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Akajoyroth said:
I wanna see a SS of that!! o.O LOLZ

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Bartimaeus said:
Do you think GM's just go.. "oh.. it's just her" by now? lol

Um, I've been referred to by my real name instead of my character name a couple of times, haha. I know several by name including SGMs (one actually has the same name as me, but spelled different. Mine's Ami hers is Amy. WHO it is, I won't say :)

I have one on AIM and two on MSN (but the one on MSN is the one that's also on AIM). I used to have another, Danuve, but he quit and moved back to florida.

Anywho, yeah part of my problems on my original server stemmed from my use of the GM Call feature. A lot of really really ridiculous and obvious third party tools like pos/flee hacking. Since it made up a large bulk of the endgame community, I pissed off quite a few back before I even had a 75 job when their LS would lose millions (and in a couple cases) hundreds of millions because of bans. I'd even get accused of GM calls I didn't make regarding people I don't even know.

So yeah, a lot of people became a little sensitive and bitchy over the issue but that I can say MOST of those were made quite a bit ago. I don't make GM calls as often. I'd say I'm down to about once a week, where as it used to be more of a daily thing. The good news is, pretty much anyone that had a problem with me was eventually banned by the Special Task Force or quit because they didn't find the game fun when they couldn't cheat. There's still a few around that obsess over the old days, though. Ah well, what can I say? I'm unforgettable :P

Despite the controversy, I'm proud of it. The game wasn't fun when you're trying to level in Garlaige Citadel and people are pos hacking trains of mobs onto Serket. (Back before mobs depopped when they deaggroed).

With all the of the crackdowns on "obvious" third party programs, it's not really a problem anymore so there's not like this drama over my head about it like their used to be. Anywhere I've been since then has actually been pretty pleasant for the most part. Some people have read about it and have been scorned by their own excessive and obvious third party app usage tend to drag it out.

Back in the day, it kinda caused a problem though. People were very vocal about their third party app usage in the game and linkshells were paranoid about having me in the groups because of the drama cause by some of that. I've also been accused of sleeping with GMs, and even being a GM.

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