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Magistrella said:
Dasva said:
Magistrella said:

Someone finally got it click in the head *grin*

As speaking JP and using JP POL to write ingame, to adress all "JP ONRY" haters, try it with an "Good Morning, Good Evening" when trying to invite a jp, think about their time, use the correct term. Maybe if you dont start with an rude "Hello! Party Do you need it?" more of them will reply to you overlooking the language barrier. I personally went to ignoring such /tells too even if im desperatly seeking an invite, you greet someone irl first too and dont ask him "Yo Bro wassup" if its not a close friend of you.

To the money returning, lucky you - hope you gave him some extra for the AH fee ^.~

Greetz Magi ('-')/

I'm sorry how is party do you need it rude? Especially if your seeking party? I mean I see how you can be offended by random blind invites. Maybe its just me but most people I know dont start with hi how ya doing oh btw you wanna pt?

Ok lemme fix that with an other example:

You selling, lets say your car. You do a ad in newspapers, waiting for calls on your offer. How would you expect to be greeted when you take off the phone?

1. Yo, you selling your car, can i take a look at it.
2. Good day. - "your response" - My name is "insertrandomnamehere", im interested in buying your car.

Answer for yourself, ^~^

whatever gets it sold, either is fine lol >.>

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