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Same Old Bs Whole New Day. |
same old bs whole new day.
... Let's see.. You didn't get screwed or cheated on anything, yet you're here questioning why you always get screwed and cheated.
Really? You took two people's word that he's a server jumper, and you feel screwed? You want to not get screwed over by an LS, join a Social LS. It so rarely happens there, because any real money is so rare. Also, I can promise you this now, if you join any high profile LS, you're going to get tells or people warning you about all kinds of ***that LS has done, unless you saw it with your own eyes, don't believe it.. Don't be gullible and set yourself up for failure, but don't just assume something someone tells you is true. There are countless ways to prevent yourself from being screwed in-game, if you fail to use those methods, then you and you alone are guilty, sure they may not be the best people to deal with in the future, but overall, you have only yourself to blame (a great example is doing BCNM/KSNM's and having drops stolen, it really all boils down to the fact that you were too trusting and just ASSUMED everyone would pass your ***, when you should have set yourself to party leader and quartermaster.) 5 in a year, that's lots. Prob won't get much help for that short a span. Same with end game, gotta stick it out if you want good stuff.
Siren.Agles said: Valefor.Slipispsycho said: You want to not get screwed over by an LS, join a Social LS. It so rarely happens there, because any real money is so rare. lets see. in the last year. i been in like 5. though i helped lots of people and was always being asked to help. ever was it anything i needed or anyone cared when i needed something. people just want everything for nothing. im sick of handing out my time, gil, and exp. to other people's missions and quests. Then don't *** do it? Helping people is not required in a social LS, if YOU chose to go spend your time helping someone on quests/missions then that was your choice. You don't get kicked from a social for something like that.. Although now I'm starting to get a better picture of what's going on.. You go and help people, and you expect the same in return, you expect them to come running to your aid, just because you came to theirs. Don't help someone in a social unless you're doing it for genuine SELFLESS purposes.. If you want a better experience, then heed my advice, if you'd like to keep going about things the way you've been doing them (that obviously haven't worked out thus far) then go right on ahead. If you've been in 5 linkshells it's due to you as well as them. You obviously have issues staying with the same group of people for prolonged time.
For example when I first came to shiva 2 years a go my friend got me a pearl to my social shell (Paleriders) and I've been with them ever since, I've never left them and I'm in that shell 85% of the time. You expect help as soon as you join a social shell, but that's not how it works. You help a bit when you're free, they help a bit when they're free. Social shells shouldn't be about stressful situations and feelings of anger due to them not helping, they are an escape from any times when you are not doing end game stuff. Help with the Odd NM and help with missions, but stop expecting so much from a social shell, It is at the end of the day: Social. I've had the same social LS (one name change due to shell holder quitting) since 2004. I still do Limbus with them. Half of the things they helped me get done were things I organized myself. Can't expect to have everything handed to you.
Siren.Agles said: so Valefore. your saying to screw everyone else? to be a selfish ***? use and abuse? is that what ffxi is about? because from what your saying. it is. Don't expect everyone to be willing to help you just because you're willing to help them. If you want that then a social shell isn't what you're looking for. Valefor.Slipispsycho
... Yeah my name is Valefor, that's further proof that you are seriously inexperienced in the grander scheme of things.
I'm trying to give you advice.. No, I'm not saying to screw everyone else, and it's about me, I never ask for help from my social, but I give it all the time.. But I don't do it expecting help in return, I do it because I have the jobs and experience TO help them, that's it, I do it for completely selfless reasons. You don't join a Social LS expecting that people will come rushing to your aid, you join so you'll have someone to talk to when you're bored and doing minor *** (like camping NM's, farming ETC) you join because there's a ~chance~ people in the LS might need the same things you are, and you can help each other, you join so if you don't know something about the game, you can ask the LS and they can explain it to you til you do. You don't join a social with the idea that everyone's going to come rushing to your every request and be a super hero. If you want help with quests/missions/etc, you /sh in White Gate or Jeuno, or even your Home Nation as a last resort. You may ASK your LS for help, but you don't get frustrated and drop the shell just because no one offered to help. I also help people in my social for self gratification.
I like the feeling of helping some of the newer people do something they were having trouble with, or claiming an NM you've camped together. I guess it's because my social is full of my friends. I couldn't imagine being in a shell without my friends tbh, it's why I find EGLS hard to bare. Shiva.Flionheart said: I also help people in my social for self gratification. I like the feeling of helping some of the newer people do something they were having trouble with, or claiming an NM you've camped together. I guess it's because my social is full of my friends. I couldn't imagine being in a shell without my friends tbh, it's why I find EGLS hard to bare. Valefor.Slipispsycho
Well, then that is your own fault, you directly quoted me saying to join a Social LS and then said you'd been in 5 in the last year.
Oh and if you think EGLS's are going to come to your every beck and call, you're still in the wrong frame of mind. You actually stand a better chance at getting Social LS's to help you do ***, people join EGLS's ~mostly~ to make money, so where there is none to be made by the participants, there's little help. Also, if you've been playing that long, how can't you figure out my name is Slipispsycho and Valefor is my server? Pointlessness aside, @OP, there's very little you couldn't accomplish with a group of friends nowadays and you'll surely have a lot more fun doing things without the daily crap you'd go through leading a shell of 18+ members. Speaking from experience too.
I don't see how you are insinuating that everything is greed based, isn't this post due to your not getting what you wanted? (Regardless of what you deserve). I'd also find it impossible to believe you haven't got a tight group of friends, or that everyone you met has 'backstabbed you'. If all you can honestly do is bounce from shell to shell then maybe you're the problem in the equation. Not trying to sound harsh either, just an observation I saw a lot when I led a shell. Just quit MMOs. As long as the common element known as "people" are involved, you're going to get screwed. This is the internet. People hide behind computer screens, and if they screw someone, who cares? Their reputation doesn't matter because they're always going to find dumbasses who will follow them and let themselves get screwed, and the internet is abundant with dumbasses.
The term "Nice guys finish last" is magnified 10 fold on the internet. Valefor.Slipispsycho
Cerberus.Katarzyna said: Just quit MMOs. As long as the common element known as "people" are involved, you're going to get screwed. This is the internet. People hide behind computer screens, and if they screw someone, who cares? They're always going to find dumbasses who will follow them and let themselves get screwed, and the internet is abundant with dumbasses. The term "Nice guys finish last" is magnified 10 fold on the internet. Unless you go into something expecting nothing.. Then there's no screwing to be done or had.. Anything you gain is just a bonus.. Valefor.Slipispsycho said: Cerberus.Katarzyna said: Just quit MMOs. As long as the common element known as "people" are involved, you're going to get screwed. This is the internet. People hide behind computer screens, and if they screw someone, who cares? They're always going to find dumbasses who will follow them and let themselves get screwed, and the internet is abundant with dumbasses. The term "Nice guys finish last" is magnified 10 fold on the internet. Unless you go into something expecting nothing.. Then there's no screwing to be done or had.. Anything you gain is just a bonus.. Except in the case of the OP. The OP expected everything but nothing, judging from his QQ post. nice guys finish last but we get to sleep in
The rules are simple, to be absolutely safe (although if the people actually friends with whom you ask for help, none of this really matters)
Want help with killing an NM? Claim it before anyone else does [can be done right as they enter the zone] set yourself to Party Leader, then QM the ***if you have to, and DO NOT lot until everyone has passed (or if it was agreed to be a shared drop, until everyone who wasn't in on the lotting has passed) Same goes for BCNMs/KSNMs. Don't /t random strangers that a highly sought NM is up and ask for their help, when you're not equipped to take it on yourself.. Well hell, that takes care of about 90% of the problems of 'being screwed over' right there. Another 5% is knocked out by not being a dumbass... If you agree to help someone for money, get the money up front, if the reward for help is a chance at the items, well sometimes being screwed is unavoidable, but YOU are the one that took rolled the dice on whether the other person was trust worthy or not, you coulda just said no, your own greed is what actually screwed you over, at least as far as I see it. It might be because you smell.
Why don't you build your own shell, then?
Np, I hope you don't take any of this personally, I'm just a straight forward type of person, I don't just *** or dance around the issue... Not trying to be harsh, just truthful.
EDIT: I'd just like to add, if you read a lot of these player warning threads, most are an attempt to not accept blame, but rather place it on what a *** the other person was. Most of them really boil down to the person making the thread did things against their better judgement/were being gullible/didn't take precautions to prevent the actions that led them to be 'wronged'.. I mean, you wouldn't just leave a $100 on a table in a room with strangers, and turn your back for a second, so why do you really expect any more honesty just because it's a game. There's lots of oppurtunistic *** faces out there that are just waiting for something to take advantage of, in-game is no different, you have to do what can to protect yourself from such things, the responibility lies upon you... The player warning threads (when they're valid) are all well and good.. But they've really lost their meaning. Instead of just warning others about what kinda person the 'target' is, they've become a way for people to accept no blame in being ripped off/wronged, to not learn from their mistakes, and to an extent, remain overly trusting and gullible. Siren.Agles said: so the whole idea of a friends. well it falls very short. Luckily for you it's amazingly easier to make friends online than IRL, make a perma for some event, have a friend invite a friend who invites a friend etc, and it'll work out from there. Valefor.Slipispsycho
Siren.Agles said: so trueth. do to a poor past i have no friends ingame. i find it very hard to trust people. so there for i am all alone. and if i was to quite then what? i wasted all this time for nothing. never got anywhere. just a compleat failure. just another failure in my life. Make new friends, hell, if you ahve no reason to stay on that server, come to mine, I'll get you in my social, I'll even help you, because that's what I do, I've always been that way.. There are others who help too.. You just can't expect that everyone is going to drop what they're doing just to help you though, regardless of LS/server. People have lives, and they have their own goals they want to complete in game, more times then not, their own goals take up 99% of their in-game time. They ask for help, if you choose to give it, then you do at your own will.. It's not like you're committed to just saying yes.. I know giving help is the best way to get it is the motto, but not in this game. You give your help because you have nothing better to do ATM, or because you also need what they want.. |
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