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I've found evasion / evasion skill to be incredibly useful up to a certain point, but depending on what you're fighting, evasion only goes so far. With capped and fully merited evasion, Eva Torque and just a couple of other big pieces (scorp+1, Ohat) will go a long way. I've done a ton of THF tanking duoing with my RDM friend on stuff like Cassie, Bune, Serket, and they all have pretty poor accuracy without resorting to evasion gear beyond the pieces I mentioned (without Blind or Blind II). NIN, with its lower eva cap, will have to resort to filling in the spaces with a couple more eva pieces, but keep in mind that fully merited Subtle Blow goes a long way too, not to mention the availability of debuffs and stun katanas. The only time I stack up on 100% evasion gear on NIN is for Holy Cow ENM solo, where you absolutely CANNOT get hit.

I guess I'd just recommend finding what's comfortable for you. Everyone has their own sweet spot when it comes to survivability vs. killing speed, and I've found that it's usually instilled into a person's schemata during the leveling phase (evasion tanking vs. DD NIN) Hint: I was the latter!

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