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Kajidourden said:
Gaea said:
Kajidourden said:
Gaea said:
Rosangela said:
Wow, thread derailment.

Lazer hair removal vs shaving ?

Laser is garbage. Electrolysis is far more effective. Both will mess up your skin for a little while and there's a risk of long term damage too.

However, It's a bit of an extreme for your legs. Epilation is effective, easy to maintain, and the results are very nice.

Hmmmm, didn't know this, then again never heard of that procedure

Epilation isn't a procedure, so to speak. It's a DYI hair removal method. In general, the actual process is nothing more than tweezing, similar to waxing, but a mechanical epilator does this on a more massive scale tweezing a small area hundreds of times a second. So, it's like waxing without the mess. Waxing is a great way to start, though, and just epilate anything that comes back as it comes back.

Ah, well it sounds slightly less painful than waxing lol

Waxing mainly hurts for two reasons.

The more hair, the more pain.

It can bond to the top lay of skin and tear that along with it. Some women probably like the resulting effect though cause it takes away an entire layer of dead skin, but proper skin care can do this too.

Epilation you can do about once a week or so, and less and less if you have really fine, thin hair. In many cases there's plenty of hair that will never grow back and much of it grows back so fine and so slow.

Hair has different growth phases and resting phases. So, when you wax, only the hair in the growth phase return immediately giving you a significantly smaller amount of hair to have to deal with. This hair also grows at different rates and since it had to start at the root and not at the point where you cut it off with shaving, it's very soft and fine.

It only takes a few weeks to get the hang of an epilator and you don't even notice the tweezing anymore. The hair are so few and far between and your legs won't be near as sensitive as, let's say your face, so it's far less discomforting than plucking your eyebrows.

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