mine would have). You have a limited number of attempts to unlock ontop of the time limit.

Glowing DC mob gave me 450 exp and over 100 cruor for a solo kill. I only saw the one glowing mob my whole time in there, and have no idea what the respawn is...

Also, there's a quest at the NW camp that's "go here, mine this" she gives you a pickaxe but mine broke on first try and didn't get what I needed. I recomend bringing in your own because of limited time in the zone etc.

Let's see anything else I experienced that I could tell you guys...

Fought the Turtles on 80PUP/40NIN. Were pretty slow on attack, hit me for ~100 damage... you can out run to create time to cast shadows or timers to cool down... I didn't need to though just noticed from the pull. Tough turtle gave 180 exp and 37 cruor.

I saw chests, I tried to open them. They were mimics. I had puppet flashbulb it then dismissed puppet to not-die (like in Golden Salvage)... I have no idea if some chests could be legit and give you stuff, but unless you're a PUP like me, or a SMN or BST I suppose, it's not worth the risk of checking... Unless the chest has 600 cruor it! Haha :P click at your own risk!

Very few mobs seem to aggro... I had sneak/invisible up for turtles and scorpions, but the clinoids and the flying skull-types non aggressive. They link when in range of one at 30% HP~ or so.

The Gully Clinoids still have no data on wiki. From what I experienced they were all BLM types who love to cast tier 4-5 nukes, AM, tier III aga, and poisonga II as well as ice spikes and en-spells. I don't know if some were RDM type or all BLM type with some RDM spells. These never cured themselves although the Gulch Limule did (they had spells BLMs and WHMs use).

They also have Acid Stream. Tier III aga back to back with an Acid Stream makes soloing increadibly difficult at times, death is an unavoidable thing solo; also there's the spawn-invisible NM. Face to face he only does about 200 damage and looks like a party of 6 with a PLD could destroy him. But when he attacked from behind it was always 3-5k damage and can't be outrun with 12% movement speed. Also he's a DRK type mob and casts DRK spells (naturally).

You can obtain temp items from normal kills, it's rare... the potion seems to cure a lot. I was only at about 50% hp when I used it but it brought me to full, so don't underestimate them. Also temp ethers, wasn't a mage so don't know; I assume the ethers are also very potent.

I wouldn't recommend soloing in there, a DD/nin and a RDM would be great. My puppet could silence the clinoids rather well but a RDM would obviously do better and cure at greater frequency.

If you've never gone to abyssea yet, my advise is to use all but your last 30 minutes worth solo/duo/partying for cruor at the begining of the zone to get a feel for the mobs. Once you have some cruor (like 600~) unlock some conflux. Look up the quests you can do, they have cruor rewards. Use your last 30 minutes to try and do some quick quests and such. All you need to do 2 quests in Tahrongi are a few pick axes and to do some emotes at a box (need to talk to trigger NPC's of course, this is on wiki so not going to repast all the details). Those 2 quests will reimburse you 100 and 200 cruor. Conflux seem to go up in price in numerical order. 01 was 50, 03 was 150, 04 was 200. I assume 02 was 100, 05 will be 250, and 06 will be 300, etc. In other words, you'll need 1,800 cruor to activate all 8 if the math keeps up. (From what I've heard it sounds like there's 8 per zone)

I got 1.2k from 1.5 hours of farming, 300 from quests... I'm about 300 cruor away from unlocking all the conflux (which I intend to do as an investment towards faster cruor farming in the future!)

Also, since you can keep extra time and leave, I assume you can go in, pay 3 stones, leave, wait 3 days, get 3 stones, come back, add the time all together, and have 3 hours in abyssea!!!

It seems like it takes about 3 hours to fully explore abyssea and unlock the confluxes after having farmed the cruor. I would also suggest sticking with THE SAME ZONE so you can get to know it and work on the same quests/unlocking conflux. Then when you have a good amount of cruor and have bought the items you want (if any) use the cruor surplus to explore a new zone.

I'm waiting 3-4 days to go back in, and hopefully some others will post anything they've learned etc. so I can make the most of my time the next I go in. Also I need to cap out my skills... level sync screwed me over I think, coulda used more eva skill!

RR items are a must. And warp out/tele back or run to the maw to exit abyessea while weakened if possible. I died about 4-5 times in my 2 hours in abyssea and made sure not to let it tick away at my limited time in there. If you wait to unweaken and such inside, those deaths can add up and lead to wasting a full stone... It's worth the gil to tele back or the mea ring... On that note... BUY A RING TO WARP TO THE AREA YOU FREQUENT!!! Tele-rings are now musts if you ask me. Also, once you have your cruor, use whatever movement items you have to make the questing go faster. I used sprinter shoes, then switched to herme's sandals. If you can; go as or with a BRD or COR for movement. With 30 minutes per stone and the length of the walks you'll save a lot of minutes that add up. And if it's faster to warp out and re-enter than to walk back to NPCs you may need to talk to, I would... But I'm super hyped for abyessea, others might not be so insane about managing their time.

PS: bring a RDM! PLD if you can find one at 80!!!

6 person party set up I recommend:

RDM BLM BRD PUP SAM WAR (I say PUP because pet pulls or mimic checks might be useful to players... also I love PUP and was able to tear it up in there by myself anyway ;P).
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Xenophire
Posts: 890
By Phoenix.Ailoki 2010-06-25 03:26:36  
Clionids and Gigadaphnia seem to have odd aggro behavior.

Upon first entering, we didn't aggro these at all. But, after we killed an Gigadaphnia, they started to aggro or link, I'm not sure. I RR'd to check a chest, and it aggro'd. On our way to the Giga's, we killed a few Clionids and passed a group of them and didn't aggro. However, when we ran back, they made short work of a friend with Water V.

Can anyone verify this?

Also, it seems the Clionids cast magic opposite of what day it is? Currently Windsday and he's going headstrong with Blizzaga's. Maybe perhaps he just favors this element. Sorry if I"m late on any of this information. Just trying to help. :P
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-25 04:36:52  
I saw something like that. It appeared when we opened one box it made them stronger and link and sometimes just run from no where and aggro us. Then we opened another one and they wouldn't link or aggro anymore.

Anyways what is this whole getting more than 30 min thing? It only let me carry one stone at a time
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-25 07:16:18  
Nice info Anki/Gira.

About to post everything from last night.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Yakoo
Posts: 43
By Odin.Yakoo 2010-06-25 07:18:39  
Anyone have seen Leaping Larry in Abyssea Konschtat?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Doluka
Posts: 252
By Ragnarok.Doluka 2010-06-25 07:28:38  

You get a stone worth 30 minutes every 20 hours, but you can carry up to 3 at a time. The way SE designed the event, you can do it for small spurts daily for 30 minutes or every couple days for long periods of time.

Essentially they made the timer flexible based on how available you are.

Also, say you gather the 3 stones you can carry, but then can't go in for another 3 days due to RL. If information is accurate, the NPC still accumulates another set of stones so you could go in for a 90 minute spurt, return to Jeuno and get the additional 3, then go back for another 90 minute run.

Of course that last part is purely speculation, but I don't see why it wouldn't work that way.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-25 07:34:16  
Abyssea - La Theine


Veil Clionid
110 XP / 17 cruor
Clionid wing

Dropped chest. Failed to open.
When 'peered' into: "The chest appears empty, but you sense that you serve to gain a tiny bit of experience by opening it."

T++ to 76WHM/BLM

Ephemeral Limule
494 XP / 109 Cruor
faint pearlescent light

Dropped treasure chest. Feeble ruby light inside.
When 'peered' into: "The chest is aglow from within with a faint ruby light."

LT-02 Martello
Veridical Conflux #02 (Cost: 100)

Costs 50 'power' to restore hp or mp. 15 'power' to remove status ailments.
I believe power is regained by the quest from the starting area that asks you to deliver supplies to a Martello.

Demersal Gigas


Drops PLD shield and COR neck. Kicked our *** rather quick.

Ephemeral Clionid
490 XP / 111 Cruor

Great Wasps
Heals for 1k+ each Pollen used.

Chasmic Hornet

Great Wasp
170 XP / 35 Cruor
feeble azure light

Veridical Conflux #03 (Cost: 150)
Warp to Conflux #01: 0
Warp to Conflux #02: 70


LT-06 Martello
Veridical Conflux #06 (Cost: 300)

Gnole type

Veld Clionid
162 XP / 25 Cruor
faint pearlescent light

Veld Clionid
151 XP / 22 Cruor
Feeble azure light

Dropped chest. Heals.
When 'peered' into: "The chest is aglow from within with a feeble soothing light."

Aaveleon NPC roaming

Veld Clionid
152 XP / 22 Cruor
faint pearlescent light

Ephemeral Limule
456 XP / 100 Cruor
faint pearlescent light

During this fight I noted that spikes from reprisal were healing it. Insignificant amount.

Ephemeral Limule

From here on we were down to WHM and DRG duo.

Crepuscule Puk
175 XP / 25 Cruor
feeble ruby light

Logging point at I-11. Oak log obtained.

Crepuscule Puk
163 XP / 23 Cruor
Puk Egg

Crepuscule Puk
165 XP / 23 Cruor
faint perlescent light

~2 minutes per puk kill as duo

Crepuscule Puk
179 XP / 25 Cruor
Winter Puk Egg (R)
Feeble Ruby light

Ephemeral Limule
513 XP / 112 Cruor
Feeble ruby light


Ephemeral Limule
(near southern pond. K-11 I believe)

LT-0# Martello

Halver is at this encampment. He isn't very nice. I didn't take a SS of his dialouge.

??? that requires winter puk egg

Did not pop.

At this point I was trying to find Confluxes #04 and #05. We wasted at least 20-30 minutes on this. I'm rather annoyed and my only guess for #04 is that it was down in the ravine. With all the gnoles around it, I didn't get much of a chance to look for a way down. A SS of this conflux would be very nice.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-25 07:35:28  
Ragnarok.Doluka said:
If information is accurate, the NPC still accumulates another set of stones so you could go in for a 90 minute spurt, return to Jeuno and get the additional 3, then go back for another 90 minute run.
Believed to be accurate, but don't forget the 60 minute wait if you leave zone with less than 5 minutes left.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Doluka
Posts: 252
By Ragnarok.Doluka 2010-06-25 07:48:52  
Well of course, I was merely informing Dasva of the potential to have a particularly long day of farming in Abyssea.
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