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Rowland said:
Gaea said:
Celene said:
Gaea said:
Sometimes you can miss those super light colored hairs that can only be seen when the light catches them a certain way.

Those hairs are the devil. :|

LOL. I'll usually wear hose with anything that shows my legs, but not an option in a bathing suit :P

I haven't ran a razor over my legs in, um, well how many months since last summer was, but they still look nice and my girlfriend always comments on how smooth they are so I have no complaints :)

I hear stories about how some girls "hibernate" in the winter. Once they can wear long pants they stop shaving their legs till the point its uncomfortably long, since no one can see it.

Crazy french.

No, ALOT of women do this. It's not that they won't shave but they'll shave much less often. During the warmer days of the year when we can wear a lot of shorts, capri, and even bathing suits, we literally have to shave our legs every other day. In the winter, many women will go a week, I've heard of some going as much as two. Even *I* will be a little lazier at running an epilator over my legs sometimes, and that takes 2 minutes about every 8-10 days. Sometimes I'll go twice that but it's really hardly noticeable for me, then.

But it's not french girls its like... ALOT of girls. Especially ones who are either complacent and secure in their relationship or single and not hooking up. Teenagers are probably more self conscious about it, but eventually you start to care less and less because nobody can see your legs with all those clothes on anyway.

Any guys out there, if you want to do something pretty amazing for your girl, get her an epilator on her birthday or your anniversary this year. They can cost around 50-200 bucks but higher price doesn't always mean better. Read reviews and stuff. I think the last one I bought was $80 and it's the best one I've ever used. It's amazing and you'll see an awesome improvement in how soft and smooth her legs can be. No more cactus legs after 48 hours (especially if she's a brunette).

Oh and be a little sensitive about her getting into using one. Getting her a professional wax and spa treatment along with it is a nice touch because it's much easier to epilate after waxing. Honestly, I've never done it after shaving and having to start from scratch. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.

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