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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Gaea said:
I'd expect people by now to know it was a prank. And I don't mind being remembered as someone who pranked a bunch of people by offering sex for gil/alexandrite, but when people know it was a prank yet perpetuate it as a truth, it's a bit annoying and it just makes them seem gullible and stupid.

Whether it was a prank or not is irrelevant. You are now the "sex for gil" girl. Like I said, there are plenty of other people out there that had some shitstorm come down on them over a "prank" and now they will always be known for that, irregardless of the truth behind it.

You thought it was hilarious when you were doing it, you thought you were so clever for "trolling" everybody...these are the repercussions of a topic of that nature.

Maybe shoulda left that ***for 4chan, huh?

Silence yourself douche. You sound retarded. I *am* nothing of the sort. You are the only one with this delusion. The rest of us don't parents who are also siblings. I have no regrets. And I'll probably do something even more entertaining next maintenance on video.

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