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Cianti said:
I don't see why you would have issues finding a BF on your on server. Everyone of my friends has some weird stalkers that want a lil bit more *if ya know what I mean*

I think you are much younger than me. I've seen your pictures and you look around 20. Don't get me wrong, you are really pretty and that's awesome. I wish I was 20. But what I mean is, the guys that *DO* flirt with me are around 18-20. I'm 29. It's just too much and they are also always too far anyways so the fact that they are still teenagers, living at home, living 1500 miles away, doesn't help make a case for them.

Some of them are pretty sweet. But that's not what I'm looking for. I need someone who's mature, who knows what they want in life, and can provide me with all the affection and love that I crave. While this may be a bit easier for a girl with some distance between us, with a guy, they would have to be much closer. They are just, quite frankly, less affectionate than girls and there are fewer opportunities to be affectionate with a lot of distance between us. With a girl, I still feel there are plenty of ways to show affection even if you can't see each other everyday. It's just a connection that girls have, or at least a connection I can't seem to get with guys at all.

Now, at the moment, it doesn't matter much anyways. I've been talking to someone quite a bit lately. I'm not going to get too detailed about it because that person isn't near as forward as I am.

Artemicion said:
Well if it's something you're passionate about you should definitely pursue and go after it. Even if it's only on a hobby like basis.

I wasn't necessarily saying you're like the girls shown above but your last pic definitely fits their dark/mysterious style. Reminds me of one of their older songs "When Girls Telephone Boys" lol.

That dark mysterious style is all lighting and make-up. The light caught me in a nice way and I like to look cute when I actually turn my webcam on, so I was looking kinda nice.

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