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No, the parse doesn't show how many attacks by each person. Honestly, I couldn't care if he had iki merits. It wouldn't have made up the 14% accuracy difference. Why? Because even if you rounded that down to 75% Accuracy... He'd be missing one out of four. Add in your "theory" of a 25% accuracy buff to each missed swing with Zanshin, it's not going to make it up. What if you miss again? Where you missed that SECOND time, putting your accuracy rating even lower, the SAM who isn't gearing to miss just got TP and WS'd.

My point is that this job is MUCH better if you gear it properly, tell Ikishoten to screw itself, get an NQ haub, and most of all... Have fun. You're going to be much happier if you parse 93% accuracy rather than if you end up with 84% and said "I STILL GOTS MOAR TP THAN U DID WHEN I MISSED THAT FIRST OEN!"

Do you not realize how stupid relying on something that's not even going to come into play 50% of the time? Even if it's 40%, and you have say... 85% accuracy, you're missing fifteen out of 100. You're only going to have Zanshin proc on 6 of those 15 missed swings. So, you could have just had a normal 6-hit, with normal accuracy gear, and not missed those in the first place. Do you not see how the Iki route is useless when you're doing the rest of the job to it's full potential?

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