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Azura said:
Reublucian said:
Go look at some of my gear, I've been playing 5 years, in that time I have no idea how many angel skins I've fished, and ever since Aht Urghan came out I've lost track of how many Khroma Ores I've had in my possession, probably enough to get like every salvage body piece. Patience and work is all it takes, When I go fishing, most of the time I don't leave til I get a skin, simple. People are just lazy, hence whenever someone whines about Gil, they get no sympathy from me.

I've done my fair share of camps and i know what it takes to get some NM, Hell i have a V-bow and PCA. But the fact SE has made farming into long process is the reason a lot of members run to other MMOs, patience is thin amongst the young.

Since when was getting desired items or quests easy and quick with ffxi? If I wanted everything handed to me I'd go play WoW. I started playing when I was 13, so just because you are young doesn't mean you don't have patience lol. It's just a large part of the ffxi community that wants to whine and cry, about being poor and not having gil, and if you have even relatively decent gear, all of a sudden you must be a gilbuyer to some people.

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