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Khellendros said:
Even so. I would hope he could take into consideration what it would've done to him. If he did die, it's obvious he didn't consider that those mobs he had a right to claim would've turned his organs inside out.

Also, take into consideration beyond the obvious "they were yellow" to the idea of his intentions. It's pretty simple to see that his intention was to only inconvenience others, not to use those mobs for positive results (whatever those results may be).

This reminds me of the day when I was a noob RDM wandering aimlessly around Crawler's Nest. I musta been level 40ish at the time. Anyways, this was way back when only the JP were fresh into the HNM/endgame scene and since a majority of JP were asleep as I played, I stumbled across Simurgh. Being the noob I was I thought "Oh it can't be that hard."

My fire 2 did about 30 dmg and I ran like hell when I saw it didn't even dent it >_> good times... good times.

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