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This is just me but if I were (job) I would use these augments:

MNK: 3% Crit-Hit & 10 Atk or Acc
THF: 10 Attack & 10 Accuracy or 10 Attack & 2% Double Attack
BST: 10 Pet Acc/Racc & -15 Call Beast Delay or 2% Pet DA/Crit-Hit
RNG: 10 Ranged Attack & 5 Snapshot
NIN: Too many good combination results to count but of them would be a custom mix of: Acc, Atk, Eva, DA, Crit-Hit, Dual Wield, Fast Cast, Enmity, and Magic Acc.
BLU: For spells: 4 MAB & 4 Magic Acc For melee: 10 Acc & 4 STP/4 Subtle Blow
COR: 10 Ratk & 10 Racc or 4 MAB & -5 QD recast
PUP: Totally depends on what frame you use most, but the choices are rather obvious.
DNC: 10 Acc & 4 STP/4 Subtle Blow

If you have ideas or suggestions to improve upon my templates feel free to post.

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