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Monsterrain said:
Let me preface this question with the fact i have never asked anyone in my ffxi career for a Plvl, and never will.

Though i have never asked doesnt mean i will deny a pty with a plvl.

My question is at what lvl should you start learning how to do your job and stop getting Plvl'ed?

This is comming from a comment an LS mate told me about a pty he was in when a tank said "I am not tanking let the PL tank"

I hate the dunes as much as you do, and there are a lot of times when just getting to lvl 24-25 is a godsend...but is that Plvl gonna hurt you in the long run if you get it 10-37? if its a job youre gonna take to 75?

I feel players are better to not have the PL since if you can tank IT++ at 24-37 it just gets easier from then on out....i mean i think about it...would you rather have a pld...nin...whm...rdm at lvl 40 who has never actually played their job or someone who actually played their job the whole time?

Personally I only PL friends and LS mates, and only when I'm bored. The highest level PT I have PL'd is LV60. Once a PT is 60+ mostly all a PL can do is Haste. However I have been in a LV67-68 PT that had a PLD PL...that was kinda interesting.

Personally, I believe PLing is a luxury, and unless someone is being like constantly PL'd (like every PT or some crap like that) I don't see it having an bad effect on someone's playing skills. Not at the low levels anyway. Even without a PL, new players are gonna suck.

Personally, I don't like to PL PT's over LV37. Why? They start needing Cure IV's after that, and the mages generally don't want to do their job that level and later, if the PT has a PL. LV37+ is when most jobs start having to actually learn to play their job as well. Easier to draw hate if you're a mage, or a DD. More job abilities for people to manage, faster pulls, etc.

What we do when we want to make a PL PT, is we find out which of us is PLing, what job is being used to PL with, and then build a PT based off of that. Usually we make 12k/hr PTs, even at dunes or Qufim level, that way.

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