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I'm not a freak. Well, at least not in the kinky sense as that nonsense. I noticed someone brought up my sex-for-gil maintenance prank. So, before you derail the thread, let me make something clear to you.

1: I'm not a ***.
2: I did almost an hour of research on wikipedia.com on prostitution before doing the prank so I could act like I knew what I was talking about. (Girlfriend Experience, etc)
3: It's nothing new for me to do something a little silly to entertain us while we wait for maintenance.
4: I'm in a happy, healthy, monogamous relationship.
5: See #1.

Most of the research for this prank was set up around March 31st. However, with upcoming maintenance, I thought it would get more publicity when people hit the forums because they can't play FFXI. Also, doing it on April 1st is always too obvious.

Some people go through crazy lengths to complete a mythic or relic weapon like spend all their real life money on gil and not even pay their bills. A good prank has some truth behind it.

I didn't expect so many people to be that gullible, particularly the moderators. It was, by no means, an attempt to speed up my completion of a mythic weapon and *** a bunch of attention in the process. It was merely just to entertain people through out a very long maintenance period (14 hours for Odin and Leviathan) and maybe open a discussion on some of the crazy things people do for a relic or mythic weapon. Too many people took it serious for it to take that route.

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